Work with protocol buffers in GoogleSQL

Protocol buffers are a flexible mechanism for serializing structured data. They are small in size and efficient to send over RPCs. Protocol buffers are represented in Spanner using the PROTO data type. A column can contain PROTO values the same way it can contain INT32 or STRING values.

A protocol buffer contains zero or more fields inside it. Each field inside a protocol buffer has its own type. All SQL data types except STRUCT can be contained inside a PROTO. Repeated fields in a protocol buffer are represented as ARRAYs. To learn more about the PROTO data type, see Protocol buffer type. For related functions, see Protocol buffer functions.

To query protocol buffers, you need to understand how they are represented, what features they support, and what data they can contain. To learn more about protocol buffers, see the Protocol Buffers Developer Guide.

Construct a protocol buffer

You can construct a protocol buffer with the NEW operator or the SELECT AS typename statement. To learn more about constructing protocol buffers, see Protocol buffer type.

Cast to or from a protocol buffer

You can use the CAST AS PROTO function to cast PROTO to or from BYTES, STRING, or PROTO.

SELECT CAST('first_name: "Alana", last_name: "Yah", customer_no: 1234'
  AS example.CustomerInfo);

Casting to or from BYTES produces or parses proto2 wire format bytes. If there is a failure during the serialization or deserialization process, Spanner throws an error. This can happen, for example, if no value is specified for a required field.

Casting to or from STRING produces or parses the proto2 text format. When casting from STRING, unknown field names aren't parseable. This means you need to be cautious, because round-tripping from PROTO to STRING back to PROTO might result in unexpected results.

STRING literals used where a PROTO value is expected will be implicitly cast to PROTO. If the literal value can't be parsed using the expected PROTO type, an error is raised. To return NULL instead of raising an error, use SAFE_CAST.

Create a protocol buffer

To create a protocol buffer, import the protocol messages from a protocol buffer with the CREATE PROTO BUNDLE statement. Only the protocol message type names in a CREATE PROTO BUNDLE statement are stored in your database schema. For example:

First, create a protocol buffer bundle with the examples.shipping.Order message:

syntax = "proto2";
package examples.shipping;

message Order {
  optional string order_number = 1;
  optional int64 date = 2;

  message Address {
    optional string street = 1;
    optional string city = 2;
    optional string state = 3;
    optional string country = 4;

  optional Address shipping_address = 3;

  message Item {
    optional string product_name = 1;
    optional int32 quantity = 2;

  repeated Item line_item = 4;



message OrderHistory {
  optional string order_number = 1;
  optional int64 date = 2;

Next, compile the protocol buffer. Use the protoc compiler to generate the proto descriptor file along with the corresponding language-specific classes from your .proto file. To generate the order_descriptors.pb proto descriptor:

protoc --include_imports --descriptor_set_out=order_descriptors.pb order_protos.proto

Use the CREATE PROTO BUNDLE DDL statement to load types available from proto files into your database schema.

For example:


Then, upload the proto descriptor using the gcloud spanner databases ddl update command:

gcloud spanner databases ddl update DATABASE_NAME --instance=INSTANCE_NAME
  --ddl='CREATE PROTO BUNDLE (`examples.shipping.Order`, `examples.shipping.Order.Address`, `examples.shipping.Order.Item`);'

If you include nested message types within a protocol message in your DML statement, the nested message types must be included in the CREATE PROTO BUNDLE DDL statement.

Finally, create an Orders table with the Order message:

  Id INT64,
  OrderInfo `examples.shipping.Order`,

Add a message to a protocol buffer

You can add messages to your protocol buffer with the ALTER PROTO BUNDLE statement. For example:


Update the proto bundle with the added message using the gcloud spanner databases ddl update command:

gcloud spanner databases ddl update DATABASE_NAME --instance=INSTANCE_NAME
  --ddl='ALTER PROTO BUNDLE INSERT (`examples.shipping.OrderHistory`);'

Use a protocol buffer message in a column definition

You can include a protocol buffer message when creating new tables by declaring a column's type as a protocol message. For example:

CREATE TABLE OrderHistory (
  Id INT64,
  OrderHistoryInfo examples.shipping.OrderHistory,

Update a message for a protocol buffer

You can update and replace existing proto messages with the ALTER PROTO BUNDLE statement. For example:


Update the proto bundle using the gcloud spanner databases ddl update command:

gcloud spanner databases ddl update DATABASE_NAME --instance=INSTANCE_NAME
  --ddl='ALTER PROTO BUNDLE UPDATE(`examples.shipping.Order`);'

Delete a message from a protocol buffer

If you're no longer using a message, you can delete it from the protocol buffer with the ALTER PROTO BUNDLE statement. For example:


Update the proto bundle using the gcloud spanner databases ddl update command:

gcloud spanner databases ddl update DATABASE_NAME --instance=INSTANCE_NAME
  --ddl='ALTER PROTO BUNDLE DELETE(`examples.shipping.OrderHistory`);'

Query a protocol buffer

Use the dot operator to access the fields contained within a protocol buffer. You can't use this operator to get values of fields that use the Oneof, Any, or Unknown Fields type.

Example protocol buffer message

The following example queries for a table called Customers. This table contains a column Orders of type PROTO.

CREATE TABLE Customers (
  Id INT64,
  Orders examples.shipping.Order,

The proto stored in Orders contains fields such as the items ordered and the shipping address. The .proto file that defines this protocol buffer might look like this:

syntax = "proto2";
package examples.shipping;

message Order {
  optional string order_number = 1;
  optional int64 date = 2;

  message Address {
    optional string street = 1;
    optional string city = 2;
    optional string state = 3;
    optional string country = 4;

  optional Address shipping_address = 3;

  message Item {
    optional string product_name = 1;
    optional int32 quantity = 2;

  repeated Item line_item = 4;



An instance of this message might be:

  order_number: 1234567
  date: 16242
  shipping_address: {
      street: "1234 Main St"
      city: "AnyCity"
      state: "AnyState"
      country: "United States"
  line_item: [
      product_name: "Foo"
      quantity: 10
      product_name: "Bar"
      quantity: 5

Query top-level fields

You can write a query to return an entire protocol buffer message, or to return a top-level or nested field of the message.

Using our example protocol buffer message, the following query returns all protocol buffer values from the Orders column:

  Customers AS c;

This query returns the top-level field order_number from all protocol buffer messages in the Orders column using the dot operator:

  Customers AS c;

Query nested paths

You can write a query to return a nested field of a protocol buffer message.

In the previous example, the Order protocol buffer contains another protocol buffer message, Address, in the shipping_address field. You can create a query that returns all orders that have a shipping address in the United States:

  Customers AS c
WHERE = "United States";

Return repeated fields

A protocol buffer message can contain repeated fields. When referenced in a SQL statement, the repeated fields return as ARRAY values. For example, our protocol buffer message contains a repeated field, line_item.

The following query returns a set of ARRAYs containing the line items, each holding all the line items for one order:

  Customers AS c;

For more information about arrays, see Work with arrays.

For more information about default field values, see Default values and NULLs.

Return the number of elements in an array

You can return the number of values in a repeated fields in a protocol buffer using the ARRAY_LENGTH function.

  Customers AS c;

Type mapping

The following table gives examples of the mapping between various protocol buffer field types and the resulting GoogleSQL types.

Protocol buffer field type GoogleSQL type
bool BOOL
bytes BYTES
double FLOAT64
int64 INT64
sint64 INT64
sfixed64 INT64
string STRING
message PROTO
enum ENUM
repeated ARRAY

The following protocol buffer field types can appear in the protocol buffer definition and are written to the protocol buffer column data, but they can't be used in DML statements or queries with the field access operator. Otherwise, an unknown type error appears. They can only be accessed by reading the entire protocol buffer file:

  • float
  • int32
  • sint32
  • sfixed32
  • uint32
  • fixed32
  • uint64
  • fixed64

Default values and NULLs

Protocol buffer messages themselves don't have a default value; only the non-repeated fields contained inside a protocol buffer have defaults. When the result of a query returns a full protocol buffer value, it's returned as a blob (a data structure that's used to store large binary data). The result preserves all fields in the protocol buffer as they were stored, including unset fields. This means that you can run a query that returns a protocol buffer, and then extract fields or check field presence in your client code with normal protocol buffer default behavior.

NULL values aren't typically returned when accessing non-repeated leaf fields contained in a PROTO from within a SQL statement. However, NULL values can result in some cases, for example if a containing parent message is NULL.

This behavior is consistent with the standards for handling protocol buffers messages. If the field value isn't explicitly set on a non-repeated leaf field, the PROTO default value for the field is returned. A change to the default value for a PROTO field affects all future reads of that field using the new PROTO definition for records where the value is unset.

For example, consider the following protocol buffer:

message SimpleMessage {
  optional SubMessage message_field_x = 1;
  optional SubMessage message_field_y = 2;

message SubMessage {
  optional string field_a = 1;
  optional string field_b = 2;
  optional string field_c = 3;
  repeated string field_d = 4;
  repeated string field_e = 5;

Assume the following field values:

  • message_field_x isn't set.
  • message_field_y.field_a is set to "a".
  • message_field_y.field_b isn't set.
  • message_field_y.field_c isn't set.
  • message_field_y.field_d is set to ["d"].
  • message_field_y.field_e isn't set.

For this example, the following table summarizes the values produced from various accessed fields:

Accessed field Value produced Reason
message_field_x NULL Message isn't set.
message_field_x.field_a through message_field_x.field_e NULL Parent message isn't set.
message_field_y PROTO<SubMessage>{ field_a: "a" field_d: ["d"]} Parent message and child fields are set.
message_field_y.field_a "a" Field is set.
message_field_y.field_b "" (empty string) Field isn't set but parent message is set, so default value (empty string) is produced.
message_field_y.field_c NULL Field isn't set and annotation indicates to not use defaults.
message_field_y.field_d ["d"] Field is set.
message_field_y.field_e [ ] (empty array) Repeated field isn't set.

Check if a non-repeated field has a value

You can detect whether optional fields are set using a virtual field, has_X, where X is the name of the field being checked. The type of the has_X field is BOOL. The has_ field is available for any non-repeated field of a PROTO value. This field equals true if the value X is explicitly set in the message.

This field is useful for determining if a protocol buffer field has an explicit value, or if reads will return a default value.

Consider the following protocol buffer example, which has a field country. You can construct a query to determine if a Customer protocol buffer message has a value for the country field by using the virtual field has_country:

message ShippingAddress {
  optional string name = 1;
  optional string address = 2;
  optional string country = 3;
  Customer AS c;

If has_country is TRUE, that means the value for the country field has been explicitly set. If has_country is FALSE, that means the parent message c.Orders.shipping_address isn't NULL, but the country field hasn't been explicitly set. If has_country is NULL, that means the parent message c.Orders.shipping_address is NULL, and therefore country can't be considered either set or unset.

For more information about default field values, see Default values and NULLs.

Check for a repeated value

You can use an EXISTS subquery to scan inside a repeated field and check if any value exists with some desired property. For example, the following query returns the name of every customer who has placed an order for the product "Foo".

  Customers AS C
      C.Orders.line_item AS item
      item.product_name = 'Foo'

Nullness and nested fields

A PROTO value may contain fields which are themselves PROTOs. When this happens, it's possible for the nested PROTO to be NULL. In such a case, the fields contained within that nested field are also NULL .

Consider this example proto:

syntax = "proto2";

package examples.package;

message NestedMessage {
  optional int64 value = 1;

message OuterMessage {
  optional NestedMessage nested = 1;

Running the following query returns a 5 for value because it is explicitly defined.

     CAST("nested { value: 5 }" AS examples.package.OuterMessage) AS proto_field);

If value isn't explicitly defined but nested is, you get a 0 because the annotation on the protocol buffer definition says to use default values.

     CAST("nested { }" AS examples.package.OuterMessage) AS proto_field);

However, if nested isn't explicitly defined, you get a NULL even though the annotation says to use default values for the value field. This is because the containing message is NULL. This behavior applies to both repeated and non-repeated fields within a nested message.

     CAST("" AS examples.package.OuterMessage) AS proto_field);

Protocol buffer fields as primary key

Using generated columns, you can define a primary key on a field in the protocol message.

If you define a primary key on a protocol message field, you can't modify or remove that field from the proto schema. For more information, see Update schemas that contain a primary key or index on a proto field.

The following is an example of a Singers table with a SingerInfo proto message column. You can define a primary key on the id field of the PROTO column by creating a stored generated column:

) PRIMARY KEY (SingerId);

It has the following definition of the SingerInfo proto type:

message SingerInfo {
  optional int64     id          = 1;
  optional string    name        = 2;
  optional string    nationality = 3;
  repeated Residence residence   = 4;

  message Residence {
    required int64  start_year   = 1;
    optional int64  end_year     = 2;
    optional string city         = 3;
    optional string country      = 4;

The following SQL query reads data using the previous example:

SELECT s.SingerId,
FROM Singers AS s
WHERE s.SingerId = 34;

Index protocol buffer fields

Using generated columns, you can index the fields stored in a PROTO column, as long as the fields being indexed are of a primitive or ENUM data type. For more information, see Index proto fields.

Update schemas that contain a primary key or index on a protocol buffer field

If you define a primary key or an index on a protocol message field, you can't modify or remove that field from the proto schema. This is because after you make this definition, type checking is performed every time the schema is updated. The database captures the type information for all fields in the path that are used in the primary key or index definition.


Protocol buffers can be coerced into other data types. For more information, see Conversion rules.