Trace collection overview

This page offers overview information about trace collection with OpenTelemetry. To monitor and debug Spanner requests, you can enable traces in the Spanner client libraries. Client-side and end-to-end tracing can help you monitor performance and debug issues.

Traces provide relevant information for every request from a client, such as the following:

  • Spans with timestamps of when the client sent an RPC request and when the client received the RPC response, including latency caused by the network and client system.

  • Attributes (key-value pairs) that provide information about the client and its configuration.

  • Annotations with important events in the spans.

For more information about spans and attributes, see Spans and Attributes in the OpenTelemetry documentation.

End-to-end tracing

In addition to client-side tracing, you can opt in for end-to-end tracing (Preview). End-to-end tracing helps you understand and debug latency issues that are specific to Spanner such as the following:

  • Identify whether the latency is due to network latency between your application and Spanner, or if the latency is occurring within Spanner.

  • Identify the Google Cloud regions that your application requests are being routed through and if there is a cross-region request. A cross-region request usually means higher latencies between your application and Spanner.


Spanner client libraries support trace collection using OpenTelemetry APIs. OpenTelemetry is an open-source observability framework. OpenTelemetry offers a wide range of configurations such as exporters for specific backends, sampling ratios, and span limits.

Export traces with exporters and collectors

As part of your configurations, you can export your traces to an observability backend. Most observability service providers offer exporters for you to use, such as the Trace exporter.

In addition to an exporter, OpenTelemetry recommends setting up a collector. A collector lets your service offload data quickly and lets the collector take care of additional handling like retries, batching, and encryption. A collector runs alongside your application. The collector receives OLTP messages, processes the messages, and exports them to your observability backend.


Spanner traces have the following limitations:

  • Trace spans are available only for the Java and Go client libraries.
  • End-to-end traces can only be exported to Trace.


In addition to Spanner usage, tracing can incur charges through your observability backend.

Ingestion of trace spans into your observability backend is billable. For example, if you use Trace as your backend, you are billed according to Trace pricing.

To better understand billing, start with a small trace sampling ratio based on your traffic.

What's next

To set up client-side and end-to-end tracing, see Set up trace collection using OpenTelemetry.