Set up backup repository for database services

You have the option to set up a backup repository through the B4GDC UI or manually.

Before you begin

Before using backup and restore services for gdcloud CLI Database Services (DBS), you must:

  • Be a Platform Administrator (PA).
  • Have the necessary identity and access role:
    • DR Backup Admin: performs disaster recovery backups. Ask your Organization IAM Admin to grant you the DR Backup Admin (dr-backup-admin) cluster role.
  • Set up a valid B4GDC BackupRepository named dbs-backup-repository in the system cluster to use as the target for your backups.

Set up DBS backup repository manually

This section assumes that you already have an S3-compatible endpoint available and that you have created a bucket to use as the backup repository.

First, you must create the S3 credentials (access-key and access-key-id) as a secret in the system cluster. For example:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: "s3-secret-ns"
    name: "s3-secret-ns"
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  namespace: "s3-secret-ns"
  name: "s3-secret"
type: Opaque
  access-key-id: YWNjZXNzS2V5MQ== # echo -n accessKey1 | base64 -w0
  access-key:  dmVyeVNlY3JldEtleTE= # echo -n verySecretKey1 | base64 -w0

Then, you can create a BackupRepository named dbs-backup-repository in the system cluster to use these credentials. For example:

kind: BackupRepository
  name: dbs-backup-repository
    namespace: "s3-secret-ns"
    name: "s3-secret"
  endpoint: ""
  type: "S3"
    bucket: "BUCKET_NAME"
    region: "us-east-1"
    forcePathStyle: true
  importPolicy: "ReadWrite"
  # Force attachment for convenience.
  force: true