
Integration version: 18.0

Configure Cybereason integration in Google Security Operations SOAR

For detailed instructions on how to configure an integration in Google Security Operations SOAR, see Configure integrations.




Test connectivity to Cybereason with parameters provided at the integration configuration page in the Google Security Operations Marketplace tab.



Use cases

The action is used to test connectivity at the integration configuration page in the Google Security Operations Marketplace tab. It can be executed as a manual action, and not used in playbooks.

Run On

This action runs on all entities.

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
Case Wall
Result Type Value / Description Type
Output message*

If successful: "Successfully connected to the Cybereason server with the provided connection parameters!"

If not successful: "Failed to connect to the Cybereason server! Error is related to invalid credentials. Please check the spelling".format(exception.stacktrace)


Add Comment to Malop


Add a comment to an existing malop in Cybereason.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Malop ID String N/A Yes Specify the ID of the malop to which you want to add a comment.
Comment to Add String N/A Yes Specify the comment for the malop.

Run On

This action runs on the Hostname entity.

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON Result
Case Wall
Result Type Value / Description Type
Output message*

If successfully added a comment (is_success=true): "Successfully added comment to a malop with ID {ID} in Cybereason."

If a critical error is reported (fail): "Error executing action "{action name}". Reason: {traceback}"

If the malop is not found (fail): "Error executing action "{action name}". Reason: malop with ID {ID} was not found in Cybereason."


Allow File


Remove hash from a blocklist in Cybereason. Supported entities: File Hash.



Run On

This action runs on the File Hash entity.

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON Result
Case Wall
Result Type Value / Description Type
Output message*

If successfully removed hashes from the blocklist (is_success=true): "Successfully removed the following hashes from the blacklist in Cybereason: {entity.identifier}"

If isn't able to remove hashes from the blocklist (is_success=true): "Action wasn't able to remove the following hashes from the blacklist in Cybereason: {entity.identifier}"

If none of the hashes are blocked: "No hashes were removed from the blacklist in Cybereason."

If a critical error is reported: "Error executing action "Allow File". Reason: {traceback}"


Clear Reputation


Clear the reputation of the entity in Cybereason. Supported entities: File Hash, IP Address, URL.



Run On

This action runs on the following entities:

  • File Hash
  • IP Address
  • URL

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON Result
Case Wall
Result Type Value / Description Type
Output message*

If successful for one entity (is_success=true): "Successfully cleared reputation for the following entities: {entity.identifier}"

If one entity is not found (is_success=true): "The following entities were not found: {entity.identifier}"

If no entities are found (is_success=false): "None of the provided entities were found in Cybereason."

If a critical error is reported (fail): "Error executing action "{action name}". Reason: {traceback}."


Enrich Entities


Enrich entities using information from Cybereason. Supported entities: Hostname, IP Address, File Hash, URL.


Parameter Name Type Default Is Mandatory Description
Create Insight Checkbox Checked Yes If enabled, the action creates an insight for each enriched entity.
Only Malicious Entity Insight Checkbox Checked Yes

If enabled, the action creates an insight only for entities that have type: ransomware, maltool, unwanted, malware, blacklist.

Note: This affects only the IP Address, File Hash and URL entities. For the Hostname entity, the action still creates an insight.

Run On

This action runs on the following entities:

  • Hostname
  • IP Address
  • File Hash
  • URL

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False

Enrichment Table - for hash


Enrichment Table - IP, URL

JSON Result
    "tables": [
            "rows": [
                 "Failed logon attempts within 10 mins",
                 "Failed logon attempts within 10 mins",
                 "Identifies when failed logon attempts are 6 or higher during a 10 minute period.",
                 "ASI Scheduled Alerts",
                 " ",
                 " ",
                 " ",
                 "{r\\n  \\\"Query\\\": \\\"//In order to view the events that triggered this alert, please add filtering for the original alert\\u2019s time-frame for any table used in this query.\\\\n//This only happens for queries containing conditions on the TimeGenerated column of one or more tables.\\\\n//The original alert's time-frame filter, which should be added to each table in the query is:\\\\n//\\\\\\\"where TimeGenerated between (datetime(10/22/2019 6:28:57 AM)..datetime(10/22/2019 6:48:57 AM))\\\\\\\"\\\\nlet timeframe = 10m;\\\\nSecurityEvent \\\\n| where TimeGenerated > (datetime(10/22/2019 6:48:57 AM)-(2*timeframe)) \\\\n| where EventID == \\\\\\\"4625\\\\\\\"\\\\n| where AccountType == \\\\\\\"User\\\\\\\"\\\\n| summarize min(TimeGenerated), max(TimeGenerated), FailedLogonCount = count() by EventID, Activity, WorkstationName, Account, TargetAccount, TargetUserName, TargetDomainName, LogonType, LogonTypeName, LogonProcessName, Status, SubStatus\\\\n| where FailedLogonCount >= 6\\\\n| project StartTimeUtc = min_TimeGenerated, EndTimeUtc = max_TimeGenerated, FailedLogonCount, EventID, Activity, WorkstationName, Account, TargetAccount, TargetUserName, TargetDomainName, LogonType, LogonTypeName, LogonProcessName, Status, SubStatus\\\\n| extend timestamp = StartTimeUtc, AccountCustomEntity = Account, HostCustomEntity = WorkstationName\\\",\\r\\n  \\\"Query Period\\\": \\\"00:20:00\\\",\\r\\n  \\\"Trigger Operator\\\": \\\"GreaterThan\\\",\\r\\n  \\\"Trigger Threshold\\\": \\\"0\\\",\\r\\n  \\\"Search Query Results Overall Count\\\": \\\"3\\\",\\r\\n  \\\"Total Account Entities\\\": \\\"1\\\",\\r\\n  \\\"Total Host Entities\\\": \\\"1\\\"\\r\\n}\", \"[\\r\\n  {\\r\\n    \\\"$id\\\": \\\"3\\\",\\r\\n    \\\"HostName\\\": \\\"US-DC-V01001\\\",\\r\\n    \\\"Type\\\": \\\"host\\\"\\r\\n  },\\r\\n  {\\r\\n    \\\"$id\\\": \\\"4\\\",\\r\\n    \\\"Name\\\": \\\"administrator\\\",\\r\\n    \\\"NTDomain\\\": \\\"\\\",\\r\\n    \\\"IsDomainJoined\\\": false,\\r\\n    \\\"Type\\\": \\\"account\\\"\\r\\n  }\\r\\n]",
                 " ",
                 "Azure Sentinel",
                 "Scheduled Alerts",
                ], [
                 "Failed logon attempts within 10 mins",
                 "Failed logon attempts within 10 mins",
                 "Identifies when failed logon attempts are 6 or higher during a 10 minute period.",
                 "ASI Scheduled Alerts",
                 " ",
                 " ",
                 " ",
                 "{\\r\\n  \\\"Query\\\": \\\"//In order to view the events that triggered this alert, please add filtering for the original alert\\u2019s time-frame for any table used in this query.\\\\n//This only happens for queries containing conditions on the TimeGenerated column of one or more tables.\\\\n//The original alert's time-frame filter, which should be added to each table in the query is:\\\\n//\\\\\\\"where TimeGenerated between (datetime(10/23/2019 2:59:07 PM)..datetime(10/23/2019 3:19:07 PM))\\\\\\\"\\\\nlet timeframe = 10m;\\\\nSecurityEvent \\\\n| where TimeGenerated > (datetime(10/23/2019 3:19:07 PM)-(2*timeframe)) \\\\n| where EventID == \\\\\\\"4625\\\\\\\"\\\\n| where AccountType == \\\\\\\"User\\\\\\\"\\\\n| summarize min(TimeGenerated), max(TimeGenerated), FailedLogonCount = count() by EventID, Activity, WorkstationName, Account, TargetAccount, TargetUserName, TargetDomainName, LogonType, LogonTypeName, LogonProcessName, Status, SubStatus\\\\n| where FailedLogonCount >= 6\\\\n| project StartTimeUtc = min_TimeGenerated, EndTimeUtc = max_TimeGenerated, FailedLogonCount, EventID, Activity, WorkstationName, Account, TargetAccount, TargetUserName, TargetDomainName, LogonType, LogonTypeName, LogonProcessName, Status, SubStatus\\\\n| extend timestamp = StartTimeUtc, AccountCustomEntity = Account, HostCustomEntity = WorkstationName\\\",\\r\\n  \\\"Query Period\\\": \\\"00:20:00\\\",\\r\\n  \\\"Trigger Operator\\\": \\\"GreaterThan\\\",\\r\\n  \\\"Trigger Threshold\\\": \\\"0\\\",\\r\\n  \\\"Search Query Results Overall Count\\\": \\\"1\\\",\\r\\n  \\\"Total Account Entities\\\": \\\"1\\\",\\r\\n  \\\"Total Host Entities\\\": \\\"1\\\"\\r\\n}\", \"[\\r\\n  {\\r\\n    \\\"$id\\\": \\\"3\\\",\\r\\n    \\\"HostName\\\": \\\"DESKTOP-45ISRTV\\\",\\r\\n    \\\"Type\\\": \\\"host\\\"\\r\\n  },\\r\\n  {\\r\\n    \\\"$id\\\": \\\"4\\\",\\r\\n    \\\"Name\\\": \\\"avmilen\\\",\\r\\n    \\\"NTDomain\\\": \\\"DESKTOP-45ISRTV\\\",\\r\\n    \\\"Type\\\": \\\"account\\\"\\r\\n  }\\r\\n]",
                 " ",
                 "Azure Sentinel",
                 "Scheduled Alerts",
            "name": "PrimaryResult",
            "columns": [
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "TenantId"
                }, {
                    "type": "datetime",
                    "name": "TimeGenerated"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "DisplayName"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "AlertName"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "AlertSeverity"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "Description"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "ProviderName"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "VendorName"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "VendorOriginalId"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "SystemAlertId"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "ResourceId"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "SourceComputerId"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "AlertType"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "ConfidenceLevel"
                }, {
                    "type": "real",
                    "name": "ConfidenceScore"
                }, {
                    "type": "bool",
                    "name": "IsIncident"
                }, {
                    "type": "datetime",
                    "name": "StartTime"
                }, {
                    "type": "datetime",
                    "name": "EndTime"
                }, {
                    "type": "datetime",
                    "name": "ProcessingEndTime"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "RemediationSteps"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "ExtendedProperties"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "Entities"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "SourceSystem"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "WorkspaceSubscriptionId"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "WorkspaceResourceGroup"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "ExtendedLinks"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "ProductName"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "ProductComponentName"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "Type"
Case Wall
Result Type Value / Description Type
Output message*

If successful for one entity (is_success=true): "Successfully enriched the following entities in Cybereason: {entity.identifier}"

If not successful for one entity (is_success=true): "Action wasn't able to enrich the following entities in Cybereason: {entity.identifier}"

If no entities are enriched (is_success=false): "None of the entities were enriched."

If a critical error is reported (fail): "Error executing action "{action name}". Reason: {traceback}"


Get Malop


Retrieve detailed information about a malop in Cybereason.


Parameter Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Malop ID String N/A Yes Specify the ID of the malop for which you want to return details.

Run On

This action runs on all entities.

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
Case Wall
Result Type Value / Description Type
Output message*

If the malop is found (is_success=true): "Successfully retrieved details for the malop with ID {ID}: {entity.identifier}"

If the malop is not found (fail): "Error executing action "Get Malop". Reason: malop with ID {id} was not found in Cybereason."

If a critical error is reported: "Error executing action "Get Malop". Reason: {traceback}"

Case Wall Table

Table Name: Malop Details

Table Columns:

  • Element Name
  • Detection Type
  • Malop Activity Types
    Affected Machines
  • Affected Users
  • Root Cause Elements

Is Probe Connected


Check the connectivity of the endpoint to Cybereason. Supported entities: Hostname.



Run On

This action runs on the Hostname entity.

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON Result
    "tables": [
            "rows": [
                 "Failed logon attempts within 10 mins",
                 "Failed logon attempts within 10 mins",
                 "Identifies when failed logon attempts are 6 or higher during a 10 minute period.",
                 "ASI Scheduled Alerts",
                 " ",
                 " ",
                 " ",
                 "{r\\n  \\\"Query\\\": \\\"//In order to view the events that triggered this alert, please add filtering for the original alert\\u2019s time-frame for any table used in this query.\\\\n//This only happens for queries containing conditions on the TimeGenerated column of one or more tables.\\\\n//The original alert's time-frame filter, which should be added to each table in the query is:\\\\n//\\\\\\\"where TimeGenerated between (datetime(10/22/2019 6:28:57 AM)..datetime(10/22/2019 6:48:57 AM))\\\\\\\"\\\\nlet timeframe = 10m;\\\\nSecurityEvent \\\\n| where TimeGenerated > (datetime(10/22/2019 6:48:57 AM)-(2*timeframe)) \\\\n| where EventID == \\\\\\\"4625\\\\\\\"\\\\n| where AccountType == \\\\\\\"User\\\\\\\"\\\\n| summarize min(TimeGenerated), max(TimeGenerated), FailedLogonCount = count() by EventID, Activity, WorkstationName, Account, TargetAccount, TargetUserName, TargetDomainName, LogonType, LogonTypeName, LogonProcessName, Status, SubStatus\\\\n| where FailedLogonCount >= 6\\\\n| project StartTimeUtc = min_TimeGenerated, EndTimeUtc = max_TimeGenerated, FailedLogonCount, EventID, Activity, WorkstationName, Account, TargetAccount, TargetUserName, TargetDomainName, LogonType, LogonTypeName, LogonProcessName, Status, SubStatus\\\\n| extend timestamp = StartTimeUtc, AccountCustomEntity = Account, HostCustomEntity = WorkstationName\\\",\\r\\n  \\\"Query Period\\\": \\\"00:20:00\\\",\\r\\n  \\\"Trigger Operator\\\": \\\"GreaterThan\\\",\\r\\n  \\\"Trigger Threshold\\\": \\\"0\\\",\\r\\n  \\\"Search Query Results Overall Count\\\": \\\"3\\\",\\r\\n  \\\"Total Account Entities\\\": \\\"1\\\",\\r\\n  \\\"Total Host Entities\\\": \\\"1\\\"\\r\\n}\", \"[\\r\\n  {\\r\\n    \\\"$id\\\": \\\"3\\\",\\r\\n    \\\"HostName\\\": \\\"US-DC-V01001\\\",\\r\\n    \\\"Type\\\": \\\"host\\\"\\r\\n  },\\r\\n  {\\r\\n    \\\"$id\\\": \\\"4\\\",\\r\\n    \\\"Name\\\": \\\"administrator\\\",\\r\\n    \\\"NTDomain\\\": \\\"\\\",\\r\\n    \\\"IsDomainJoined\\\": false,\\r\\n    \\\"Type\\\": \\\"account\\\"\\r\\n  }\\r\\n]",
                 " ",
                 "Azure Sentinel",
                 "Scheduled Alerts",
                ], [
                 "Failed logon attempts within 10 mins",
                 "Failed logon attempts within 10 mins",
                 "Identifies when failed logon attempts are 6 or higher during a 10 minute period.",
                 "ASI Scheduled Alerts",
                 " ",
                 " ",
                 " ",
                 "{\\r\\n  \\\"Query\\\": \\\"//In order to view the events that triggered this alert, please add filtering for the original alert\\u2019s time-frame for any table used in this query.\\\\n//This only happens for queries containing conditions on the TimeGenerated column of one or more tables.\\\\n//The original alert's time-frame filter, which should be added to each table in the query is:\\\\n//\\\\\\\"where TimeGenerated between (datetime(10/23/2019 2:59:07 PM)..datetime(10/23/2019 3:19:07 PM))\\\\\\\"\\\\nlet timeframe = 10m;\\\\nSecurityEvent \\\\n| where TimeGenerated > (datetime(10/23/2019 3:19:07 PM)-(2*timeframe)) \\\\n| where EventID == \\\\\\\"4625\\\\\\\"\\\\n| where AccountType == \\\\\\\"User\\\\\\\"\\\\n| summarize min(TimeGenerated), max(TimeGenerated), FailedLogonCount = count() by EventID, Activity, WorkstationName, Account, TargetAccount, TargetUserName, TargetDomainName, LogonType, LogonTypeName, LogonProcessName, Status, SubStatus\\\\n| where FailedLogonCount >= 6\\\\n| project StartTimeUtc = min_TimeGenerated, EndTimeUtc = max_TimeGenerated, FailedLogonCount, EventID, Activity, WorkstationName, Account, TargetAccount, TargetUserName, TargetDomainName, LogonType, LogonTypeName, LogonProcessName, Status, SubStatus\\\\n| extend timestamp = StartTimeUtc, AccountCustomEntity = Account, HostCustomEntity = WorkstationName\\\",\\r\\n  \\\"Query Period\\\": \\\"00:20:00\\\",\\r\\n  \\\"Trigger Operator\\\": \\\"GreaterThan\\\",\\r\\n  \\\"Trigger Threshold\\\": \\\"0\\\",\\r\\n  \\\"Search Query Results Overall Count\\\": \\\"1\\\",\\r\\n  \\\"Total Account Entities\\\": \\\"1\\\",\\r\\n  \\\"Total Host Entities\\\": \\\"1\\\"\\r\\n}\", \"[\\r\\n  {\\r\\n    \\\"$id\\\": \\\"3\\\",\\r\\n    \\\"HostName\\\": \\\"DESKTOP-45ISRTV\\\",\\r\\n    \\\"Type\\\": \\\"host\\\"\\r\\n  },\\r\\n  {\\r\\n    \\\"$id\\\": \\\"4\\\",\\r\\n    \\\"Name\\\": \\\"avmilen\\\",\\r\\n    \\\"NTDomain\\\": \\\"DESKTOP-45ISRTV\\\",\\r\\n    \\\"Type\\\": \\\"account\\\"\\r\\n  }\\r\\n]",
                 " ",
                 "Azure Sentinel",
                 "Scheduled Alerts",
            "name": "PrimaryResult",
            "columns": [
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "TenantId"
                }, {
                    "type": "datetime",
                    "name": "TimeGenerated"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "DisplayName"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "AlertName"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "AlertSeverity"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "Description"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "ProviderName"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "VendorName"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "VendorOriginalId"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "SystemAlertId"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "ResourceId"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "SourceComputerId"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "AlertType"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "ConfidenceLevel"
                }, {
                    "type": "real",
                    "name": "ConfidenceScore"
                }, {
                    "type": "bool",
                    "name": "IsIncident"
                }, {
                    "type": "datetime",
                    "name": "StartTime"
                }, {
                    "type": "datetime",
                    "name": "EndTime"
                }, {
                    "type": "datetime",
                    "name": "ProcessingEndTime"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "RemediationSteps"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "ExtendedProperties"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "Entities"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "SourceSystem"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "WorkspaceSubscriptionId"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "WorkspaceResourceGroup"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "ExtendedLinks"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "ProductName"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "ProductComponentName"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "Type"
Case Wall
Result Type Value / Description Type
Output message*

If successful for one entity (is_success=true): "Successfully retrieved information about connectivity for the following entities: {entity.identifier}"

If not successful for one entity (is_success=true): "Action wasn't able to retrieve information about connectivity for the following entities: {entity.identifier}"

If not successful for all entities (is_success=false): "No information about connectivity was retrieved for the provided entities."

If a critical error is reported (fail): "Error executing action "{action name}". Reason: {traceback}"


Isolate Machine


Isolate a machine in Cybereason. Supported entities: Hostname.



Run On

This action runs on the Hostname entity.

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON Result
    "tables": [
            "rows": [
                 "Failed logon attempts within 10 mins",
                 "Failed logon attempts within 10 mins",
                 "Identifies when failed logon attempts are 6 or higher during a 10 minute period.",
                 "ASI Scheduled Alerts",
                 " ",
                 " ",
                 " ",
                 "{r\\n  \\\"Query\\\": \\\"//In order to view the events that triggered this alert, please add filtering for the original alert\\u2019s time-frame for any table used in this query.\\\\n//This only happens for queries containing conditions on the TimeGenerated column of one or more tables.\\\\n//The original alert's time-frame filter, which should be added to each table in the query is:\\\\n//\\\\\\\"where TimeGenerated between (datetime(10/22/2019 6:28:57 AM)..datetime(10/22/2019 6:48:57 AM))\\\\\\\"\\\\nlet timeframe = 10m;\\\\nSecurityEvent \\\\n| where TimeGenerated > (datetime(10/22/2019 6:48:57 AM)-(2*timeframe)) \\\\n| where EventID == \\\\\\\"4625\\\\\\\"\\\\n| where AccountType == \\\\\\\"User\\\\\\\"\\\\n| summarize min(TimeGenerated), max(TimeGenerated), FailedLogonCount = count() by EventID, Activity, WorkstationName, Account, TargetAccount, TargetUserName, TargetDomainName, LogonType, LogonTypeName, LogonProcessName, Status, SubStatus\\\\n| where FailedLogonCount >= 6\\\\n| project StartTimeUtc = min_TimeGenerated, EndTimeUtc = max_TimeGenerated, FailedLogonCount, EventID, Activity, WorkstationName, Account, TargetAccount, TargetUserName, TargetDomainName, LogonType, LogonTypeName, LogonProcessName, Status, SubStatus\\\\n| extend timestamp = StartTimeUtc, AccountCustomEntity = Account, HostCustomEntity = WorkstationName\\\",\\r\\n  \\\"Query Period\\\": \\\"00:20:00\\\",\\r\\n  \\\"Trigger Operator\\\": \\\"GreaterThan\\\",\\r\\n  \\\"Trigger Threshold\\\": \\\"0\\\",\\r\\n  \\\"Search Query Results Overall Count\\\": \\\"3\\\",\\r\\n  \\\"Total Account Entities\\\": \\\"1\\\",\\r\\n  \\\"Total Host Entities\\\": \\\"1\\\"\\r\\n}\", \"[\\r\\n  {\\r\\n    \\\"$id\\\": \\\"3\\\",\\r\\n    \\\"HostName\\\": \\\"US-DC-V01001\\\",\\r\\n    \\\"Type\\\": \\\"host\\\"\\r\\n  },\\r\\n  {\\r\\n    \\\"$id\\\": \\\"4\\\",\\r\\n    \\\"Name\\\": \\\"administrator\\\",\\r\\n    \\\"NTDomain\\\": \\\"\\\",\\r\\n    \\\"IsDomainJoined\\\": false,\\r\\n    \\\"Type\\\": \\\"account\\\"\\r\\n  }\\r\\n]",
                 " ",
                 "Azure Sentinel",
                 "Scheduled Alerts",
                ], [
                 "Failed logon attempts within 10 mins",
                 "Failed logon attempts within 10 mins",
                 "Identifies when failed logon attempts are 6 or higher during a 10 minute period.",
                 "ASI Scheduled Alerts",
                 " ",
                 " ",
                 " ",
                 "{\\r\\n  \\\"Query\\\": \\\"//In order to view the events that triggered this alert, please add filtering for the original alert\\u2019s time-frame for any table used in this query.\\\\n//This only happens for queries containing conditions on the TimeGenerated column of one or more tables.\\\\n//The original alert's time-frame filter, which should be added to each table in the query is:\\\\n//\\\\\\\"where TimeGenerated between (datetime(10/23/2019 2:59:07 PM)..datetime(10/23/2019 3:19:07 PM))\\\\\\\"\\\\nlet timeframe = 10m;\\\\nSecurityEvent \\\\n| where TimeGenerated > (datetime(10/23/2019 3:19:07 PM)-(2*timeframe)) \\\\n| where EventID == \\\\\\\"4625\\\\\\\"\\\\n| where AccountType == \\\\\\\"User\\\\\\\"\\\\n| summarize min(TimeGenerated), max(TimeGenerated), FailedLogonCount = count() by EventID, Activity, WorkstationName, Account, TargetAccount, TargetUserName, TargetDomainName, LogonType, LogonTypeName, LogonProcessName, Status, SubStatus\\\\n| where FailedLogonCount >= 6\\\\n| project StartTimeUtc = min_TimeGenerated, EndTimeUtc = max_TimeGenerated, FailedLogonCount, EventID, Activity, WorkstationName, Account, TargetAccount, TargetUserName, TargetDomainName, LogonType, LogonTypeName, LogonProcessName, Status, SubStatus\\\\n| extend timestamp = StartTimeUtc, AccountCustomEntity = Account, HostCustomEntity = WorkstationName\\\",\\r\\n  \\\"Query Period\\\": \\\"00:20:00\\\",\\r\\n  \\\"Trigger Operator\\\": \\\"GreaterThan\\\",\\r\\n  \\\"Trigger Threshold\\\": \\\"0\\\",\\r\\n  \\\"Search Query Results Overall Count\\\": \\\"1\\\",\\r\\n  \\\"Total Account Entities\\\": \\\"1\\\",\\r\\n  \\\"Total Host Entities\\\": \\\"1\\\"\\r\\n}\", \"[\\r\\n  {\\r\\n    \\\"$id\\\": \\\"3\\\",\\r\\n    \\\"HostName\\\": \\\"DESKTOP-45ISRTV\\\",\\r\\n    \\\"Type\\\": \\\"host\\\"\\r\\n  },\\r\\n  {\\r\\n    \\\"$id\\\": \\\"4\\\",\\r\\n    \\\"Name\\\": \\\"avmilen\\\",\\r\\n    \\\"NTDomain\\\": \\\"DESKTOP-45ISRTV\\\",\\r\\n    \\\"Type\\\": \\\"account\\\"\\r\\n  }\\r\\n]",
                 " ",
                 "Azure Sentinel",
                 "Scheduled Alerts",
            "name": "PrimaryResult",
            "columns": [
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "TenantId"
                }, {
                    "type": "datetime",
                    "name": "TimeGenerated"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "DisplayName"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "AlertName"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "AlertSeverity"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "Description"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "ProviderName"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "VendorName"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "VendorOriginalId"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "SystemAlertId"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "ResourceId"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "SourceComputerId"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "AlertType"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "ConfidenceLevel"
                }, {
                    "type": "real",
                    "name": "ConfidenceScore"
                }, {
                    "type": "bool",
                    "name": "IsIncident"
                }, {
                    "type": "datetime",
                    "name": "StartTime"
                }, {
                    "type": "datetime",
                    "name": "EndTime"
                }, {
                    "type": "datetime",
                    "name": "ProcessingEndTime"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "RemediationSteps"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "ExtendedProperties"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "Entities"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "SourceSystem"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "WorkspaceSubscriptionId"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "WorkspaceResourceGroup"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "ExtendedLinks"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "ProductName"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "ProductComponentName"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "Type"
Case Wall
Result Type Value / Description Type
Output message*

If successful for one machine (is_success = true): "Successfully isolated the following machines in Cybereason: {entity.identifier}"

If some machines are not found (is_success=true): "The following machines were not found in Cybereason: {entity.identifier}"

Async message: "Waiting for isolation to finish on the following entities: {entity.identifier}"

For machines that run into a timeout: "Isolation was initiated on the following entities, but wasn't finished: {entity.identifier}. Please execute the action again with bigger timeout."

If none of the machines are found (is_success=false): "None of the machines were found in Cybereason."

If a critical error is reported (fail): "Error executing action "Isolate Machine". Reason: {traceback}"


List Files


Get information about files from Cybereason.

Known limitation

Cybereason API has a bug. If you make the "totalResults" request in the API, it returns "totalResults + 1". This means that when you provide "Results Limit" == 1, it returns 2 results.


Parameter Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
File Hash String N/A No

Specify a comma-separated list of file hashes for which you want to return data.

Note: This action only supports the SHA-1 and MD5 hashes.

If you provide values for this parameter, then the "Results Limit" parameter is ignored. Action tries to find information about all provided hashes.

Results Limit String 100 Yes Specify the number of files to return.
Fields To Return CSV N/A No

Specify a comma-separated list of fields that you want to return.

If nothing is provided, the action works with predefined fields.

Possible values: md5String,ownerMachine,avRemediationStatus,

Run On

This action runs on all entities.

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
num_of_files N/A N/A
Case Wall
Result Type Value / Description Type
Output message*

If at least one hash is returned (is_success=true): "Successfully retrieved information about hashes from Cybereason."

If no data is found (is_success=false): "No information about hashes was found."

If some fields are not correct (is_success=true): "The following fields are invalid: {invalid fields}."

If a critical error is reported (fail): "Error executing action "{action name}". Reason: {traceback}"

If none of the fields are correct (fail): "Error executing action {}. Reason: none of the provided fields are valid. Please check the spelling."


List Malop Affected Machines


List machines affected by the malop in Cybereason.


Parameter Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Malop ID String N/A Yes Specify the ID of the malop for which you want to return affected machines.
Results Limit String 100 Yes Specify how many results to return.
Create Hostname Entity Checkbox Unchecked No If enabled, the action creates an entity based on machines name.

Run On

This action runs on all entities.

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
num_of_machines N/A N/A
Case Wall
Result Type Value / Description Type
Output message*

If executed successfully: "Successfully retrieved affected machines for the malop with ID {ID} in Cybereason."

If the malop is not found: (fail): "Error executing action "{action name}". Reason: malop with ID {ID} wasn't found in Cybereason."

If a critical error is reported (fail): "Error executing action "{action name}". Reason: {traceback}"


List Malop Processes


List processes related to the malop in Cybereason.

Known Limitation

Case Wall Tables for processes from the two different Malop Types look differently due to differences in the API responses.


Parameter Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Malop ID String N/A Yes Specify the ID of the malop for which you want to return related processes.
Results Limit String 100 Yes Specify the number of results to return.

Run On

This action runs on all entities.

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
num_of_processes N/A N/A
Case Wall
Result Type Value / Description Type
Output message*

If some processes are found: "Successfully retrieved related processes for the malop with ID {ID} in Cybereason."

If no processes are found: "No processes were related to the malop with ID {ID} in Cybereason."

If the malop is not found: (fail): "Error executing action "{action name}". Reason: malop with ID {ID} wasn't found in Cybereason."

If a critical error is reported (fail): "Error executing action "{action name}". Reason: {traceback}"

Case Wall Table

Table Name: First Malop Type

Table Columns:

  • Signed And Verified
  • User
  • Owner Machine
  • End Time
  • Product Type
  • Creation Time
  • MD5
  • Element Name
  • Command
Case Wall Table

Table Name: Second Malop Type

Table Columns:

  • PID
  • Owner Machine
  • Creation Time
  • End Time
  • Command
  • User
  • Element Name

List Malop Remediations


List available remediations for a malop in Cybereason.


Parameter name Type Default value Is mandatory Description
Malop ID String N/A True ID of the malop for which you want to list available remediations.

Run on


Action results

Script result
Script result name Value options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False

If the action runs successfully (no errors returned, server response is 200 OK) on at least one of the entities, is_success should be set to True.

JSON result
        "uniqueId": "QUARANTINE_FILE::Q127xR36N9FSGZlV",
        "remediationType": "QUARANTINE_FILE",
        "targetName": "lockless.exe",
        "targetId": "Q127xR36N9FSGZlV",
        "machineName": "desktop-v22rbe5",
        "machineId": "Q127xRCi55eyTiwX",
        "machinesCount": 1,
        "malopId": "AAAA1qdkdM5jUoWK",
        "metaData": null,
        "malopType": "MalopDetectionEvents",
        "machineConnected": false
Case wall
Result type Value/Description Type (Entity/General)
Output message*

The action should neither fail nor stop a playbook execution:

  • If something found (is_success=true):
  • Successfully found remediation actions for the malop {malop id} in Cybereason.

  • If nothing found (is_success=false):
  • No remediation actions for the malop {malop id} were found in Cybereason.

The action should fail and stop a playbook execution:

  • If there's a fatal error, such as wrong credentials, no connection to server, or other:
  • print "Error executing action "List Malop Remediations". Reason: {0}''.format(error.Stacktrace)


List Processes


List processes based on provided criteria in Cybereason.


Parameter Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Process Name String N/A No Specify a comma-separated list of process names for which you want to return data.
Machine Name String N/A No Specify a comma-separated list of machine names on which you want to search for processes.
Has Suspicions Checkbox Unchecked No If enabled, the action only returns processes that are labeled as suspicious.
Has Incoming Connection Checkbox Unchecked No If enabled, the action only returns processes that have incoming connections..
Has Outgoing Connection Checkbox Unchecked No If enabled, the action only returns processes that have outgoing connections.
Has External Connection Checkbox Unchecked No If enabled, the action only returns processes that have external connections.
Unsigned process with unknown reputation Checkbox Unchecked No If enabled, the action only returns unsigned processes with unknown reputation.
Running from temporary folder Checkbox Unchecked No If enabled, the action only returns processes running from a temporary folder.
Privilege Escalation Checkbox Unchecked No If enabled, the action only returns processes with escalated privileges.
Malicious use of PsExec Checkbox Unchecked No If enabled, the action only returns processes related to malicious use of PsExec.
Results Limit String 100 Yes Specify the number of processes to return.

Run On

This action runs on all entities.

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
num_of_processes N/A N/A
Case Wall
Result Type Value / Description Type
Output message*

If some processes are found: "Successfully retrieved information about processes based on provided criteria in Cybereason."

If no processes are found: "No processes were found based on provided criteria in Cybereason."

If a critical error is reported: "Error executing action "{action name}". Reason: {traceback}"


Prevent File


Add hash to a blocklist in Cybereason. Supported entities: File Hash.



Run On

This action runs on the File Hash entity.

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON Result
    "tables": [
            "rows": [
                 "Failed logon attempts within 10 mins",
                 "Failed logon attempts within 10 mins",
                 "Identifies when failed logon attempts are 6 or higher during a 10 minute period.",
                 "ASI Scheduled Alerts",
                 " ",
                 " ",
                 " ",
                 "{r\\n  \\\"Query\\\": \\\"//In order to view the events that triggered this alert, please add filtering for the original alert\\u2019s time-frame for any table used in this query.\\\\n//This only happens for queries containing conditions on the TimeGenerated column of one or more tables.\\\\n//The original alert's time-frame filter, which should be added to each table in the query is:\\\\n//\\\\\\\"where TimeGenerated between (datetime(10/22/2019 6:28:57 AM)..datetime(10/22/2019 6:48:57 AM))\\\\\\\"\\\\nlet timeframe = 10m;\\\\nSecurityEvent \\\\n| where TimeGenerated > (datetime(10/22/2019 6:48:57 AM)-(2*timeframe)) \\\\n| where EventID == \\\\\\\"4625\\\\\\\"\\\\n| where AccountType == \\\\\\\"User\\\\\\\"\\\\n| summarize min(TimeGenerated), max(TimeGenerated), FailedLogonCount = count() by EventID, Activity, WorkstationName, Account, TargetAccount, TargetUserName, TargetDomainName, LogonType, LogonTypeName, LogonProcessName, Status, SubStatus\\\\n| where FailedLogonCount >= 6\\\\n| project StartTimeUtc = min_TimeGenerated, EndTimeUtc = max_TimeGenerated, FailedLogonCount, EventID, Activity, WorkstationName, Account, TargetAccount, TargetUserName, TargetDomainName, LogonType, LogonTypeName, LogonProcessName, Status, SubStatus\\\\n| extend timestamp = StartTimeUtc, AccountCustomEntity = Account, HostCustomEntity = WorkstationName\\\",\\r\\n  \\\"Query Period\\\": \\\"00:20:00\\\",\\r\\n  \\\"Trigger Operator\\\": \\\"GreaterThan\\\",\\r\\n  \\\"Trigger Threshold\\\": \\\"0\\\",\\r\\n  \\\"Search Query Results Overall Count\\\": \\\"3\\\",\\r\\n  \\\"Total Account Entities\\\": \\\"1\\\",\\r\\n  \\\"Total Host Entities\\\": \\\"1\\\"\\r\\n}\", \"[\\r\\n  {\\r\\n    \\\"$id\\\": \\\"3\\\",\\r\\n    \\\"HostName\\\": \\\"US-DC-V01001\\\",\\r\\n    \\\"Type\\\": \\\"host\\\"\\r\\n  },\\r\\n  {\\r\\n    \\\"$id\\\": \\\"4\\\",\\r\\n    \\\"Name\\\": \\\"administrator\\\",\\r\\n    \\\"NTDomain\\\": \\\"\\\",\\r\\n    \\\"IsDomainJoined\\\": false,\\r\\n    \\\"Type\\\": \\\"account\\\"\\r\\n  }\\r\\n]",
                 " ",
                 "Azure Sentinel",
                 "Scheduled Alerts",
                ], [
                 "Failed logon attempts within 10 mins",
                 "Failed logon attempts within 10 mins",
                 "Identifies when failed logon attempts are 6 or higher during a 10 minute period.",
                 "ASI Scheduled Alerts",
                 " ",
                 " ",
                 " ",
                 "{\\r\\n  \\\"Query\\\": \\\"//In order to view the events that triggered this alert, please add filtering for the original alert\\u2019s time-frame for any table used in this query.\\\\n//This only happens for queries containing conditions on the TimeGenerated column of one or more tables.\\\\n//The original alert's time-frame filter, which should be added to each table in the query is:\\\\n//\\\\\\\"where TimeGenerated between (datetime(10/23/2019 2:59:07 PM)..datetime(10/23/2019 3:19:07 PM))\\\\\\\"\\\\nlet timeframe = 10m;\\\\nSecurityEvent \\\\n| where TimeGenerated > (datetime(10/23/2019 3:19:07 PM)-(2*timeframe)) \\\\n| where EventID == \\\\\\\"4625\\\\\\\"\\\\n| where AccountType == \\\\\\\"User\\\\\\\"\\\\n| summarize min(TimeGenerated), max(TimeGenerated), FailedLogonCount = count() by EventID, Activity, WorkstationName, Account, TargetAccount, TargetUserName, TargetDomainName, LogonType, LogonTypeName, LogonProcessName, Status, SubStatus\\\\n| where FailedLogonCount >= 6\\\\n| project StartTimeUtc = min_TimeGenerated, EndTimeUtc = max_TimeGenerated, FailedLogonCount, EventID, Activity, WorkstationName, Account, TargetAccount, TargetUserName, TargetDomainName, LogonType, LogonTypeName, LogonProcessName, Status, SubStatus\\\\n| extend timestamp = StartTimeUtc, AccountCustomEntity = Account, HostCustomEntity = WorkstationName\\\",\\r\\n  \\\"Query Period\\\": \\\"00:20:00\\\",\\r\\n  \\\"Trigger Operator\\\": \\\"GreaterThan\\\",\\r\\n  \\\"Trigger Threshold\\\": \\\"0\\\",\\r\\n  \\\"Search Query Results Overall Count\\\": \\\"1\\\",\\r\\n  \\\"Total Account Entities\\\": \\\"1\\\",\\r\\n  \\\"Total Host Entities\\\": \\\"1\\\"\\r\\n}\", \"[\\r\\n  {\\r\\n    \\\"$id\\\": \\\"3\\\",\\r\\n    \\\"HostName\\\": \\\"DESKTOP-45ISRTV\\\",\\r\\n    \\\"Type\\\": \\\"host\\\"\\r\\n  },\\r\\n  {\\r\\n    \\\"$id\\\": \\\"4\\\",\\r\\n    \\\"Name\\\": \\\"avmilen\\\",\\r\\n    \\\"NTDomain\\\": \\\"DESKTOP-45ISRTV\\\",\\r\\n    \\\"Type\\\": \\\"account\\\"\\r\\n  }\\r\\n]",
                 " ",
                 "Azure Sentinel",
                 "Scheduled Alerts",
            "name": "PrimaryResult",
            "columns": [
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "TenantId"
                }, {
                    "type": "datetime",
                    "name": "TimeGenerated"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "DisplayName"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "AlertName"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "AlertSeverity"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "Description"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "ProviderName"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "VendorName"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "VendorOriginalId"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "SystemAlertId"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "ResourceId"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "SourceComputerId"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "AlertType"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "ConfidenceLevel"
                }, {
                    "type": "real",
                    "name": "ConfidenceScore"
                }, {
                    "type": "bool",
                    "name": "IsIncident"
                }, {
                    "type": "datetime",
                    "name": "StartTime"
                }, {
                    "type": "datetime",
                    "name": "EndTime"
                }, {
                    "type": "datetime",
                    "name": "ProcessingEndTime"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "RemediationSteps"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "ExtendedProperties"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "Entities"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "SourceSystem"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "WorkspaceSubscriptionId"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "WorkspaceResourceGroup"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "ExtendedLinks"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "ProductName"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "ProductComponentName"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "Type"
Case Wall
Result Type Value / Description Type
Output message*

If successfully added a single hash to the blocklist (is_success=true): "Successfully added the following hashes to the blacklist in Cybereason: {entity.identifier}"

If isn't able to add a single hash to the blocklist (is_success=true): "Action wasn't able to add the following hashes to the blacklist in Cybereason: {entity.identifier}"

If none of the hashes are blocked: "No hashes were added to the blacklist in Cybereason."

If a critical error is reported: "Error executing action "Prevent File". Reason: {traceback}"


Remediate Malop


Perform the malop remediation action on endpoints in Cybereason.


Parameter name Type Default value Is mandatory Description
Malop ID String N/A True Specify the ID of the malop that contains the necessary file/process.
Action DDL

Kill Process

DDL possible values:

  • Kill Process
  • Quarantine File
  • Block File

False Specify the remediation action.
Identifier DDL


Supported values:

  • Name
  • MD5
  • SHA1
  • SHA256

Specify the identifier for the process.

Values CSV N/A True Specify a comma-separated list of values that will be used to search for the correct file/process.

Run on

IP address, Hostname.

Action results

Script result
Script result name Value options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False

If the action runs successfully (no errors returned, server response is 200 OK) on at least one of the entities, is_success should be set to True.

JSON result
   "malopId": "NOMALOP",
   "remediationId": "75e6e05c-99be-4c64-92c5-a237f1c1177a",
   "start": 1684176792584,
   "end": null,
   "initiatingUser": "string",
   "final_status": {taken from last status from 'statusLog'| PROCESS_NOT_FOUND},
   "process_identifier": {name of the process that was killed}
   "statusLog": [
           "machineId": "ClfZtxCi55eyTiwX",
           "targetId": "ClfZt5Hmhmiu6g-U",
           "status": "PENDING",
           "actionType": "KILL_PROCESS",
           "error": null,
           "timestamp": 1684176793876,
           "empty": false
           "machineId": "ClfZtxCi55eyTiwX",
           "targetId": "ClfZt5Hmhmiu6g-U",
           "status": "IN_PROGRESS",
           "actionType": "KILL_PROCESS",
           "error": null,
           "timestamp": 1684176793981,
           "empty": false
           "machineId": "ClfZtxCi55eyTiwX",
           "targetId": "ClfZt5Hmhmiu6g-U",
           "status": "PENDING",
           "actionType": "KILL_PROCESS",
           "error": null,
           "timestamp": 1684176794006,
           "empty": false
   "empty": false
Case wall
Result type Value/Description Type (Entity/General)
Output message* The action should neither fail nor stop a playbook execution:
  • If at least one endpoint was found, and a process or a file was also found on the same endpoint, and the status is "SUCCESS" (is_success=true):
Successfully initiated "{action}" remediation for "{value}" on the following endpoints in Cybereason: {entity identifier}
  • If at least one endpoint was found, and a process or a file was also found on the same endpoint, and the status is "FAILURE" or "ABORTED" (is_success=false):
Action initiated "action" remediation for "{values}", but wasn't able to finish successfully on the following endpoints in Cybereason: {entity identifier}
  • If none of the endpoints were found (is_success=false):
No endpoints were found in Cybereason.
  • If a process or a file is not found in the scope of a malop (is_success is not impacted by this):
The following processes or files were not found in malop {malopid}: {values}. Please check the spelling.
  • If all processes are not found in a malop (is_success=false):
None of the provided processes/files were found in the malop {id}. Please check the spelling.
  • Async message:
Pending endpoints: {entities}

The action should fail and stop a playbook execution:
  • If there is a fatal error, such as wrong credentials, or no connection to server, or other:
print: "Error executing action "Remediate Malop". Reason: {0}''.format(error.Stacktrace)
  • If timeout:
print: "Error executing action "Remediate Malop". Reason: action ran into a timeout during execution. Pending endpoints: {endpoints that are still in progress}. Please increase the timeout in IDE.

Set Reputation


Set a reputation for an entity in Cybereason. Supported entities: File Hash, IP Address, URL.


Parameter Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Reputation List Type List N/A Yes Specify the reputation that needs to be applied to an entity.

Use cases


Run On

This action runs on the following entities:

  • File Hash
  • IP Address
  • URL

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
Case Wall
Result Type Value / Description Type
Output message*

If successful for one entity: "Successfully set "{reputation list type}" reputation for the following entities: {entity.identifier}"

If not successful for one entity: "Action wasn't able to set reputation for the following entities: {entity.identifier}"

If not successful for all entities: "Reputation was not set for the provided entities."


Unisolate Machine


Unisolate a machine in Cybereason. Supported entities: Hostname.



Run On

This action runs on the Hostname entity.

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON Result
    "tables": [
            "rows": [
                 "Failed logon attempts within 10 mins",
                 "Failed logon attempts within 10 mins",
                 "Identifies when failed logon attempts are 6 or higher during a 10 minute period.",
                 "ASI Scheduled Alerts",
                 " ",
                 " ",
                 " ",
                 "{r\\n  \\\"Query\\\": \\\"//In order to view the events that triggered this alert, please add filtering for the original alert\\u2019s time-frame for any table used in this query.\\\\n//This only happens for queries containing conditions on the TimeGenerated column of one or more tables.\\\\n//The original alert's time-frame filter, which should be added to each table in the query is:\\\\n//\\\\\\\"where TimeGenerated between (datetime(10/22/2019 6:28:57 AM)..datetime(10/22/2019 6:48:57 AM))\\\\\\\"\\\\nlet timeframe = 10m;\\\\nSecurityEvent \\\\n| where TimeGenerated > (datetime(10/22/2019 6:48:57 AM)-(2*timeframe)) \\\\n| where EventID == \\\\\\\"4625\\\\\\\"\\\\n| where AccountType == \\\\\\\"User\\\\\\\"\\\\n| summarize min(TimeGenerated), max(TimeGenerated), FailedLogonCount = count() by EventID, Activity, WorkstationName, Account, TargetAccount, TargetUserName, TargetDomainName, LogonType, LogonTypeName, LogonProcessName, Status, SubStatus\\\\n| where FailedLogonCount >= 6\\\\n| project StartTimeUtc = min_TimeGenerated, EndTimeUtc = max_TimeGenerated, FailedLogonCount, EventID, Activity, WorkstationName, Account, TargetAccount, TargetUserName, TargetDomainName, LogonType, LogonTypeName, LogonProcessName, Status, SubStatus\\\\n| extend timestamp = StartTimeUtc, AccountCustomEntity = Account, HostCustomEntity = WorkstationName\\\",\\r\\n  \\\"Query Period\\\": \\\"00:20:00\\\",\\r\\n  \\\"Trigger Operator\\\": \\\"GreaterThan\\\",\\r\\n  \\\"Trigger Threshold\\\": \\\"0\\\",\\r\\n  \\\"Search Query Results Overall Count\\\": \\\"3\\\",\\r\\n  \\\"Total Account Entities\\\": \\\"1\\\",\\r\\n  \\\"Total Host Entities\\\": \\\"1\\\"\\r\\n}\", \"[\\r\\n  {\\r\\n    \\\"$id\\\": \\\"3\\\",\\r\\n    \\\"HostName\\\": \\\"US-DC-V01001\\\",\\r\\n    \\\"Type\\\": \\\"host\\\"\\r\\n  },\\r\\n  {\\r\\n    \\\"$id\\\": \\\"4\\\",\\r\\n    \\\"Name\\\": \\\"administrator\\\",\\r\\n    \\\"NTDomain\\\": \\\"\\\",\\r\\n    \\\"IsDomainJoined\\\": false,\\r\\n    \\\"Type\\\": \\\"account\\\"\\r\\n  }\\r\\n]",
                 " ",
                 "Azure Sentinel",
                 "Scheduled Alerts",
                ], [
                 "Failed logon attempts within 10 mins",
                 "Failed logon attempts within 10 mins",
                 "Identifies when failed logon attempts are 6 or higher during a 10 minute period.",
                 "ASI Scheduled Alerts",
                 " ",
                 " ",
                 " ",
                 "{\\r\\n  \\\"Query\\\": \\\"//In order to view the events that triggered this alert, please add filtering for the original alert\\u2019s time-frame for any table used in this query.\\\\n//This only happens for queries containing conditions on the TimeGenerated column of one or more tables.\\\\n//The original alert's time-frame filter, which should be added to each table in the query is:\\\\n//\\\\\\\"where TimeGenerated between (datetime(10/23/2019 2:59:07 PM)..datetime(10/23/2019 3:19:07 PM))\\\\\\\"\\\\nlet timeframe = 10m;\\\\nSecurityEvent \\\\n| where TimeGenerated > (datetime(10/23/2019 3:19:07 PM)-(2*timeframe)) \\\\n| where EventID == \\\\\\\"4625\\\\\\\"\\\\n| where AccountType == \\\\\\\"User\\\\\\\"\\\\n| summarize min(TimeGenerated), max(TimeGenerated), FailedLogonCount = count() by EventID, Activity, WorkstationName, Account, TargetAccount, TargetUserName, TargetDomainName, LogonType, LogonTypeName, LogonProcessName, Status, SubStatus\\\\n| where FailedLogonCount >= 6\\\\n| project StartTimeUtc = min_TimeGenerated, EndTimeUtc = max_TimeGenerated, FailedLogonCount, EventID, Activity, WorkstationName, Account, TargetAccount, TargetUserName, TargetDomainName, LogonType, LogonTypeName, LogonProcessName, Status, SubStatus\\\\n| extend timestamp = StartTimeUtc, AccountCustomEntity = Account, HostCustomEntity = WorkstationName\\\",\\r\\n  \\\"Query Period\\\": \\\"00:20:00\\\",\\r\\n  \\\"Trigger Operator\\\": \\\"GreaterThan\\\",\\r\\n  \\\"Trigger Threshold\\\": \\\"0\\\",\\r\\n  \\\"Search Query Results Overall Count\\\": \\\"1\\\",\\r\\n  \\\"Total Account Entities\\\": \\\"1\\\",\\r\\n  \\\"Total Host Entities\\\": \\\"1\\\"\\r\\n}\", \"[\\r\\n  {\\r\\n    \\\"$id\\\": \\\"3\\\",\\r\\n    \\\"HostName\\\": \\\"DESKTOP-45ISRTV\\\",\\r\\n    \\\"Type\\\": \\\"host\\\"\\r\\n  },\\r\\n  {\\r\\n    \\\"$id\\\": \\\"4\\\",\\r\\n    \\\"Name\\\": \\\"avmilen\\\",\\r\\n    \\\"NTDomain\\\": \\\"DESKTOP-45ISRTV\\\",\\r\\n    \\\"Type\\\": \\\"account\\\"\\r\\n  }\\r\\n]",
                 " ",
                 "Azure Sentinel",
                 "Scheduled Alerts",
            "name": "PrimaryResult",
            "columns": [
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "TenantId"
                }, {
                    "type": "datetime",
                    "name": "TimeGenerated"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "DisplayName"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "AlertName"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "AlertSeverity"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "Description"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "ProviderName"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "VendorName"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "VendorOriginalId"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "SystemAlertId"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "ResourceId"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "SourceComputerId"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "AlertType"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "ConfidenceLevel"
                }, {
                    "type": "real",
                    "name": "ConfidenceScore"
                }, {
                    "type": "bool",
                    "name": "IsIncident"
                }, {
                    "type": "datetime",
                    "name": "StartTime"
                }, {
                    "type": "datetime",
                    "name": "EndTime"
                }, {
                    "type": "datetime",
                    "name": "ProcessingEndTime"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "RemediationSteps"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "ExtendedProperties"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "Entities"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "SourceSystem"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "WorkspaceSubscriptionId"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "WorkspaceResourceGroup"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "ExtendedLinks"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "ProductName"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "ProductComponentName"
                }, {
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "Type"
Case Wall
Result Type Value / Description Type
Output message*

If successful for one machine (is_success = true): "Successfully unisolated the following machines in Cybereason: {entity.identifier}"

If some machines are not found (is_success=true): "The following machines were not found in Cybereason: {entity.identifier}"

If none of the machines are found (is_success=false): "None of the machines were found in Cybereason."

If unisolation is not finished and run into timeout: "Unisolation was initiated on the following entities, but wasn't finished: {entity.identifier}. Please execute the action again with bigger timeout."

If a critical error is reported: "Error executing action "Unisolate Machine". Reason: {traceback}"


Update Malop Status


Update status for the malop in Cybereason.


Parameter Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Malop ID String N/A Yes Specify the ID of the malop that needs to be updated.
Status List N/A Yes Specify the new status for the malop.

Run On

This action runs on all entities.

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON Result
Case Wall
Result Type Value / Description Type
Output message*

If successful: "Successfully updated status for malop with ID {ID} in Cybereason."

If the malop is not found (fail): "Error executing action "{action name}". Reason: malop with ID {ID} was not found in Cybereason."

If a critical error is reported: "Error executing action "{action name}". Reason: {traceback}"


List Reputation Items


List information about items with reputation in Cybereason.


Parameter Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Filter Logic DDL


Possible Values:

  • Equal
  • Contains
No Specify what filter logic should be applied.
Filter Value String N/A No

Specify the value that should be used in the filter.

If "Equal" is selected, the action tries to find the exact match among results.

If "Contains" is selected, the action tries to find results that contain the specified substring.

If nothing is provided in this parameter, the filter is not applied.

Max Results To Return Integer 50 No Specify the number of results to return.

Run On

This action doesn't use any of the Google Security Operations SOAR entities.

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON Result
    "key": "8cc79ae4d27210976a5bd50a60ec99f4",
    "reputation": "blacklist",
    "prevent_execution": "false",
    "comment": "null",
    "remove": "false"
Case Wall
Result type Value/Description Type
Output message*

The action should not fail nor stop a playbook execution:

If data is available (is_success=true): "Successfully found reputation items for the provided criteria in Cybereason".

If data is not available (is_success=false): "No reputation items were found for the provided criteria in Cybereason"

The action should fail and stop a playbook execution:

If a fatal error, like wrong credentials, no connection to server, other is reported: "Error executing action "List Reputation Items". Reason: {0}''.format(error.Stacktrace)


Case Wall Table

Table Name: Available Reputation Items

Table Columns: The action creates a separate column for each key included in the response.



Execute investigation search based on parameters in Cybereason.

How to prepare a query

This action supports a query that looks slightly different than what you enter in the UI. The general structure of the query is: {key} {operator} {values}

For this action you need to provide specific API fields. For example, in the UI you can see "Platform architecture", but the corresponding API field is "platformArchitecture". A list of all available API fields is provided here.

Operators also differ between UI and API. The action supports the following operators:

  • Equals
  • NotEquals
  • ContainsIgnoreCase
  • NotContainsIgnoreCase
  • LessThan
  • LessOrEqualsTo
  • GreaterThan
  • GreaterOrEqualsTo
  • Between
  • Includes
  • NotIncludes

To provide multiple values for the same key you need to separate them using the "OR" key. For example: platformArchitecture Equals ARCH_X86 OR ARCH_ARM

Each additional filter should be a separate line. Keep in mind that this action only supports one type of request. This means that you can only query either machines or users, but you can't find all users that are in the machine with the ARM architecture. For more complex cases, see the "Execute Custom Investigation Search" action.


Parameter Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Query Filters JSON List of JSON [{ "request_type": "{request type 1}", "queries": ["Query 1", "Query 2"], "connection": "{connection feature}" }, { "request_type": "{request type 2}", "queries": ["Query 3"] }] Yes

Specify the query that needs to be executed.

Note: The query should follow a strict pattern of "{API field } {Operator} {Value}". For multiple values you need to provide an "OR" key.

Each new filter needs to be a separate item in the list. Each key represents the request type, for example, machine or user.

Possible operators:

  • Equals
  • NotEquals
  • ContainsIgnoreCase
  • NotContainsIgnoreCase
  • LessThan
  • LessOrEqualsTo
  • GreaterThan
  • GreaterOrEqualsTo
  • Between
  • Includes
  • NotIncludes
Fields To Return CSV N/A Yes

Specify a comma-separated list of fields that need to be returned.

Note: You need to provide API field names.

Max Results To Return Integer 50 No Specify the number of results to return.

Run On

This action doesn't run on entities.

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON Result
        "simpleValues": {
            "isActiveProbeConnected": {
                "totalValues": 1,
                "values": [
            "osVersionType": {
                "totalValues": 1,
                "values": [
        "simpleValues": {
            "isActiveProbeConnected": {
                "totalValues": 1,
                "values": [
Case Wall
Result type Value/Description Type
Output message*

The action should not fail nor stop a playbook execution:

If data is available (is_success = true): "Successfully executed query in Cybereason".

If data is not available (is_success=true): "No data was found for the provided query in Cybereason.".

The action should fail and stop a playbook execution:

If a fatal error, like wrong credentials, no connection to server, other is reported: "Error executing action "Execute Simple Investigation Search". Reason: {0}''.format(error.Stacktrace)

If the 400 or 200 status code with the "Failure" status is reported: "Error executing action "Execute Simple Investigation Search". Reason: Invalid query provided. Please double check the structure and syntax.''


Case Wall Table

Table Name: Search Results

Table Columns: The action creates a separate column for each key included in the "simpleValues" JSON object.



Execute investigation search based on parameters in Cybereason. This action supports nested queries for different item types.

How to prepare a query

This action supports a query that looks slightly different than what you enter in the UI. The general structure of the query is as follows:

        "request_type": "REQUEST_TYPE",
        "queries": [

For this action, you need to provide specific API fields.

In the following example, the UI displays the Platform architecture field that corresponds to the platformArchitecture API field:

        "request_type": "Machine",
        "queries": [
            "platformArchitecture Equals ARCH_X86 OR ARCH_ARM",

If you send the same query without any filters, the result is as follows:

        "request_type": "Machine",
        "queries": [


A list of all available API fields is provided here.

Operators also differ between UI and API. The action supports the following operators:

  • Equals
  • NotEquals
  • ContainsIgnoreCase
  • NotContainsIgnoreCase
  • LessThan
  • LessOrEqualsTo
  • GreaterThan
  • GreaterOrEqualsTo
  • Between
  • Includes
  • NotIncludes

To provide multiple values for the same key you need to separate them using the "OR" key. For example: platformArchitecture Equals ARCH_X86 OR ARCH_ARM

Each additional filter should be a separate line. For example:

        "request_type": "Machine",
        "queries": [
            "platformArchitecture Equals ARCH_X86 OR ARCH_ARM",
            "osVersionType Equals Windows_10"

This query looks like this in the UI:

Query in UI

To find all users that are on the provided machines, you can use the following query:

        "request_type": "Machine",
        "queries": [
            "platformArchitecture Equals ARCH_X86 OR ARCH_ARM",
            "osVersionType Equals Windows_10"
        "connection": "users"
        "request_type": "User",
        "queries": [
            "emailAddress ContainsIgnoreCase administrator"
Key Description
"request_type" Key that contains the name of the object that needs to be queried.
"queries" Key that contains a list of all query filters.

Key that contains the connection feature.

This key is mandatory when multiple resource types are queried. A list of all possible connection features is available here.

This query looks like this in the UI:

Query in UI

Keep in mind that the order of the fields provided in the JSON file matters. If you provide multiple resource types, then all objects except for the last one should have "connection" keys with valid value. If only one resource type is provided then this parameter is not needed.


Parameter Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Query Filters JSON List of JSON [{ "request_type": "{request type 1}", "queries": ["Query 1", "Query 2"], "connection": "{connection feature}" }, { "request_type": "{request type 2}", "queries": ["Query 3"] }] Yes

Specify the query that needs to be executed.

Note: The query should follow a strict pattern of "{API field } {Operator} {Value}". For multiple values you need to provide an "OR" key.

Each new filter needs to be a separate item in the list. Each key represents the request type, for example, machine or user.

Possible operators:

  • Equals
  • NotEquals
  • ContainsIgnoreCase
  • NotContainsIgnoreCase
  • LessThan
  • LessOrEqualsTo
  • GreaterThan
  • GreaterOrEqualsTo
  • Between
  • Includes
  • NotIncludes
Fields To Return CSV N/A Yes

Specify a comma-separated list of fields that need to be returned.

Note: You need to provide API field names.

Max Results To Return Integer 50 No Specify the number of results to return.

Run On

This action doesn't run on entities.

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON Result
        "simpleValues": {
            "isActiveProbeConnected": {
                "totalValues": 1,
                "values": [
            "osVersionType": {
                "totalValues": 1,
                "values": [
        "simpleValues": {
            "isActiveProbeConnected": {
                "totalValues": 1,
                "values": [

Case Wall
Result type Value/Description Type
Output message*

The action should not fail nor stop a playbook execution:

If data is available (is_success = true): "Successfully executed query in Cybereason".

If data is not available (is_success=true): "No data was found for the provided query in Cybereason.".

The action should fail and stop a playbook execution:

If a fatal error, like wrong credentials, no connection to server, other is reported: "Error executing action "Execute Simple Investigation Search". Reason: {0}''.format(error.Stacktrace)

If the 400 or 200 status code with the "Failure" status is reported: "Error executing action "Execute Simple Investigation Search". Reason: Invalid query provided. Please double check the structure and syntax.''


Case Wall Table

Table Name: Search Results

Table Columns: The action creates a separate column for each key included in the "simpleValues" JSON object.


Get Sensor Details


Get sensor details of entities in Cybereason.


Parameter Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Parameter Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Create Insight Checkbox Checked No If enabled, the action creates an insight containing information about the sensor.

Run On

This action doesn't run on entities.

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON Result
  "sensorId": "5e77883de4b0575ddcf824ef:PYLUMCLIENT_INTEGRATION_CYBEREASON-WINS_000C29D6CBF7",
  "guid": "-257627486.1198775089551518743",
  "fqdn": "cybereason-wins",
  "machineName": "cybereason-wins",
  "internalIpAddress": "",
  "externalIpAddress": "",
  "siteName": "Default",
  "siteId": 0,
  "ransomwareStatus": "DETECT_SUSPEND_PREVENT",
  "preventionStatus": "DISABLED",
  "isolated": false,
  "disconnectionTime": 1636125851418,
  "lastPylumInfoMsgUpdateTime": 1636125550769,
  "status": "Offline",
  "serviceStatus": "Down",
  "onlineTimeMS": 0,
  "offlineTimeMS": 0,
  "staleTimeMS": 0,
  "archiveTimeMs": null,
  "statusTimeMS": 0,
  "lastStatusAction": "None",
  "archivedOrUnarchiveComment": "",
  "sensorArchivedByUser": "",
  "serverName": "integration-1-t",
  "serverId": "5e77883de4b0575ddcf824ef",
  "serverIp": "",
  "privateServerIp": "",
  "collectiveUuid": null,
  "osType": "WINDOWS",
  "osVersionType": "Windows_20H2",
  "collectionStatus": "ADVANCED",
  "version": "",
  "consoleVersion": null,
  "firstSeenTime": 1619187651379,
  "upTime": 540984407,
  "cpuUsage": 0.0,
  "memoryUsage": 0,
  "outdated": false,
  "amStatus": "AM_DETECT_ONLY",
  "amModeOrigin": null,
  "avDbVersion": "86106",
  "avDbLastUpdateTime": 1636124994000,
  "powerShellStatus": "PS_DISABLED",
  "remoteShellStatus": "AC_ENABLED",
  "usbStatus": "DISABLED",
  "fwStatus": "DISABLED",
  "antiExploitStatus": "AE_DISABLED",
  "documentProtectionStatus": "DS_UNKNOWN",
  "documentProtectionMode": "DM_UNKNOWN",
  "organizationalUnit": "",
  "antiMalwareStatus": "AM_ENABLED",
  "antiMalwareModeOrigin": null,
  "organization": "integration",
  "proxyAddress": "",
  "preventionError": "BLOCKI_GENERAL_ERROR",
  "exitReason": "STOP_REQUEST_FROM_PYLUM",
  "actionsInProgress": 0,
  "pendingActions": [],
  "lastUpgradeResult": "None",
  "department": null,
  "location": null,
  "criticalAsset": null,
  "deviceType": null,
  "customTags": null,
  "lastUpgradeSteps": [],
  "disconnected": true,
  "staticAnalysisDetectMode": "DISABLED",
  "staticAnalysisDetectModeOrigin": null,
  "staticAnalysisPreventMode": "DISABLED",
  "staticAnalysisPreventModeOrigin": null,
  "collectionComponents": [
    "File Events",
    "Registry Events"
  "sensorLastUpdate": 0,
  "fullScanStatus": "IDLE",
  "quickScanStatus": "IDLE",
  "lastFullScheduleScanSuccessTime": 0,
  "lastQuickScheduleScanSuccessTime": 1636103116000,
  "policyName": "Default",
  "deliveryTime": 1628671127981,
  "policyId": "be944da9-89e9-48e0-8c84-80000a6f2b29",
  "compliance": true,
  "groupId": null,
  "groupName": "Unassigned"
Entity Enrichment
Enrichment Field Name Logic - When to apply
sensor_status Returns if it exists in JSON result
sensor_groupName Returns if it exists in JSON result
sensor_policyName Returns if it exists in JSON result
sensor_isolated Returns if it exists in JSON result
sensor_internalIpAddress Returns if it exists in JSON result
sensor_machineName Returns if it exists in JSON result
sensor_fqdn Returns if it exists in JSON result
sensor_serviceStatus Returns if it exists in JSON result
sensor_osType Returns if it exists in JSON result
sensor_site Returns if it exists in JSON result
sensor_upTime Returns if it exists in JSON result
Case Wall
Result type Value/Description Type
Output message*

The action should not fail nor stop a playbook execution:

If data is available (is_success = true): "Successfully found sensor information in Cybereason for the following entities: {entity identifier}".

If data is not available for one entity (is_success=false): "Action wasn't able to find sensor information in Cybereason for the following entities: {entity identifier}".

If data is not available for all entities (is_success=false): "No sensor information was found for the provided entities in Cybereason".

The action should fail and stop a playbook execution:

If a fatal error, like wrong credentials, no connection to server, other is reported: "Error executing action "Get Sensor Details". Reason: {0}''.format(error.Stacktrace)


Case Wall Table

Table Name: {entity.identifier}

Table Columns:

  • FQDN - fqdn
  • Name - machineName
  • IP Address - internalIpAddress
  • Site - siteName
  • Isolated - isolated
  • Uptime - upTime
  • Policy - policyName
  • Group - groupName
  • Status - status
  • Service Status - serviceStatus


Cybereason - Malops Inbox Connector


Pull alerts from Malops Inbox in Cybereason.

Configure Cybereason - Malops Inbox Connector in Google Security Operations SOAR

For detailed instructions on how to configure a connector in Google Security Operations SOAR, see Configuring the connector.

Connector parameters

Use the following parameters to configure the connector:

Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Product Field Name String Product Name Yes Enter the source field name in order to retrieve the Product Field name.
Event Field Name String malopDetectionType Yes Enter the source field name in order to retrieve the Event Field name.
Environment Field Name String "" No

Describes the name of the field where the environment name is stored.

If the environment field isn't found, the environment is the default environment.

Environment Regex Pattern String .* No

A regex pattern to run on the value found in the "Environment Field Name" field.

Default is .* to catch all and return the value unchanged.

Used to allow the user to manipulate the environment field via regex logic.

If the regex pattern is null or empty, or the environment value is null, the final environment result is the default environment.

Script Timeout (Seconds) Integer 180 Yes Timeout limit for the python process running the current script.
API Root String https:/{{api root}} Yes API root of the Cybereason instance.
Username String N/A Yes Cybereason account username
Password Password N/A Yes Cybereason account password
Lowest Severity To Fetch String N/A No

Lowest severity that will be used to fetch model breaches. If nothing is specified, action will ingest all alerts. Possible values:

N/A, Low, Medium, High.

Status Filter CSV Active No

Status filter for the alerts. Possible values:

Active, Remediated, Closed, Excluded.

Max Hours Backwards Integer 1 No Amount of hours from where to fetch alerts.
Max Alerts To Fetch Integer 10 No How many alerts to process per one connector iteration.
Use whitelist as a blacklist Checkbox Unchecked Yes If enabled, dynamic list will be used as a blocklist.
Verify SSL Checkbox Checked Yes If enabled, verifies that the SSL certificate for the connection to the Cybereason server is valid.
Proxy Server Address String N/A No The address of the proxy server to use.
Proxy Username String N/A No The proxy username to authenticate with.
Proxy Password Password N/A No The proxy password to authenticate with.

Connector Rules

Proxy Support

The connector supports Proxy.