Access Key Visualizer

Key Visualizer is enabled in Spanner by default.

Before you begin

To view Key Visualizer, you need the following Identity and Access Management (IAM) permission:


If you are a fine-grained access control user, you must have been granted access to:

  • the spanner_sys_reader system role or one of its member roles.

For more information, see About fine-grained access control and Fine-grained access control system roles.

Access the Key Visualizer interface

You access the Key Visualizer tool from the Google Cloud console.

To access Key Visualizer:

  1. From the Spanner page of the Google Cloud console, select an instance.

  2. Select a database to investigate.

  3. In the navigation menu, under Observability, select Key Visualizer.

Disable Key Visualizer

Key Visualizer is controlled by the enable_key_visualizer database option. The default value is true.

To disable Key Visualizer, set the value of the enable_key_visualizer database option to false. The DDL syntax to disable Key Visualizer is:

ALTER DATABASE `database_id` SET OPTIONS (enable_key_visualizer=false)

If your database ID contains characters other than letters, numbers, or underscores, be sure to enclose the ID with backticks (``).

The statement can be sent using a gcloud command, or in an UpdateDatabaseDdl gRPC/REST request. For example:

gcloud spanner databases ddl update database_id --instance=instance_id \
    --ddl='ALTER DATABASE `database_id` SET OPTIONS ( enable_key_visualizer=false )'

Once you've explicitly set the value for enable_key_visualizer, you can check its value by clicking SHOW EQUIVALENT DDL in the overview page, or using the ddl describe gcloud command:

gcloud spanner databases ddl describe `database_id` --instance=instance_id

Re-enable Key Visualizer

To re-enable Key Visualizer, follow the previous instructions, setting the value of the enable_key_visualizer database option to true.

When first re-enabled for a database, the Key Visualizer heatmap will be empty for the first few minutes while Spanner collects metrics.

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