Ingestion metrics field reference for dashboards

The Ingestion metrics Explore interface provides a variety of measure fields that you can use to create new dashboards. Dimensions and measures are the fundamental components of a dashboard. A dimension is a field that can be used to filter query results by grouping data. A measure is a field that calculates a value using a SQL aggregate function, such as COUNT, SUM, AVG, MIN, or MAX. Any field derived from other measure values is also considered a measure.

For information about the dimension fields and ingestion metrics schemas, see Ingestion metrics schema.

The following table describes the additional fields that you can use as dimensions, filters, and measures:

Field Description
timestamp The Unix epoch time that represents the start time of the aggregated time interval associated with the metric.
total_entry_number The number of logs ingested through the Ingestion API component (i.e component == Ingestion API).
total_entry_number_in_million The number of logs ingested through the Ingestion API component, in millions.
total_entry_number_in_million_for_drill The number of logs ingested through the Ingestion API component, in millions rounded to 0 decimal places.
total_size_bytes The log volume ingested through the Ingestion API component, in bytes.
total_size_bytes_GB The log volume ingested through the Ingestion API component, in GB (gigabyte) rounded to 2 decimals. A GB is 109 bytes.
total_size_bytes_GB_for_drill Same as total_size_bytes_GB.
total_size_bytes_GiB The log volume ingested through the Ingestion API component, in GiB (gibibyte) rounded to 2 decimals. A GiB is 230 bytes.
total_events The count of validated events during normalization.
total_error_events The count of events that failed validation or failed parsing during normalization.
total_error_count_in_million The count of failed validation and failed parsing errors, in millions rounded to 0 decimals.
total_normalized_events The count of events that passed validation during normalization.
total_validation_error_events The count of events that failed during normalization.
total_parsing_error_events The count of events that failed to parse during normalization.
period The reporting period as selected by the Period Filter. Values include This Period and Previous Period.
period_filter The reporting period before the specified date or after the specified date.
log_type_for_drill Only populated for non-null log types.
valid_log_type Same as log_type_for_drill.
offered_gcp_log_type 43 (The count of Google Cloud log types offered by Google Security Operations.)
gcp_log_types_used Percentage of the available Google Cloud log types that the customer ingests.
gcp_log_type Only populated for non-null Google Cloud log types.
total_log_volume_mb_per_hour The total volume of logs (in all components), in MB per hour rounded to 2 decimals.
max_quota_limit_mb_per_second The maximum quota limit, in MB per second.