Enable backup for database services

Once the DBS backup repository is set up, an Application Operator (AO) must enable backup service for a DBS DBCluster.

Enable backup services for DBS

To enable backup services for DBS, create a DBS BackupPlan resource in the same namespace. The backupRetainDays must be set to the number of days after which a backup can be automatically deleted.

Oracle BackupPlan example:

apiVersion: oracle.dbadmin.gdc.goog/v1
kind: BackupPlan
  name: backupplan1
  dbclusterRef: dbcluster-sample
  backupRetainDays: 14
  paused: false

Postgres BackupPlan example:

apiVersion: postgresql.dbadmin.gdc.goog/v1
kind: BackupPlan
  name: backupplan1
  dbclusterRef: dbcluster-sample
  backupRetainDays: 14
  paused: false

Once BackupPlan is created, DBS will start automatic backups once per day. The available recovery window is viewed in the BackupPlan's status.recoveryWindow field.