Microsoft Intune

Integration version: 3.0

Configure Microsoft Intune integration to work with Google Security Operations SOAR

Prerequisite steps

To work with this integration, the Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) application is required.

Set up Azure Active Directory

  1. Log in to Azure tenant portal as a user with admin permissions.
  2. Go to Azure Active Directory > App registrations > New registration.
  3. In the registration form, choose a name for your application and supported account types depending on your environment.
  4. Click Register.

Specify permissions for the Azure AD application

  1. Go to the API permissions tab.
  2. Click Add a permission.
  3. In a new window, select Microsoft Graph > Application permissions.
  4. To ease the search, in a search field under Select permissions type in managed.
  5. In the DeviceManagementManagedDevices tab, select the following permissions:\
    1. DeviceManagementManagedDevices.PrivilegedOperations.All\
    2. DeviceManagementManagedDevices.ReadWrite.All
  6. Grant admin consent for new changes.

Create a client secret for the Azure AD application

  1. Go to Certificates and Secrets.
  2. In the Client secrets tab, click New client secret.
  3. Add required descriptions for the new secret.
    Once the secret is added, you will see its data.
  4. To use the secret in the integration, write down the client secret value.\

Complete the configuration

  1. At the Azure AD application configuration page, go to the Essentials tab.
  2. Provide the Application (client) ID and the Directory (tenant) ID from the previous steps.

Once the data is collected, the configuration of the Azure AD application for Microsoft Intune integration is completed.

Configure Microsoft Intune integration in Google Security Operations SOAR

Integration parameters

Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is mandatory Description
Azure AD endpoint String True Azure AD endpoint to connect to.
Can be different for different tenant types.
Microsoft Graph Endpoint String True Microsoft Graph endpoint to connect to.
Can be different for different tenant types.
Client ID String N/A True Specify the client (application) ID of the Azure AD application
to use for the integration.
Client Secret Value Password N/A True Specify the client secret value (not the secret ID!) of the Azure AD app
to use for the integration.
Azure Active Directory ID String N/A True Specify the Azure Active Directory ID (tenant ID).
To find it, go to the Azure AD page > App Registration >
Application you configured for your integration >
Directory (tenant) ID.
Verify SSL bool Checked N/A If enabled, verify that the SSL certificate for connecting
to the Microsoft Intune server is valid.




Test connectivity.



Run on

The action is not running on entities.

Action results

Script result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False

If action runs successfully, is_success should be set to True. Otherwise, False.

Case wall
Result type Value/Description Type (Entity/General)
Output message* The action should not fail nor stop a playbook execution:
if successful:
print "Successfully connected to the Microsoft Intune service with the provided connection parameters!"

The action should fail and stop a playbook execution:
if critical error, like wrong credentials or lost connectivity:
print "Failed to connect to the Microsoft Intune service! Error is {0}".format(exception.stacktrace)

List managed devices


List managed devices available in the Microsoft Intune instance based on provided criteria.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is mandatory Description
Filter Key DDL Select One

DDL possible values:
  • deviceName
  • userId
  • operatingSystem
  • osVersion
  • userDisplayName
False Specify the key that needs to be used to filter managed devices.
Filter Logic DDL Not Specified

DDL possible values:
  • Not Specified
  • Equal
  • Contains
False Specify what filter logic should be applied.
Filtering logic works based on the value provided in the Filter Key parameter.
Filter Value String N/A False Specify what value should be used in the filter.
If Equal is selected, action will try to find the exact match among results, and if Contains is selected, action will try to find results that contain that substring.
If nothing is provided in this parameter, the filter will not be applied.
The filtering logic works based on the value provided in the Filter Key parameter.
Max Records To Return Int 50 False Specify how many records to return.
If nothing is provided, action will return 50 records by default.
Max value is 100 records.

Run on

The action is not running on entities.

Action results

Script result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False

If action runs successfully (data is returned, server response is 200 OK), is_success should be set to True.

JSON result
  "@odata.context": "$metadata#deviceManagement/managedDevices",
  "@odata.count": 8,
  "value": [
          "id": "a80a77c5-c26f-4def-b350-2b80ae9b5e00",
          "userId": "",
          "deviceName": "CROWDSTRIKEV2",
          "managedDeviceOwnerType": "personal",
          "enrolledDateTime": "2022-03-01T20:42:04Z",
          "lastSyncDateTime": "2022-03-04T04:42:03Z",
          "operatingSystem": "Windows",
          "complianceState": "noncompliant",
          "jailBroken": "Unknown",
          "managementAgent": "mdm",
          "osVersion": "10.0.19043.1526",
          "easActivated": false,
          "easDeviceId": "",
          "easActivationDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
          "azureADRegistered": null,
          "deviceEnrollmentType": "windowsAutoEnrollment",
          "activationLockBypassCode": null,
          "emailAddress": "",
          "azureADDeviceId": "a80a77c5-c26f-4def-b350-2b80ae9b5e00",
          "deviceRegistrationState": "registered",
          "deviceCategoryDisplayName": "Unknown",
          "isSupervised": false,
          "exchangeLastSuccessfulSyncDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
          "exchangeAccessState": "none",
          "exchangeAccessStateReason": "none",
          "remoteAssistanceSessionUrl": null,
          "remoteAssistanceSessionErrorDetails": null,
          "isEncrypted": false,
          "userPrincipalName": "",
          "model": "VMware7,1",
          "manufacturer": "VMware, Inc.",
          "imei": "",
          "complianceGracePeriodExpirationDateTime": "2022-10-16T16:36:51Z",
          "serialNumber": "VMware-422238ba4acad659-63a1867ec4889b06",
          "phoneNumber": "",
          "androidSecurityPatchLevel": "",
          "userDisplayName": "",
          "configurationManagerClientEnabledFeatures": null,
          "wiFiMacAddress": "",
          "deviceHealthAttestationState": null,
          "subscriberCarrier": "",
          "meid": "",
          "totalStorageSpaceInBytes": 63766003712,
          "freeStorageSpaceInBytes": 38917898240,
          "managedDeviceName": "",
          "partnerReportedThreatState": "unknown",
          "requireUserEnrollmentApproval": null,
          "managementCertificateExpirationDate": "2023-02-27T08:10:12Z",
          "iccid": null,
          "udid": null,
          "notes": null,
          "ethernetMacAddress": null,
          "physicalMemoryInBytes": 0,
          "deviceActionResults": []
Case wall
Result type Value/Description Type (Entity/General)
Output message* The action should not fail nor stop a playbook execution:
If data is available(is_success = true):
print "Successfully found managed device(s) for the provided criteria in the Microsoft Intune instance".​

If data is not available (is_success=false):
print "No managed devices were found for the provided criteria in the Microsoft Intune instance".

If "Filter Value" is empty (is_success=true):
The filter was not applied because the parameter "Filter Value" has an empty value.

The action should fail and stop a playbook execution:

If Filter Key == "Select One" and Filter Logic "Equal" or "Contains":
Error executing the List Managed Devices action. Reason: you need to select a field from the Filter Key parameter.

If invalid value is provided for Max Records to Return or the value is bigger than 100:
Error executing the List Managed Devices action. Reason: "Invalid value was provided for "Max Records to Return": <provided value>. Positive number in range from 1 to 100 should be provided".

If fatal error, like wrong credentials, no connection to server, or other:
"Error executing the List Managed Devices action. Reason: {0}''.format(error.Stacktrace)
Case Wall Table

Name: Available Managed Devices
  • Id
  • User Id
  • Device Name
  • Operating System
  • Compliance State
  • Enrolled Date Time
  • Last Sync Date Time

Get managed device


Get managed device information from the Microsoft Intune service, including information on specific actions, for example, locate device (deviceActionResults section of the json result).
The hostname to run the action on can be provided either as a Google Security Operations SOAR entity or as an action input parameter. If the hostname is passed to action both as an entity and an input parameter, the action will be executed on the input parameter. Hostname is case insensitive. Action also can be provided with the host ID to run on.
If both host ID and hostname are provided, the action will run on the host ID as a priority.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is mandatory Description
Hostname String N/A False Specify the Hostname to run the action on. Hostname is case insensitive. If the action does not run on a Hostname entity, it can run either on Hostname or Host ID. Multiple values can be set as a comma-separated string.
Host ID String N/A False Specify the host ID to run the action on. If the action does not run on a Hostname entity, it can run either on Hostname or Host ID. Multiple values can be set as a comma-separated string.

Run on

Hostname, if provided.

Action results

Script result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False

If action runs successfully (host found, server response is 200 OK), is_success should be set to True.

JSON result
  "@odata.context": "$metadata#deviceManagement/managedDevices/$entity",
  "id": "6caa05f6-563d-4a47-bcd8-e91c5dbab10a",
  "userId": "b786d3cf-e97d-4511-b61c-0559e9f4da75",
  "deviceName": "msintune2",
  "managedDeviceOwnerType": "company",
  "enrolledDateTime": "2023-05-11T09:45:08.6273921Z",
  "lastSyncDateTime": "2023-05-17T06:41:23.6481049Z",
  "operatingSystem": "Windows",
  "complianceState": "compliant",
  "jailBroken": "Unknown",
  "managementAgent": "mdm",
  "osVersion": "10.0.19045.2965",
  "easActivated": false,
  "easDeviceId": null,
  "easActivationDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
  "azureADRegistered": true,
  "deviceEnrollmentType": "windowsAzureADJoin",
  "activationLockBypassCode": null,
  "emailAddress": "",
  "azureADDeviceId": "a5fe5437-cc0e-4ecf-9216-5d60032d149d",
  "deviceRegistrationState": "registered",
  "deviceCategoryDisplayName": "",
  "isSupervised": false,
  "exchangeLastSuccessfulSyncDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
  "exchangeAccessState": "none",
  "exchangeAccessStateReason": "none",
  "remoteAssistanceSessionUrl": "",
  "remoteAssistanceSessionErrorDetails": "",
  "isEncrypted": false,
  "userPrincipalName": "",
  "model": "VMware7,1",
  "manufacturer": "VMware, Inc.",
  "imei": null,
  "complianceGracePeriodExpirationDateTime": "9999-12-31T23:59:59.9999999Z",
  "serialNumber": "VMware-42366cbe5a53838a-d95202d5e9a468c5",
  "phoneNumber": null,
  "androidSecurityPatchLevel": null,
  "userDisplayName": "example_user",
  "configurationManagerClientEnabledFeatures": null,
  "wiFiMacAddress": null,
  "deviceHealthAttestationState": null,
  "subscriberCarrier": "",
  "meid": null,
  "totalStorageSpaceInBytes": 52998176768,
  "freeStorageSpaceInBytes": 27044872192,
  "managedDeviceName": "example_Windows_5/11/2023_11:43 AM",
  "partnerReportedThreatState": "unknown",
  "requireUserEnrollmentApproval": null,
  "managementCertificateExpirationDate": "2024-05-10T00:50:50Z",
  "iccid": "",
  "udid": "",
  "notes": null,
  "ethernetMacAddress": "005056B6FD6F",
  "physicalMemoryInBytes": 0,
  "deviceActionResults": [
          "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.locateDeviceActionResult",
          "actionName": "locateDevice",
          "actionState": "pending",
          "startDateTime": "2023-05-17T12:36:50.1982608Z",
          "lastUpdatedDateTime": "2023-05-17T12:36:50Z",
          "deviceLocation": null
Case wall
Result type Value/Description Type (Entity/General)
Output message* The action should not fail nor stop a playbook execution:

if host is found(is_success = true):
Hostname provided:
print "Successfully fetched managed device information for hostname: <hosntame>"
Host ID provided:
print "Successfully fetched managed device information for host id: <host id>"

If data is not available (is_success=false)
Hostname provided:
print "The following hostname was not found in the Microsoft Intune: <hostname>"
Host ID provided:
print "The following host id was not found in the Microsoft Intune: <host id>"

If multiple intune agents are returned for the hostname:
print "Multiple managed devices were found for the provided hostname: <hostname>. Taking the managed device with the most recent lastSyncDateTime"

The action should fail and stop a playbook execution:

If fatal error, like wrong credentials, no connection to server, other:
"Error executing action "Get Managed Device". Reason: {0}''.format(error.Stacktrace)

Sync managed device


Synchronize a managed device with the Microsoft Intune service. The hostname to run the action on can be provided either as a Google Security Operations SOAR entity or as an action input parameter. If the hostname is passed to action both as an entity and input parameter, the action will be executed on the input parameter. Hostname is case insensitive. Action also can be provided with the host ID to run on.
If both host ID and hostname are provided, action will run on the host ID as a priority.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is mandatory Description
Hostname CSV N/A False Specify a comma-separated list of hostnames to run the action on. Hostname is case insensitive. If the action does not run on a hostname entity, it can run either on hostname or host ID. Note: if both Hostname and Host ID are provided, the Host ID value has a priority. Multiple values can be set as a comma-separated string.
Host ID CSV N/A False Specify a comma-separated list of host ids to run the action on. If the action does not run on a hostname entity, it can run either on Hostname or Host ID. Note: if both Hostname and Host ID are provided, the Host ID value has priority. Multiple values can be set as a comma-separated string.

Run on

Hostname, if provided.

Action results

Script result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False

If action runs successfully (host found, server response is 204), is_success should be set to True.

Case wall
Result type Value/Description Type (Entity/General)
Output message* The action should not fail nor stop a playbook execution:

If at least one host is found (is_success = true, if ALL hosts in the scope of alert were found, in other case is_success=false):
Hostname provided:
print "Successfully started sync for managed devices with hostnames in the Microsoft Intune: CSV of <hosntame>"
Host ID provided:
print "Successfully started sync for managed devices with host ids in the Microsoft Intune: CSV of <host id>"

If at least one host is not available (is_success=false)
Hostname provided:
print "The following hostnames were not found in the Microsoft Intune: CSV of <hostname>"
Host ID provided:
print "The following host ids were not found in the Microsoft Intune: CSV of <host ids>"

If multiple Intune agents are returned for the hostname (is_success = true):
print "Multiple managed devices were found for the provided hostnames in the Microsoft Intune: <hostnames>. Taking the managed device with the most recent lastSyncDateTime"

If none of the hostnames or hosts were found or 400 status code for all (is_success=false):
No tasks were created on the provided hosts in Microsoft Intune.

The action should fail and stop a playbook execution:

if fatal error, like wrong credentials, no connection to server, other:
"Error executing action "Sync Managed Device". Reason: {0}''.format(error.Stacktrace)

If entity is not provided and input is also not provided (is_success=false):
Error executing action "Sync Managed Device". Reason: Action failed to start since Hostname or Host ID was not provided either as Google Security Operations SOAR entity or action input parameter.

Locate managed device


Locate the managed device with the Microsoft Intune service. The action starts the task to check the current task status, run the Get Managed Device action, and see the deviceActionResults section for task status.
The hostname to run the action on can be provided either as a Google Security Operations SOAR entity or as an action input parameter.
If the hostname is passed to action both as an entity and an input parameter, the action will be executed on the input parameter. The hostname is case insensitive. The action also can be provided with the host ID to run on.
If both host ID and hostname are provided, action will run on the host ID as a priority.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is mandatory Description
Hostname String N/A False Specify a comma-separated list of hostnames to run the action on. Hostname is case insensitive. If the action does not run on a hostname entity, it can run either on Hostname or Host ID. Note: if both Hostname and Host ID are provided, the Host ID value has a priority. Multiple values can be set as a comma-separated string.
Host Id String N/A False Specify a comma-separated list of host ids to run the action on. If the action does not run on a hostname entity, it can run either on Hostname or Host ID. Note: if both Hostname and Host ID are provided, the Host ID value has a priority. Multiple values can be set as a comma-separated string.

Run on

Hostname, if provided.

Action results

Script result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False

If action runs successfully (host found, server response is 204), is_success should be set to True.

Case wall
Result type Value/Description Type (Entity/General)
Output message* The action should not fail nor stop a playbook execution:

If at least one host is found(is_success = true, if ALL hosts in the scope of alert were found, in other case is_success=false):
Hostname provided:
print "Successfully started locate task for managed devices with hostnames in the Microsoft Intune: CSV of <hosntame>"
Host iID provided:
print "Successfully started locate task for managed devices with host ids in the Microsoft Intune: CSV of <host id>"

If at least one host is not available (is_success=false)
Hostname provided:
print "The following hostnames were not found in the Microsoft Intune: CSV of <hostname>"
Host ID provided:
print "The following host ids were not found in the Microsoft Intune: CSV of <host ids>"

If multiple intune agents are returned for the hostname (is_success = true):
print "Multiple managed devices were found for the provided hostnames in the Microsoft Intune: <hostnames>. Taking the managed device with the most recent lastSyncDateTime"

If 400 status code:
Action wasn't able to create a task for the following hosts in the Microsoft Intune: {hostname/hostids}

If none of the hostnames or hosts were found or 400 status code for all (is_success=false:
No tasks were created on the provided hosts in Microsoft Intune.

The action should fail and stop a playbook execution:

if fatal error, like wrong credentials, no connection to server, other:
"Error executing action "Locate Managed Device". Reason: {0}''.format(error.Stacktrace)

If entity is not provided and input is also not provided (is_success=false):
Error executing action "Locate Managed Device". Reason: Action failed to start since Hostname or Host ID was not provided either as Google Security Operations SOAR entity or action input parameter.

Wipe managed device


Wipe a managed device with the Microsoft Intune service.
The hostname to run the action on can be provided either as a Google Security Operations SOAR entity or as an action input parameter. If the hostname is passed to action both as an entity and input parameter, the action will be executed on the input parameter.
Hostname is case insensitive. Action also can be provided with the host ID to run on.
If both host ID and hostname are provided, action will run on the host ID as a priority.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is mandatory Description
Hostname String N/A False Specify a comma-separated list of hostnames to run the action on. Hostname is case insensitive. If the action does not run on a hostname entity, it can run either on Hostname or Host ID. Note: if both the Hostname and Host ID are provided, the Host ID value has a priority. Multiple values can be as a comma-separated string.
Host ID String N/A False Specify a comma-separated list of hostnames to run the action on. Hostname is case insensitive. If the action does not run on a hostname entity, it can run either on Hostname or Host ID. Note: if both the Hostname and Host ID are provided, the Host ID value has a priority. Multiple values can be as a comma-separated string.
Keep Enrollment Data Checkbox Checkbox Unchecked False If enabled, keep the enrollment data on the device.
Keep User Data Checkbox Checkbox Unchecked False If enabled, keep the user data on the device.
Persist eSIM Data Plan Checkbox Checkbox Unchecked False If enabled, persist eSIM data plan for the device.
Mac OS Unlock Code String N/A False Specify Mac OS unlock code, if applicable.

Run on

Hostname, if provided.

Action results

Script result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False

If action runs successfully (host found, server response is 204), is_success should be set to True.

Case wall
Result type Value/Description Type (Entity/General)
Output message* The action should not fail nor stop a playbook execution:

If at least one host is found (is_success = true, if ALL hosts in the scope of alert were found, in other case is_success=false):
Hostname provided:
print "Successfully started wipe task for managed devices with hostnames in the Microsoft Intune: CSV of <hosntame>"
Host ID provided:
print "Successfully started wipe task for managed devices with host ids in the Microsoft Intune: CSV of <host id>"

If at least one host is not available (is_success=false)
Hostname provided:
print "The following hostnames were not found in the Microsoft Intune: CSV of <hostname>"
Host ID provided:
print "The following host ids were not found in the Microsoft Intune: CSV of <host ids>"

If multiple intune agents are returned for the hostname (is_success = true):
print "Multiple managed devices were found for the provided hostnames in the Microsoft Intune: <hostnames>. Taking the managed device with the most recent lastSyncDateTime"

If none of the hostnames or hosts were found or 400 status code for all (is_success=false):
No tasks were created on the provided hosts in Microsoft Intune.

The action should fail and stop a playbook execution:

If fatal error, like wrong credentials, no connection to server, or other:
"Error executing action "Wipe Managed Device". Reason: {0}''.format(error.Stacktrace)

If entity is not provided and input is also not provided (is_success=false):
Error executing action "Wipe Managed Device". Reason: Action failed to start since Hostname or Host ID was not provided either as Google Security Operations SOAR entity or action input parameter.

Reset managed device passcode


Reset the passcode of a managed device. The action starts the task to check the current task status, run the Get Managed Device action, and see the deviceActionResults section for a task status.
The hostname to run the action on can be provided either as a Google Security Operations SOAR entity or as an action input parameter. If the hostname is passed to action both as an entity and input parameter, the action will be executed on the input parameter.
Hostname is case insensitive. Action also can be provided with the host ID to run on.
If both host ID and hostname are provided, action will run on the host ID as a priority.


Parameter Name Type Default Value Is mandatory Description
Hostname String N/A False Specify a comma-separated list of hostnames to run the action on. Hostname is case insensitive. If the action does not run on a hostname entity, it can run either on Hostname or Host ID. Note: if both Hostname and Host ID are provided, the Host ID value has a priority. Multiple values can be as a comma-separated string.
Host ID String N/A False Specify a comma-separated list of hostnames to run the action on. If the action does not run on a hostname entity, it can run either on Hostname or Host ID. Note: if both Hostname and Host ID are provided, the Host ID value has a priority. Multiple values can be as a comma-separated string.

Run on

Hostname, if provided.

Action results

Script result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False

If action runs successfully (host found, server response is 204), is_success should be set to True.

Case wall
Result type Value/Description Type (Entity/General)
Output message* The action should not fail nor stop a playbook execution:

If at least one host is found(is_success = true, if ALL hosts in the scope of alert were found, in other case is_success=false):
Hostname provided:
print "Successfully started reset task for managed devices with hostnames in the Microsoft Intune: CSV of <hosntame>"
Host ID provided:
print "Successfully started reset task for managed devices with host ids in the Microsoft Intune: CSV of <host id>"

If at least one host is not available (is_success=false)
Hostname provided:
print "The following hostnames were not found in the Microsoft Intune: CSV of <hostname>"
Host ID provided:
print "The following host ids were not found in the Microsoft Intune: CSV of <host ids>"

If multiple intune agents are returned for the hostname (is_success = true):
print "Multiple managed devices were found for the provided hostnames in the Microsoft Intune: <hostnames>. Taking the managed device with the most recent lastSyncDateTime"

If none of the hostnames or hosts were found or 400 status code for all (is_success=false):
No tasks were created on the provided hosts in Microsoft Intune.

The action should fail and stop a playbook execution:

If fatal error, like wrong credentials, no connection to server, other:
"Error executing action "Reset Managed Device Passcode". Reason: {0}''.format(error.Stacktrace)

Error executing action "Reset Managed Device". Reason: Action failed to start since Hostname or Host ID was not provided either as Google Security Operations SOAR entity or action input parameter.

Remote lock managed device


Remote lock the managed device.
The action starts the task to check the current task status, run "Get Managed Device" action and see deviceActionResults section for task status. The hostname to run the action on can be provided either as a Google Security Operations SOAR entity or as an action input parameter. If the hostname is passed to action both as an entity and input parameter, the action will be executed on the input parameter.
Hostname is case insensitive. Action also can be provided with the host ID to run on. If both host ID and hostname are provided, action will run on the host ID as a priority.
Action can run on either entity or action input parameter.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is mandatory Description
Hostname String N/A False Specify a comma-separated list of hostnames to run the action on. Hostname is case insensitive. If the action does not run on a hostname entity, it can run either on Hostname or Host ID. Note: if both Hostname and Host ID are provided, the Host ID value has a priority. Multiple values can be as a comma-separated string.
Host Id String N/A False Specify a comma-separated list of host ids to run the action on. If the action does not run on a hostname entity, it can run either on Hostname or Host ID. Note: if both Hostname and Host ID are provided, the Host ID value has a priority. Multiple values can be as a comma-separated string.

Run on

Hostname, if provided.

Action results

Script result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False

If action runs successfully (host found, server response is 204), is_success should be set to True.

Case wall
Result type Value/Description Type (Entity/GGeneral)
Output message* The action should not fail nor stop a playbook execution:
If at least one host is found(is_success = true, if ALL hosts in the scope of alert were found, in other case is_success=false):
Hostname provided:
print "Successfully started remote lock task for managed devices with hostnames in the Microsoft Intune: CSV of <hostname>"
Host ID provided:
print "Successfully started remote lock task for managed devices with host ids in the Microsoft Intune: CSV of <host id>"

If at least one host is not available (is_success=false):
Hostname provided:
print "The following hostnames were not found in the Microsoft Intune: CSV of <hostname>"
Host ID provided:
print "The following host ids were not found in the Microsoft Intune: CSV of <host ids>"​
If multiple intune agents are returned for the hostname (is_success = true):
print "Multiple managed devices were found for the provided hostnames in the Microsoft Intune: <hostnames>. Taking the managed device with the most recent lastSyncDateTime"

If none of the hostnames or hosts were found or 400 status code for all (is_success=false):
No tasks were created on the provided hosts in Microsoft Intune.

The action should fail and stop a playbook execution:
If fatal error, like wrong credentials, no connection to server, other:
"Error executing action "Reset Lock Managed Device". Reason: {0}''.format(error.Stacktrace)

​Error executing action "Reset Lock Managed Device". Reason: Action failed to start since Hostname or Host ID was not provided either as Google Security Operations SOAR entity or action input parameter.