Create and manage databases with the Database Service

This page describes how to use the Database Service to create and manage databases in Google Distributed Cloud (GDC) air-gapped.

Authorization and roles

Users must be authorized to access the Database Service. Authorization is required to access Database Service with both the GDC console and the Distributed Cloud CLI.

The following roles grant permissions to users:

Users with this role can access the GDC console.
Users with this role can view database clusters.
Users with this role have the capabilities conferred by project-db-viewer and can also edit database clusters.
Users with this role have the capability conferred by project-db-editor and can also create and delete database clusters.
Users with this role can use the storage browser in the Database Service interface in the GDC console. This interface is used to specify files for database imports and to specify destinations for files generated by database exports.
Users with this role can access the monitoring instance. See Observe metrics for more information about observing Database Service metrics. You should only grant this role to users who need to access the monitoring instance.
Users with this role have the capabilities conferred by both project_mp_editor and project_mpb_editor roles, so they can create, edit, and delete both maintenance policies and maintenance policy bindings.
Users with this role can view maintenance policies.
Users with this role have the capabilities conferred by the project_mp_viewer role, and can also create, edit, and delete maintenance policies.
Users with this role can view maintenance policy bindings.
Users with this role have the capabilities conferred by the project_mpb_viewer role, and can also create, edit, and delete maintenance policy bindings.

Available database engines

The following database engines are available to use in a GDC environment:

Database Versions
AlloyDB Omni 15
Oracle 19
PostgreSQL 13, 14, 15

Choose a database engine type and create a database cluster

If you want to enable backups for the database cluster, first create a Distributed Cloud storage bucket or any bucket that is accessible with a S3-compatible endpoint, then create a backup repository named dbs-backup-repository. If using storage bucket outside of Distributed Cloud, it's your responsibility to ensure the bucket is properly encrypted.

The following is a sample BackupRepository custom resource created for Database Service backups:

kind: BackupRepository
  name: dbs-backup-repository
    namespace: "object-storage-secret-ns"
    name: "object-storage-secret"
  endpoint: ""
  type: S3
    bucket: "fully-qualified-bucket-name"
    region: "us-east-1"
    forcePathStyle: true
  importPolicy: ReadWrite

A user with the Project DB Admin role must perform the following steps. Use either the GDC console or the Distributed Cloud CLI to create database clusters:


  1. From the main menu, choose Database Service.
  2. Click Create Database Cluster.
  3. In the Choose a database engine dialog, choose a database engine.

  4. In the Configure your cluster dialog, specify the cluster ID, password, and database version. You can enable backups and configure the backup retention period.

  5. If you chose the PostgreSQL database engine, you can enable high availability for your database cluster. If enabled, the Database Service provisions a standby instance in the same zone as your primary instance to protect against failure. See High availability for more information.

  6. In the Configure your primary instance dialog, specify the CPU, memory, and storage capacity of the primary instance of the database cluster. We recommend you choose enough memory to hold your largest table.

  7. Click Create. Creating the database cluster can take a few minutes. Check the status of the cluster from the Cluster overview page. The status changes from Creating to Ready when the cluster is ready.


  1. Before using Distributed Cloud CLI, install and initialize it. Then, authenticate with your organization.

  2. Run the following command to create a database cluster:

    gdcloud database clusters create CLUSTER_NAME \
        --database-version DB_VERSION \
        --admin-password ADMIN_PASSWORD

    Replace the following variables:

    • CLUSTER_NAME with the name for the new cluster.
    • DB_VERSION with the version string for the new cluster. For example, POSTGRESQL_13, ORACLE_19_ENTERPRISE or ALLOYDBOMNI_15
    • ADMIN_PASSWORD with the administrator password for the new cluster.
  3. For more information on configuring the CPU, memory, and storage resources for the database cluster, configuring backup, enabling high availability, and for other available options, run:

    gdcloud database clusters create --help


For AlloyDB or PostgreSQL databases:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: db-pw-DBCLUSTER_NAME
  namespace: USER_PROJECT
type: Opaque
kind: DBCluster
  namespace: USER_PROJECT
        name: db-pw-DBCLUSTER_NAME
    version: "DB_VERSION"
      memory: DB_MEMORY
      cpu: DB_CPU
      - name: DataDisk
        size: DB_DATA_DISK

For Oracle databases:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: db-pw-DBCLUSTER_NAME
  namespace: USER_PROJECT
type: Opaque
kind: DBCluster
  namespace: USER_PROJECT
        name: db-pw-DBCLUSTER_NAME
    version: "DB_VERSION"
    cdbName: GCLOUD
      memory: DB_MEMORY
      cpu: DB_CPU
      - name: DataDisk
        size: DB_DATA_DISK
      - name: LogDisk
        size: DB_LOG_DISK

Replace the following variables:

  • DBCLUSTER_NAME, the name of the database cluster.
  • USER_PROJECT, the name of the user project where the database cluster will be created.
  • BASE64_PASSWORD, the base64 encoding of the database's administrator password.
  • DBENGINE_NAME, the name of the database engine. This is one of alloydbomni, or postgresql.
  • DB_VERSION, the version of the database engine.
  • DB_MEMORY, the amount of memory allocated to the DB Cluster, for example 5Gi.
  • DB_CPU, the amount of CPUs allocated to the DB Cluster, for example 2.
  • DB_DATA_DISK, amount of space allocated to the DB Cluster, for example 10 Gi.
  • DB_LOG_DISK, the amount of space allocated to the log disk of the Oracle database (Oracle only).

List database clusters

Work through the following steps to list database clusters with the GDC console or the Distributed Cloud CLI:


From the main menu, choose Database Service. The console takes you to a filterable list of your database clusters.

gdcloud CLI

  1. Before using Distributed Cloud CLI, install and initialize it. Then, authenticate with your organization.

  2. Run the following command to list database clusters:

    gdcloud database clusters list

    The output lists the namespace, name, database version, primary DNS endpoint, and status of each database cluster.


kubectl get -n USER_PROJECT

Replace the following variables:

  • DBENGINE_NAME, the name of the database engine. This is one of alloydbomni, postgresql, or oracle.
  • USER_PROJECT. the name of the user project where the database cluster was created.

Start and stop database clusters

Stopping a database cluster pauses the cluster to save resources. You can stop and start database clusters with the GDC console or with the gdcloud CLI tool.


  1. From the main menu of the GDC console, choose Database Service.
  2. Select the database cluster to start or stop.
  3. Click STOP or START.

gdcloud CLI

Use the following command to stop a database cluster:

gdcloud database clusters stop CLUSTER_NAME

Use the following command to start a database cluster:

gdcloud database clusters start CLUSTER_NAME

Replace the following:

  • CLUSTER_NAME with the name of the database cluster to start or stop.


kubectl patch DBCLUSTER_NAME -p '{"spec":{"primarySpec": {"isStopped": IS_STOPPED}}}' --type=merge -n USER_PROJECT

Replace the following variables:

  • DBENGINE_NAME, the name of the database engine. This is one of alloydbomni, postgresql, or oracle.
  • DBCLUSTER_NAME, the name of the database cluster.
  • USER_PROJECT, the name of the user project where the database cluster was created.
  • IS_STOPPED to indicate whether the database cluster should be stopped (true) or not (false).

Update database cluster attributes

You can change the following database cluster attributes with the GDC console or the gdcloud CLI:

  • Database password for the admin user
  • External connections (enabled/disabled)
  • Availability level (AlloyDB Omni and PostgreSQL only)
  • Backup enabled and backup retention days
  • Database flags
  • CPU, memory, or storage allocated to the database cluster

For information on how to modify an attribute, see the workflow corresponding to the attribute type you want to update:


High Availability

For AlloyDB Omni and PostgreSQL database clusters, enable or disable same zone high availability. See the Configure high availability section for more information.

Data Protection

For all database cluster types, you can enable or disable Data protection:

  1. Go to Data protection and click edit Edit to access the data protection settings form. If automated backups are enabled, you can also configure how long the backups are to be retained.
  2. After making changes, click Save to have the updates applied to your database cluster.


For all database cluster types, you can choose whether the database cluster can be accessed only from inside the GDC project, or if it is accessible from outside the project as well:

  1. Go to Connectivity and click edit Edit.
  2. Update your connectivity configurations.
  3. Click Save to apply your changes.


For all database cluster types, you can edit the primary instance properties:

  1. Go to Primary Instance and click edit Edit.
  2. Choose between High Performance, Standard, Minimum, or Custom configurations. The Custom option lets you choose the number of CPUs, memory, and storage for your primary instance.

  3. Updating your primary instance's CPU, memory, or storage will require a restart. Select Save and Restart to apply your changes.

For all database cluster types, this form also lets you add, modify, or remove database flags. The set of flags available is predetermined by GDC. See the Configure database flags section for more information.

gdcloud CLI

Use the following command to update a database cluster: sh gdcloud database clusters update CLUSTER_NAME [options]

Replace the following:

  • CLUSTER_NAME with the name of the database cluster to update.

For the full list of options, see the command reference or run sh gdcloud database clusters update --help


Data Protection

For all database cluster types, you can enable data protection feature by creating a BackupPlan resource for that database cluster.

kind: BackupPlan
  name: DBCLUSTER_NAME-backupplan
  namespace: USER_PROJECT
  dbclusterRef: DBCLUSTER_NAME
  backupRetainDays: RETENTION_DAYS

Replace the following variables:

  • DBENGINE_NAME: the name of the database engine. This is one of alloydbomni,postgresql or oracle.
  • DBCLUSTER_NAME: the name of the database cluster to enable data protection for.
  • USER_PROJECT: the name of the user project where the database cluster will be created.
  • RETENTION_DAYS: the number of days for which the AlloyDB Omni Operator retains this backup. It must be an integer between 1 and 90.

You can also configure data protection settings like retention days by editing the corresponding BackupPlan resource.

To turn off data protection for a database cluster, delete the corresponding BackupPlan resource previously created.

Configure database flags

Database images that ship with GDC come with default settings. However, you can customize the default database engine to satisfy requirements for your applications. Database clusters provide predefined flags that you can set using the GDC console or gdcloud CLI:


  1. In the navigation menu, select Database Service.

  2. From the database cluster list, click the database cluster you want to configure database flags for.

  3. In the Instances in your database cluster section, click Edit Primary.

    Edit your primary database cluster to configure flags.

  4. In the Flags section, click Add a Database Flag.

  5. Choose your flag and enter the value. If the value you input is not valid, the GDC console gives you instructions on how to satisfy the required range or value type.

  6. Click Done.

  7. To set the configuration, click Save. For some flags to take effect, you must restart the database cluster. For this case, click Save and Restart.

  8. To confirm your new flag is set, return to the Instances in your database cluster section of your database cluster and verify the new flag and value are visible.

To edit your database flags, return to the Flags section and modify the existing flags. Hover over a flag component and click the Delete icon to remove a database flag.


You can configure new database flags for your cluster or reset all existing flags back to their default values:

  • To configure a database flag for your database cluster, run:

    gdcloud database clusters update CLUSTER_NAME \
        --database-flags DB_FLAGS

    Replace the following:

    • CLUSTER_NAME: the name of the database cluster.
    • DB_FLAGS: the comma-separated list of database flags to set on the database running in the database cluster. Each database flag and value are set as a key-value pair. Flags without a value can be defined without a string following the = character.

    For example, the following command sets several database flags for the test-db-cluster:

    gdcloud database clusters update test-db-cluster \
        --database-flags max_allowed_packet=55555,skip_grant_tables=,log_output=1

    For a list of available database flags, see Available database flags.

  • To reset all your database flags to their default settings, run:

    gdcloud database clusters update CLUSTER_NAME --clear-database-flags

    Replace CLUSTER_NAME with the name of the database cluster.


  • To configure database flags for your database cluster, run:

      kubectl patch DBCLUSTER_NAME -p '{"spec":{"primarySpec": {"parameters": DB_FLAGS}}}' --type=merge -n USER_PROJECT

    Replace the following variables:

    • DBENGINE_NAME: the name of the database engine. This is one of alloydbomni, postgresql, or oracle.
    • DBCLUSTER_NAME: the name of the database cluster.
    • USER_PROJECT: the name of the user project where the database cluster was created.
    • DB_FLAGS: the database configuration parameters to be added or updated. This should be JSON-formatted object of key-value pairs, where keys are the database parameter names and values are their respective settings. For example, the following sets several database flags:
    "autovacuum": "on", "autovacuum_analyze_threshold": "2147483647", "dbs.enable_anon": "on"

    For a list of available database flags, see Available database flags.

  • To reset all your database flags to their default settings, run:

    kubectl patch DBCLUSTER_NAME --type=json -p='[{"op": "remove", "path": "/spec/primarySpec/parameters"}]' -n USER_PROJECT

    Replace the following variables:

    • DBENGINE_NAME: the name of the database engine. This is one of alloydbomni, postgresql, or oracle.
    • DBCLUSTER_NAME: the name of the database cluster.
    • USER_PROJECT: the name of the user project where the database cluster was created.

Available database flags

The available database flags to configure for your database cluster are provided next based on the database engine you configured.

PostgreSQL database flags

Flag Range Type Need restart
max_connections [1, 262143] Integer TRUE
temp_file_limit [1048576, 2147483647] Integer FALSE
log_min_duration_statement [-1, 2147483647] Integer FALSE
log_connections on, off Boolean FALSE
log_lock_waits on, off Boolean FALSE
log_disconnections on, off Boolean FALSE
log_checkpoints on, off Boolean FALSE
log_temp_files [-1, 2147483647] Integer FALSE
log_statement none, ddl, mod, all Enum FALSE
pgaudit.log read, write, function, role, ddl, misc, misc_set,
all, none , -read, -write, -function, -role, -ddl,
-misc, -misc_set, -all, -none
Repeated string FALSE
work_mem [64, 2147483647] Integer FALSE
autovacuum on, off Boolean FALSE
maintenance_work_mem [1024, 2147483647] Integer FALSE
random_page_cost [0, 2147483647] Float FALSE
log_min_messages debug5, debug4, debug3, debug2, debug1, info
notice, warning, error, log, fatal, panic
idle_in_transaction_session_timeout [0, 2147483647] Integer FALSE
max_wal_size [2, 2147483647],. Integer FALSE
autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor [0, 100] Float FALSE
log_autovacuum_min_duration [-1, 2147483647] Integer FALSE
autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit [-1, 10000] Integer FALSE
autovacuum_max_workers [1, 262143] Integer TRUE
autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor [0, 100] Float FALSE
track_activity_query_size [100, 1048576] Integer TRUE
log_duration on, off Boolean FALSE
autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay [-1, 100] Integer FALSE
checkpoint_completion_target [0, 1] Float FALSE
log_statement_stats on, off Boolean FALSE
max_worker_processes [8, 4096] Integer TRUE
log_min_error_statement debug5, debug4, debug3, debug2, debug1, info,
notice, warning, error, log, fatal, panic
default_statistics_target [1, 10000] Integer FALSE
checkpoint_timeout [30, 86400] Integer FALSE
wal_buffers [-1, 262143 ] Integer TRUE
effective_cache_size [1, 2147483647] Integer FALSE
autovacuum_work_mem [1, 2147483647] Integer FALSE
log_hostname on, off Boolean FALSE
autovacuum_vacuum_threshold [0, 2147483647] Integer FALSE
autovacuum_naptime [1, 2147483] Integer FALSE
autovacuum_analyze_threshold [0, 2147483647] Integer FALSE
pgaudit.log_client on, off Boolean FALSE
pgaudit.log_parameter on, off Boolean FALSE
pgaudit.log_level debug5, debug4, debug3, debug2, debug1, info,
notice, warning, error, log
pgaudit.log_relation on, off Boolean FALSE
pgaudit.log_catalog on, off Boolean FALSE
pgaudit.role String FALSE
autovacuum_freeze_max_age [100000, 2000000000] Integer TRUE
autovacuum_multixact_freeze_max_age [10000, 2000000000] Integer TRUE
pgaudit.log_statement_once on, off Boolean FALSE
anon.algorithm String FALSE
anon.maskschema String FALSE
anon.restrict_to_trusted_schemas on, off Boolean FALSE
anon.salt String FALSE
anon.sourceschema String FALSE
dbs.enable_anon on, off Boolean TRUE
dbs.enable_pg_bigm on, off Boolean TRUE
dbs.enable_pg_cron on, off Boolean TRUE
dbs.enable_pg_hint_plan on, off Boolean TRUE
dbs.enable_pg_wait_sampling on, off Boolean TRUE
pg_bigm.enable_recheck on, off Boolean FALSE
pg_bigm.gin_key_limit [0, 2147483647] Integer FALSE
pg_bigm.similarity_limit [0, 1] Float FALSE
pg_hint_plan.debug_print off, on, detailed, verbose, 0, 1, 2, 3, no, yes, false, true Enum TRUE
pg_hint_plan.enable_hint on, off Boolean FALSE
pg_hint_plan.enable_hint_table on, off Boolean FALSE
pg_hint_plan.message_level debug5, debug4, debug3, debug2, debug1, debug, info, notice, warning, error, log Enum FALSE
pg_hint_plan.parse_messages debug5, debug4, debug3, debug2, debug1, debug, info, notice, warning, error, log Enum FALSE
pg_stat_statements.max [100, 2147483647] Integer TRUE on, off Boolean FALSE
pg_stat_statements.track none, top, all Enum FALSE
pg_stat_statements.track_utility on, off Boolean FALSE
pg_wait_sampling.history_period [1, 2147483647] Integer FALSE
pg_wait_sampling.history_size [1, 2147483647] Integer FALSE
pg_wait_sampling.profile_period [1, 2147483647] Integer FALSE
pg_wait_sampling.profile_pid on, off Boolean FALSE
pg_wait_sampling.profile_queries on, off Boolean FALSE
pglogical.batch_inserts on, off Boolean TRUE
pglogical.conflict_log_level debug5, debug4, debug3 , debug2, debug1 , info, notice , warning, error , log, fatal , panic Enum FALSE
pglogical.conflict_resolution error, apply_remote, keep_local, last_update_wins, first_update_wins Enum FALSE
pglogical.extra_connection_options String FALSE
pglogical.synchronous_commit on, off Boolean TRUE
pglogical.use_spi on, off Boolean TRUE
pgtt.enabled on, off Boolean FALSE
plv8.execution_timeout [1, 65536] Integer FALSE
plv8.memory_limit [256, 3096] Integer FALSE
plv8.start_proc String FALSE
rdkit.agent_FP_bit_ratio [0, 3] Float FALSE
rdkit.avalon_fp_size [64, 9192] Integer FALSE
rdkit.dice_threshold [0, 1] Float FALSE
rdkit.difference_FP_weight_agents [-10, 10] Integer FALSE
rdkit.difference_FP_weight_nonagents [1, 20] Integer FALSE
rdkit.do_chiral_sss on, off Boolean FALSE
rdkit.do_enhanced_stereo_sss on, off Boolean FALSE
rdkit.featmorgan_fp_size [64, 9192] Integer FALSE
rdkit.hashed_atompair_fp_size [64, 9192] Integer FALSE
rdkit.hashed_torsion_fp_size [64, 9192] Integer FALSE
rdkit.ignore_reaction_agents on, off Boolean FALSE
rdkit.init_reaction on, off Boolean FALSE
rdkit.layered_fp_size [64, 9192] Integer FALSE
rdkit.morgan_fp_size [64, 9192] Integer FALSE
rdkit.move_unmmapped_reactants_to_agents on, off Boolean FALSE
rdkit.rdkit_fp_size [64, 9192] Integer FALSE
rdkit.reaction_difference_fp_size [64, 9192] Integer FALSE
rdkit.reaction_difference_fp_type [1, 3] Integer FALSE
rdkit.reaction_sss_fp_size [64, 9192] Integer FALSE
rdkit.reaction_sss_fp_type [1, 5] Integer FALSE
rdkit.sss_fp_size [64, 4096] Integer FALSE
rdkit.tanimoto_threshold [0, 1] Float FALSE
rdkit.threshold_unmapped_reactant_atoms [0, 1] Float FALSE

The following table specifies default values for flags different from the vendor default:

Flag Value/Formula
shared_buffers 1/3 * totalMemory(MiB)
max_wal_size 1504MB
max_connections Total memory >= ? Value
120GB 1000
60GB 800
15GB 500
7.5GB 400
6GB 200
3.75GB 100
1.7GB 50
0 25
effective_cache_size 2/5 * totalMemory
temp_file_limit 1/10 * storageSize
log_connections on
log_disconnections on
pgaudit.log all, -misc
log_hostname on
pgaudit.log_parameter on

Oracle database flags

Flag Range Type Need restart
aq_tm_processes [0, 40] Integer FALSE
background_core_dump FULL, PARTIAL Enum FALSE
bitmap_merge_area_size [0, 2147483647] Integer TRUE
control_management_pack_access NONE, DIAGNOSTIC, DIAGNOSTIC+TUNING Enum FALSE
cursor_sharing FORCE, EXACT, SIMILAR Enum FALSE
db_cache_size [0, 10995116277760] Integer FALSE
db_files [200, 20000] Integer TRUE
db_flashback_retention_target [30, 2147483647] Integer FALSE
db_keep_cache_size [0, 10995116277760] Integer FALSE
db_recovery_file_dest_size [0, 10995116277760] Integer FALSE
event String TRUE
large_pool_size [0, 10995116277760] Integer FALSE
log_buffer [2097152, 10995116277760] Integer TRUE
open_cursors [5, 65535] Integer FALSE
pga_aggregate_limit [0, 10995116277760] Integer FALSE
pga_aggregate_target [10485760, 10995116277760] Integer FALSE
processes [100, 20000] Integer TRUE
recyclebin ON, OFF Enum TRUE
resource_limit TRUE, FALSE Boolean FALSE
sec_max_failed_login_attempts [1, 2147483647] Integer TRUE
sga_max_size [377487360, 10995116277760] Integer TRUE
sga_target [377487360, 10995116277760] Integer FALSE
shared_pool_size [0, 10995116277760] Integer FALSE
undo_retention [0, 2147483647] Integer FALSE
global_names TRUE, FALSE Boolean FALSE
parallel_max_servers [0, 32767] Integer FALSE
_fix_control String FALSE
_sql_plan_directive_mgmt_control [0, 65535] Integer FALSE
_optimizer_dsdir_usage_control [0, 126] Integer FALSE
skip_unusable_indexes TRUE, FALSE Boolean FALSE

The following table specifies default values for flags different from the vendor default:

Flag Value/Formula
sga_target 4/5* (totalMemory-1GiB)
pga_aggregate_target 1/5* (totalMemory-1GiB)
open_cursors 300
processes 300
global_names TRUE

AlloyDB Omni database flags

Flag Range Type Need restart
google_columnar_engine.enabled on, off Boolean TRUE
google_columnar_engine.memory_size_in_mb [128, 2147483647] Integer TRUE
anon.algorithm String FALSE
anon.maskschema String FALSE
anon.restrict_to_trusted_schemas on, off Boolean FALSE
anon.salt String FALSE
anon.sourceschema String FALSE
dbs.enable_anon on, off Boolean TRUE
dbs.enable_pg_bigm on, off Boolean TRUE
dbs.enable_pg_cron on, off Boolean TRUE
dbs.enable_pg_hint_plan on, off Boolean TRUE
dbs.enable_pg_squeeze on, off Boolean TRUE
dbs.enable_pg_wait_sampling on, off Boolean TRUE
pg_bigm.enable_recheck on, off Boolean FALSE
pg_bigm.gin_key_limit [0, 2147483647] Integer FALSE
pg_bigm.similarity_limit [0, 1] Float FALSE
pg_hint_plan.debug_print off, on, detailed, verbose, 0, 1, 2, 3, no, yes, false, true Enum TRUE
pg_hint_plan.enable_hint on, off Boolean FALSE
pg_hint_plan.enable_hint_table on, off Boolean FALSE
pg_hint_plan.message_level debug5, debug4, debug3, debug2, debug1, debug, info, notice, warning, error, log Enum FALSE
pg_hint_plan.parse_messages debug5, debug4, debug3, debug2, debug1, debug, info, notice, warning, error, log Enum FALSE
pg_stat_statements.max [100, 2147483647] Integer TRUE on, off Boolean FALSE
pg_stat_statements.track none, top, all Enum FALSE
pg_stat_statements.track_utility on, off Boolean FALSE
pg_wait_sampling.history_period [1, 2147483647] Integer FALSE
pg_wait_sampling.history_size [1, 2147483647] Integer FALSE
pg_wait_sampling.profile_period [1, 2147483647] Integer FALSE
pg_wait_sampling.profile_pid on, off Boolean FALSE
pg_wait_sampling.profile_queries on, off Boolean FALSE
pgaudit.log read, write, function, role, ddl, misc, misc_set,
all, none , -read, -write, -function, -role, -ddl,
-misc, -misc_set, -all, -none
Repeated string FALSE
pgaudit.log_client on, off Boolean FALSE
pgaudit.log_parameter on, off Boolean FALSE
pgaudit.log_level debug5, debug4, debug3, debug2, debug1, info,
notice, warning, error, log
pgaudit.log_relation on, off Boolean FALSE
pgaudit.log_catalog on, off Boolean FALSE
pgaudit.role String FALSE
pgaudit.log_statement_once on, off Boolean FALSE
pglogical.batch_inserts on, off Boolean TRUE
pglogical.conflict_log_level debug5, debug4, debug3 , debug2, debug1 , info, notice , warning, error , log, fatal , panic Enum FALSE
pglogical.conflict_resolution error, apply_remote, keep_local, last_update_wins, first_update_wins Enum FALSE
pglogical.extra_connection_options String FALSE
pglogical.synchronous_commit on, off Boolean TRUE
pglogical.use_spi on, off Boolean TRUE
pgtt.enabled on, off Boolean FALSE
plv8.execution_timeout [1, 65536] Integer FALSE
plv8.memory_limit [256, 3096] Integer FALSE
plv8.start_proc String FALSE

Configure database extensions

This section contains information about configuring the database extensions that Database Service supports.

Install an extension

Extensions can only be installed on the primary DBCluster. Once installed, the extension is replicated to standby instances.

Most of the extensions can be installed directly by connecting to the database cluster and running the CREATE EXTENSION command.

However, there are a few extensions that require additional configuration, hence users must set database flag, "dbs.enable_<extension-name>": "on" then connect to the database cluster and run the CREATE EXTENSION command.

Only database users who are members of the cloudsqlsuperuser or alloydbsuperuser role can run the CREATE EXTENSION command. By default, this includes the dbsadmin user.

Drop an extension

In order to drop an extension, the database user attempting to do so must be the owner of the extension. This implies that only the database user who initially created the extension has the authority to drop it. No other database user possesses the ability to drop the extension, ensuring controlled management of extensions.

Supported database extensions

The following table lists all of the supported extensions.

Extension Included with PostgreSQL Included with AlloyDB Omni Description
address_standardizer Used to parse an address into constituent elements. Generally used to support geocoding address normalization step.
address_standardizer_data_us Address Standardizer US dataset example
alloydb_ai_nl Google Extension for AlloyDB AI & Natural Language
amcheck Provides functions for verifying the logical consistency of the structure of relations, enabling the pg_amcheck application to check for corruption.
anon Masks or replaces personally identifiable information (PII) or sensitive data from a PostgreSQL database.
autonic Provides functions for auto incrementing fields
bloom Provides a method to access indexes based on bloom filters. A bloom filter is a space-efficient data structure that you can use to test whether an element is a member of a set.
btree_gin Provides sample GIN operator classes that implement B-tree equivalent behavior.
btree_gist Provides GiST index operator classes that implement B-tree equivalent behavior.
citext Provides a case-insensitive character string type citext.
cube Implements a data type cube for representing multidimensional cubes.
dblink Provides functions to connect to PostgreSQL databases from within a database session
dict_int An add-on dictionary template for full-text search that controls the indexing of integers.
dict_xsyn Text search dictionary template for extended synonym processing
earthdistance Provides two approaches to calculating great circle distances on the surface of the Earth.
fuzzystrmatch Provides several functions to determine similarities and distance between strings.
google_columnar_engine Provides the columnar engine feature of AlloyDB, which handles HTAP (hybrid transactional analytical processing) and OLAP (online analytical processing) workloads very efficiently.
google_db_advisor Provides the index advisor feature of AlloyDB, which recommends indexes to speed up query processing.
google_ml_integration Provides functions you use to access Vertex AI endpoints to get predictions in SQL.
postgresql-hll Provides a HyperLogLog (hll) data structure that estimates the cardinality of a set.
hstore Implements the hstore data type for storing sets of key/value pairs within a single PostgreSQL value.
hypopg Provides support for hypothetical indexes.
insert_username Provides functions for storing the current user's name into a text field. You can use this function to track which user last modified a row in a database table.
intagg Provides an integer aggregator and an enumerator.
intarray Provides a set of functions and operators for manipulating null-free arrays of integers and performing indexed searches on them.
ip4r Provides data types for IPv4/v6 addresses, and address ranges, plus index support.
isn Provides data types for some international product numbering standards.
lo Support for managing Large Objects (also called LOs or BLOBs).
ltree Implements a data type ltree for representing labels of data stored in a hierarchical tree-like structure.
moddatetime Provides functions for storing the current time into a timestamp field. You can use this to track the last time that a row in a database table is modified.
orafce Provides functions and operators that emulate a subset of functions and packages from an Oracle database. Use these functions to port Oracle applications to PostgreSQL.
pageinspect Inspects the contents of database pages at a low level.
pg_bigm Enables full-text search, and allows a two-gram (bigram) index for faster full-text search.
pg_buffercache Provides a means for examining what's happening in the shared buffer cache in real time.
pg_cron Provides a cron-based job scheduler. This extension enables cron syntax to schedule PostgreSQL commands directly from the database.
pg_freespacemap Examines the free space map (FSM).
pg_hint_plan Lets you to improve PostgreSQL execution plans using hints, which are descriptions in SQL comments.
pg_partman Lets you to create and manage time-based and serial-based table partition sets.
pg_prewarm Provides a convenient way to load relation data into either the operating system buffer cache or the PostgreSQL buffer cache.
pg_proctab Lets you to use pg_top, and generate reports from the operating system process table.
pg_repack Lets you remove bloat from tables and indexes. Optionally, lets you perform an online CLUSTER (order tables by cluster index).
pg_similarity Provides support for similarity queries on PostgreSQL.
pg_squeeze Removes unused space from a table and optionally uses an index to sort records or rows (tuples) of the table.
pg_stat_statements Provides a means for tracking execution statistics of all SQL statements executed.
pg_trgm Provides functions and operators for determining the similarity of alphanumeric text based on trigram matching, as well as index operator classes that support fast searching for similar strings.
pg_visibility Provides a way to examine the visibility map (VM) and the page-level visibility information of a table.
pg_wait_sampling Collects sampling statistics of wait events, providing wait event data for processes on servers.
pgaudit Provides detailed session and object audit logging using the standard logging facility provided by PostgreSQL.
pgcrypto Provides cryptographic functions for PostgreSQL.
pgfincore A set of functions to manage pages in operating system disk cache memory from PostgreSQL.
pglogical Provides logical replication for PostgreSQL.
pgrouting Extends PostGIS, enabling geospatial processing through network routing and analysis.
pgrowlocks Provides row locking information for the specified table.
pgstattuple Provides various functions to obtain tuple-level statistics.
pgtap Provides a unit testing framework for PostgreSQL, written in PL/pgSQL and PL/SQL.
pgtt Adds support for global temporary tables to your databases.
plpgsql A loadable procedural language for creating functions, procedures and triggers. You also can use this language for direct execution of code in DO blocks.
plproxy Procedural language handler that allows remote procedure calls among PostgreSQL databases, with optional sharding.
plv8 Provides a procedural language for enabling JavaScript.
postgis PostGIS geometry and geography spatial types and functions
postgres_ann PostgreSQL ANN Search
postgis_raster PostGIS raster types and functions
postgis_sfcgal PostGIS SFCGAL functions
postgis_tiger_geocoder PostGIS tiger geocoder and reverse geocoder
postgis_topology PostGIS topology spatial types and functions
postgres_fdw Allows foreign data wrappers to be created within instances or across instances.
prefix Provides prefix-matching, plus index support.
rdkit Provides functions for comparing, manipulating, and identifying molecular structures.
refint Includes functions to check foreign key restraints, the referencing table, and the referenced table.
sslinfo Provides information about the SSL certificate that the current client provided when it connected to the instance.
tablefunc Includes various functions that return tables (multiple rows).
tcn Provides a trigger function that notifies listeners of changes to the content of database tables.
temporal_tables Provides support for temporal tables. A temporal table records the period of time when a row is valid from a database perspective.
tsm_system_rows Provides the table sampling method SYSTEM_ROWS, which can be used in the TABLESAMPLE clause of a SELECT command.
tsm_system_time Provides the table sampling method SYSTEM_TIME, which can be used in the TABLESAMPLE clause of a SELECT command.
unaccent A text search dictionary that removes accents (diacritic signs) from lexemes.
uuid-ossp Provides functions to generate universally unique identifiers (UUIDs) using one of several standard algorithms.
pgvector An open-source extension for storing and searching vector embeddings in PostgreSQL databases.

Configure high availability

The purpose of a high availability configuration is to reduce downtime when a database cluster instance becomes unavailable. This might happen when an instance runs out of memory. With high availability, your data continues to be available to client applications.

Within a site, the configuration is made up of a primary instance and a standby replica. All writes made to the primary instance are replicated to the standby replica before a transaction is reported as committed. In the event of an instance failure, you can request that the standby replica become the new primary instance. Application traffic is then rerouted to the new primary instance. This process is called a failover.

You can manually trigger a failover at any time. The failover involves the following process, in order:

  1. GDC takes the primary instance offline.

  2. GDC turns the standby replica into the new active database cluster.

  3. GDC deletes the previous active database cluster.

  4. GDC creates a new standby replica.

For AlloyDB Omni and PostgreSQL database clusters, you can enable or disable same zone high availability. For information on enabling high availability when creating a database cluster, see Choose a database engine type and create a database cluster.

Update an existing cluster

You can update your high availability settings for an existing database cluster:


  1. In the navigation menu, select Database Service.

  2. From the database cluster list, click the database cluster to update.

  3. Select edit Edit in the High availability section.

    Edit the high availability settings of a database cluster.

  4. Select Enable same zone standby to either toggle on or off the availability of a standby instance in the same zone as your primary database cluster.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Verify your database cluster reflects your high availability update by viewing its status in the High availability column of the database cluster list.


  1. Update your database cluster's high availability configuration:

    gdcloud database clusters update CLUSTER_NAME \
        --availability-type HA_TYPE

    Replace the following:

    • CLUSTER_NAME: the name of the database cluster.
    • HA_TYPE: the high availability level for the database cluster. You can set zonal or zonal_ha. The zonal value is set by default.
  2. Verify your database cluster reflects your high availability update:

    gdcloud database clusters list

Trigger a failover

If you have configured high availability for your database cluster, you can trigger a failover. To trigger a failover, complete the following steps:


  1. In the navigation menu, select Database Service.

  2. From the database cluster list, click the database cluster to trigger a failover for. Your database cluster must have high availability enabled to be eligible for a failover.

  3. Click Failover.

  4. Type the cluster's ID for the confirmation phrase and click Failover to trigger the failover process.


  • Trigger the failover for the database cluster:

    gdcloud database clusters failover CLUSTER_NAME

    Replace CLUSTER_NAME with the name of the database cluster.


  kind: Failover
    dbclusterRef: DBCLUSTER_NAME

Replace the following variables:

  • DBCLUSTER_NAME, the name of the database cluster.
  • FAILOVER_NAME, the unique name of the failover, for example failover-sample.

Build generative AI applications using AlloyDB AI

This section describes how to invoke predictions and query and index embeddings using the pgvector extension. These machine learning-powered AI functions are available through AlloyDB AI, which is a suite of AlloyDB for PostgreSQL features that let you apply the semantic and predictive power of machine learning (ML) models to your data.

Learn more about AlloyDB AI at

Invoke predictions

To integrate Vertex AI with AlloyDB Omni and run predictions on Vertex AI stored models, follow these steps.

Before you begin

  1. Enable Vertex AI online predictions in GDC.
  2. Create a Kubernetes secret based on the service account key downloaded in the preceding steps by running the following command. Ensure that you create the Kubernetes secret in the same namespace as your DBCluster resource.

    kubectl create secret generic SECRET_NAME \
    --from-file=PATH_TO_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY/private-key.json \

    Replace the following:

    • SECRET_NAME: the name of the secret used when you create a DBCluster manifest to enable AlloyDB Omni to access Distributed Cloud AI features. For example, vertex-ai-key-alloydb.

    • PATH_TO_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY: the path to the location where you downloaded the private-key.json service account key.

    • NAMESPACE: the namespace of the database cluster.

  3. Install the AlloyDB Omni operator using steps listed in Choose a database engine type and create a database cluster.

  4. Create a database cluster with AlloyDB AI and set vertexAIKeyRef to the Kubernetes secret created in the preceding steps in the googleMLExtension field in the DBCluster manifest.

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: db-pw-DBCLUSTER_NAME
      namespace: USER_PROJECT
    type: Opaque
    kind: DBCluster
      name: DBCLUSTER_NAME
      namespace: USER_PROJECT
            name: db-pw-DBCLUSTER_NAME
              vertexAIKeyRef: SECRET_NAME
        version: "DB_VERSION"
          memory: DB_MEMORY
          cpu: DB_CPU
          - name: DataDisk
            size: DB_DATA_DISK

    Replace the following variables:

    • DBCLUSTER_NAME: the name of the database cluster.
    • USER_PROJECT: the name of the user project where the database cluster will be created.
    • BASE64_PASSWORD: the base64 encoding of the database's administrator password.
    • DBENGINE_NAME: the name of the database engine. Set to alloydbomni.
    • DB_VERSION: the version of the database engine.
    • DB_MEMORY: the amount of memory allocated to the database cluster, for example 5Gi.
    • DB_CPU: the amount of CPUs allocated to the database cluster, for example 2.
    • DB_DATA_DISK: the amount of space allocated to the database cluster, for example 10 Gi.

    Apply the manifest.

    kubectl apply -f DB_CLUSTER_YAML

    Replace the following:

    • DB_CLUSTER_YAML: the name of this database cluster manifest file—for example, alloydb-omni-db-cluster.yaml.
  5. Install the google_ml_integration extension.

    CREATE EXTENSION google_ml_integration CASCADE;

Invoke a prediction

Invoke an online prediction using a Vertex AI model endpoint by running the following ml_predict_row() SQL function:


Replace the following:

  • PREDICTION_ENDPOINT: the Vertex AI endpoint qualified name

  • PROJECT_NAMESPACE: the namespace in which the Vertex AI endpoint is deployed

  • ORGANIZATION: the name of the organization in which the Vertex AI endpoint is deployed

  • ZONE: the zone in which your Vertex AI endpoint is deployed

  • DNS: the DNS for your organization

  • DNS_SUFFIX: the suffix of the DNS object

  • INSTANCES: the inputs to the prediction call, in JSON format

  • PARAMETERS: the parameters to the prediction call, in JSON format

Query and index embeddings using pgvector

The pgvector PostgreSQL extension lets you use vector-specific operators and functions when you store, index, and query text embeddings in your database. AlloyDB provides optimizations for working with pgvector, which let you create indexes that can speed up certain queries that involve embeddings.

Learn more about using AlloyDB as an LLM, and generating and storing vector embeddings based on an LLM at

Create indexes and query vectors using ScaNN

This section shows you how to use stored embeddings to generate indexes and query embeddings. You can create ScaNN indexes with AlloyDB.

Before you begin

Before you can start creating indexes, you must complete the following prerequisites.

  • Embedding vectors are added to a table in your AlloyDB database.

  • The vector extension version 0.5.0 or later that is based on pgvector, extended by Google for AlloyDB is installed.

  • To generate ScaNN indexes, install the postgres_ann extension in addition to the vector extension.


Create a ScaNN index

You can create a ScaNN index for tables in your database.

AlloyDB postgres_ann, a PostgreSQL extension developed by Google that implements a highly efficient nearest-neighbor index powered by the ScaNN algorithm.

The ScaNN index is a tree-based quantization index for approximate nearest neighbor search. It provides a low index building time and small memory footprint. In addition, it provides fast QPS based on the workload.

Two-level tree ScaNN index

To apply a two-level tree index using the ScaNN algorithm to a column containing stored vector embeddings, run the following DDL query:

  WITH (num_leaves=NUM_LEAVES_VALUE);

Replace the following:

  • INDEX_NAME: the name of the index you want to create—for example, my-scann-index. The index names are shared across your database. Ensure that each index name is unique to each table in your database.

  • TABLE: the table to add the index to.

  • EMBEDDING_COLUMN: a column that stores vector data.

  • DISTANCE_FUNCTION: the distance function to use with this index. Choose one of the following:

    • L2 distance: l2

    • Dot product: dot_product

    • Cosine distance: cosine

  • NUM_LEAVES_VALUE: the number of partitions to apply to this index. Set to any value between 1 to 1048576.

Three-level tree ScaNN index

To create a three-level tree index using the ScaNN algorithm to a column containing stored vector embeddings, run the following DDL query:

  WITH (num_leaves=NUM_LEAVES_VALUE, max_num_levels = MAX_NUM_LEVELS);

Replace the following:

  • MAX_NUM_LEVELS: the maximum number of levels of the K-means clustering tree. Set to 1(default) for two-level tree-based quantization and to 2 for three-level tree-based quantization.

After you create the index, you can run nearest-neighbor search queries that make use of the index by following the instructions in Make a nearest-neighbor query with given text.

The index parameters must be set to strike a right balance between QPS and recall.

To create this index on an embedding column that uses the real[] data type instead of vector, cast the column into the vector data type:

  WITH (num_leaves=NUM_LEAVES_VALUE, max_num_levels = MAX_NUM_LEVELS);

Replace DIMENSIONS with the dimensional width of the embedding column.

To view the indexing progress, use the pg_stat_progress_create_index view:

SELECT * FROM pg_stat_progress_create_index;

The phase column shows the current state of your index creation, and the building index: tree training phase disappears after the index is created.

Run a query

After you have stored and indexed embeddings in your database, you can start querying using the pgvector query functionality. You cannot run bulk search queries using the postgres_ann extension.

To find the nearest semantic neighbors for an embedding vector, you can run the following example query, where you set the same distance function that you used during the index creation.


Replace the following:

  • TABLE: the table containing the embedding to compare the text to.

  • INDEX_NAME: the name of the index you want to use—for example, my-scann-index.

  • EMBEDDING_COLUMN: the column containing the stored embeddings.

  • DISTANCE_FUNCTION_QUERY: the distance function to use with this query. Choose one of the following based on the distance function used while creating the index:

    • L2 distance: <->

    • Inner product: <#>

    • Cosine distance: <=>

  • EMBEDDING: the embedding vector you want to find the nearest stored semantic neighbors of.

  • ROW_COUNT: the number of rows to return.

    Specify 1 if you want only the single best match.

You can use also use the embedding()function to translate the text into a vector. You apply the vector to one of the pgvector nearest-neighbor operator, <-> for L2 distance, to find the database rows with the most semantically similar embeddings. Note that you must first register the text embedding Gecko model to use this function.

Because embedding() returns a real array, you must explicitly cast the embedding() call to vector in order to use these values with pgvector operators.

  CREATE EXTENSION google_ml_integration;

    <-> embedding('MODEL_IDVERSION_TAG', 'TEXT')

Replace the following:

  • MODEL_ID: the ID of the model to query.

    If you are using the Vertex AI Model Garden, then specify textembedding-gecko@003 as the model ID. These are the cloud-based models that Distributed Cloud can use for text embeddings.

  • Optional: VERSION_TAG: the version tag of the model to query. Prepend the tag with @.

    If you are using one of the textembedding-gecko English models with Vertex AI, then specify one of the version tags—for example, textembedding-gecko@003.

    Google strongly recommends that you always specify the version tag. If you don't specify the version tag, then AlloyDB always uses the latest model version, which might lead to unexpected results.

  • TEXT: the text to translate into a vector embedding.

Vector index metrics

This section lists the metrics related to the vector indexes that you generate in AlloyDB. You can view these metrics using the pg_stat_ann_indexes view that is available when you install the postgres_ann extension.

Usability metrics

The usability metrics include metrics that help you understand the state of index utilization with metrics such as, index configuration and number of index scans.

Metric name Data type Description
relid OID Unique identifier of the table that contains the vector index.
indexrelid OID Unique identifier of the vector index.
schemaname NAME Name of the schema to which index belongs.
relname NAME Name of the table that contains the index.
indexrelname NAME Name of the index.
indextype NAME Type of the index. This value is always set to postgres_ann.
indexconfig TEXT[] Configuration, such as leaves count and quantizer, defined for the index when it was created.
indexsize TEXT Size of the index.
indexscan BIGINT Number of index scans initiated on the index.

Tuning metrics

Tuning metrics provide insights into your current index optimization, allowing you to apply recommendations for faster query performance.

Metric name Data type Description
insertcount BIGINT Number of insert operations on the index. This metric also includes any number of rows that existed before the index was created.
updatecount BIGINT Number of update operations on the index. This metric doesn't take into account any HOT updates.
deletecount BIGINT Number of delete operations on the index.
distribution JSONB Vector distributions across all partitions for the index.

The following fields show the distribution:
  • maximum (INT8): Maximum number of vectors across all partitions.
  • minimum (INT8): Minimum number of vectors across all partitions.
  • average (FLOAT) : Average number of vectors across all partitions.
  • outliers (INT8[]): Top outliers across all partitions. This value shows the top 20 outliers.

Note: Due to the inherent characteristics of the K-means clustering algorithm, there will always be some degree of variance in the distribution of vectors across partitions, even when the index is initially created.

Tuning recommendation based on the metrics

The insertcount, updatecount, and deletecount metrics together show the changes or mutations in the vector for the index.
The index is created with a specific number of vectors and partitions. When operations such as insert, update, or delete are performed on the vector index, it only affects the initial set of partitions where the vectors reside. Consequently, the number of vectors in each partition fluctuates over time, potentially impacting recall, QPS, or both.
If you encounter slowness or accuracy issues such as low QPS or poor recall, in your ANN search queries over time, then consider reviewing these metrics. A high number of mutations relative to the total number of vectors could indicate the need for reindexing.
The distribution metric shows the vector distributions across all partitions.
When you create an index, it is created with a specific number of vectors and fixed partitions. The partitioning process and subsequent distribution occurs based on this consideration. If additional vectors are added, they are partitioned among the existing partitions, resulting in a different distribution compared to the distribution when the index was created. Since the final distribution does not consider all vectors simultaneously, the recall, QPS, or both might be affected.
If you observe a gradual decline in the performance of your ANN search queries, such as slower response times or reduced accuracy in the results (measured by QPS or recall), then consider checking this metric and reindexing.

Call models using model endpoints in AlloyDB


The Model endpoint management preview lets you register a model endpoint, manage model endpoint metadata in your database cluster, and then interact with the models using SQL queries. It provides the google_ml_integration extension that includes functions to add and register the model endpoint metadata related to the models, and then use the models to generate vector embeddings or invoke predictions.

Some of the example model types that you can register using model endpoint management are as follows:

  • Vertex AI text embedding models
  • Embedding models provided by third-party providers.
  • Custom-hosted text embedding models
  • Generic models with a JSON-based API—for example, gemini-pro model from the Vertex AI Model Garden

How it works

You can use model endpoint management to register a model endpoint that complies to the following:

  • Model input and output supports JSON format.
  • Model can be called using the REST protocol.

When you register a model endpoint with the model endpoint management, it registers each endpoint with a unique model ID that you provided as a reference to the model. You can use this model ID to query models:

  • Generate embeddings to translate text prompts to numerical vectors. You can store generated embeddings as vector data when the pgvector extension is enabled in the database.

  • Invoke predictions to call a model using SQL within a transaction.

Your applications can access the model endpoint management using the google_ml_integration extension. This extension provides the following functions:

  • The google_ml.create_model() SQL function, which is used to register the model endpoint that is used in the prediction or embedding function.
  • The google_ml.create_sm_secret() SQL function, which uses secrets in the Google Cloud Secret Manager, where the API keys are stored.
  • The google_ml.embedding() SQL function, which is a prediction function that generates text embeddings.
  • The google_ml.predict_row() SQL function that generates predictions when you call generic models that support JSON input and output format.
  • Other helper functions that handle generating custom URL, generating HTTP headers, or passing transform functions for your generic models.
  • Functions to manage the registered model endpoints and secrets.

Key concepts

Before you start using the model endpoint management, understand the concepts required to connect to and use the models.

Model provider

Model provider indicates the supported model hosting providers. The following table shows the model provider value you must set based on the model provider you use:

Model provider Set in function as…
Vertex AI google
Other models custom

The default model provider is custom.

Based on the provider type, the supported authentication method differs. The Vertex AI models use the Distributed Cloud service account to authenticate, while other providers can use the Secret Manager to authenticate.

Model type

Model type indicates the type of the AI model. The extension supports text embedding as well as any generic model type. The supported model type you can set when registering a model endpoint are text-embedding and generic. Setting model type is optional when registering generic model endpoints as generic is the default model type.

Text embedding models with built-in support
The model endpoint management provides built-in support for all versions of the textembedding-gecko model by Vertex AI. To register these model endpoints, use the google_ml.create_model() function. Distributed Cloud automatically sets up default transform functions for these models.
The model type for these models is text-embedding.
Other text embedding models
For other text embedding models, you need to create transform functions to handle the input and output formats that the model supports. Optionally, you can use the HTTP header generation function that generates custom headers required by your model.
The model type for these models is text-embedding.
Generic models
The model endpoint management also supports registering of all other model types apart from text embedding models. To invoke predictions for generic models, use the google_ml.predict_row() function. You can set model endpoint metadata, such as a request endpoint and HTTP headers that are specific to your model.
You cannot pass transform functions when you are registering a generic model endpoint. Ensure that when you invoke predictions the input to the function is in the JSON format, and that you parse the JSON output to derive the final output.
The model type for these models is generic.


Auth types indicate the authentication type that you can use to connect to the model endpoint management using the google_ml_integration extension. Setting authentication is optional and is required only if you need to authenticate to access your model.

For Vertex AI models, the Distributed Cloud service account is used for authentication. For other models, API key or bearer token that is stored as a secret in the Secret Manager can be used with the google_ml.create_sm_secret() SQL function.

The following table shows the auth types that you can set:

Authentication method Set in function as… Model provider
Distributed Cloud service agent alloydb_service_agent_iam Vertex AI provider
Secret Manager secret_manager third-party providers

Prediction functions

The google_ml_integration extension includes the following prediction functions:

Used to call a registered text embedding model endpoint to generate embeddings. It includes built-in support for the textembedding-gecko model by Vertex AI.
For text embedding models without built-in support, the input and output parameters are unique to a model and need to be transformed for the function to call the model. Create a transform input function to transform input of the prediction function to the model specific input, and a transform output function to transform model specific output to the prediction function output.
Used to call a registered generic model endpoint, as long as they support JSON-based API, to invoke predictions.

Transform functions

Transform functions modify the input to a format that the model understands, and convert the model response to the format that the prediction function expects. The transform functions are used when registering the text-embedding model endpoint without built-in support. The signature of the transform functions depends on the prediction function for the model type.

You cannot use transform functions when registering a generic model endpoint.

The following shows the signatures for the prediction function for text embedding models:

// define custom model specific input/output transform functions.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION input_transform_function(model_id VARCHAR(100), input_text TEXT) RETURNS JSON;

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION output_transform_function(model_id VARCHAR(100), response_json JSON) RETURNS real[];

HTTP header generation function

The HTTP header generation function generates the output in JSON key value pairs that are used as HTTP headers. The signature of the prediction function defines the signatures of the header generation function.

The following example shows the signature for the google_ml.embedding() prediction function.

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION generate_headers(model_id VARCHAR(100), input TEXT) RETURNS JSON;

For the google_ml.predict_row() prediction function, the signature is as follows:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION generate_headers(model_id VARCHAR(100), input JSON) RETURNS JSON;

Register a model

To invoke predictions or generate embeddings using a model, register the model endpoint with model endpoint management.

For more information about the google_ml.create_model() function, see Model endpoint management reference.

Before you register a model endpoint with model endpoint management, you must enable the google_ml_integration extension and set up authentication based on the model provider, if your model endpoint requires authentication.

Make sure that you access your database with the postgres default username.

Set up authentication

The following sections show how to set up authentication before adding a Vertex AI model endpoint or model endpoints by other providers.

Set up authentication for Vertex AI

To use the Google Vertex AI model endpoints, you must add Vertex AI permissions to the service account that you used while installing AlloyDB Omni.

Set up authentication for other model providers

For all models except Vertex AI models, you can store your API keys or bearer tokens in Secret Manager. This step is optional if your model endpoint doesn't handle authentication through Secret Manager—for example, if your model endpoint uses HTTP headers to pass authentication information or doesn't use authentication at all.

This section explains how to set up authentication if you are using Secret Manager.

To create and use an API key or a bearer token, complete the following steps:

  1. Create the secret in Secret Manager.

    The secret name and the secret path is used in the google_ml.create_sm_secret() SQL function.

  2. Grant permissions to the Distributed Cloud cluster to access the secret.

      gcloud secrets add-iam-policy-binding 'SECRET_ID' \
          --member="serviceAccount:SERVICE_ACCOUNT_ID" \

    Replace the following:

    • SECRET_ID: the secret ID in Secret Manager.
    • SERVICE_ACCOUNT_ID: the ID of the service account that you created in the previous step. Ensure that this is the same account you used during AlloyDB Omni installation. This includes the full suffix. For example:

      You can also grant this role to the service account at the project level.

Generate embeddings

This section describes a preview that lets you experiment with registering an AI model endpoint and invoking predictions with model endpoint management.

After the model endpoints are added and registered in the model endpoint management, you can reference them using the model ID to generate embeddings.

Before you begin

Make sure that you have registered your model endpoint with model endpoint management.

Generate embeddings

Use the google_ml.embedding() SQL function to call the registered model endpoint with the text embedding model type to generate embeddings.

To call the model and generate embeddings, use the following SQL query:

    model_id => 'MODEL_ID',
    content => 'CONTENT');

Replace the following:

  • MODEL_ID: the model ID you defined when registering the model endpoint.
  • CONTENT: the text to translate into a vector embedding.


Some examples for generating embeddings using registered model endpoint are listed in this section.

Text embedding models with in-built support

To generate embeddings for a registered textembedding-gecko@002 model endpoint, run the following statement:

        model_id => 'textembedding-gecko@002',
        content => 'AlloyDB is a managed, cloud-hosted SQL database service');

Invoke predictions

This section describes a preview that lets you experiment with registering an AI model endpoint and invoking predictions with model endpoint management.

After the model endpoints are added and registered in the model endpoint management, you can reference them using the model ID to invoke predictions.

Before you begin

Make sure that you have registered your model endpoint with model endpoint management.

Invoke predictions for generic models

Use the google_ml.predict_row() SQL function to call a registered generic model endpoint to invoke predictions. You can use google_ml.predict_row() function with any model type.

    model_id => 'MODEL_ID',
    request_body => 'REQUEST_BODY');

Replace the following:

  • MODEL_ID: the model ID you defined when registering the model endpoint.
  • REQUEST_BODY: the parameters to the prediction function, in JSON format.


Some examples for invoking predictions using registered model endpoints are listed in this section.

To generate predictions for a registered gemini-pro model endpoint, run the following statement:

            model_id => 'gemini-pro',
            request_body => '{
        "contents": [
                "role": "user",
                "parts": [
                        "text": "For TPCH database schema as mentioned here , generate a SQL query to find all supplier names which are located in the India nation."
        }'))-> 'candidates' -> 0 -> 'content' -> 'parts' -> 0 -> 'text';

Model endpoint management API reference

This section lists parameters for different functions provided by the google_ml_integration extension to register and manage model endpoints, and secrets with model endpoint management.

You must set the google_ml_integration.enable_model_support database flag to on before you can start using the extension.


Use this reference to understand parameters for functions that let you manage model endpoints.

google_ml.create_model() function

The following shows how to call the google_ml.create_model() SQL function used to register model endpoint metadata:

      model_id => 'MODEL_ID',
      model_request_url => 'REQUEST_URL',
      model_provider => 'PROVIDER_ID',
      model_type => 'MODEL_TYPE',
      model_qualified_name => 'MODEL_QUALIFIED_NAME',
      model_auth_type => 'AUTH_TYPE',
      model_auth_id => 'AUTH_ID',
      generate_headers_fn => 'GENERATE_HEADER_FUNCTION',
      model_in_transform_fn => 'INPUT_TRANSFORM_FUNCTION',
      model_out_transform_fn => 'OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_FUNCTION');
Parameter Required Description
MODEL_ID required for all model endpoints A unique ID for the model endpoint that you define.
REQUEST_URL optional for other text embedding model endpoints with built-in support The model-specific endpoint when adding other text embedding and generic model endpoints. For AlloyDB for PostgreSQL, provide an https URL.

The request URL that the function generates for built-in model endpoints refers to your cluster's project and region or location. If you want to refer to another project, then ensure that you specify the model_request_url explicitly.

For custom hosted model endpoints, ensure that the model endpoint is accessible from the network where Distributed Cloud is located.
PROVIDER_ID required for text embedding model endpoints with built-in support The provider of the model endpoint. The default value is custom.

Set to one of the following:
  • google for Vertex AI model endpoints
  • custom for other providers
MODEL_TYPE optional for generic model endpoints The model type.

Set to one of the following:
  • text_embedding for text embedding model endpoints
  • generic for all other model endpoints
MODEL_QUALIFIED_NAME required for text embedding models with built-in support; optional for other model endpoints The fully qualified name for text embedding models with built-in support.
AUTH_TYPE optional unless the model endpoint has specific authentication requirement The authentication type used by the model endpoint.

You can set it to either alloydb_service_agent_iam for Vertex AI models or secret_manager for other providers, if they use Secret Manager for authentication.

You don't need to set this value if you are using authentication headers.
AUTH_ID don't set for Vertex AI model endpoints; required for all other model endpoints that store secrets in Secret Manager The secret ID that you set and is subsequently used when registering a model endpoint.
GENERATE_HEADER_FUNCTION optional The name of the function that generates custom headers.

The signature of this function depends on the prediction function that you use.
INPUT_TRANSFORM_FUNCTION optional for text embedding model endpoints with built-in support; don't set for generic model endpoints The function to transform input of the corresponding prediction function to the model-specific input.
OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_FUNCTION optional for text embedding model endpoints with built-in support; don't set for generic model endpoints The function to transform model specific output to the prediction function output.


The following shows how to call the google_ml.alter_model() SQL function used to update model endpoint metadata:

      model_id => 'MODEL_ID',
      model_request_url => 'REQUEST_URL',
      model_provider => 'PROVIDER_ID',
      model_type => 'MODEL_TYPE',
      model_qualified_name => 'MODEL_QUALIFIED_NAME',
      model_auth_type => 'AUTH_TYPE',
      model_auth_id => 'AUTH_ID',
      generate_headers_fn => 'GENERATE_HEADER_FUNCTION',
      model_in_transform_fn => 'INPUT_TRANSFORM_FUNCTION',
      model_out_transform_fn => 'OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_FUNCTION');

For information about the values that you must set for each parameter, see Create a model.

google_ml.drop_model() function

The following shows how to call the google_ml.drop_model() SQL function used to drop a model endpoint:

  CALL google_ml.drop_model('MODEL_ID');
Parameter Description
MODEL_ID A unique ID for the model endpoint that you defined.

google_ml.list_model() function

The following shows how to call the google_ml.list_model() SQL function used to list model endpoint information:

  SELECT google_ml.list_model('MODEL_ID');
Parameter Description
MODEL_ID A unique ID for the model endpoint that you defined.

google_ml.model_info_view view

The following shows how to call the google_ml.model_info_view view that is used to list model endpoint information for all model endpoints:

  SELECT * FROM google_ml.model_info_view;


Use this reference to understand parameters for functions that let you manage secrets.

google_ml.create_sm_secret() function

The following shows how to call the google_ml.create_sm_secret() SQL function used to add the secret created in Secret Manager:

      secret_id => 'SECRET_ID',
      secret_path => 'projects/project-id/secrets/SECRET_MANAGER_SECRET_ID/versions/VERSION_NUMBER');
Parameter Description
SECRET_ID The secret ID that you set and is subsequently used when registering a model endpoint.
PROJECT_ID The ID of your Google Cloud project that contains the secret. This project can be different from the project that contains your AlloyDB for PostgreSQL cluster.

For AlloyDB Omni, the ID of your Google Cloud project that contains the secret.
SECRET_MANAGER_SECRET_ID The secret ID set in Secret Manager when you created the secret.
VERSION_NUMBER The version number of the secret ID.
google_ml.alter_sm_secret() function

The following shows how to call the google_ml.alter_sm_secret() SQL function used to update secret information:

      secret_id => 'SECRET_ID',
      secret_path => 'projects/project-id/secrets/SECRET_MANAGER_SECRET_ID/versions/VERSION_NUMBER');

For information about the values that you must set for each parameter, see Create a secret.

google_ml.drop_sm_secret() function

The following shows how to call the google_ml.drop_sm_secret() SQL function used to drop a secret:

  CALL google_ml.drop_sm_secret('SECRET_ID');
Parameter Description
SECRET_ID The secret ID that you set and was subsequently used when registering a model endpoint.

Prediction functions

Use this reference to understand parameters for functions that let you generate embeddings or invoke predictions.

google_ml.embedding() function

The following shows how to generate embeddings:

    model_id => 'MODEL_ID',
    contents => 'CONTENT');
Parameter Description
MODEL_ID A unique ID for the model endpoint that you define.
CONTENT The text to translate into a vector embedding.
google_ml.predict_row() function

The following shows how to invoke predictions:

    model_id => 'MODEL_ID',
    request_body => 'REQUEST_BODY');
Parameter Description
MODEL_ID A unique ID for the model endpoint that you define.
REQUEST_BODY The parameters to the prediction function, in JSON format.

Transform functions

Use this reference to understand parameters for input and output transform functions.

Input transform function

The following shows the signature for the prediction function for text embedding model endpoints:

Parameter Description
INPUT_TRANSFORM_FUNCTION The function to transform input of the corresponding prediction function to the model endpoint-specific input.
Output transform function

The following shows the signature for the prediction function for text embedding model endpoints:

Parameter Description
OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_FUNCTION The function to transform model endpoint-specific output to the prediction function output.
Transform functions example

To better understand how to create transform functions for your model endpoint, consider a custom-hosted text embedding model endpoint that requires JSON input and output.

The following example cURL request creates embeddings based on the prompt and the model endpoint:

  curl -m 100 -X POST \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json"
    -d '{"prompt": ["AlloyDB Embeddings"]}'

The following example response is returned:

[[ 0.3522231  -0.35932037  0.10156056  0.17734447 -0.11606089 -0.17266059
   0.02509351  0.20305622 -0.09787305 -0.12154685 -0.17313677 -0.08075467
   0.06821183 -0.06896557  0.1171584  -0.00931572  0.11875633 -0.00077482
   0.25604948  0.0519384   0.2034983  -0.09952664  0.10347155 -0.11935943
  -0.17872004 -0.08706985 -0.07056875 -0.05929353  0.4177883  -0.14381726
   0.07934926  0.31368294  0.12543282  0.10758053 -0.30210832 -0.02951015
   0.3908268  -0.03091059  0.05302926 -0.00114946 -0.16233777  0.1117468
  -0.1315904   0.13947351 -0.29569918 -0.12330773 -0.04354299 -0.18068913
   0.14445548  0.19481727]]

Based on this input and response, we can infer the following:

  • The model expects JSON input through the prompt field. This field accepts an array of inputs. As the google_ml.embedding() function is a row level function, it expects one text input at a time. Thus,you need to create an input transform function that builds an array with single element.

  • The response from the model is an array of embeddings, one for each prompt input to the model. As the google_ml.embedding() function is a row level function, it returns single input at a time. Thus, you need to create an output transform function that can be used to extract the embedding from the array.

The following example shows the input and output transform functions that is used for this model endpoint when it is registered with model endpoint management:

input transform function

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cymbal_text_input_transform(model_id VARCHAR(100), input_text TEXT)
LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $$
  transformed_input JSON;
  model_qualified_name TEXT;
  SELECT json_build_object('prompt', json_build_array(input_text))::JSON INTO transformed_input;
  RETURN transformed_input;

output transform function

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cymbal_text_output_transform(model_id VARCHAR(100), response_json JSON)
LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $$
  transformed_output REAL[];
SELECT ARRAY(SELECT json_array_elements_text(response_json->0)) INTO transformed_output;
RETURN transformed_output;
HTTP header generation function

The following shows signature for the header generation function that can be used with the google_ml.embedding() prediction function when registering other text embedding model endpoints.


For the google_ml.predict_row() prediction function, the signature is as follows:

Parameter Description
GENERATE_HEADERS The function to generate custom headers. You can also pass the authorization header generated by the header generation function while registering the model endpoint.
Header generation function example

To better understand how to create a function that generates output in JSON key value pairs that are used as HTTP headers, consider a custom-hosted text embedding model endpoint.

The following example cURL request passes the version HTTP header which is used by the model endpoint:

  curl -m 100 -X POST \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -H "version: 2024-01-01" \
      -d '{"prompt": ["AlloyDB Embeddings"]}'

The model expects text input through the version field and returns the version value in JSON format. The following example shows the header generation function that is used for this text embedding model endpoint when it is registered with model endpoint management:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION header_gen_fn(model_id VARCHAR(100), input_text TEXT)
LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $$
  RETURN json_build_object('version', '2024-01-01')::JSON;
Header generation function using API Key

The following examples show how to set up authentication using the API key.

embedding model

  model_id VARCHAR(100),
  input_text TEXT
LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $$
#variable_conflict use_variable
  RETURN json_build_object('Authorization', 'API_KEY')::JSON;

Replace the API_KEY with the API key of the model provider.

generic model

  model_id VARCHAR(100),
  response_json JSON
LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $$
#variable_conflict use_variable
transformed_output REAL[];
  -- code to add Auth token to API request
RETURN json_build_object('x-api-key', 'API_KEY', 'model-version', '2023-06-01')::JSON;

Replace the API_KEY with the API key of the model provider.

Request URL generation

Use the request URL generation function to infer the request URLs for the model endpoints with built-in support. The following shows the signature for this function:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION GENERATE_REQUEST_URL(provider google_ml.model_provider, model_type google_ml.MODEL_TYPE, model_qualified_name VARCHAR(100), model_region VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT NULL)
Parameter Description
GENERATE_REQUEST_URL The function to generate request URL generated by the extension for model endpoints with built-in support.

Supported models

You can use model endpoint management to register any text embedding or generic model endpoint. Model endpoint management also includes pre-registered Vertex AI models and models with built-in support.

Pre-registered Vertex AI models
Model type Model ID Extension version
  • gemini-1.5-pro:streamGenerateContent
  • gemini-1.5-pro:generateContent
  • gemini-1.0-pro:generateContent
version 1.4.2 and later
  • textembedding-gecko
  • text-embedding-gecko@001
version 1.3 and later
Models with built-in support

Vertex AI

Qualified model name Model type
text-embedding-gecko@001 text-embedding
text-embedding-gecko@003 text-embedding
text-embedding-004 text-embedding
text-embedding-preview-0815 text-embedding
text-multilingual-embedding-002 text-embedding

Delete database clusters

You can delete database clusters with the GDC console or the Distributed Cloud CLI.


  1. From the main menu of the GDC console, choose Database Service.
  2. Select the database cluster to delete.
  3. Click DELETE.
  4. Optional: If backup was previously enabled, select Delete all backups. This results in a permanent deletion. Otherwise, backups will be automatically deleted once the project's retention period expires.
  5. Confirm deletion by typing the cluster's ID.
  6. Click DELETE to finish.

gdcloud CLI

Use the following command to delete a database cluster:

gdcloud database clusters delete CLUSTER_NAME

Replace the following:

  • CLUSTER_NAME with the name of the database cluster to delete.


kubectl patch DBCLUSTER_NAME -p '{"spec":{"isDeleted": true}}' --type=merge -n USER_PROJECT
kubectl delete DBCLUSTER_NAME -n USER_PROJECT # for database clusters with backup enabled, this will permanently delete the database.

Replace the following variables:

  • DBENGINE_NAME, the name of the database engine. This is one of alloydbomni, postgresql, or oracle.
  • USER_PROJECT, the name of the user project where the database cluster was created.
  • DBCLUSTER_NAME, the name of the database cluster.

For database clusters without backup, only the first step is needed. For databases with backup, running the first command only will delete the database while keeping its backups (and therefore the database cluster is still recoverable). These backups will be deleted after their retention time if no action is taken. The second command can be used to immediately delete the database cluster and all of its backups.

Connect to a database cluster

By default, a database cluster only allows connection from within the user cluster and the same project.

To enable connections to all database clusters in your project from another project, see Enable cross-project connections.

To enable connections to a database cluster from IP addresses outside your GDC organization, see Enable external connections.

Sign in to the GDC console with an account bound to the project-db-admin role to find the following information for connecting to your database cluster. This information is in the Connectivity section of the Database Service page.

These steps include an example for connecting to the database using psql. The exact steps will vary depending on the client software you choose.


  1. Navigate to the Connectivity section of the Database Service page for the database cluster. This page includes:

    • The password of the administrator account (the username is dbsadmin)
    • Hostname and port number of the database cluster's primary endpoint
    • If the database cluster allows external connection from outside of the organization.
    • A psql command for connecting to the cluster (for PostgreSQL and AlloyDB Omni database clusters)
    • A string for connecting to the cluster with Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) (for Oracle database clusters)
    • A link to download the certificate authority (CA) certificate of the database cluster
  2. Download the CA certificate from the GDC console in the Connectivity section of the Database Service page for your database cluster.

  3. Configure your client to use the CA certificate to verify the database. For psql clients, set the PGSSLROOTCERT env variable to the path of the certificate file and the PGSSLMODE env variable to your preference:

    export PGSSLROOTCERT=path/to/accounts_cert.pem
    export PGSSLMODE="verify-full"
  4. Connect to the database from your client software. If you're using psql, run the following command:


Replace the following variables:

  • path/to/: the path to the accounts_cert.pem certificate.
  • DB_PASSWORD: the password from the console.
  • DB_HOSTNAME: the database hostname from the console.
  • DB_PORT: the database port number from the console.
  • DB_USERNAME: the database username from the console.


  1. Retrieve the database endpoint from the database cluster status:

    kubectl get DBCLUSTER_NAME -n USER_PROJECT -o=jsonpath='{.status.primary.url}'
  2. Download the CA certificate from the Kubernetes secret:

    kubectl get secret dbs-certificates -n USER_PROJECT -o json | jq -r '.data."dbs-DBENGINE_SHORT_NAME-cert-DBCLUSTER_NAME"' | base64 -d > path/to/ca.crt
  3. Configure your client to use the CA certificate to verify the database. For psql clients, you can set the PGSSLROOTCERT env variable to the path of the certificate file and the PGSSLMODE env variable to your preference:

    export PGSSLROOTCERT=path/to/accounts_cert.pem
    export PGSSLMODE="verify-full"
  4. Connect to the database from your client software. If you're using psql, run the following command:


Replace the following variables:

  • DBENGINE_NAME: the name of the database engine. This is one of alloydbomni, postgresql, or oracle.
  • USER_PROJECT: the name of the user project where the database cluster was created.
  • DBENGINE_SHORT_NAME: the abbreviated name of the database engine. This is one of al (AlloyDB Omni), pg (PostgreSQL), or ora (Oracle).
  • DBCLUSTER_NAME: the name of the database cluster.
  • path/to/: the path to the database CA certificate.
  • DB_PASSWORD: database password for administrator user.
  • DB_HOSTNAME: the hostname from the database cluster status.
  • DB_PORT: the database port number from the database cluster status.
  • DB_USERNAME: with the database username (default is dbsadmin).

Create a user

To create a user, connect to the database cluster and complete the following steps:

  1. At the psql prompt, create the user:

    Enter the password when prompted.

    For more information about role attributes, see the PostgreSQL documentation.

  2. You can confirm the user creation by displaying the user table:
      SELECT * FROM pg_roles;

Clone a database cluster

You can clone a database cluster to create a new database cluster that contains the same data as the original cluster. Cloning is a good way to make database clusters for testing purposes.

You can specify any point in time to base the clone on. You aren't limited to cloning the present state of a database cluster. The database service clones a new database cluster at the exact point in time you specify.

You can clone a database cluster with the GDC console or with the gdcloud CLI tool:


  1. From the main menu of the GDC console, choose Database Service.
  2. Select the database cluster to clone.
  3. Click add_box CLONE.
  4. In the Create a clone dialog, specify the point in time to clone from and specify an ID for the new database cluster.
  5. Click CLONE. This takes you to the Database cluster overview page for the new cluster where you can monitor its status.

gdcloud CLI

Use the following command to clone a database cluster:

gdcloud database clusters clone SOURCE \
   DESTINATION --point-in-time POINT_IN_TIME

Replace the following:

  • SOURCE with the name of the database cluster to create a clone from.
  • DESTINATION with the name of the new database cluster to create.
  • POINT_IN_TIME with the timestamp of the point in time to use as the basis of the clone. Use the RFC 3339 timestamp format (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z').


To clone a database cluster, create a Restore resource:

kind: Restore
  name: NEW_DBCLUSTER_NAME_restore
  sourceDBCluster: DBCLUSTER_NAME
  pointInTime: POINT_IN_TIME
    dbclusterName: NEW_DBCLUSTER_NAME

Replace the following:

  • DBENGINE_NAME: the name of the database cluster to clone from.
  • NEW_DBCLUSTER_NAME: the name of the new database cluster to create.
  • POINT_IN_TIME: the timestamp of the point in time to use as the basis of the clone. Use the RFC 3339 timestamp format (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z').

Plan maintenance windows

GDC offers you the ability to configure maintenance windows to schedule times for automatic updates. Maintenance windows are designed to target times where a brief downtime causes the lowest impact to your database clusters. You can schedule maintenance windows based on day of the week and hour, and length in which the maintenance window is open. For example, you could set a maintenance window to start at 3:00 AM on Tuesdays that spans eight hours.

You can also plan maintenance exclusions, which prevents disruptions to your workloads during date ranges where, due to unique circumstances, you don't want to allow the set maintenance window.

Create a maintenance window

To create a maintenance window for your database cluster, complete the following steps:


  1. From the navigation menu of the GDC console, choose Database Service.

  2. Select the database cluster that you want to plan maintenance settings for.

  3. In the Maintenance section, click edit Edit.

  4. Select the Start time and Length for the maintenance window. Also select the days of the week to apply the maintenance window for.

    Create a maintenance window

  5. To apply a maintenance exclusion, click Add Maintenance Exclusion.

  6. Give the exclusion a name and define the time window to exclude for your maintenance window.

  7. Click Save.


  1. To create a maintenance window for your database cluster, run:

    gdcloud maintenance policies create POLICY_NAME \
        --project PROJECT_ID \
        --weekly-cycle-days DAYS_OF_WEEK \
        --weekly-cycle-start-time START_TIME \
        --weekly-cycle-duration DURATION

    Replace the following:

    • POLICY_NAME: The name of the maintenance policy.
    • PROJECT_ID: The ID of the project in which to create the maintenance policy.
    • DAYS_OF_WEEK: Comma-separated list of days of the week when maintenance can begin. Accepted values are RFC-822 formatted days of the week, such as Mon.
    • START_TIME: The time of the day, in UTC timezone, when maintenance can begin. The value must follow the hh:mm format, such as 20:36.
    • DURATION: The maximum duration that the maintenance can last for, such as 2h3m.
  2. To apply a maintenance exclusion to your maintenance window, run:

    gdcloud maintenance policies update POLICY_NAME \
        --project PROJECT_ID \
        --add-exclusion-name EXCLUSION_NAME \
        --add-exclusion-start START_TIME \
        --add-exclusion-end END_TIME

    Replace the following:

    • POLICY_NAME: The name of the maintenance policy.
    • PROJECT_ID: The ID of the project in which to create the maintenance policy.
    • EXCLUSION_NAME: The name of the new maintenance exclusion to add.
    • START_TIME: The start date and time for the new maintenance exclusion. Accepted values must follow the RFC-3339 formatted timestamp, such as 2006-01-02T15:04:05Z.
    • END_TIME: The end date and time for the new maintenance exclusion. Accepted values must follow the RFC-3339 formatted timestamp, such as 2006-01-02T15:04:05Z.
  3. Verify the maintenance policy exists and reflects your intended configuration:

    gdcloud maintenance policies list --project PROJECT_ID
  4. To attach the maintenance policy to your database cluster, run:

    gdcloud maintenance policy-bindings create POLICY_BINDING_NAME \
        --project PROJECT_ID \
        --policy-name POLICY_NAME \
        --resource-name RESOURCE_NAME

    Replace the following:

    • POLICY_BINDING_NAME: The name of the policy binding resource.
    • PROJECT_ID: The ID of the project in which to create the maintenance policy.
    • POLICY_NAME: The name of the maintenance policy created in the previous step.
    • RESOURCE_NAME: The resource name to bind to. For example, for a database cluster name my-cluster, the resource name for each of the available database engines would be the following:

      • AlloyDB Omni:
      • Oracle:
      • PostGreSQL:
  5. Verify the policy binding exists, and its Valid condition is True:

    gdcloud maintenance policy-bindings list --project PROJECT_ID

    Replace PROJECT_ID with the ID of the project in which to create the maintenance policy.

Remove a maintenance window

To remove a maintenance window for your database cluster, complete the following steps:


  1. From the navigation menu of the GDC console, choose Database Service.

  2. Select the database cluster that you want to plan maintenance settings for.

  3. In the Maintenance section, click edit Edit.

  4. In the Length field, select 24h.

  5. Select all the days of the week.

  6. Click Save.

This removes the defined maintenance window and allows maintenance updates to start at any time.


  1. To remove a maintenance window from your database cluster, run:

    gdcloud maintenance policies delete POLICY_NAME \
        --project PROJECT_ID

    Replace the following:

    • POLICY_NAME: The name of the maintenance policy.
    • PROJECT_ID: The ID of the project in which the maintenance policy exists.
  2. Remove the maintenance policy binding from the database cluster:

    gdcloud maintenance policy-bindings delete POLICY_BINDING_NAME \
        --project PROJECT_ID

    Replace the following:

    • POLICY_BINDING_NAME: The name of the maintenance policy binding.
    • PROJECT_ID: The ID of the project in which the maintenance policy exists.

Manage maintenance exclusions

If you created a maintenance exclusion for your maintenance window, you can edit or remove the exclusion without affecting the maintenance window. To edit or remove a maintenance exclusion, complete the following steps:


  1. From the navigation menu of the GDC console, choose Database Service.

  2. Select the database cluster that you want to manage a maintenance exclusion for.

  3. In the Maintenance section, click edit Edit.

  4. Edit the date ranges and start times of the exclusion. If you want to delete the exclusion, click delete Delete.

    Manage a maintenance exclusion

  5. Click Save to save your maintenance exclusion modifications to the maintenance window.


The gdcloud CLI only supports adding and deleting maintenance exclusions. Therefore, you must delete the existing exclusion and add a new one if you want to modify your exclusion date range or times.

  1. To delete a maintenance exclusion, run:

    gdcloud maintenance policies update POLICY_NAME \
        --project PROJECT_ID \
        --remove-exclusion-name EXCLUSION_NAME

    Replace the following:

    • POLICY_NAME: The name of the maintenance policy.
    • PROJECT_ID: The ID of the project in which to delete the maintenance policy's exclusion.
    • EXCLUSION_NAME: The name of the maintenance exclusion to delete.
  2. To add a new maintenance exclusion to apply any previous exclusion edits, run:

    gdcloud maintenance policies update POLICY_NAME \
        --project PROJECT_ID \
        --add-exclusion-name EXCLUSION_NAME \
        --add-exclusion-start START_TIME \
        --add-exclusion-end END_TIME

    Replace the following:

    • POLICY_NAME: The name of the maintenance policy.
    • PROJECT_ID: The ID of the project in which the maintenance policy exists.
    • EXCLUSION_NAME: The name of the new maintenance exclusion to add.
    • START_TIME: The start date and time for the new maintenance exclusion. Accepted values must follow the RFC-3339 formatted timestamp, such as 2006-01-02T15:04:05Z.
    • END_TIME: The end date and time for the new maintenance exclusion. Accepted values must follow the RFC-3339 formatted timestamp, such as 2006-01-02T15:04:05Z.

Enable cross-project connections

By default, a database cluster only allows connections from within the user cluster and the same project. To allow connections from workloads in another project to all database clusters in your project:


  1. Sign in to the GDC console with an account bound to the project-networkpolicy-admin role to create firewall rules.
  2. From the main menu of the GDC console, choose Firewall.
  3. In the User created rules section, click Create.
  4. In Firewall rule details, create a name for your firewall rule.
  5. In the Direction of traffic dialog, choose INGRESS.
  6. In the Target dialog, choose Service and then select dbs.
  7. In the From dialog, choose Another project and select the project ID from which you would like to allow connectivity.
  8. Click Create.
  9. Wait for the Status column of the new rule to show Ready.


Create a ProjectNetworkPolicy resource to allow connections from a client project.

kind: ProjectNetworkPolicy
  name: dbs-allow-from-CLIENT_PROJECT
  namespace: USER_PROJECT
      - dbs
    subjectType: ManagedService
  - from:
    - projects:
  policyType: Ingress

Replace the following:

  • CLIENT_PROJECT: the name of the project from which you would like to allow connectivity.
  • USER_PROJECT: the name of the user project where the database cluster was created.

Enable external connections

By default, a database cluster only allows connections from within the user cluster and the same project. To allow external connections from IP addresses outside of your Google Distributed Cloud air-gapped organization:


  1. Sign in to the GDC console with an account bound to the project-networkpolicy-admin role to create firewall rules.
  2. From the main menu of the GDC console, choose Firewall.
  3. In the User created rules section, click Create.
  4. In Firewall rule details, create a name for your firewall rule.
  5. In the Direction of traffic dialog, choose INGRESS.
  6. In the Target dialog, choose Service and then select dbs.
  7. In the From dialog, choose Outside the organization and input the CIDR range from which you would like to allow external connectivity.
  8. Click Create.
  9. Wait for the Status column of the new rule to show Ready.
  10. Sign in to the GDC console with an account bound to the project-db-admin
  11. From the main menu of the GDC console, choose Database Service.
  12. Select the database cluster that you want to enable external connections to.
  13. Check the Allow external connections line of the Connectivity section of the Database cluster overview to see whether external connections are already allowed.
  14. In the Connectivity section of the Database cluster overview, click edit Edit.
  15. Select the Allow external connections checkbox.
  16. Click SAVE.


  1. Create a ProjectNetworkPolicy resource to allow external connections:

    kind: ProjectNetworkPolicy
      name: allow-external-dbs
      namespace: USER_PROJECT
      - from:
       - ipBlock:
         cidr: CIDR_RANGE
      policyType: Ingress
          - dbs
        subjectType: ManagedService
  2. Update the database cluster to enable connections external to the organization:

    kubectl patch DBCLUSTER_NAME -p '{"spec":{"allowExternalIncomingTraffic":true}}' --type=merge -n USER_PROJECT

Replace the following:

  • USER_PROJECT: the name of the user project where the database cluster was created.
  • CIDR_RANGE: the CIDR range from which you would like to allow external connectivity.
  • DBENGINE_NAME: the name of the database engine. This is one of alloydbomni, postgresql or oracle.
  • DBCLUSTER_NAME: the name of the database cluster.

Sign and upload a server certificate

When you create a database cluster, a server certificate that is signed by the default GDC CA will be generated and configured for use by your database server. To sign and upload a certificate for your database that is issued by your own PKI, perform the following procedure. Your organization's default issuer must be in BYO certificate mode to use this feature.


  1. After you have created the database cluster and it is ready, save the generated certificate signing request as a file.

    kubectl get \
    -n USER_PROJECT -o jsonpath='{.status.byoCertStatus.csrStatus.csr}' \
    | base64 -d > DBCLUSTER_NAME.csr
  2. Create a CSR extensions file containing the SANs for your database cluster.

    export SAN=$(openssl req -in DBCLUSTER_NAME.csr -noout -text | grep 'DNS:' | sed -s 's/^[ ]*//')
    echo "keyUsage=digitalSignature,keyEncipherment
    subjectAltName=${SAN:?}" > DBCLUSTER_NAME-csr.ext
  3. Using the CSR and extension file, generate the certificate signed by your CA. The code sample uses openssl but this step can be completed with other tools.

    openssl x509 -req -in DBCLUSTER_NAME.csr -days 365 \
    -CAcreateserial -extfile DBCLUSTER_NAME-csr.ext  \
    -out DBCLUSTER_NAME-signed.crt
  4. Update the certificate resource with the signed certificate and CA certificate.

    echo "spec:
        certificate: $(base64 -w0 DBCLUSTER_NAME-signed.crt)
        ca: $(base64 -w0 CA_CERTIFICATE_FILE)" > patch.txt
    kubectl patch \
    -n USER_PROJECT --patch-file patch.txt --type='merge'
  5. Verify that the certificate has reached a ready state after the upload.

    kubectl get \
    -n USER_PROJECT -o json | jq -r ' .status.conditions[] | select( .type as $id | "Ready" | index($id))'

    The output should be similar to the following:

      "lastTransitionTime": "2024-05-03T08:42:10Z",
      "message": "Certificate is issued",
      "observedGeneration": 2,
      "reason": "Issued",
      "status": "True",
      "type": "Ready"
  6. Only if you are using an Oracle database, stop and restart the database cluster so the listener's SSL configuration is reloaded.

Replace the following:

  • DBENGINE_SHORT_NAME: the abbreviated name of the database engine. This is one of al (AlloyDB Omni), pg (PostgreSQL), or ora (Oracle).
  • DBCLUSTER_NAME: the name of the database cluster.
  • USER_PROJECT: the name of the user project where the database cluster was created.
  • CA_CERTIFICATE_FILE: the path to the database CA certificate file.
  • CA_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE: the path to the database CA private key file.

Export a database cluster

You can export a database cluster to a data dump file using either the GDC console or the Distributed Cloud CLI:


  1. From the main menu, choose Database Service.
  2. Select the database cluster you want to export. This takes you to the Database cluster overview page for that cluster.
  3. Click EXPORT. The Export data panel opens.
  4. In the Export data panel, specify the storage location to export to.
  5. Click EXPORT. On screen messages indicate the status of the export process.

gdcloud CLI

  1. Before using Distributed Cloud CLI, install and initialize it. Then, authenticate with your organization.
  2. Run the following command to export a database file to a dump file:

    gdcloud database export sql DATABASE_CLUSTER \
         s3://BUCKET_NAME/SAMPLE.dmp --project=PROJECT_NAME

    Replace the following:

    • DATABASE_CLUSTER with the name of the database cluster to export.
    • BUCKET_NAME/SAMPLE.dmp with the destination for the exported dump file.
    • PROJECT_NAME with the name of the project that the database cluster is in.


kind: Export
  namespace: USER_PROJECT
  dbclusterRef: DBCLUSTER_NAME
      bucket: BUCKET_NAME
      key: dbs-export
    type: S3

Replace the following variables:

  • DBENGINE_NAME: the name of the database engine. This is one of alloydbomni, postgresql or oracle.
  • EXPORT_NAME: the name of the export operation.
  • USER_PROJECT: the name of the user project where the database cluster to be exported is created.
  • DBCLUSTER_NAME: the name of the database cluster.
  • BUCKET_NAME: the name of the object storage bucket to store the exported files.

Import from a dump file

Before importing data, you must:

  1. Create a database cluster to import the data to.

  2. Upload the dump file to a storage bucket. See Upload objects to storage buckets for instructions.

    The Database Service import service account must have access to the dump file. The service account is named postgresql-import-DATABASE_CLUSTER_NAME or oracle-import-DATABASE_CLUSTER_NAME, depending on the type of database you are importing.

    Replace DATABASE_CLUSTER_NAME with the name of the database cluster where you are importing data.

You can import a dump file into a database cluster using either the GDC console or the Distributed Cloud CLI:


  1. Open the Database cluster overview page in the GDC console to see the cluster that contains the database you are importing.

  2. Click Import. The Import data to accounts panel opens.

  3. In the Source section of the Import data to accounts panel, specify the location of the SQL data dump file you uploaded previously.

  4. In the Destination field, specify an existing destination database for the import.

  5. Click Import. A banner on the GDC console shows the status of the import.

gdcloud CLI

  1. Before using Distributed Cloud CLI, install and initialize it. Then, authenticate with your organization.

  2. Run the following command to import a dump file into a database:

    gdcloud database import sql DATABASE_CLUSTER s3://BUCKET_NAME/sample.dmp \

    Replace the following:

    • DATABASE_CLUSTER with the name of the database cluster to import data into.
    • BUCKET_NAME/SAMPLE.dmp with the location of the dump file.
    • PROJECT_NAME with the name of the project that the database cluster is in.


kind: Import
  namespace: USER_PROJECT
  dbclusterRef: DBCLUSTER_NAME
      bucket: BUCKET_NAME
      key: DUMP_FILE_PATH
    type: S3

Replace the following variables:

  • DBENGINE_NAME: the name of the database engine. This is one of alloydbomni, postgresql or oracle.
  • IMPORT_NAME: the name of the import operation.
  • USER_PROJECT: the name of the user project where the database cluster to import is created.
  • DBCLUSTER_NAME: the name of the database cluster.
  • BUCKET_NAME: the name of the object storage bucket that stores the import files.
  • DUMP_FILE_PATH: the name of the object storage path to the stored files.

Preserve database clusters before an upgrade

Depending on specific GDC releases, existing database clusters may not be migrated forward from previous GDC versions. In these cases, before applying the release, you must confirm that there is no critical data that must be preserved. For data that must be preserved, follow these steps to migrate them forward:

Before applying the release, you must confirm that there is no critical data that must be preserved. For data that must be preserved, follow these steps to migrate them forward:

  1. List database clusters and identify the ones that must be preserved.
  2. For each database cluster, export the data and store it in a GDC bucket.
  3. Optional: To avoid additional changes, completely delete the database cluster before applying the new GDC version.
  4. After the upgrade is complete, recreate the database cluster and import the dump file into it.

Manage advanced migration

Advanced migration is a solution for migrating data for large-sized databases with less downtime. This feature is only available for AlloyDB Omni and PostgreSQL.

A user with the Project DB Admin role must perform the following steps. Use either the GDC console or the Distributed Cloud CLI to manage migrations:


  1. From the main menu, choose Database Service.
  2. Click Create Migration.
  3. In the Get started dialog, review requirements for the source and connectivity.
  4. In the Specify your source database dialog, specify the source database hostname or IP address, username, password, encryption type, and certificate.
  5. In the Configure your cluster dialog, specify the Cluster ID, password, database version, CPU, memory, and storage capacity of the target database cluster. Ensure you choose enough memory to hold your largest table.
  6. Click Create. Creating the migration and target database cluster can take a few minutes. The status changes from Reconciling to Ready when the cluster is ready. The migration status changes to Unsynced when migration is set up successfully. Use the following options to manage your migration:
    1. Start: This starts the migration and changes the migration status to Running.
    2. Stop: This stops the migration and changes the migration status to Stopped.
    3. Promote: This promotes the target database cluster to a stand alone database.
    4. Delete: This deletes the migration and target database cluster created for this migration.

Periodically rotate the source database replication user password with the following steps:

  1. Go to Source database and click edit Edit.
  2. Make the changes to rotate the replication user password.
  3. Click Save to apply your changes.

After the change is applied, the migration backend uses the new password.


  1. Before using Distributed Cloud CLI, install and initialize it. Then, authenticate with your organization.

  2. Create a migration:

    gdcloud database connection-profiles create DB_ENGINE_TYPE SOURCE_CONNECTION_PROFILE \
        --username REPLICATION_USERNAME \
        --password REPLICATION_PASSWORD \
        --ca-certificate CA_CERT_FILE_PATH
    gdcloud database migrations create MIGRATION_NAME \
        --destination DESTINATION_DBCLUSTER
    gdcloud database clusters create DESTINATION_DBCLUSTER \
        --database-version DB_VERSION \
        --admin-password ADMIN_PASSWORD

    Replace the following variables:

    • DB_ENGINE_TYPE, the db engine type for migration. Supported values are: postgresql or alloydbomni
    • SOURCE_CONNECTION_PROFILE, the name for the new connection profile.
    • REPLICATION_USERNAME, the name for the replication user of the source database.
    • REPLICATION_PASSWORD, the password for the replication user of the source database.
    • CA_CERT_FILE_PATH, the path for the source database CA certificate.
    • MIGRATION_NAME, the name for the new migration.
    • DESTINATION_DBCLUSTER, the name for the target database cluster.
    • DB_VERSION, the version string for the new cluster. For example, POSTGRESQL_13.
    • ADMIN_PASSWORD, the administrator user password for the new cluster.
  3. Start a migration:

    gdcloud database migrations start MIGRATION_NAME
  4. Stop a migration:

    gdcloud database migrations stop MIGRATION_NAME
  5. Promote a migration:

    gdcloud database migrations promote MIGRATION_NAME
  6. List existing connection-profiles:

    gdcloud database connection-profiles list DB_ENGINE_TYPE
  7. List the existing migration:

    gdcloud database migrations list --destination DESTINATION_DBCLUSTER


For AlloyDB or PostgreSQL source databases:

Create a secret to store source database CA certificate:

apiVersion: v1
  ca.crt:  SOURCE_DB_CA_CERT
kind: Secret
  annotations:  USER_PROJECT
  namespace: USER_PROJECT
type: Opaque

Create a secret to store source database migration user password:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  annotations: USER_PROJECT
  namespace: USER_PROJECT
type: Opaque

Create an externalserver:

kind: ExternalServer
  namespace: USER_PROJECT
  port: 5432
    name: es-pw-EXTERNAL_SERVER_NAME
    namespace: USER_PROJECT
    name: es-crt-EXTERNAL_SERVER_NAME
    namespace: USER_PROJECT

Create an migration:

kind: Migration
  namespace: USER_PROJECT
      kind: ExternalServer
      kind: DBCluster
      name: DBCLUSTER_NAME

Replace the following variables:

  • EXTERNAL_SERVER_NAME: the name of the externalserver representing the source database.
  • USER_PROJECT: the name of the user project where the externalserver is created.
  • DBENGINE_NAME: the name of the database engine. This is one of alloydbomni or postgresql.
  • SOURCE_DB_CA_CERT: the ca certificate of the source database.
  • SOURCE_DB_USER_PASSWORD: the migration user password of the source database.
  • SOURCE_DB_USERNAME: the migration username of the source database.
  • SOURCE_DB_HOST: the migration host address of the source database.
  • MIGRATION_NAME: the name of the migration operation.
  • DBCLUSTER_NAME: the name of the migration target database cluster.
  • MIGRATION_CONTROL: the controls of migration operation. It should be one of start or stop when migration is created. It should be promote to promote migration target database cluster.

Observe metrics

You can observe Database Service metrics with the monitoring instance. See Monitoring and visualizing metrics for general information about the monitoring and visualizing processes for Application Operators (AO) in GDC.

You must create a database cluster before you can observe its metrics.

View diagnostic logs

  1. Navigate to the monitoring instance UI to access the database diagnostic logs for a database cluster.

  2. Click the explore Explore button from the menu to open the Explore page.

  3. Enter a query to search for Database Service logs using LogQL.

    1. Using the Label filters drop-down menu, create a filter for service_name=ods.

    2. Click the add Operations button and select Line contains. Enter the database cluster's name in the text box.

    3. Click the add Operations button again and select Line contains. Enter PROJECT_NAME in the text box.

    4. Click the Run query button.

View metrics

  1. Navigate to the monitoring instance UI to access the metrics for a database cluster.

  2. From the drop-down menu, select prometheus as the data source to retrieve metrics.

  3. Application operators can access Database Service metrics that have the ods_ prefix. Enter ods_ in the Select a metric text box in the Metrics browser panel to view all Database Service metric types.

  4. Application operators can also access metrics with the pg_ prefix.