Microsoft Teams

Integration version: 23.0

Configure Microsoft Teams integration to work with Google Security Operations SOAR

  1. Make sure that the account used for the integration configuration has the Microsoft Teams license enabled. To do this, go to the Microsoft Admin Center and check what license is applied to the needed user.

    Microsoft Admin Center - licenses applied to the Microsoft Teams

  2. After you confirmed that the needed user has a license, you can start creating the app for Microsoft Teams. First you need to go to Azure Active Directory > App registrations.

    Microsoft Admin Center - App registartion

  3. Click New Registration and provide:

    • a name for the Teams app
    • a Redirect URI: "https://localhost"

    Make sure to save somewhere the Redirect URI, as it will be needed later in the process.

  4. Go to the Overview page and copy:

    • Application (client) ID: it corresponds to the "Client ID" parameter in the integration configuration
    • Directory (tenant) ID: it corresponds to the "Tenant" parameter in the integration configuration

    Microsoft Admin Center - Microsoft Teams overview

  5. Add the necessary permissions. All of the applied permissions are "Delegated" and should look like this:

    Add necessary app

    Make sure to grant admin consent for the permissions.

  6. Go to the Certificates & secrets tab and add a new client secret. When the client secret is generated, you need to copy the data from the Value column. This value is needed for the "Client Secret" parameter of the integration configuration.

  7. Go to the Google SecOps SOAR configuration page and enter the following parameters:

    • Client ID
    • Client Secret
    • Redirect URI
    • Tenant

    Enter a placeholder string for the "Refresh Token" parameter and save the configuration.

    Initial Microsoft Teams integration

  8. Go to the Cases tab and open any case. If you don't have a case, you can simulate one.


  9. Select an alert in the case and click Manual Action.

    Alert details pane - Manual Action

  10. Go to the Microsoft Teams integration and run the "Get Authorization" action. This action generates a link that is used to authenticate to the app.

    Get Authorization

  11. To get the results, go to the Case Wall tab and click View Results.

    View results

    You should see a similar output:

    View results

  12. Click on the link that is provided by the action. Make sure that you are logged in with a user that is used for this integration. After you opened the link in a browser, you would see that it redirected you to a different page. This page should look like this: https://localhost/?code=0.ATwAylKP1BpbCEeO0…&session_state=a149d18b-4131-4649-8956-2f0d09a98743# Copy everything till "&session_state", for example: https://localhost/?code=0.ATwAylKP1BpbCEeO0…

  13. Run the "Generate Token" action.

    Generate token

  14. Go to the Case Wall tab to see the results. In the output message, you will find a token. Copy this token and paste it into the "Refresh Token" parameter.

    Get Authorization action - Refresh Token

  15. If everything was done correctly, you will see a green check mark.

    Completed Microsoft Teams integration

Configure Microsoft Teams integration in Google Security Operations SOAR

For detailed instructions on how to configure an integration in Google Security Operations SOAR, see Configure integrations.

Integration parameters

Use the following parameters to configure the integration:

Parameter Name Type Default Is Mandatory Description
Instance Name String N/A No Name of the Instance you intend to configure integration for.
Description String N/A No Description of the Instance.
Client ID String N/A Yes N/A
Secret ID Password N/A Yes N/A
Tenant String N/A Yes N/A
Refresh Token Password N/A Yes N/A
Redirect URL String http://localhost No Specify redirect URL that will be used to authenticate integration. Default value is http://localhost. This parameter affects actions "Get Authorization" and "Generate Token".


Wait For Reply


Action waits for the expected reply in a specified message.

This action runs asynchronously. Adjust the script timeout value in the Google Security Operations SOAR IDE for action as needed.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Team Name String N/A Yes Specify the name of the team.
Channel Name String N/A Yes Specify the name of the channel.
Message ID String N/A Yes Specify the ID of the message that is expected to have a reply.
Expected Reply String N/A Yes

Specify the text of the expected reply.

If this value is not provided, the action stops execution on any reply.

Wait Method DDL

Check First Reply

Possible values:

  • Check First Reply
  • Wait Till Timeout

Specify the wait method for the action.

If Check First Reply is selected, the action either returns the first reply or compares it with an expected value.

If Wait Till Timeout is selected, the action either waits for the expected value until timeout is reached or returns all of the messages sent during the timeout period.

Run On

This action runs on all entities.

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False

Generate Token


Get an access token using the authorization URL received in the previous step.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Authorization URL String N/A Yes Use the authorization URL received in the previous step to request an access token.

Run On

This action runs on all entities.

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_connected True/False is_connected:False

Get Authorization


Run the action and browse to the received URL.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Redirect URL String N/A Yes Use the authorization URL received in the previous step to request an access token.

Run On

This action runs on all entities.

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_connected True/False is_connected:false

Get Team ID


Retrieve the properties of a specific team.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Team Name String N/A Yes Name of the team.

Run On

This action runs on all entities.

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False

Get User Details


Retrieve the properties and relationships of a specific user.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Username String N/A Yes Microsoft Team's Username

Run On

This action runs on all entities.

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON Result
    "isResourceAccount": null,
    "mailNickname": "",
    "surname": null,
    "deletedDateTime": null,
    "assignedLicenses": [{
        "skuId": "16ddbbfc-09ea-4de2-b1d7-312db6112d70",
        "disabledPlans": []
    "userPrincipalName": "",
    "faxNumber": null,
    "consentProvidedForMinor": null,
    "userType": "Member",
    "officeLocation": null,
    "usageLocation": "IL",
    "city": null,
    "employeeId": null,
    "onPremisesImmutableId": null,
    "preferredLanguage": null,
    "streetAddress": null,
    "@odata.context": "$metadata#users/$entity",
    "id": "5e457a85-a705-4b65-8a9f-3a3d2ad7715c",
    "state": null,
    "businessPhones": [],
    "postalCode": null,
    "mail": "",
    "onPremisesSamAccountName": null,
    "onPremisesLastSyncDateTime": null,
    "accountEnabled": true,
    "mobilePhone": null,
    "refreshTokensValidFromDateTime": "2018-11-12T13:28:53Z",
    "companyName": null,
    "deviceKeys": [],
    "jobTitle": null,
    "preferredDataLocation": null,
    "showInAddressList": false,
    "department": null,
    "proxyAddresses": ["SMTP:mail"],
    "externalUserStateChangeDateTime": "2018-11-12T13:29:41Z",
    "onPremisesProvisioningErrors": [],
    "legalAgeGroupClassification": null,
    "onPremisesSyncEnabled": null,
    "onPremisesExtensionAttributes": {
        "extensionAttribute4": null,
        "extensionAttribute5": null,
        "extensionAttribute6": null,
        "extensionAttribute7": null,
        "extensionAttribute12": null,
        "extensionAttribute1": null,
        "extensionAttribute2": null,
        "extensionAttribute3": null,
        "extensionAttribute10": null,
        "extensionAttribute11": null,
        "extensionAttribute8": null,
        "extensionAttribute9": null,
        "extensionAttribute14": null,
        "extensionAttribute15": null,
        "extensionAttribute13": null
    "assignedPlans": [{
        "capabilityStatus": "Enabled",
        "service": "MicrosoftCommunicationsOnline",
        "assignedDateTime": "2018-11-12T13:28:57Z"
    }, {
        "capabilityStatus": "Enabled",
        "servicePlanId": "902b47e5-dcb2-4fdc-858b-c63a90a2bdb9",
        "service": "SharePoint",
        "assignedDateTime": "2018-11-12T13:28:57Z"
    }, {
        "capabilityStatus": "Enabled",
        "servicePlanId": "4fa4026d-ce74-4962-a151-8e96d57ea8e4",
        "service": "TeamspaceAPI",
        "assignedDateTime": "2018-11-12T13:28:57Z"
    "passwordProfile": null,
    "passwordPolicies": null,
    "externalUserState": "Accepted",
    "otherMails": ["mail"],
    "displayName": "name",
    "imAddresses": [],
    "provisionedPlans": [{
        "capabilityStatus": "Enabled",
        "provisioningStatus": "Success",
        "service": "SharePoint"
    "createdDateTime": "2018-11-12T13:28:53Z",
    "country": null,
    "onPremisesDistinguishedName": null,
    "onPremisesSecurityIdentifier": null,
    "onPremisesDomainName": null,
    "onPremisesUserPrincipalName": null,
    "givenName": null,
    "ageGroup": null

List Channels


Get the details of all the channels that exist in a specific team.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Team Name String N/A Yes Name of the team.

Run On

This action runs on all entities.

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
all_channels_details N/A N/A

List Teams


Retrieve the details of all teams.


This action has no input parameters.

Run On

This action runs on all entities.

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
teams N/A N/A
JSON Result
        "mailNickname": "Test",
        "classification": null,
        "deletedDateTime": null,
        "renewedDateTime": "2018-11-12T15:03:50Z",
        "onPremisesProvisioningErrors": [],
        "membershipRuleProcessingState": null,
        "preferredLanguage": null,
        "expirationDateTime": null,
        "id": "43b559d5-f63d-47dd-9e6c-b3470b6446ee",
        "theme": null,
        "preferredDataLocation": null,
        "mail": "",
        "membershipRule": null,
        "onPremisesLastSyncDateTime": null,
        "description": "Test",
        "securityEnabled": false,
        "proxyAddresses": ["SPO:SPO_eaf75319-582a-46cf-8812-9e787d757c4e@SPO_a4a936ec-735f-488a-bfc0-7665f87aab47", ""],
        "visibility": "Public",
        "resourceProvisioningOptions": ["Team"],
        "displayName": "Test",
        "groupTypes": ["Unified"],
        "onPremisesSyncEnabled": null,
        "createdDateTime": "2018-11-12T15:03:50Z",
        "resourceBehaviorOptions": ["HideGroupInOutlook", "SubscribeMembersToCalendarEventsDisabled", "WelcomeEmailDisabled"],
        "onPremisesSecurityIdentifier": null,
        "mailEnabled": true
    }, {
        "mailNickname": "user",
        "classification": null,
        "deletedDateTime": null,
        "renewedDateTime": "2018-11-28T13:46:50Z",
        "onPremisesProvisioningErrors": [],
        "membershipRuleProcessingState": null,
        "preferredLanguage": null,
        "expirationDateTime": null,
        "id": "67149c85-7139-4062-bfae-059d18ee7e5d",
        "theme": null,
        "preferredDataLocation": null,
        "mail": "",
        "membershipRule": null,
        "onPremisesLastSyncDateTime": null,
        "description": "user",
        "securityEnabled": false, "proxyAddresses": ["SPO:SPO_781470a6-2db5-454d-a8e3-71752b3b829e@SPO_a4a936ec-735f-488a-bfc0-7665f87aab47", ""],
        "visibility": "Public",
        "resourceProvisioningOptions": ["Team"],
        "displayName": "user",
        "groupTypes": ["Unified"],
        "onPremisesSyncEnabled": null,
        "createdDateTime": "2018-11-28T13:46:50Z",
        "resourceBehaviorOptions": ["HideGroupInOutlook", "SubscribeMembersToCalendarEventsDisabled", "WelcomeEmailDisabled"],
        "onPremisesSecurityIdentifier": null,
        "mailEnabled": true

List Users


Get details of all the users.


This action has no input parameters.

Run On

This action runs on all entities.

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
users N/A N/A
JSON Result
    "mailNickname": "Test",
    "classification": null,
    "deletedDateTime": null,
    "renewedDateTime": "2018-11-12T15:03:50Z",
    "onPremisesProvisioningErrors": [],
    "membershipRuleProcessingState": null,
    "preferredLanguage": null,
    "expirationDateTime": null,
    "id": "43b559d5-f63d-47dd-9e6c-b3470b6446ee",
    "theme": null,
    "preferredDataLocation": null,
    "mail": "",
    "membershipRule": null,
    "onPremisesLastSyncDateTime": null,
    "description": "Test",
    "securityEnabled": false,
    "proxyAddresses": ["SPO:SPO_eaf75319-582a-46cf-8812-9e787d757c4e@SPO_a4a936ec-735f-488a-bfc0-7665f87aab47", ""],
    "visibility": "Public",
    "resourceProvisioningOptions": ["Team"],
    "displayName": "Test",
    "groupTypes": ["Unified"],
    "onPremisesSyncEnabled": null,
    "createdDateTime": "2018-11-12T15:03:50Z",
    "resourceBehaviorOptions": ["HideGroupInOutlook", "SubscribeMembersToCalendarEventsDisabled", "WelcomeEmailDisabled"],
    "onPremisesSecurityIdentifier": null,
    "mailEnabled": true
}, {
    "mailNickname": "user",
    "classification": null,
    "deletedDateTime": null,
    "renewedDateTime": "2018-11-28T13:46:50Z",
    "onPremisesProvisioningErrors": [],
    "membershipRuleProcessingState": null,
    "preferredLanguage": null,
    "expirationDateTime": null,
    "id": "67149c85-7139-4062-bfae-059d18ee7e5d",
    "theme": null,
    "preferredDataLocation": null,
    "mail": "",
    "membershipRule": null,
    "onPremisesLastSyncDateTime": null,
    "description": "user",
    "securityEnabled": false,
    "proxyAddresses": ["SPO:SPO_781470a6-2db5-454d-a8e3-71752b3b829e@SPO_a4a936ec-735f-488a-bfc0-7665f87aab47", ""],
    "visibility": "Public",
    "resourceProvisioningOptions": ["Team"],
    "displayName": "user",
    "groupTypes": ["Unified"],
    "onPremisesSyncEnabled": null,
    "createdDateTime": "2018-11-28T13:46:50Z",
    "resourceBehaviorOptions": ["HideGroupInOutlook", "SubscribeMembersToCalendarEventsDisabled", "WelcomeEmailDisabled"],
    "onPremisesSecurityIdentifier": null,
    "mailEnabled": true



Test connectivity.


This action has no input parameters.

Run On

This action runs on all entities.

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_connected True/False is_connected:False

Send Message


Send a message to a specific channel.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Team Name String N/A Yes Team name.
Channel Name String N/A Yes Channel name.
Message String N/A Yes Message.

Run On

This action runs on all entities.

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON Result
            "displayName":"u05D2'u05D9u05D9u05DEu05E1 u05D1u05D5u05E0u05D3",
        "content":"Hello there"

Send User Message


Send a chat message to the user in Microsoft Teams.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
User Identifiers CSV N/A No

Specify a comma-separated list of user identifiers to whom you want to send a message.

Note: The action combines valid entities and values provided in this parameter and sends the message to all of them.

Text String N/A Yes Specify the content of the message.
Wait For Reply Checkbox Checked Yes If enabled, the action waits until replies from all entities are available.
Content Type DDL Checked Yes Specify the content type for the message.
User Selection DDL


Possible values:

  • Text
  • HTML

From Entities & User Identifiers

Possible values:

  • From Entities & User Identifiers
  • From Entities
  • From User Identifiers

Specify the type of selection that should be used for users.

If "From Entities & User Identifiers" is selected, the action searches in both relevant entities and values provided in the "User Identifiers" parameters.

If "From Entities" is provided, the action only works with relevant entities and ignore values provided in the "User Identifiers" parameter.

If "From User Identifiers" is selected, the action only works with values from the "User Identifiers" and "User Identifiers" parameter becomes mandatory.

Run On

This action runs on the following entities:

  • Username
  • Email Address

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON Result
    "id": "1632820681737",
    "replyToId": null,
    "etag": "1632820681737",
    "messageType": "message",
    "createdDateTime": "2021-09-28T09:18:01.737Z",
    "lastModifiedDateTime": "2021-09-28T09:18:01.737Z",
    "lastEditedDateTime": null,
    "deletedDateTime": null,
    "subject": null,
    "summary": null,
    "chatId": "19:5af81bea-9c9f-4f9f-8745-9df1fdba8e12_b786d3cf-e97d-4511-b61c-0559e9f4da75@unq.gbl.spaces",
    "importance": "normal",
    "locale": "en-us",
    "webUrl": null,
    "channelIdentity": null,
    "policyViolation": null,
    "from": {
        "application": null,
        "device": null,
        "user": {
            "id": "b786d3cf-e97d-4511-b61c-0559e9f4da75",
            "displayName": "ג'יימס בונד",
            "userIdentityType": "aadUser"
    "body": {
        "contentType": "text",
        "content": "qqq"
    "attachments": [],
    "mentions": [],
    "reactions": []
Case Wall
Result type Value/Description Type
Output message*

The action should not fail nor stop a playbook execution:

If the 201 status code is reported (is_success = true): "Successfully sent a message to the following users in Microsoft Teams: {entity.identifier}."

If one chat is not found with an entity (is_success = true): "Action wasn't able to send a message to the following users in Microsoft Teams: {entity.identifier}."

If all chats are not found with an entity (is_success = false): "No messages were sent to the provided users in Microsoft Teams."

Async Message:

"Waiting for a reply from the following users: {entity.identifier}."

The action should fail and stop a playbook execution:

If critical error is reported: "Error executing action "Send User Message". Reason: {0}''.format(error.Stacktrace)

If timeout: "Error executing action "Send User Message". Reason: messages were sent, but action ran into a timeout while waiting for a reply from the following users: {entity.identifier}." Please increase the timeout in the IDE and try again. Note: If you retry the action will send another message.


Create Channel


Create a channel in Microsoft Teams.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Team Name String N/A Yes Specify the name of the team in which you need to create the channel.
Channel Name String N/A Yes Specify a unique name of the channel.
Channel Type DDL


Possible Values:

  • Standard
  • Private
Yes Specify the type of the channel that needs to be created. Standard channel is accessible to all members of the team, while private channel requires users to be added to it.
Description String N/A No Specify a description for the channel.

Run On

This action doesn't run on entities.

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON Result
    "@odata.context": "$metadata#teams('c084d2c7-a7e6-47a5-921b-0c32c3ab41d1')/channels/$entity",
    "id": "19:92ce922c1790450fae81f6713dbffbe3@thread.tacv2",
    "createdDateTime": "2021-11-18T11:37:39.8186647Z",
    "displayName": "Architecturea Discussion",
    "description": null,
    "isFavoriteByDefault": false,
    "email": "",
    "webUrl": "",
    "membershipType": "standard"
Case Wall
Result type Value/Description Type
Output message*

The action should not fail nor stop a playbook execution:

If the 201 status code is reported (is_success = true): "Successfully create channel "{channel name}" in team "{team name}" in Microsoft Teams."

The action should fail and stop a playbook execution:

If critical error is reported: "Error executing action "Create Channel". Reason: {0}''.format(error.Stacktrace)

If the team is not found: "Error executing action "Create Channel". Reason: team with name {team, name} was not found in Microsoft Teams.

If the 400 status code is reported: "Error executing action "Create Channel". Reason: {innerError/message}.


Delete Channel


Delete a channel in Microsoft Teams.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Team Name String N/A Yes Specify the name of the team in which you need to delete the channel.
Channel Name String N/A Yes Specify a name of the channel that needs to be deleted.

Run On

This action doesn't run on entities.

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
Case Wall
Result type Value/Description Type
Output message*

The action should not fail nor stop a playbook execution:

If the 204 status code is reported (is_success = true): "Successfully deleted channel "{channel name}" in team "{team name}" in Microsoft Teams."

If the channel is not found (is_success = true): "Channel "{channel name}" already didn't exist in team "{team name}" in Microsoft Teams."

The action should fail and stop a playbook execution:

If critical error is reported: "Error executing action "Delete Channel". Reason: {0}''.format(error.Stacktrace)

If the team is not found: "Error executing action "Delete Channel". Reason: team with name {team, name} was not found in Microsoft Teams.


Add Users To Channel


Add users to the private channel in Microsoft Teams.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Team Name String N/A Yes Specify the name of the team in which you want to search for the channel.
Channel Name String N/A Yes Specify the name of the channel to which you want to add users.

Run On

This action runs on the following entities:

  • Username
  • Email Address

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
Case Wall
Result type Value/Description Type
Output message*

The action should not fail nor stop a playbook execution:

If the 201 status code for one entity is reported (is_success = true): "Successfully added the following users to the channel "{Channel Name}" from team "{team name}" in Microsoft Teams: {entity.identifier}"

If the user is not found for one entity (is_success = true): "Action wasn't able to find the following users in Microsoft Teams: {entity.identifier}"

If the 400 status code for one entity is reported (is_success = true): "Action wasn't able to add the following users to the channel "{Channel Name}" from team "{team name}" in Microsoft Teams: {entity.identifier}. Make sure that users are a part of the team "{team name}".

If the user is not found for all (is_success = false): "None of the provided users were found in Microsoft Teams."

If the 400 status code for all is reported (is_success = false): "Action wasn't able to add provided users to the channel "{Channel Name}" from team "{team name}" in Microsoft Teams. Make sure that users are a part of the team "{team name}".

The action should fail and stop a playbook execution:

If critical error is reported: "Error executing action "Add Users To Channel". Reason: {0}''.format(error.Stacktrace)

If the team is not found: "Error executing action "Add Users To Channel". Reason: team with name {team, name} was not found in Microsoft Teams.

If the channel is not found: "Error executing action "Add Users To Channel". Reason: channel with name {channel name} was not found in Microsoft Teams.

If "membershipType" != "private" for the channel: "Error executing action "Add Users To Channel". Reason: channel with name {channel name} is not private.


Remove Users From Channel


Remove users from the private channel in Microsoft Teams.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Team Name String N/A Yes Specify the name of the team in which you want to search for the channel.
Channel Name String N/A Yes Specify a name of the channel in which you want to remove users.

Run On

This action runs on the following entities:

  • Username
  • Email Address (username that matches email regex)

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
Case Wall
Result type Value/Description Type
Output message*

The action should not fail nor stop a playbook execution:

If the 201 status code for one entity is reported (is_success = true): "Successfully removed the following users from the channel "{Channel Name}" from team "{team name}" in Microsoft Teams: {entity.identifier}"

If the user is not a part of the channel (is_success = true): "The following users were already not a part of the channel "{Channel Name}" from team "{team name}" in Microsoft Teams: {entity.identifier}"

If all users are not a part of the channel (is_success = true): "None of the provided users were a part of the channel "{Channel Name}" from team "{team name}" in Microsoft Teams."

The action should fail and stop a playbook execution:

If critical error is reported: "Error executing action "Remove Users From Channel". Reason: {0}''.format(error.Stacktrace)

If the team is not found: "Error executing action "Remove Users To Channel". Reason: team with name {team, name} was not found in Microsoft Teams.

If the channel is not found: "Error executing action "Remove Users From Channel". Reason: channel with name {channel name} was not found in Microsoft Teams.

If "membershipType" != "private" for the channel: "Error executing action "Remove Users From Channel". Reason: channel with name {channel name} is not private.


Create Chat


Create a user chat in Microsoft Teams.


This action has no input parameters.

Run On

This action runs on the following entities:

  • Username
  • Email Address (username that matches email regex)

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON Result
    "@odata.context": "$metadata#chats/$entity",
    "id": "19:b786d3cf-e97d-4511-b61c-0559e9f4da75_cb786032-1ba9-439a-b714-99286e185921@unq.gbl.spaces",
    "topic": null,
    "createdDateTime": "2021-10-13T11:24:15.696Z",
    "lastUpdatedDateTime": "2021-10-13T11:24:15.696Z",
    "chatType": "oneOnOne"
Case Wall
Result type Value/Description Type
Output message*

The action should not fail nor stop a playbook execution:

If the 201 status code is reported (is_success = true): "Successfully created chat with the following users in Microsoft Teams: {entities}"

If the user is not found (is_success = true): "The following users were not found in Microsoft Teams: {entities}"

If all users are not found (is_success = false): "None of the provided users were found in Microsoft Teams: {entities}"

If the 400 status code for one entity is reported (is_success = true): "Action wasn't able to create a chat with the following users in Microsoft Teams: {entities}"

If the 400 status code for all entities is reported (is_success = false): "Action wasn't able to create a chat with the provided users in Microsoft Teams."

The action should fail and stop a playbook execution:

If a critical error is reported: "Error executing action "Create Chat". Reason: {0}''.format(error.Stacktrace)


List Chats


List available chats in Microsoft Teams.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Chat Type DDL


Possible Values:

  • All
  • Group Chat
  • Meeting Chat
  • One on One Chat
No Specify what type of chat should be returned.
Filter Key DDL

Select One

Possible Values:

  • Topic
  • Member Display Name
  • Member Email
No Specify the key that needs to be used to filter chats.
Filter Logic DDL

Not Specified

Possible Values:

  • Not Specified
  • Equal
  • Contains
No Specify what filter logic should be applied. Filtering logic is working based on the value provided in the "Filter Key" parameter.
Filter Value String N/A No Specify what value should be used in the filter. If "Equal" is selected, action will try to find the exact match among results. If "Contains" is selected, action will try to find results that contain that substring. If nothing is provided in this parameter, the filter will not be applied. Filtering logic is working based on the value provided in the "Filter Key" parameter.
Max Records To Return Integer 50 No Specify the number of records to return. If nothing is provided, action will return 50 records.

Run On

This action doesn't run on entities.

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON Result
    "id": "19:5af81bea-9c9f-4f9f-8745-9df1fdba8e12_b786d3cf-e97d-4511-b61c-0559e9f4da75@unq.gbl.spaces",
    "topic": null,
    "createdDateTime": "2021-04-12T08:36:52.572Z",
    "lastUpdatedDateTime": "2021-09-28T09:31:58.045Z",
    "chatType": "oneOnOne",
    "members@odata.context": "$metadata#chats('19%3A5af81bea-9c9f-4f9f-8745-9df1fdba8e12_b786d3cf-e97d-4511-b61c-0559e9f4da75%40unq.gbl.spaces')/members",
    "members": [
            "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.aadUserConversationMember",
            "roles": [
            "displayName": "yuriy",
            "visibleHistoryStartDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "userId": "5af81bea-9c9f-4f9f-8745-9df1fdba8e12",
            "email": null,
            "tenantId": "d48f52ca-5b1a-4708-8ed0-ebb98a26a46a"
            "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.aadUserConversationMember",
            "roles": [
            "displayName": "ג'יימס בונד",
            "visibleHistoryStartDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "userId": "b786d3cf-e97d-4511-b61c-0559e9f4da75",
            "email": "",
            "tenantId": "d48f52ca-5b1a-4708-8ed0-ebb98a26a46a"
Case Wall
Result type Value/Description Type
Output message*

The action should not fail nor stop a playbook execution:

If data is available (is_success = true): "Successfully found chats for the provided criteria in Microsoft Teams".

If data is not available (is_success=false): "No chats were found for the provided criteria in Microsoft Teams."

If the "Filter Value" parameter field is empty (is_success=true):

"The filter was not applied, because parameter "Filter Value" has an empty value."

The action should fail and stop a playbook execution:

If the "Filter Key" parameter is set to "Select One" and the "Filter Logic" parameter is set to "Equal" or "Contains":

"Error executing action "{action name}". Reason: you need to select a field from the "Filter Key" parameter."

If invalid value is provided for the "Max Records to Return" parameter:

"Error executing action "{action name}". Reason: "Invalid value was provided for "Max Records to Return": . Positive number should be provided"."

If fatal error, like wrong credentials, no connection to server, other:

"Error executing action "{action name}". Reason: {0}''.format(error.Stacktrace)

Case Wall Table

Table Name: Available Chats

Table Columns:

  • ID - id
  • Type - chatType
  • Members - csv of members/display
  • Names Topic - topic

Send Chat Message


Send a chat message in Microsoft Teams.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Chat ID DDL N/A Yes Specify the ID of the chat to which you want to send a message.
Text String N/A Yes Specify the content of the message.
Wait For Reply Checkbox Checked Yes If enabled, the action waits until reply.

Run On

This action doesn't run on entities.

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON Result
    "id": "1632820681737",
    "replyToId": null,
    "etag": "1632820681737",
    "messageType": "message",
    "createdDateTime": "2021-09-28T09:18:01.737Z",
    "lastModifiedDateTime": "2021-09-28T09:18:01.737Z",
    "lastEditedDateTime": null,
    "deletedDateTime": null,
    "subject": null,
    "summary": null,
    "chatId": "19:5af81bea-9c9f-4f9f-8745-9df1fdba8e12_b786d3cf-e97d-4511-b61c-0559e9f4da75@unq.gbl.spaces",
    "importance": "normal",
    "locale": "en-us",
    "webUrl": null,
    "channelIdentity": null,
    "policyViolation": null,
    "from": {
        "application": null,
        "device": null,
        "user": {
            "id": "b786d3cf-e97d-4511-b61c-0559e9f4da75",
            "displayName": "ג'יימס בונד",
            "userIdentityType": "aadUser"
    "body": {
        "contentType": "text",
        "content": "qqq"
    "attachments": [],
    "mentions": [],
    "reactions": []
Case Wall
Result type Value/Description Type
Output message*

The action should not fail nor stop a playbook execution:

If the 201 status code is reported (is_success = true): "Successfully sent a message in chat with ID {Chat ID} Microsoft Teams."

If reply is available (is_success = true): "Successfully sent a message and received a reply in chat with ID {Chat ID} Microsoft Teams."

Async Message: Waiting for a reply...

The action should fail and stop a playbook execution:

If critical error is reported: "Error executing action "Send Chat Message". Reason: {0}''.format(error.Stacktrace)

If the 404 status code is reported: "Error executing action "Send Chat Message". Reason: chat with ID was not found in Microsoft Teams.

If timeout: "Error executing action "Send Chat Message"." Reason: message was sent, but action ran into a timeout while waiting for a reply. Please increase the timeout in the IDE and try again. Note: If you retry, the action will send another message.


Send Message Reply


Send a reply to the channel message in Microsoft Teams.


Parameter Type Default value Is mandatory Description
Team Name String N/A Yes Specify the team to which you want to send the reply.
Channel Name String N/A Yes Specify the channel to which you want to send the reply.
Message ID String N/A Yes Specify the ID of the message to which you want to send the reply.
Content Type DDL Text No

Specify the content type for the message.

Possible values:

  • Text
  • HTML

Text String N/A Yes Specify the content of the message.

Run On

This action doesn't run on entities.

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON Result
"@odata.context": "$metadata#teams('192c0699-fad2-4d02-88a2-84efd6369894')/channels('19%3A4649fcf41fa5417f9aa78a5840bea442%40thread.tacv2')/messages('1686652339690')/replies/$entity",
"id": "1686653341151",
"replyToId": "1686652339690",
"etag": "1686653341151",
"messageType": "message",
"createdDateTime": "2023-06-13T10:49:01.151Z",
"lastModifiedDateTime": "2023-06-13T10:49:01.151Z",
"lastEditedDateTime": null,
"deletedDateTime": null,
"subject": null,
"summary": null,
"chatId": null,
"importance": "normal",
"locale": "en-us",
"webUrl": "",
"policyViolation": null,
"eventDetail": null,
"from": {
"application": null,
"device": null,
"user": {
"@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.teamworkUserIdentity",
"id": "b786d3cf-e97d-4511-b61c-0559e9f4da75",
"displayName": "ג'יימס בונד",
"userIdentityType": "aadUser"
"body": {
"contentType": "text",
"content": "Reply"
"channelIdentity": {
"teamId": "192c0699-fad2-4d02-88a2-84efd6369894",
"channelId": "19:4649fcf41fa5417f9aa78a5840bea442@thread.tacv2"
"attachments": [],
"mentions": [],
"reactions": []
Case Wall
Result type Value/Description Type
Output message* The action should not fail nor stop a playbook execution:

If 201 for one (is_success = true):
print "Successfully sent a reply to the message in Microsoft Teams."

The action should fail and stop a playbook execution:
If critical error:
print "Error executing action "Send Message Reply". Reason: {0}''.format(error.Stacktrace)
If team not found:
print "Error executing action "Send Message Reply". Reason: team with name {team name} was not found in Microsoft Teams. Please check the spelling.
If channel not found:
print "Error executing action "Send Message Reply". Reason: channel with name {channel name} was not found in Microsoft Teams. Please check the spelling.
If "error" in response:
print "Error executing action "Send Message Reply". Reason: {error.message}.


To configure jobs in Google Security Operations, go to Response > Job Scheduler.

Refresh Token Renewal Job

The goal of the Refresh Token Renewal Job is to periodically update the refresh token used in the integration.

By default, the refresh token expires every 90 days, thus making integration unusable upon expiration. It is recommended to run this job every 7 or 14 days to make sure that the refresh token is up to date.

Job inputs

To configure the job, use the following parameters:

Integration Environments Optional

Integration environments which the job updates the refresh tokens for.

This parameter accepts multiple values as a comma-separated string. Enclose individual values in quotation marks (" ").