Serve Gemma open models using TPUs on GKE with Saxml

This tutorial demonstrates how to deploy and serve a Gemma 2 large language model (LLM) using TPUs on GKE with the Saxml serving framework. This tutorial provides a foundation for understanding and exploring practical LLM deployment for inference in a managed Kubernetes environment. You deploy a pre-built container with Saxml to GKE. You also configure GKE to load the Gemma 2B and 7B weights from Cloud Storage at runtime.

This tutorial is intended for Machine learning (ML) engineers, Platform admins and operators and for Data and AI specialists who are interested in using Kubernetes container orchestration capabilities for serving LLMs. To learn more about common roles and example tasks that we reference in Google Cloud content, see Common GKE Enterprise user roles and tasks.

Before reading this page, ensure that you're familiar with the following:

If you need a unified managed AI platform to rapidly build and serve ML models cost effectively, we recommend that you try our Vertex AI deployment solution.


This section describes the key technologies used in this tutorial.


Gemma is a set of openly available, lightweight generative AI models released under an open license. These AI models are available to run in your applications, hardware, mobile devices, or hosted services. You can use the Gemma models for text generation, plus you can tune these models for specialized tasks.

To learn more, see the Gemma documentation.


TPUs are Google's custom-developed application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) used to accelerate data processing frameworks such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, and JAX.

This tutorial serves the Gemma 2B and Gemma 7B models. GKE hosts these models on the following single-host TPU v5e node pools:

  • Gemma 2B: Instruction tuned model hosted in a TPU v5e node pool with 1x1 topology that represents one TPU chip. The machine type for the nodes is ct5lp-hightpu-1t.
  • Gemma 7B: Instruction tuned model hosted in a TPU v5e node pool with 2x2 topology that represents four TPU chips. The machine type for the nodes is ct5lp-hightpu-4t.


Saxml is an experimental system that serves Paxml, JAX, and PyTorch models for inference. The Saxml system includes the following components:

  • Saxml cell or Sax cluster: An admin server and a group of model servers. The admin server keeps track of model servers, assigns published models to model servers to serve, and helps clients locate model servers serving specific published models.
  • Saxml client: The user-facing programming interface for the Saxml system. The Saxml client includes a command line tool (saxutil) and a suite of client libraries in Python, C++, and Go.

In this tutorial, you also use the Saxml HTTP server. The Saxml HTTP Server is a custom HTTP server that encapsulates the Saxml Python client library and exposes REST APIs to interact with the Saxml system. The REST APIs includes endpoints to publish, list, unpublish models, and generate predictions.


  1. Prepare a GKE Standard cluster with the recommended TPU topology based on the model characteristics.
  2. Deploy Saxml components on GKE.
  3. Get and publish the Gemma 2B or Gemma 7B parameter model.
  4. Serve and interact with the published models.


This section describes the GKE architecture used in this tutorial. The architecture comprises a GKE Standard cluster that provisions TPUs and hosts Saxml components to deploy and serve Gemma 2B or 7B models. The following diagram shows the components of this architecture:

A diagram of the architecture deployed in this tutorial

This architecture includes the following components:

  • A GKE Standard, zonal cluster.
  • A single-host TPU slice node pool that depends on the Gemma model you want to serve:
    • Gemma 2B: Configured with a TPU v5e with a 1x1 topology. One instance of the Saxml Model server is configured to use this node pool.
    • Gemma 7B: Configured with a TPU v5e with a 2x2 topology. One instance of the Saxml Model server is configured to use this node pool.
  • A default CPU node pool where the Saxml Admin server and Saxml HTTP server are deployed.
  • Two Cloud Storage buckets:
    • One Cloud Storage bucket stores the state managed by an Admin server.
    • One Cloud Storage bucket stores the Gemma model checkpoints.

This architecture has the following characteristics:

  • A public Artifact Registry manages the containers images for the Saxml components.
  • The GKE cluster uses Workload Identity Federation for GKE. All Saxml components use a Workload Identity Federation that integrates an IAM Service account to access external Services like Cloud Storage buckets.
  • The logs generated by Saxml components are integrated into Cloud Logging.
  • You can use Cloud Monitoring to analyze the performance metrics of GKE node pools, such as this tutorial creates.

Before you begin

  • Sign in to your Google Cloud account. If you're new to Google Cloud, create an account to evaluate how our products perform in real-world scenarios. New customers also get $300 in free credits to run, test, and deploy workloads.
  • In the Google Cloud console, on the project selector page, select or create a Google Cloud project.

    Go to project selector

  • Make sure that billing is enabled for your Google Cloud project.

  • Enable the required API.

    Enable the API

  • In the Google Cloud console, on the project selector page, select or create a Google Cloud project.

    Go to project selector

  • Make sure that billing is enabled for your Google Cloud project.

  • Enable the required API.

    Enable the API

  • Make sure that you have the following role or roles on the project: roles/container.admin, roles/iam.serviceAccountAdmin

    Check for the roles

    1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the IAM page.

      Go to IAM
    2. Select the project.
    3. In the Principal column, find all rows that identify you or a group that you're included in. To learn which groups you're included in, contact your administrator.

    4. For all rows that specify or include you, check the Role column to see whether the list of roles includes the required roles.

    Grant the roles

    1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the IAM page.

      Go to IAM
    2. Select the project.
    3. Click Grant access.
    4. In the New principals field, enter your user identifier. This is typically the email address for a Google Account.

    5. In the Select a role list, select a role.
    6. To grant additional roles, click Add another role and add each additional role.
    7. Click Save.

Prepare the environment for Gemma

Launch Cloud Shell

In this tutorial, you use Cloud Shell to manage resources hosted on Google Cloud. Cloud Shell is preinstalled with the software you need for this tutorial, including kubectl and gcloud CLI.

  1. In the Google Cloud console, start a Cloud Shell instance:
    Open Cloud Shell

  2. Set the default environment variables:

    gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID
    export PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud config get project)
    export CLUSTER_NAME=saxml-tpu

    Replace the following values:

    • PROJECT_ID: Your Google Cloud project ID.
    • LOCATION: The name of the Compute Engine zone where the [TPU v5e machine types are available(kubernetes-engine/docs/concepts/plan-tpus#availability ).

Create a GKE Standard cluster

In this section, you create the GKE cluster and node pool.

Gemma 2B-it

Use Cloud Shell to do the following:

  1. Create a Standard cluster that uses Workload Identity Federation for GKE:

    gcloud container clusters create ${CLUSTER_NAME} \
        --enable-ip-alias \
        --machine-type=e2-standard-4 \
        --num-nodes=2 \
        --release-channel=rapid \
        --workload-pool=${PROJECT_ID} \

    The cluster creation can take several minutes.

  2. Create a TPU v5e node pool with a 1x1 topology and one node:

    gcloud container node-pools create tpu-v5e-1x1 \
        --cluster=${CLUSTER_NAME} \
        --machine-type=ct5lp-hightpu-1t \
        --num-nodes=1 \

    You serve the Gemma 2B model in this node pool.

Gemma 7B-it

Use Cloud Shell to do the following:

  1. Create a Standard cluster that uses Workload Identity Federation for GKE:

    gcloud container clusters create ${CLUSTER_NAME} \
        --enable-ip-alias \
        --machine-type=e2-standard-4 \
        --num-nodes=2 \
        --release-channel=rapid \
        --workload-pool=${PROJECT_ID} \

    The cluster creation can take several minutes.

  2. Create a TPU v5e node pool with a 2x2 topology and one node:

    gcloud container node-pools create tpu-v5e-2x2 \
        --cluster=${CLUSTER_NAME} \
        --machine-type=ct5lp-hightpu-4t \
        --num-nodes=1 \

    You serve the Gemma 7B model in this node pool.

Create the Cloud Storage buckets

Create two Cloud Storage bucket to manages the state of the Saxml Admin server and the model checkpoints.

In Cloud Shell, run the following:

  1. Create a Cloud Storage bucket to store Saxml Admin server configurations.

    gcloud storage buckets create gs://ADMIN_BUCKET_NAME

    Replace the ADMIN_BUCKET_NAME with the name of the Cloud Storage bucket that stores the Saxml Admin server.

  2. Create a Cloud Storage bucket to store model checkpoints:

    gcloud storage buckets create gs://CHECKPOINTS_BUCKET_NAME

    Replace the CHECKPOINTS_BUCKET_NAME with the name of the Cloud Storage bucket that stores the model checkpoints.

Configure your workloads access using Workload Identity Federation for GKE

Assign a Kubernetes ServiceAccount to the application and configure that Kubernetes ServiceAccount to act as an IAM service account.

  1. Configure kubectl to communicate with your cluster:

    gcloud container clusters get-credentials ${CLUSTER_NAME} --location=${LOCATION}
  2. Create a Kubernetes ServiceAccount for your application to use:

    gcloud iam service-accounts create wi-sax
  3. Add an IAM policy binding for your IAM service account to read and write to Cloud Storage:

    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT_ID} \
        --member "serviceAccount:wi-sax@${PROJECT_ID}" \
        --role roles/storage.objectUser
    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT_ID} \
        --member "serviceAccount:wi-sax@${PROJECT_ID}" \
        --role roles/storage.insightsCollectorService
  4. Allow the Kubernetes ServiceAccount to impersonate the IAM service account by adding an IAM policy binding between the two service accounts. This binding allows the Kubernetes ServiceAccount to act as the IAM service account:

    gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding wi-sax@${PROJECT_ID} \
        --role roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser \
        --member "serviceAccount:${PROJECT_ID}[default/default]"
  5. Annotate the Kubernetes service account with the email address of the IAM service account:

    kubectl annotate serviceaccount default \${PROJECT_ID}

Get access to the model

To get access to the Gemma models for deployment to GKE, you must sign in to the Kaggle platform, sign the license consent agreement, and get a Kaggle API token. In this tutorial, you use a Kubernetes Secret for the Kaggle credentials.

You must sign the consent agreement to use Gemma. Follow these instructions:

  1. Access the model consent page on
  2. Sign in to Kaggle, if you haven't done so already.
  3. Click Request Access.
  4. In the Choose Account for Consent section, select Verify via Kaggle Account to use your Kaggle account for granting consent.
  5. Accept the model Terms and Conditions.

Generate an access token

To access the model through Kaggle, you need a Kaggle API token.

Follow these steps to generate a new token, if you don't have one already:

  1. In your browser, go to Kaggle settings.
  2. Under the API section, click Create New Token.

Kaggle downloads a file named kaggle.json.

Upload the access token to Cloud Shell

In Cloud Shell, you can upload the Kaggle API token to your Google Cloud project:

  1. In Cloud Shell, click More > Upload.
  2. Select File and click Choose Files.
  3. Open the kaggle.json file.
  4. Click Upload.

Create Kubernetes Secret for Kaggle credentials

In Cloud Shell, do the following steps:

  1. Configure kubectl to communicate with your cluster:

    gcloud container clusters get-credentials ${CLUSTER_NAME} --location=${LOCATION}
  2. Create a Secret to store the Kaggle credentials:

    kubectl create secret generic kaggle-secret \

Deploy Saxml

In this section, you deploy the Saxml admin server, model servers, and the HTTP server. This tutorial uses Kubernetes Deployment manifests. A Deployment is a Kubernetes API object that lets you run multiple replicas of Pods that are distributed among the nodes in a cluster.

Deploy the Saxml admin server

In this section, you deploy the Saxml admin server.

  1. Create the following saxml-admin-server.yaml manifest:

    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
      name: sax-admin-server
      replicas: 1
          app: sax-admin-server
            app: sax-admin-server
          hostNetwork: false
          - name: sax-admin-server
              privileged: true
            - containerPort: 10000
            - name: GSBUCKET
              value: ADMIN_BUCKET_NAME

    Replace the ADMIN_BUCKET_NAME with the name of the bucket you created in the Create Cloud Storage buckets section. Don't include the gs:// prefix.

  2. Apply the manifest:

    kubectl apply -f saxml-admin-server.yaml
  3. Verify the admin server deployment:

    kubectl get deployment

    The output looks similar to the following:

    NAME                              READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
    sax-admin-server                  1/1     1            1           ##s

Deploy the Saxml model server

Follow these instructions to deploy the model server for the Gemma 2B or Gemma 7B model.

Gemma 2B-it

  1. Create the following saxml-model-server-1x1.yaml manifest:

    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
      name: sax-model-server-v5e-1x1
      replicas: 1
          app: gemma-server
        type: Recreate
            app: gemma-server
          hostNetwork: false
          restartPolicy: Always
          - name: inference-server
            - "--jax_platforms=tpu"
            - "--platform_chip=tpuv5e"
            - "--platform_topology=1x1"
            - "--port=10001"
            - "--sax_cell=/sax/test"
            - containerPort: 10001
              privileged: true
            - name: SAX_ROOT
              value: "gs://ADMIN_BUCKET_NAME/sax-root"

    Replace the ADMIN_BUCKET_NAME with the name of the bucket you created in the Create Cloud Storage buckets section. Don't include the gs:// prefix.

  2. Apply the manifest:

    kubectl apply -f saxml-model-server-1x1.yaml
  3. Verify the status of the model server Deployment:

    kubectl get deployment

    The output looks similar to the following:

    NAME                                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    sax-admin-server                                  1/1     Running   0          ##m
    sax-model-server-v5e-1x1                          1/1     Running   0          ##s

Gemma 7B-it

  1. Create the following saxml-model-server-2x2.yaml manifest:

    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
      name: sax-model-server-v5e-2x2
      replicas: 1
          app: gemma-server
        type: Recreate
            app: gemma-server
          hostNetwork: false
          restartPolicy: Always
          - name: inference-server
            - "--jax_platforms=tpu"
            - "--platform_chip=tpuv5e"
            - "--platform_topology=2x2"
            - "--port=10001"
            - "--sax_cell=/sax/test"
            - containerPort: 10001
              privileged: true
            - name: SAX_ROOT
              value: "gs://ADMIN_BUCKET_NAME/sax-root"

    Replace the ADMIN_BUCKET_NAME with the name of the bucket you created in the Create Cloud Storage buckets section. Don't include the gs:// prefix.

  2. Apply the manifest:

    kubectl apply -f saxml-model-server-2x2.yaml
  3. Verify the status of the model server Deployment:

    kubectl get deployment

    The output looks similar to the following:

    NAME                                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    sax-admin-server                                  1/1     Running   0          ##m
    sax-model-server-v5e-2x2                          1/1     Running   0          ##s

Deploy the Saxml HTTP server

In this section, you deploy the Saxml HTTP server and create a Cluster IP Service that you use to access the server.

  1. Create the following saxml-http.yaml manifest:

    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
      name: sax-http
      replicas: 1
          app: sax-http
            app: sax-http
          hostNetwork: false
          - name: sax-http
            imagePullPolicy: Always
            - containerPort: 8888
            - name: SAX_ROOT
              value: "gs://ADMIN_BUCKET_NAME/sax-root"
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Service
      name: sax-http-svc
        app: sax-http
      - protocol: TCP
        port: 8888
        targetPort: 8888
      type: ClusterIP

    Replace the ADMIN_BUCKET_NAME with the name of the Cloud Storage bucket that stores the Saxml Admin server.

  2. Apply the manifest:

    kubectl apply -f saxml-http.yaml
  3. Verify the status of the Saxml HTTP server deployment:

    kubectl get deployment

    Gemma 2B-it

    The output looks similar to the following:

    NAME                                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    sax-admin-server                                  1/1     Running   0          ##m
    sax-model-server-v5e-1x1                          1/1     Running   0          ##m
    sax-http                                          1/1     Running   0          ##s

    Gemma 7B-it

    The output looks similar to the following:

    NAME                                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    sax-admin-server                                  1/1     Running   0          ##m
    sax-model-server-v5e-2x2                          1/1     Running   0          ##m
    sax-http                                          1/1     Running   0          ##s

Download the model checkpoint

In this section, you run a Kubernetes Job that fetches, downloads, and stores the model checkpoint. A Job controller in Kubernetes creates one or more Pods and ensures that they successfully execute a specific task.

Follow the steps for the Gemma model that you want to use:

Gemma 2B-it

  1. Create the following job-2b.yaml manifest:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
      name: fetch-model-scripts
    data: |-
        #!/usr/bin/bash -x
        pip install kaggle --break-system-packages && \
        MODEL_NAME=$(echo ${MODEL_PATH} | awk -F'/' '{print $2}') && \
        VARIATION_NAME=$(echo ${MODEL_PATH} | awk -F'/' '{print $4}') && \
        mkdir -p /data/${MODEL_NAME}_${VARIATION_NAME} &&\
        kaggle models instances versions download ${MODEL_PATH} --untar -p /data/${MODEL_NAME}_${VARIATION_NAME} && \
        echo -e "\nCompleted extraction to /data/${MODEL_NAME}_${VARIATION_NAME}" && \
        gcloud storage rsync --recursive --no-clobber /data/${MODEL_NAME}_${VARIATION_NAME} gs://${BUCKET_NAME}/${MODEL_NAME}_${VARIATION_NAME} && \
        echo -e "\nCompleted copy of data to gs://${BUCKET_NAME}/${MODEL_NAME}_${VARIATION_NAME}"
    apiVersion: batch/v1
    kind: Job
      name: data-loader-2b
        app: data-loader-2b
      ttlSecondsAfterFinished: 120
            app: data-loader-2b
          restartPolicy: OnFailure
          - name: gcloud
            - /scripts/
            - name: BUCKET_NAME
              value: CHECKPOINTS_BUCKET_NAME
            - name: KAGGLE_CONFIG_DIR
              value: /kaggle
            - name: MODEL_PATH
              value: "google/gemma/pax/2b-it/2"
            - mountPath: "/kaggle/"
              name: kaggle-credentials
              readOnly: true
            - mountPath: "/scripts/"
              name: scripts-volume
              readOnly: true
          - name: kaggle-credentials
              defaultMode: 0400
              secretName: kaggle-secret
          - name: scripts-volume
              defaultMode: 0700
              name: fetch-model-scripts

    Replace the CHECKPOINTS_BUCKET_NAME with the name of the bucket you created in the Create Cloud Storage buckets section. Don't include the gs:// prefix.

  2. Apply the manifest:

    kubectl apply -f job-2b.yaml
  3. Wait for the Job to complete:

    kubectl wait --for=condition=complete --timeout=180s job/data-loader-2b

    The output looks similar to the following:

    job.batch/data-loader-2b condition met
  4. Verify that the Job completed successfully:

    kubectl get job/data-loader-2b

    The output looks similar to the following:

    data-loader-2b   1/1           ##s        #m##s
  5. View the logs for the Job:

    kubectl logs --follow job/data-loader-2b

The Job uploads the checkpoint to gs://CHECKPOINTS_BUCKET_NAME/gemma_2b-it/checkpoint_00000000.

Gemma 7B-it

  1. Create the following job-7b.yaml manifest:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
      name: fetch-model-scripts
    data: |-
        #!/usr/bin/bash -x
        pip install kaggle --break-system-packages && \
        MODEL_NAME=$(echo ${MODEL_PATH} | awk -F'/' '{print $2}') && \
        VARIATION_NAME=$(echo ${MODEL_PATH} | awk -F'/' '{print $4}') && \
        mkdir -p /data/${MODEL_NAME}_${VARIATION_NAME} &&\
        kaggle models instances versions download ${MODEL_PATH} --untar -p /data/${MODEL_NAME}_${VARIATION_NAME} && \
        echo -e "\nCompleted extraction to /data/${MODEL_NAME}_${VARIATION_NAME}" && \
        gcloud storage rsync --recursive --no-clobber /data/${MODEL_NAME}_${VARIATION_NAME} gs://${BUCKET_NAME}/${MODEL_NAME}_${VARIATION_NAME} && \
        echo -e "\nCompleted copy of data to gs://${BUCKET_NAME}/${MODEL_NAME}_${VARIATION_NAME}"
    apiVersion: batch/v1
    kind: Job
      name: data-loader-7b
        app: data-loader-7b
      ttlSecondsAfterFinished: 120
            app: data-loader-7b
          restartPolicy: OnFailure
          - name: gcloud
            - /scripts/
            - name: BUCKET_NAME
              value: CHECKPOINTS_BUCKET_NAME
            - name: KAGGLE_CONFIG_DIR
              value: /kaggle
            - name: MODEL_PATH
              value: "google/gemma/pax/7b-it/2"
            - mountPath: "/kaggle/"
              name: kaggle-credentials
              readOnly: true
            - mountPath: "/scripts/"
              name: scripts-volume
              readOnly: true
          - name: kaggle-credentials
              defaultMode: 0400
              secretName: kaggle-secret
          - name: scripts-volume
              defaultMode: 0700
              name: fetch-model-scripts

    Replace the CHECKPOINTS_BUCKET_NAME with the name of the bucket you created in the Create Cloud Storage buckets section. Do include the gs:// prefix.

  2. Apply the manifest:

    kubectl apply -f job-7b.yaml
  3. Wait for the Job to complete:

    kubectl wait --for=condition=complete --timeout=360s job/data-loader-7b

    The output looks similar to the following:

    job.batch/data-loader-7b condition met
  4. Verify that the Job completed successfully:

    kubectl get job/data-loader-7b

    The output looks similar to the following:

    data-loader-7b   1/1           ##s        #m##s
  5. View the logs for the Job:

    kubectl logs --follow job/data-loader-7b

The Job uploads the checkpoint to gs://CHECKPOINTS_BUCKET_NAME/gemma_7b_it/checkpoint_00000000.

Expose the Saxml HTTP server

You can access the Saxml HTTP server through the ClusterIP Service that you created when deploying the Saxml HTTP server. The ClusterIP Services are only reachable from within the cluster. Therefore, to access the Service from outside the cluster, complete the following steps:

  1. Establish a port forwarding session:

    kubectl port-forward service/sax-http-svc 8888:8888
  2. Verify that you can access the Saxml HTTP server by opening a new terminal and running the following command:

    curl -s localhost:8888

    The output looks similar to the following:

        "Message": "HTTP Server for SAX Client"

The Saxml HTTP server encapsulates the client interface to the Saxml system and exposes it through a set of REST APIs. You use these APIs to publish, manage, and interface with Gemma 2B and Gemma 7B models.

Publish the Gemma model

Next, you can publish the Gemma model to a model server that runs in a TPU slice node pool. You use the Saxml HTTP server's publish API to publish a model. Follow these steps to publish the Gemma 2B or 7B parameter model.

To learn more about the Saxml HTTP server's API, see Saxml HTTP APIs.

Gemma 2B-it

  1. Make sure that your port forwarding session is still active:

    curl -s localhost:8888
  2. Publish the Gemma 2B parameter:

    curl --request POST \
    --header "Content-type: application/json" \
    -s \
    localhost:8888/publish \
    --data \
        "model": "/sax/test/gemma2bfp16",
        "model_path": "saxml.server.pax.lm.params.gemma.Gemma2BFP16",
        "checkpoint": "gs://CHECKPOINTS_BUCKET_NAME/gemma_2b-it/checkpoint_00000000",
        "replicas": "1"

    The output looks similar to the following:

        "model": "/sax/test/gemma2bfp16",
        "model_path": "saxml.server.pax.lm.params.gemma.Gemma2BFP16",
        "checkpoint": "gs://CHECKPOINTS_BUCKET_NAME/gemma_2b-it/checkpoint_00000000",
        "replicas": 1

    See the next step for monitoring the progress of the deployment.

  3. Monitor the progress by observing logs in a model server Pod of the sax-model-server-v5e-1x1 deployment.

    kubectl logs --follow deployment/sax-model-server-v5e-1x1

    This deployment can take up to five minutes to complete. Wait until you see a message similar to the following:

    I0125 15:34:31.685555 139063071708736] loading completed.
    I0125 15:34:31.686286 139063071708736] Successfully loaded model for key: /sax/test/gemma2bfp16
  4. Verify that you can access the model, by displaying the model information:

    curl --request GET \
    --header "Content-type: application/json" \
    -s \
    localhost:8888/listcell \
    --data \
        "model": "/sax/test/gemma2bfp16"

    The output looks similar to the following:

        "model": "/sax/test/gemma2bfp16",
        "model_path": "saxml.server.pax.lm.params.gemma.Gemma2BFP16",
        "checkpoint": "gs://CHECKPOINTS_BUCKET_NAME/gemma_2b-it/checkpoint_00000000",
        "max_replicas": 1,
        "active_replicas": 1

Gemma 7B-it

  1. Make sure that your port forwarding session is still active:

    curl -s localhost:8888
  2. Publish the Gemma 7B parameter:

    curl --request POST \
    --header "Content-type: application/json" \
    -s \
    localhost:8888/publish \
    --data \
        "model": "/sax/test/gemma7bfp16",
        "model_path": "saxml.server.pax.lm.params.gemma.Gemma7BFP16",
        "checkpoint": "gs://CHECKPOINTS_BUCKET_NAME/gemma_7b-it/checkpoint_00000000",
        "replicas": "1"

    The output looks similar to the following:

        "model": "/sax/test/gemma7bfp16",
        "model_path": "saxml.server.pax.lm.params.gemma.Gemma7BFP16",
        "checkpoint": "gs://CHECKPOINTS_BUCKET_NAME/gemma_7b-it/checkpoint_00000000",
        "replicas": 1

    See the next step for monitoring the progress of the deployment.

  3. Monitor the progress by observing logs in a model server Pod of the sax-model-server-v5e-2x2 deployment.

    kubectl logs --follow deployment/sax-model-server-v5e-2x2

    Wait until you see a message similar to the following:

    I0125 15:34:31.685555 139063071708736] loading completed.
    I0125 15:34:31.686286 139063071708736] Successfully loaded model for key: /sax/test/gemma7bfp16
  4. Verify that the model was published by displaying the model information:

    curl --request GET \
    --header "Content-type: application/json" \
    -s \
    localhost:8888/listcell \
    --data \
        "model": "/sax/test/gemma7bfp16"

    The output is similar to the following:

        "model": "/sax/test/gemma7bfp16",
        "model_path": "saxml.server.pax.lm.params.gemma.Gemma7BFP16",
        "checkpoint": "gs://CHECKPOINTS_BUCKET_NAME/gemma_7b-it/checkpoint_00000000",
        "max_replicas": 1,
        "active_replicas": 1

Use the model

You can interact with the Gemma 2B or 7B models. Use the Saxml HTTP server's generate API to send a prompt to the model.

Gemma 2B-it

Serve a prompt request by using the generate endpoint of the Saxml HTTP server:

curl --request POST \
--header "Content-type: application/json" \
-s \
localhost:8888/generate \
--data \
  "model": "/sax/test/gemma2bfp16",
  "query": "What are the top 5 most popular programming languages?"

The following is an example of the model response. The actual output varies, based on the prompt that you serve:

        "\n\n1. **Python**\n2. **JavaScript**\n3. **Java**\n4. **C++**\n5. **Go**",

You can run the command with different query parameters. You also can modify extra parameters such temperature, top_k, topc_p by using the generate API. To learn more about the Saxml HTTP server's API, see Saxml HTTP APIs.

Gemma 7B-it

Serve a prompt request by using the generate endpoint of the Saxml HTTP server:

curl --request POST \
--header "Content-type: application/json" \
-s \
localhost:8888/generate \
--data \
  "model": "/sax/test/gemma7bfp16",
  "query": "What are the top 5 most popular programming languages?"

The following is an example of the model response. The output might vary in every prompt that you serve:

        "\n\n**1. JavaScript**\n\n* Most widely used language on the web.\n* Used for front-end development, such as websites and mobile apps.\n* Extensive libraries and frameworks available.\n\n**2. Python**\n\n* Known for its simplicity and readability.\n* Versatile, used for various tasks, including data science, machine learning, and web development.\n* Large and active community.\n\n**3. Java**\n\n* Object-oriented language widely used in enterprise applications.\n* Used for web applications, mobile apps, and enterprise software.\n* Strong ecosystem and support.\n\n**4. Go**\n\n",

You can run the command with different query parameters. You can also modify extra parameters such temperature, top_k, topc_p by using the generate API. To learn more about the Saxml HTTP server's API, see Saxml HTTP APIs.

Unpublish the model

Follow these steps to unpublish your model:

Gemma 2B-it

To unpublish the Gemma 2B-it model, run the following command:

curl --request POST \
--header "Content-type: application/json" \
-s \
localhost:8888/unpublish \
--data \
    "model": "/sax/test/gemma2bfp16"

The output looks similar to the following:

    "model": "/sax/test/gemma2bfp16"

You can run the command with different prompts that are passed in the query parameter.

Gemma 7B-it

To unpublish the Gemma 7B-it model, run the following command:

curl --request POST \
--header "Content-type: application/json" \
-s \
localhost:8888/unpublish \
--data \
    "model": "/sax/test/gemma7bfp16"

The output looks similar to the following:

    "model": "/sax/test/gemma7bfp16"

You can run the command with different prompts that are passed in the query parameter.

Troubleshoot issues

Clean up

To avoid incurring charges to your Google Cloud account for the resources used in this tutorial, either delete the project that contains the resources, or keep the project and delete the individual resources.

Delete the deployed resources

To avoid incurring charges to your Google Cloud account for the resources that you created in this guide, run the following command:

gcloud container clusters delete ${CLUSTER_NAME} --location=${LOCATION}
gcloud iam service-accounts delete --quiet wi-sax@${PROJECT_ID}
gcloud storage rm --recursive gs://ADMIN_BUCKET_NAME
gcloud storage rm --recursive gs://CHECKPOINTS_BUCKET_NAME

Replace the following:

  • ADMIN_BUCKET_NAME: The name of the Cloud Storage bucket that stores the Saxml Admin server.
  • CHECKPOINTS_BUCKET_NAME: The name of the Cloud Storage bucket that stores the model checkpoints.

What's next