Dataproc Container for Spark

Google Distributed Cloud (GDC) air-gapped provides a Dataproc Container for Spark. That is an Apache Spark environment for data processing. For more information about Apache Spark, see Use containers of Dataproc Container for Spark to run new or existing Spark applications within a Distributed Cloud Kubernetes cluster with minimal alteration. If you are familiar with Spark tools, you can keep using them.

Define your Spark application in a YAML file, and Distributed Cloud allocates the resources for you. The Dataproc Container for Spark container starts in seconds. Spark executors scale up or shut down according to your needs.

Configure containers from Dataproc Container for Spark on Distributed Cloudto use specialized hardware, such as specialty hardware nodes or GPUs.

Deploy the Dataproc Container for Spark service

The Platform Administrator (PA) must install Marketplace services for you before you can use the services. Contact your PA if you need Dataproc Container for Spark. See Install a GDC Marketplace software package for more information.

Prerequisites for running Spark applications

You must have a service account in user clusters to use the Dataproc Container for Spark service. The Dataproc Container for Spark creates a Spark driver pod to run a Spark application. A Spark driver pod needs a Kubernetes service account in the namespace of the pod with permissions to do the following actions:

  • Create, get, list, and delete executor pods.
  • Create a Kubernetes headless service for the driver.

Before running a Spark application, complete the following steps to ensure you have a service account with the previous permissions in the foo namespace:

  1. Create a service account for a Spark driver pod to use in the foo namespace:

    kubectl create serviceaccount spark --kubeconfig AO_USER_KUBECONFIG --namespace=foo
  2. Create a role for granting permissions to create, get, list, and delete executor pods, and create a Kubernetes headless service for the driver in the foo namespace:

    kubectl create role spark-driver --kubeconfig AO_USER_KUBECONFIG --verb=* \
    --resource=pods,services,configmaps,persistentvolumeclaims \
  3. Create a role binding for granting the service account role access in the foo namespace:

    kubectl create --kubeconfig AO_USER_KUBECONFIG \
    rolebinding spark-spark-driver \
    --role=spark-driver --serviceaccount=foo:spark \

Run sample Spark 3 applications

Containerizing Spark applications simplifies running big data applications on your premises using Distributed Cloud. As an Application Operator (AO), run Spark applications specified in GKE objects of the SparkApplication custom resource type.

To run and use an Apache Spark 3 application on Distributed Cloud, complete the following steps:

  1. Examine the spark-operator image in your project to find the $DATAPROC_IMAGE to reference in your Spark application:

    export DATAPROC_IMAGE=$(kubectl get pod --kubeconfig AO_USER_KUBECONFIG \
    --selector -n foo \
    -o=jsonpath='{.items[*].spec.containers[0].image}' \
    | sed 's/spark-operator/dataproc/')

    For example:

    export DATAPROC_IMAGE=
  2. Write a SparkApplication specification and store it in a YAML file. For more information, see the Write a Spark application specification section.

  3. Submit, run, and monitor your Spark application as configured in a SparkApplication specification on the GKE cluster with the kubectl command. For more information, see the Application examples section.

  4. Review the status of the application.

  5. Optional: Review the application logs. For more information, see the View the logs of a Spark 3 application section.

  6. Use the Spark application to collect and surface the status of the driver and executors to the user.

Write a Spark application specification

A SparkApplication specification includes the following components:

  • The apiVersion field.
  • The kind field.
  • The metadata field.
  • The spec section.

For more information, see the Writing a SparkApplication Spec on GitHub:

Application examples

This section includes the following examples with their corresponding SparkApplication specifications to run Spark applications:

Spark Pi

This section contains an example to run a compute-intensive Spark Pi application that estimates 𝛑 (pi) by throwing darts in a circle.

Work through the following steps to run Spark Pi:

  1. Apply the following SparkApplication specification example in the user cluster:

    apiVersion: ""
    kind: SparkApplication
      name: spark-pi
      namespace: foo
      type: Python
      pythonVersion: "3"
      mode: cluster
      image: "${DATAPROC_IMAGE?}"
      imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
      mainApplicationFile: "local:///usr/lib/spark/examples/src/main/python/"
      sparkVersion: "3.1.3"
        type: Never
        cores: 1
        coreLimit: "1000m"
        memory: "512m"
        serviceAccount: spark
        cores: 1
        instances: 1
        memory: "512m"
  2. Verify that the SparkApplication specification example runs and completes in 1-2 minutes using the following command:

    kubectl --kubeconfig AO_USER_KUBECONFIG get SparkApplication spark-pi -n foo
  3. View the Driver Logs to see the result:

    kubectl --kubeconfig AO_USER_KUBECONFIG logs spark-pi-driver -n foo | grep "Pi is roughly"

    An output is similar to the following:

    Pi is roughly 3.1407357036785184

For more information, see the following resources:

  • For the application code, see the article Pi estimation from the Apache Spark documentation:
  • For a sample Spark Pi YAML file, see Write a Spark application specification.

Spark SQL

Work through the following steps to run Spark SQL:

  1. To run a Spark SQL application that selects the 1 value, use the following query:

    select 1;
  2. Apply the following SparkApplication specification example in the user cluster:

    apiVersion: ""
    kind: SparkApplication
      name: pyspark-sql-arrow
      namespace: foo
      type: Python
      mode: cluster
      image: "${DATAPROC_IMAGE?}"
      imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
      mainApplicationFile: "local:///usr/lib/spark/examples/src/main/python/sql/"
      sparkVersion: "3.1.3"
        type: Never
        cores: 1
        coreLimit: "1000m"
        memory: "512m"
        serviceAccount: spark
        cores: 1
        instances: 1
        memory: "512m"
  3. Verify that the SparkApplication specification example runs and completes in less than one minute using the following command:

    kubectl --kubeconfig AO_USER_KUBECONFIG get SparkApplication pyspark-sql-arrow -n foo

Spark MLlib

Work through the following steps to run Spark MLlib:

  1. Use the following Scala example to run a Spark MLlib instance that performs statistical analysis and prints a result to the console:

    import{Matrix, Vectors}
    import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
    val data = Seq(
      Vectors.sparse(4, Seq((0, 1.0), (3, -2.0))),
      Vectors.dense(4.0, 5.0, 0.0, 3.0),
      Vectors.dense(6.0, 7.0, 0.0, 8.0),
      Vectors.sparse(4, Seq((0, 9.0), (3, 1.0)))
    val df ="features")
    val Row(coeff1: Matrix) = Correlation.corr(df, "features").head
    println(s"Pearson correlation matrix:\n $coeff1")
    val Row(coeff2: Matrix) = Correlation.corr(df, "features", "spearman").head
    println(s"Spearman correlation matrix:\n $coeff2")
  2. Apply the following SparkApplication specification example in the user cluster:

    apiVersion: ""
    kind: SparkApplication
      name: spark-ml
      namespace: foo
      type: Scala
      mode: cluster
      image: "${DATAPROC_IMAGE?}"
      imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
      mainApplicationFile: "local:///usr/lib/spark/examples/jars/spark-examples_2.12-3.1.3.jar"
      sparkVersion: "3.1.3"
        type: Never
        cores: 1
        coreLimit: "1000m"
        memory: "512m"
        serviceAccount: spark
        cores: 1
        instances: 1
        memory: "512m"
  3. Verify that the SparkApplication specification example runs and completes in less than one minute using the following command:

    kubectl --kubeconfig AO_USER_KUBECONFIG get SparkApplication spark-ml -n foo


Work through the following steps to run SparkR:

  1. Use the following example code to run a SparkR instance that loads a bundled dataset and prints the first line:

    df <- as.DataFrame(faithful)
  2. Apply the following SparkApplication specification example in the user cluster:

    apiVersion: ""
    kind: SparkApplication
      name: spark-r-dataframe
      namespace: foo
      type: R
      mode: cluster
      image: "${DATAPROC_IMAGE?}"
      imagePullPolicy: Always
      mainApplicationFile: "local:///usr/lib/spark/examples/src/main/r/dataframe.R"
      sparkVersion: "3.1.3"
        type: Never
        cores: 1
        coreLimit: "1000m"
        memory: "512m"
        serviceAccount: spark
        cores: 1
        instances: 1
        memory: "512m"
  3. Verify that the SparkApplication specification example runs and completes in less than one minute using the following command:

    kubectl --kubeconfig AO_USER_KUBECONFIG get SparkApplication spark-r-dataframe -n foo

View the logs of a Spark 3 application

Spark has the following two log types that you can visualize:

Use the terminal to run commands.

Driver logs

Work through the following steps to view the driver logs of your Spark application:

  1. Find your Spark driver pod:

    kubectl -n spark get pods
  2. Open the logs from the Spark driver pod:

    kubectl -n spark logs DRIVER_POD

    Replace DRIVER_POD with the name of the Spark driver pod that you found in the previous step.

Event logs

You can find event logs at the path specified in the YAML file of the SparkApplication specification.

Work through the following steps to view the event logs of your Spark application:

  1. Open the YAML file of the SparkApplication specification.
  2. Locate the spec field in the file.
  3. Locate the sparkConf field nested in the spec field.
  4. Locate the value of the spark.eventLog.dir field nested in the sparkConf section.
  5. Open the path to view event logs.

For a sample YAML file of the SparkApplication specification, see Write a Spark application specification.

Contact your account manager for more information.