Active Directory

Integration version: 35.0

Configure Active Directory integration

Configure Active Directory integration with a CA certificate

You can verify your connection with a CA certificate file if needed.

Before you start, ensure you have the following:

  • The CA certificate file
  • The latest Active Directory integration version

To configure the integration with a CA certificate, complete the following steps:

  1. Add the IP address of the Active Directory machine to the /etc/hosts file, with the hostname, in order for the Google Security Operations SOAR instance to successfully map between the hostname and IP address.

    Use the sudo vi /etc/hosts/ command to edit the file.

    Add the IP address of the Active Directory machine, and right after it the hostname, so that the integration configuration with the hostname can work. For example: 1172.30.202.195 ADCA01.exlab.local

  2. Encode the root CA certificate file you have to Base64, including the Begin and End strings, like this:

    <certificate string>
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----
  3. Find the hostname of your Active Directory server in order to use it in the integration configuration page, instead of IP address.

  4. Enter the obtained parameters on the integration configuration page as follows:

    • Server: hostname
    • CA Certificate File - parsed into Base64 String: encoded certificate
  5. To test the setup, click Test.

Configure Active Directory integration in Google Security Operations SOAR

For detailed instructions about how to configure an integration in Google Security Operations SOAR, see Configure integrations.

Integration parameters

Use the following parameters to configure the integration:

Parameter name Type Default value Is mandatory Description
Instance Name String N/A No Name of the Instance you intend to configure integration for.
Description String N/A No Description of the Instance.
Server String x.x.x.x Yes IP address of the Active Directory server.
Username String Yes The email address of the user which should be used to connect to Active Directory.
Domain String Yes

Domain of the user.

Example: If the email address of the user is, the domain is

Password Password N/A Yes The password of the user account.
Custom Fields String customField1, customField2 No Custom fields of the Active Directory integration.
CA Certificate File - parsed into Base64 String String N/A No When providing the CA certificate file string, pay attention to include only the public key there. The integration converts the string to a .pem file in order to use it.
Use SSL Checkbox Unchecked No Use this checkbox if your Active Directory connection requires an SSL verification.
Run Remotely Checkbox Unchecked No Check the field in order to run the configured integration remotely. After checked, the option appears to select the remote user (agent).


Add User to Group


Add user to groups.


Parameter name Type Default value Is mandatory Description
Group Name String N/A Yes Specify a comma-separated list of groups to which the action should add users.

Run on

This action runs on the User entity.

Action results

Script result
Script result name Value options Example
is_success True or False is_success:False
Case wall
Case Success Fail Message
Added to one group true false Successfully added the following users to group "{Group Name}" in Active Directory: {entity identifier}
Already a part of one group true false The following users were already a part of group "{Group Name}" in Active Directory: {entity identifier}
Not successful for one group true false Action wasn't able to add the following users to group "{Group Name}" in Active Directory: {entity identifier}.
If all users not added for one group True False No users were added to group "{Group Name}" in Active Directory.
If all users not added for all groups false false No users were added to the provided groups in Active Directory.
If at least one group doesn't exist false true Error executing action: {action name}. The following groups were not found: {group names}.

Change Host OU


Change a Host's Organizational Unit (OU).


Parameter name Type Default value Is mandatory Description
OU Name String N/A Yes The name of the new user's OU.

Run on

This action runs on the Hostname entity.

Action results

Script result
Script result name Value options Example
is_success True or False is_success:False

Change User OU


Change a user's Organizational Unit (OU).


Parameter name Type Default value Is mandatory Description
OU Name String N/A Yes The name of the new user's OU.

Run on

This action runs on the User entity.

Action results

Script result
Script result name Value options Example
is_success True or False is_success:False

Disable Account


Disable the user account.



Run on

This action runs on the User entity.

Action results

Script result
Script result name Value options Example
is_success True or False is_success:False

Disable computer


Disable a computer account.



Run on

This action runs on the Hostname entity.

Action results

Script result
Script result name Value options Example
is_success True or False is_success:False

Enable Account


Enable the user account.



Run on

This action runs on the User entity.

Action results

Script result
Script result name Value options Example
is_success True or False is_success:False

Enable Computer


Enable a computer account.



Run on

This action runs on the Hostname entity.

Action results

Script result
Script result name Value options Example
is_success True or False is_success:False

Enrich Entities


Enrich Hostname or Username entities with Active Directory properties


Parameter name Type Default value Is mandatory Description
Mark entities as internal Checkbox Unchecked Yes Specify whether successfully enriched entities should be automatically marked as Internal Entity.

Run on

This action runs on the following entities:

  • User
  • Hostname

Action results

Entity enrichment
Enrichment field name Logic - When to apply
AD_primaryGroupID Returns if it exists in JSON result
AD_logonCount Returns if it exists in JSON result
AD_cn Returns if it exists in JSON result
AD_countryCode Returns if it exists in JSON result
AD_objectClass Returns if it exists in JSON result
AD_userPrincipalName Returns if it exists in JSON result
AD_adminCount Returns if it exists in JSON result
AD_lastLogonTimestamp Returns if it exists in JSON result
AD_manager Returns if it exists in JSON result
AD_instanceType Returns if it exists in JSON result
AD_distinguishedName Returns if it exists in JSON result
AD_dSCorePropagationData Returns if it exists in JSON result
AD_msDS-SupportedEncryptionTypes Returns if it exists in JSON result
AD_objectSid Returns if it exists in JSON result
AD_whenCreated Returns if it exists in JSON result
AD_uSNCreated Returns if it exists in JSON result
AD_lockoutTime Returns if it exists in JSON result
AD_badPasswordTime Returns if it exists in JSON result
AD_pwdLastSet Returns if it exists in JSON result
AD_sAMAccountName Returns if it exists in JSON result
AD_objectCategory Returns if it exists in JSON result
AD_lastLogon Returns if it exists in JSON result
AD_objectGUID Returns if it exists in JSON result
AD_whenChanged Returns if it exists in JSON result
AD_badPwdCount Returns if it exists in JSON result
AD_accountExpires Returns if it exists in JSON result
AD_displayName Returns if it exists in JSON result
AD_name Returns if it exists in JSON result
AD_memberOf Returns if it exists in JSON result
AD_codePage Returns if it exists in JSON result
AD_userAccountControl Returns if it exists in JSON result
AD_sAMAccountType Returns if it exists in JSON result
AD_uSNChanged Returns if it exists in JSON result
AD_sn Returns if it exists in JSON result
AD_givenName Returns if it exists in JSON result
AD_lastLogoff Returns if it exists in JSON result
Script result
Script result name Value options Example
is_success True or False is_success:False
JSON result
        "EntityResult": {
            "primaryGroupID": [513],
            "logonCount": [6505],
            "cn": ["user name"],
            "countryCode": [0],
            "objectClass": ["top", "person", "organizationalPerson"],
            "userPrincipalName": [""],
            "adminCount": [1],
            "lastLogonTimestamp": ["2019-01-09 08:42:03.540783+00:00"],
            "manager": ["CN=user name,OU=R&D,OU=TLV,OU=host name,DC=domain,DC=LOCAL"],
            "instanceType": [4],
            "distinguishedName": ["CN=user name,OU=R&D,OU=TLV,OU=host,DC=domain,DC=LOCAL"],
            "dSCorePropagationData": ["2019-01-14 14:39:16+00:00"],
            "msDS-SupportedEncryptionTypes": [0],
            "objectSid": ["id"],
            "whenCreated": ["2011-11-07 08:00:44+00:00"],
            "uSNCreated": [7288202],
            "lockoutTime": ["1601-01-01 00:00:00+00:00"],
            "badPasswordTime": ["date"],
            "pwdLastSet": ["date"],
            "sAMAccountName": ["name"],
            "objectCategory": ["CN=Person,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=host,DC=LOCAL"],
            "lastLogon": ["2019-01-14 17:13:54.463070+00:00"],
            "objectGUID": ["{id}"],
            "whenChanged": ["2019-01-14 16:49:01+00:00"],
            "badPwdCount": [1],
            "accountExpires": ["9999-12-31 23:59:59.999999"],
            "displayName": ["user display name"],
            "name": ["user name"],
            "memberOf": ["CN=\\\\u05e7\\\\u05d1\\\\u05d5\\\\u05e6\\\\u05d4 \\\\u05d1\\\\u05e2\\\\u05d1\\\\u05e8\\\\u05d9\\\\u05ea,OU=TEST,OU=QA,OU=IT,OU=TLV,OU=host,DC=domain,DC=LOCAL", "CN=Organization Management,OU=Microsoft Exchange Security Groups,DC=domain,DC=LOCAL", "CN=Local Admin,OU=Groups,OU=IT,OU=TLV,OU=host,DC=domain,DC=LOCAL"],
            "codePage": [0],
            "userAccountControl": [111],
            "sAMAccountType": [805306368],
            "uSNChanged": [15301168],
            "sn": ["last name"],
            "givenName": ["name"],
            "lastLogoff": ["1601-01-01 00:00:00+00:00"
        "Entity": ""

Force Password Update


Force the user's password to update on the next logon.



Run On

This action runs on the User entity.

Action results

Script result
Script result name Value options Example
is_success True or False is_success:False

Get Manager Contact Details


Get manager's contact details from Active Directory.



Run on

This action runs on the User entity.

Action results

Entity enrichment
Enrichment field name Logic - When to apply
AD_Manager_Name Returns if it exists in JSON result
AD_Manager_phone Returns if it exists in JSON result
AD_primaryGroupID Returns if it exists in JSON result
AD_logonCount Returns if it exists in JSON result
AD_cn Returns if it exists in JSON result
AD_countryCode Returns if it exists in JSON result
AD_objectClass Returns if it exists in JSON result
AD_userPrincipalName Returns if it exists in JSON result
AD_adminCount Returns if it exists in JSON result
AD_lastLogonTimestamp Returns if it exists in JSON result
AD_manager Returns if it exists in JSON result
AD_instanceType Returns if it exists in JSON result
AD_distinguishedName Returns if it exists in JSON result
AD_dSCorePropagationData Returns if it exists in JSON result
AD_msDS-SupportedEncryptionTypes Returns if it exists in JSON result
AD_objectSid Returns if it exists in JSON result
AD_whenCreated Returns if it exists in JSON result
AD_uSNCreated Returns if it exists in JSON result
AD_lockoutTime Returns if it exists in JSON result
AD_badPasswordTime Returns if it exists in JSON result
AD_pwdLastSet Returns if it exists in JSON result
AD_sAMAccountName Returns if it exists in JSON result
AD_objectCategory Returns if it exists in JSON result
AD_lastLogon Returns if it exists in JSON result
AD_objectGUID Returns if it exists in JSON result
AD_whenChanged Returns if it exists in JSON result
AD_badPwdCount Returns if it exists in JSON result
AD_accountExpires Returns if it exists in JSON result
AD_displayName Returns if it exists in JSON result
AD_name Returns if it exists in JSON result
AD_memberOf Returns if it exists in JSON result
AD_codePage Returns if it exists in JSON result
AD_userAccountControl Returns if it exists in JSON result
AD_sAMAccountType Returns if it exists in JSON result
AD_uSNChanged Returns if it exists in JSON result
AD_sn Returns if it exists in JSON result
AD_givenName Returns if it exists in JSON result
AD_lastLogoff Returns if it exists in JSON result
Script result
Script result name Value options Example
ScriptResultName N/A N/A
JSON result
            "primaryGroupID": [513],
            "logonCount": [6505],
            "cn": ["user name"],
            "countryCode": [0],
            "objectClass": ["top", "person", "organizationalPerson"],
            "userPrincipalName": [""],
            "adminCount": [1],
            "lastLogonTimestamp": ["2019-01-09 08:42:03.540783+00:00"],
            "manager": ["CN=user name,OU=R&D,OU=TLV,OU=host name,DC=domain,DC=LOCAL"],
            "instanceType": [4],
            "distinguishedName": ["CN=user name,OU=R&D,OU=TLV,OU=host,DC=domain,DC=LOCAL"],
            "dSCorePropagationData": ["2019-01-14 14:39:16+00:00"],
            "msDS-SupportedEncryptionTypes": [0],
            "objectSid": ["id"],
            "whenCreated": ["2011-11-07 08:00:44+00:00"],
            "uSNCreated": [7288202],
            "lockoutTime": ["1601-01-01 00:00:00+00:00"],
            "badPasswordTime": ["date"],
            "pwdLastSet": ["date"],
            "sAMAccountName": ["name"],
            "objectCategory": ["CN=Person,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=host,DC=LOCAL"],
            "lastLogon": ["2019-01-14 17:13:54.463070+00:00"],
            "objectGUID": ["{id}"],
            "whenChanged": ["2019-01-14 16:49:01+00:00"],
            "badPwdCount": [1],
            "accountExpires": ["9999-12-31 23:59:59.999999"],
            "displayName": ["user display name"],
            "name": ["user name"],
            "memberOf": ["CN= u05e7 u05d1 u05d5 u05e6 u05d4  u05d1 u05e2 u05d1 u05e8 u05d9 u05ea,OU=TEST,OU=QA,OU=IT,OU=TLV,OU=host,DC=domain,DC=LOCAL", "CN=Organization Management,OU=Microsoft Exchange Security Groups,DC=domain,DC=LOCAL", "CN=Local Admin,OU=Groups,OU=IT,OU=TLV,OU=host,DC=domain,DC=LOCAL"],
            "codePage": [0],
            "userAccountControl": [111],
            "sAMAccountType": [805306368],
            "uSNChanged": [15301168],
            "sn": ["last name"],
            "givenName": ["name"],
            "lastLogoff": ["1601-01-01 00:00:00+00:00"]
        "Entity": ""
Case wall
Result type Description Type
Output message*

If all entities ware enriched: "all entities were processed successfully"

If some entities aren't enriched: "some entities were processed successfully and some weren't. Please check action's log for further information"(Note - please make sure to include the appropriate logs in the log file)

If no entity is enriched: "No entities were processed"


Is User in Group


Check if a user is a member of a specific group.


Parameter name Type Default value Is mandatory Description
Group Name String N/A Yes Group name to be checked. Example: administrators

Run on

This action runs on the User entity.

Action results

Script result
Script result name Value options Example
is_success True or False is_success:False
JSON result
        "EntityResult": true,
        "Entity": "VICKIE.B@SIEMPLIFY.CO"
    }, {
        "EntityResult": false,
        "Entity": "F.ATTACKER4@GMAIL.COM"
    }, {
        "EntityResult": true,
        "Entity": "xxxx.xxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxx.xxxx"

List User Groups


Get a list of all the user groups in Active Directory.



Run on

This action runs on the User entity.

Action results

Script result
Script result name Value options Example
is_success True or False is_success:False
JSON result
        "EntityResult": ["Domain Users"],
        "Entity": "xxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xxxx"



Test connectivity to Active Directory with parameters provided at the integration configuration page in the Google Security Operations Marketplace tab.



Run on

This action runs on all entities.

Action results

Script result
Script result name Value options Example
is_success True or False is_success:False

Release Locked Account


Release a locked account.



Run On

This action runs on the User entity.

Action results

Script result
Script result name Value options Example
is_success True or False is_success:False

Remove User From Group


Remove user from groups.


Parameter name Type Default value Is mandatory Description
Group Name String N/A Yes Specify a comma-separated list of groups from which the action should remove users.

Run on

This action runs on the User entity.

Action results

Script result
Script result name Value options Example
is_success True or False is_success:False
Case wall
Case Success Fail Message
Remove one from one group true false Successfully removed the following users from group "{Group Name}" in Active Directory: {entity identifier}
Already not a part of one group true false The following users were not a part of the group "{Group Name}" in Active Directory: {entity identifier}
Not successful for one group true false Action wasn't able to remove the following users from group "{Group Name}" in Active Directory: {entity identifier}.
If all users not added for one group True False No users were remove from group "{Group Name}" in Active Directory.
If all users not added for all groups false false No users were removed from the provided groups in Active Directory.
If at least one group doesn't exist false true Error executing action: {action name}. The following groups were not found: {group names}.

Search Active Directory


Search Active Directory with Google Security Operations SOAR, using your personal query.


Parameter name Type Default value Is mandatory Description
Query String String N/A Yes Specify the query string you would like to perform in Active Directory.

Run on

This action doesn't run on entities.

Action results

Script result
Script result name Value options Example
is_success True or False is_success:False
JSON result
        "primaryGroupID": [
        "logonCount": [
        "cn": [
          "user name"
        "countryCode": [
        "objectClass": [
        "userPrincipalName": [
        "adminCount": [
        "lastLogonTimestamp": [
          "2019-01-09 08:42:03.540783+00:00"
        "manager": [
          "CN=user name,OU=R&D,OU=TLV,OU=host name,DC=domain,DC=LOCAL"
        "instanceType": [
        "distinguishedName": [
          "CN=user name,OU=R&D,OU=TLV,OU=host,DC=domain,DC=LOCAL"
        "dSCorePropagationData": [
          "2019-01-14 14:39:16+00:00"
        "msDS-SupportedEncryptionTypes": [
        "objectSid": [
        "whenCreated": [
          "2011-11-07 08:00:44+00:00"
        "uSNCreated": [
        "lockoutTime": [
          "1601-01-01 00:00:00+00:00"
        "badPasswordTime": [
        "pwdLastSet": [
        "sAMAccountName": [
        "objectCategory": [
        "lastLogon": [
          "2019-01-14 17:13:54.463070+00:00"
        "objectGUID": [
        "whenChanged": [
          "2019-01-14 16:49:01+00:00"
        "badPwdCount": [
        "accountExpires": [
          "9999-12-31 23:59:59.999999"
        "displayName": [
          "user display name"
        "name": [
          "user name"
        "memberOf": [
          "CN=\\\\u05e7\\\\u05d1\\\\u05d5\\\\u05e6\\\\u05d4 \\\\u05d1\\\\u05e2\\\\u05d1\\\\u05e8\\\\u05d9\\\\u05ea,OU=TEST,OU=QA,OU=IT,OU=TLV,OU=host,DC=domain,DC=LOCAL",
          "CN=Organization Management,OU=Microsoft Exchange Security Groups,DC=domain,DC=LOCAL",
          "CN=Local Admin,OU=Groups,OU=IT,OU=TLV,OU=host,DC=domain,DC=LOCAL"
        "codePage": [
        "userAccountControl": [
        "sAMAccountType": [
        "uSNChanged": [
        "sn": [
          "last name"
        "givenName": [
        "lastLogoff": [
          "1601-01-01 00:00:00+00:00"
Case wall
Result type Description Type
Output message*

The action should not fail nor stop a playbook execution:

If successful:"Successfully performed query "+query_string+" in Active Directory"

If not successful (query that resulted with an empty response): "No results to show following the query:"+query_string

The action should fail and stop a playbook execution:

If not successful (bad creds, connection error, data is not returned because of invalid query): "Error executing action "Search Active Directory". Reason: {0}''.format(error.Stacktrace)


Set User Password


Set a user's password.


Parameter name Type Default value Is mandatory Description
New Password String N/A Yes N/A

Run on

This action runs on the User entity.

Action results

Script result
Script result name Value options Example
is_success True or False is_success:False

Update attributes of an AD User


Updates attributes of an existing Active Directory Users.


Parameter name Type Default value Is mandatory Description
Attribute Name String N/A Yes The name of the attribute to update. Example: Description
Attribute Value String N/A Yes Specify a new value for the attribute.

Run on

This action runs on the User entity.

Action results

Script result
Script result name Value options Example
is_success True or False is_success:False
Case wall
Result type Description Type
Output message*

If the action completed successfully for at least one of the entities: "Active Directory - Following entities were updated successfully: {entities identifiers}

If there are no users to removed: "No suitable entities were found"

If the action failed to run for at least one of the entities: "failed to update {attribute name} for the following entities: {}"


Update attributes of an AD Host


Updates attributes of an existing Active Directory hosts.


Parameter name Type Default value Is mandatory Description
Attribute Name String N/A Yes The name of the attribute to update. Example: Description
Attribute Value String N/A Yes Specify a new value for the attribute.

Run on

This action runs on the Hostname entity.

Action results

Script result
Script result name Value Options Example
is_success True or False is_success:False
Case wall
Result type Description Type
Output message*

If action completed successfully for at least one of the entities: "Active Directory - Following entities were updated successfully: {entities identifiers}."

If there are no users to removed: "No suitable entities were found"

If action failed to run for at least one of the entities: "Failed to update {attribute name} for the following entities: {};"
