Azure Security Center

Integration version: 9.0

Use cases

  1. Ingest security alerts into Google Security Operations SOAR for investigation.

  2. Update alerts.

  3. Retrieve information about standard compliance.


Before configuring the integration in the Google Security Operations SOAR platform, make sure to grant required permissions to the Azure user account and configure either a password authentication or an OAuth authentication.

Configure permissions

This integration requires delegated access to the Azure resources. Make sure to grant the following required permissions to the Azure user account used to configure the integration:

  1. User account must be an active member for the following Azure roles:

    • Security Reader
    • Security Admin
  2. On the Azure subscription level, make sure to grant the user the following IAM role: Management Group Reader.

Configure password authentication

To configure the password authentication for Microsoft Defender for Cloud, complete the following steps:

  1. Create the Microsoft Entra app.

  2. Configure the API permissions for your app.

  3. Create a client secret.

  4. Use your Azure subscription ID as a value for the corresponding integration parameter.

Create Microsoft Entra app

  1. Sign in to the Azure portal as a user administrator or a password administrator.

  2. Select Microsoft Entra ID.

  3. Go to App registrations > New registration.

  4. Enter the name of the app.

  5. Click Register.

  6. Save the Application (client) ID and Directory (tenant) ID values to use them later when configuring the integration parameters.

Configure API permissions

  1. Go to API Permissions > Add a permission.

  2. Select Azure Service Management > Delegated permissions.

  3. In the Select Permissions section, select the following permission:

    • user_impersonation
  4. Select Microsoft Graph > Delegated permissions.

  5. In the Select Permissions section, select the following permissions:

    • SecurityEvents.Read.All
    • SecurityEvents.ReadWrite.All
    • User.Read
  6. Select Microsoft Graph > Application permissions.

  7. In the Select Permissions section, select the following permissions:

    • SecurityEvents.Read.All
    • SecurityEvents.ReadWrite.All
  8. Click Add permissions.

  9. Click Grant admin consent for YOUR_ORGANIZATION_NAME.

    When the Grant admin consent confirmation dialog appears, click Yes.

Create client secret

  1. Navigate to Certificates and secrets > New client secret.

  2. Provide a description for a client secret and set its expiration deadline.

  3. Click Add.

  4. Save the value of the client secret (not the secret ID) to use it as the Client Secret parameter value when configuring the integration. The client secret value is only displayed once.

Configure integration with Azure subscription ID

  1. In Microsoft Defender for Cloud, go the Overview tab.

  2. Click Azure subscriptions.

  3. Copy the Azure subscription ID value and input it in the Subscription ID parameter when configuring the integration parameters.

Configure OAuth authentication

To configure the OAuth authentication for Microsoft Defender for Cloud, complete the following steps:

  1. Create the Microsoft Entra app.

  2. Configure the API permissions for your app.

  3. Create a client secret.

  4. Use your Azure subscription ID as a value for the corresponding integration parameter.

Create Microsoft Entra app

To create an application and impersonate the chosen user, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to the Azure portal as a user administrator or a password administrator.

  2. Select Microsoft Entra ID.

  3. Go to App registrations > New registration.

  4. Enter the name of the app.

  5. Select suitable Supported account types.

  6. For the Redirect URL, provide the following value: http://localhost.

  7. Click Register.

  8. Save the Application (client) ID and Directory (tenant) ID values to use them later to configure the integration.

Configure API permissions

  1. Go to API Permissions > Add a permission.

  2. Select Azure Service Management > Delegated permissions.

  3. In the Select Permissions section, select the following permission:

    • user_impersonation
  4. Select Microsoft Graph > Delegated permissions.

  5. In the Select Permissions section, select the following permissions:

    • SecurityEvents.Read.All
    • SecurityEvents.ReadWrite.All
    • User.Read
  6. Select Microsoft Graph > Application permissions.

  7. In the Select Permissions section, select the following permissions:

    • SecurityEvents.Read.All
    • SecurityEvents.ReadWrite.All
  8. Click Add permissions.

  9. Click Grant admin consent for YOUR_ORGANIZATION_NAME.

    When the Grant admin consent confirmation dialog appears, click Yes.

Create client secret

  1. Navigate to Certificates and secrets > New client secret.

  2. Provide a description for a client secret and set its expiration deadline.

  3. Click Add.

  4. Save the value of the client secret (not the secret ID) to use it as the Client Secret parameter value when configuring the integration. The client secret value is only displayed once.

Configure integration with Azure subscription ID

  1. In Microsoft Defender for Cloud, go the Overview tab.

  2. Click Azure subscriptions.

  3. Copy the Azure subscription ID value and input it in the Subscription ID parameter when configuring the integration.

Configure OAuth authentication in Google Security Operations SOAR

To configure the OAuth authentication for Microsoft Defender for Cloud in Google Security Operations SOAR platform, complete the following steps:

  1. Configure the integration parameters and save them.

  2. Generate a refresh token:

    • Optional: Simulate a case in Google Security Operations SOAR.

    • Manually run the Get OAuth Authorization Code action.

    • Manually run the Generate Token action.

  3. Input the obtained refresh token as the Refresh Token parameter value and save the configuration.

Configure integration parameters

In Google Security Operations SOAR, configure the integration parameters with Client ID, Client secret, Tenant ID, and Subscription ID values that you've obtained in previous steps.

Generate refresh token

Generating a refresh token requires running manual actions on any existing case. If your Google Security Operations instance is new and has no existing cases, simulate one.

Simulate case

To simulate a case in Google Security Operations SOAR, follow these steps:

  1. In the left navigation, select Cases.

  2. On the Cases page, click add > Simulate Cases.

  3. Select any of the default cases and click Create. It doesn't matter what case you choose to simulate.

  4. Click Simulate.

    If you have an environment other than default and would like to use it, select the correct environment and click Simulate.

  5. In the Cases tab, click Refresh. The case you have simulated appears in the case list.

Run the Get OAuth Authorization Code action

Use the Google Security Operations SOAR case you've simulated or any existing one to run the Get OAuth Authorization Code action manually.

  1. In the Cases tab, select your simulated case to open a Case View.

  2. Click Manual Action.

  3. In the Manual Action Search field, input Azure Security Center.

  4. In the results under the Azure Security Center integration, select Get OAuth Authorization Code. This action returns an authorization link used to interactively sign in to the Microsoft Entra app.

  5. In the Redirect URL parameter field, input the URL that you've used when creating the Microsoft Entra app.

  6. Click Execute.

  7. After the action is executed, navigate to the Case Wall of your simulated case. In the Azure Security Center_Get OAuth Authorization Code action record, click View More and copy the authorization link.

  8. Open a new browser window in the incognito mode and paste the generated authorization URL. The Azure sign-in page opens.

  9. Sign in with the user credentials you selected for the integration. After signing in, your browser should be redirected with a code in the address bar.

    An example of the resulting URL with the code is as follows:

  10. From the URL, copy the access code part that comes after http://localhost/?code=. You need this access code to run the Get OAuth Refresh Token action.

Run the Get OAuth Refresh Token action

Use a the Google Security Operations SOAR case you've simulated to run the Get OAuth Refresh Token action manually.

  1. In the Cases tab, select your simulated case to open a Case View.

  2. Click Manual Action.

  3. In the Manual Action Search field, type in Azure Security Center.

  4. In the results under the Azure Security Center integration, select Get OAuth Refresh Token.

  5. In the Authorization Code parameter field, input the access code that you've obtained after running the Get OAuth Authorization Code action.

  6. Click Execute.

  7. After the action is executed, navigate to the Case Wall of your simulated case. In the Azure Security Center_Get OAuth Refresh Token action record, click View More.

  8. Copy the entire value of the generated refresh token.

Configure the Refresh Token parameter
  1. Navigate to the configuration dialog for the Azure Security Center integration.

  2. Input the refresh token value from the previous step into the Refresh Token field.

  3. Click Save.

Integrate Azure Security Center with Google Security Operations SOAR

For detailed instructions on how to configure an integration in Google Security Operations SOAR, see Configure integrations.

Integration inputs

Use the following parameters to configure the integration:

Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Client ID String N/A Yes Client ID of the Microsoft Entra application.
Client Secret Password N/A Yes Client Secret of the Microsoft Entra application.
Username String N/A No Username of the Microsoft Entra account.
Password Password N/A No Password of the Microsoft Entra account.
Subscription ID String N/A Yes

The ID of the subscription for which you want to query information.

Note: If subscription ID is provided at the integration level and action level, priority is given to the action configuration.

Tenant ID String N/A Yes Tenant ID of the Microsoft Entra application.
Refresh Token Password N/A Yes Refresh token for the OAuth authorization.
Verify SSL Checkbox Unchecked Yes If enabled, verifies that the SSL certificate for the connection to the Microsoft Defender for Cloud server is valid.


Get OAuth Authorization Code

Generate an OAuth authorization code to obtain a refresh token.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Redirect URL String https://localhost Yes Specify the redirect URL that was used when the Microsoft Entra app was created.

Run on

This action doesn't run on entities.

Action results

Script result
Script Result Name Value Options
is_success is_success=False
is_success is_success=True
Case wall
Result type Value/Description Type (Entity \ General)
Output message* The action should not fail nor stop a playbook execution: "Successfully generated Authorization code URL in Azure Security Center. Please copy paste it in the browser. After that, copy the "code" part from the URL. This authorization code is used in action "Get OAuth Refresh Token". ". General

Name: Authorization Code Link
URL: {generated link}

Get OAuth Refresh Token

Generate the refresh token that is needed for the integration configuration. Authorization code can be generated using the Get OAuth Authorization Code action.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Redirect URL String https://localhost Yes Specify the redirect URL that was used when the app was created.
Authorization Code String Yes Specify the authorization code from action "Get OAuth Authorization Code"

Run on

This action doesn't run on entities.

Action results

Script result
Script Result Name Value Options
is_success is_success=False
is_success is_success=True
JSON result
    "token_type": "Bearer",
    "scope": "user_impersonation",
    "expires_in": "3599",
    "ext_expires_in": "3599",
    "expires_on": "1628514482",
    "not_before": "1628510582",
    "resource": "",
    "access_token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsIng1dCI6Im5PbzNaRH",
    "refresh_token": "0.ATwAylKP1BpbCEeO0Ou5iiakalBVs4hy5YpMhS4OVguFb9Y8AGw",
    "id_token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJub25lIn0.eyJhdWQiOiI4OGIzNTU1MC1"
Case wall
Result type Value/Description Type (Entity \ General)
Output message*

The action should not fail nor stop a playbook execution:

If the 200 status code is reported (is_success = true): "Successfully generated refresh token in Azure Security Center.".

The action should fail and stop a playbook execution:

if fatal error, like wrong credentials, no connection to server, other: "Error executing action "Get OAuth Refresh Token". Reason: {0}''.format(error.Stacktrace)

If non 200 status code: "Error executing action "Get OAuth Refresh Token". Reason: {0}''.format(error_description)


List Regulatory Standards

List available regulatory standards in Microsoft Defender for Cloud.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Subscription ID String N/A No

Specify the ID of the subscription for which you want to query information.

Note: If subscription ID is provided at the integration level and action level, priority is given to the action configuration.

State Filter CSV Failed No

Specify the comma-separated list of states. Example: Failed, Skipped. Only standards with the matching state will be returned. For example, if you specify "Failed", action will only return failed standards.

Possible values: Passed,Failed,Unsupported,Skipped

Max Standards To Return String 50 No Specify how many standards to return.

Run on

This action doesn't run on entities.

Action results

Script result
Script Result Name Value Options
is_success is_success=False
is_success is_success=True
JSON result
    "value": [
            "id": "/subscriptions/a052d33b-b7c4-4dc7-9e17-5c89ea594669/providers/Microsoft.Security/regulatoryComplianceStandards/Azure-CIS-1.1.0",
            "name": "Azure-CIS-1.1.0",
            "type": "Microsoft.Security/regulatoryComplianceStandards",
            "properties": {
                "state": "Failed",
                "passedControls": 21,
                "failedControls": 3,
                "skippedControls": 0,
                "unsupportedControls": 87
Case wall
Result type Value/Description Type (Entity \ General)
Output message*

The action should not fail nor stop a playbook execution:

If status code 200 and after filtering we have data : "Successfully retrieved regulatory controls for the provided standards in Microsoft Azure Security Center"

If status code 200 and after filtering we have no data : "No regulatory standards were found in Microsoft Azure Security Center"

The action should fail and stop a playbook execution:

If a fatal error, SDK error, like wrong credentials, no connection to the server, other is reported: "Error executing action "List Regulatory Standards". Reason: {0}''.format(error.Stacktrace)

If State Filter contains invalid values: "Error executing action "List Regulatory Standards". Reason: 'State Filter' parameter should only contain the following values: 'Passed', 'Failed', 'Skipped', 'Unsupported'.''

Case Wall Table

Name: Regulatory Standards


  • Name
  • State
  • Passed Controls
  • Failed Controls
  • Skipped Controls
  • Unsupported Controls

List Regulatory Standard Controls

List available controls related to standards in Microsoft Defender for Cloud.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Subscription ID String N/A No

Specify the ID of the subscription for which you want to query information.

Note: If subscription ID is provided at the integration level and action level, priority is given to the action configuration.

Standard Names CSV Yes Specify a comma-separated list of standard names for which you want to retrieve details. Example: Azure-CIS-1.1.0
State Filter CSV Failed No

Specify the comma-separated list of states. Example: Failed, Skipped. Only controls with the matching state will be returned. For example, if you specify "Failed", action will only return failed controls.

Possible values: Passed,Failed,Unsupported,Skipped

Max Controls To Return String 50 No Specify how many controls to return per standard.

Run on

This action doesn't run on entities.

Action results

Script result
Script Result Name Value Options
is_success is_success=False
is_success is_success=True
JSON result
    "results": [
      "Name": "{Standard_name}",
            "id": "/subscriptions/a052d33b-b7c4-4dc7-9e17-5c89ea594669/providers/Microsoft.Security/regulatoryComplianceStandards/Azure-CIS-1.1.0",
            "name": "Azure-CIS-1.1.0",
            "type": "Microsoft.Security/regulatoryComplianceStandards",
            "properties": {
                "state": "Failed",
                "passedControls": 21,
                "failedControls": 3,
                "skippedControls": 0,
                "unsupportedControls": 87
Case wall
Result type Value/Description Type (Entity \ General)
Output message*

The action should not fail nor stop a playbook execution:

If status code 200 and after filtering we have data for at least one standard(is_success = true) : "Successfully retrieved regulatory controls for the following standards in Microsoft Azure Security Center:\n {0}".format(standard)

If fail for standard(is_success = true) : "Action wasn't able to retrieve regulatory controls for the following standards in Microsoft Azure Security Center:\n {0}".format(standard)

If no data is found for some standards after filter (is_success=true): "No regulatory controls were found for the following standards in Microsoft Azure Security Center:\n {0}".format(standard)

If no data is found for all standards based on filters: "No regulatory controls were found for the provided standards."

The action should fail and stop a playbook execution:

If a fatal error, SDK error, like wrong credentials, no connection to the server, other is reported: "Error executing action "List Regulatory Standard Controls". Reason: {0}''.format(error.Stacktrace)

If State Filter contains invalid values: "Error executing action "List Regulatory Standard Controls". Reason: 'State Filter' parameter should only contain the following values: 'Passed', 'Failed', 'Skipped', 'Unsupported'.''

Case Wall Table

Table Name: "Regulatory Controls: {0}".format(Standard)


  • Name
  • State
  • Description
  • Passed Assessments
  • Failed Assessments
  • Skipped Assessments


Test connectivity to Microsoft Defender for Cloud with parameters provided at the integration configuration page in the Google Security Operations Marketplace tab.

Run on

This action doesn't run on entities.

Action results

Script result
Script Result Name Value Options
is_success is_success=False
is_success is_success=True
Case wall
Result Type Value / Description Type
Output message*

The action should not fail nor stop a playbook execution:

If successful: "Successfully connected to the Azure Security Center server with the provided connection parameters!"

The action should fail and stop a playbook execution:

If not successful: "Failed to connect to the Azure Security Center server! Error is {0}".format(exception.stacktrace)


Update Alert Status

Update status of the alert in Microsoft Defender for Cloud.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Subscription ID String N/A No

Specify the ID of the subscription for which you want to query information.

Note: If subscription ID is provided at the integration level and action level, priority is given to the action configuration.

Alert ID String N/A Yes Specify an ID of the alert, where you want to update status.
Location String N/A Yes Specify the location of the alert. Example: centralus.
Status DDL


Possible values:

  • Dismiss
  • Reactivate
  • Resolve
Yes Specify the status for the alert.

Run on

This action doesn't run on entities.

Action results

Script result
Script Result Name Value Options
is_success is_success=False
is_success is_success=True
Case wall
Result Type Value / Description Type
Output message*

The action should not fail nor stop a playbook execution:

If status code 204 (is_success = true) : "Successfully {0} alert with ID {1} in Microsoft Azure Security Center:\n {0}".format(dismissed/resolved/reactivated, alert_id)

If "errors" in the response (is_success = false) : "Action wasn't able to {0} alert with ID {1} in Microsoft Azure Security Center. Reason: {2}".format(dismiss/resolve/reactivate, alert_id, errors/message)

The action should fail and stop a playbook execution:

If a fatal error, SDK error, like wrong credentials, no connection to the server, other is reported: "Error executing action "Update Alert Status". Reason: {0}''.format(error.Stacktrace)



For detailed instructions on how to configure a connector in Google Security Operations SOAR, see Configuring the connector.

Azure Security Center - Security Alerts Connector

Pull security alerts from Microsoft Defender for Cloud.

Connector parameters

Use the following parameters to configure the connector:

Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Product Field Name String Product Name Yes Enter the source field name in order to retrieve the Product Field name.
Event Field Name String resourceType Yes Enter the source field name in order to retrieve the Event Field name.
Environment Field Name String "" No

Describes the name of the field where the environment name is stored.

If the environment field isn't found, the environment is the default environment.

Environment Regex Pattern String .* No

A regex pattern to run on the value found in the "Environment Field Name" field.

Default is .* to catch all and return the value unchanged.

Used to allow the user to manipulate the environment field via regex logic.

If the regex pattern is null or empty, or the environment value is null, the final environment result is the default environment.

Script Timeout (Seconds) Integer 180 Yes Timeout limit for the python process running the current script.
Client ID String N/A True Client ID of the Microsoft Entra application.
Client Secret Password N/A True Client Secret of the Microsoft Entra application.
Username String N/A True Username of the Microsoft Entra account.
Password Password N/A True Password of the Microsoft Entra account.
Subscription ID String N/A True Subscription ID of the Microsoft Entra application
Tenant ID String N/A True Tenant ID of the Microsoft Entra application.
Lowest Severity To Fetch String Low

Lowest severity that will be used to fetch Alert.

Possible values: Low, Medium, High

Max Alerts To Fetch Integer 50 No How many alerts to process per one connector iteration.
Max Hours Backwards Integer 1 No How many hours backwards to fetch alerts.
Use whitelist as a blacklist Checkbox Unchecked Yes If enabled, dynamic list will be used as a blocklist.
Verify SSL Checkbox Unchecked Yes If enabled, verify the SSL certificate for the connection to the Microsoft Defender for Cloud server is valid.
Proxy Server Address String N/A No The address of the proxy server to use.
Proxy Username String N/A No The proxy username to authenticate with.
Proxy Password Password N/A No The proxy password to authenticate with.
Refresh Token Password N/A No Refresh token for the OAuth authorization.

Connector rules

Proxy support

The connector supports proxy.


To configure jobs in Google Security Operations, go to Response > Job Scheduler.

Refresh Token Renewal Job

The goal of the Refresh Token Renewal Job is to periodically update the refresh token used in the integration.

By default, the refresh token expires every 90 days, thus making integration unusable upon expiration. It is recommended to run this job every 7 or 14 days to make sure that the refresh token is up to date.

Job inputs

To configure the job, use the following parameters:

Integration Environments Optional

Integration environments which the job updates the refresh tokens for.

This parameter accepts multiple values as a comma-separated string. Enclose individual values in quotation marks (" ").

Connector Names Optional

Connector names which the job updates the refresh tokens for.

This parameter accepts multiple values as a comma-separated string. Enclose individual values in quotation marks (" ").