Package v1 contains API Schema definitions for the v1 API group.


Presents the amount of traffic that must be routed to the service.

Appears in:

Field Description
trafficPercentage integer Represents the amount of traffic that must be routed to the service.
serviceRef DestinationServiceRef Indicates the service reference.
httpPort integer Represents the hard-coded sidecar HTTP port that is used when ServiceRef.Kind is DeployedModel.
grpcPort integer Represents the hard-coded sidecar gRPC port that is used when ServiceRef.Kind is DeployedModel.


Defines the services that the traffic can be routed to.

Appears in:

Field Description
kind string Represents the kind of the destination service reference, for example, DeployedModel, MicroService, or Service.
name string
namespace string


Defines the dataplane for the services and handles the routing for those services.

Appears in:

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string Endpoint
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec EndpointSpec
status EndpointStatus


Contains a list of Endpoint resources.

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string EndpointList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items Endpoint array


Includes traffic destinations with weight and defines whether a new Domain Name System (DNS) name must be created or an existing one must be used.

Appears in:

Field Description
destinations Destination array
createDns boolean Specifies whether a new DNS name must be created or not.
dnsName string Presents the existing or new DNS name. This field is deprecated; use UserProvidedID instead.
id string Indicates the auto-generated endpoint ID.
userProvidedId string Indicates the user-provided endpoint ID.


Appears in:

Field Description
ready boolean Indicates whether the resource is in a ready state.
primaryCondition Represents the primary condition of a resource. If the resource is ready, then the condition indicates the resource is ready. Otherwise, the condition is the primary reason why the resource is not ready.
resourceConditions array Represents a collection of conditions for a resource and its subresources. You can use it to determine the overall health of a resource and its subresources.
conditions Condition array Represents raw resource conditions populated from Kubernetes resources for debugging purposes.
endpointFQDN string Indicates the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the endpoint that is saved when a new DNS name is created successfully.