See the supported connectors for Application Integration.

Apps Script task

The Apps Script task lets you run Google Apps Script from your integration. Google Apps Script is a rapid application development platform that makes it fast and easy to create business applications. For more information, see Google Apps Script. This task is useful when you want to run custom scripts or reuse existing scripts in your integration.

Before you begin

Before using the Apps Script task, make sure you complete the following steps:

Enable AppsScript API

You must enable the AppsScript API in your Google Cloud project and your AppsScript user account to use this task. For information about enabling the AppsScript API in your Google Cloud project, see Enabling an API in a standard Google Cloud project. To enable the API in your user account, click Settings and set Google Apps Script API to On.

Create OAuth 2.0 client ID

If you have an OAuth 2.0 client ID available, you can skip this step and proceed to Set up an authentication profile.

For information about creating a new OAuth client ID, see Create OAuth client ID.

Set up an authentication profile

Application Integration uses the authentication profile to connect to Google Cloud for deploying and running the Apps Script project. To set up an authentication profile, perform the following steps:

Add the Apps Script task

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Application Integration page.

    Go to Application Integration

  2. In the navigation menu, click Integrations.

    The Integrations page appears listing all the integrations available in the Google Cloud project.

  3. Select an existing integration or click Create integration to create a new one.

    If you are creating a new integration:

    1. Enter a name and description in the Create Integration pane.
    2. Select a region for the integration.
    3. Select a service account for the integration. You can change or update the service account details of an integration any time from the Integration summary pane in the integration toolbar.
    4. Click Create.

    This opens the integration in the integration editor.

  4. In the integration editor navigation bar, click Tasks to view the list of available tasks and connectors.
  5. Click and place the Apps Script element in the integration editor.

Create an authentication profile

  1. Click the Apps Script element on the designer to view the Apps Script task configuration pane.
  2. In the task configuration pane of the Apps Script task, click +New authentication profile.
  3. In the Authentication profile dialog, enter a name and description for the profile and set the following properties:
    • Authentication type: Select OAuth 2.0 authorization code
    • Authentication endpoint: Enter
    • Token endpoint: Enter
    • Client ID: Enter the client ID.

      The Client ID is available in your Google Cloud project dashboard under Credentials > OAuth 2.0 Client IDs.

    • Secret: Enter the client secret

      The client secret is available in your Google Cloud project dashboard under Credentials > OAuth 2.0 Client IDs.

    • Scope(s): Enter the following:

      Note: Multiple scopes can be separated by a single space character (" ").

  4. Click Generate Access Token and Save.

    You are redirected to an authorization screen. Log in and provide consent to the permissions listed on the screen to generate your access token. If the generation of the access token is successful, your authentication profile is saved, and you can continue to edit your integration.

Configure the Apps Script task

To configure an Apps Script project in the Apps Script task, perform the following steps:

  1. In the task configuration pane, click Configure Apps Script Project.

    The Apps Script Configuration dialog appears.

  2. You can choose to link to an existing Apps Script project or create a new Apps Script project.

    Configuring an Apps Script project associates the Apps Script project with your integration in Application Integration.

  3. Click Save.
  4. Click Open Apps Script Project.

    In the Apps Script editor, you can see the following files:

    • Contains the executable code. Write your script inside the run function. This function is called when the Apps Script task executes. In your script, you can use the variables defined at the integration level. For information on using the integration variables, see Using integration variables.
    • Contains the initialization code to run Apps Script from your integration. Do not edit or modify this file.
    • Contains the executable code for test runs. You can write your script inside the testRun function to test the script.

    Make sure to deploy the project in Web apps format. For more information on the various deployment modes, see Create and manage deployments.

Access integration variables

The Apps Script task uses the AppsScriptTask library, which enables you to use integration variables in your script. The AppsScriptTask library is automatically imported and is available for use in the run function.

To access an integration variable in your Apps Script, you must pass the variable in the form of task parameters to the Apps Script task. The task parameters are key-value pairs where Key is the name of the variable in your AppsScript task and the Value is the corresponding integration variable name. You can add one or more task parameters in the Task Parameters section of the task configuration pane.

For example, if you have an integration variable named Product that you want to use in your Apps Script, you can define Key as ProductKey and the value as Product. In your Apps Script, you can then use AppsScriptTask.getTaskParameter('ProductKey') to read the Product variable.

The AppsScriptTask library provides the following methods to access integration variables:

Function name Description Usage


Sets the provided value to the variable.

Syntax: setIntegrationVariable(value,value)


// Write to an Integer variable


Gets the value of a variable.

Syntax: getTaskParameter(value)


// Read an integration variable

To view all the functions available in the AppsScriptTask library, hover over the AppsScriptTask menu item in your Apps Script editor, click More > Open in a new tab.

Test your Apps Script

Before publishing your integration, you can test your script using the testRun function available in the file. Write your test code in the testRun function, using the AppsScriptTaskTest library. This library lets you run assertion-based test cases and is automatically imported for use in the testRun function.

To view all the functions available in the AppsScriptTaskTest library, hover over the AppsScriptTaskTest menu item in your Apps Script editor, click More > Open in a new tab.

The following sample shows the usage of AppsScriptTaskTest library functions.

function testRun(){

  // Create a new request
  let req = AppsScriptTaskTest.createNewTestRequest('myCustomTest');

  // Add a task parameter that references an integration variable with the value 5
  AppsScriptTaskTest.setIntegrationVariableAndCreateReference(req, 'input', '$input$', 5);

  // Add a task parameter that references an integration variable
  AppsScriptTaskTest.createReference(req, 'output', '$output$');

  // Run the task(assuming the task increments the input by 1) and get the response
  let res = AppsScriptTaskTest.runTest(req, executeScript);

  // Check the response for the expected integration variable and its corresponding values
  AppsScriptTaskTest.containsIntegrationVariable(res, 'output', true);
  AppsScriptTaskTest.containsIntegrationVariable(res, 'someOtherIntegrtionVariable', false);
  AppsScriptTaskTest.containsIntegrationVariableWithValue(res, 'output', 6);

The following sample shows you how to access JSON and array variables in the testRun method:

function testRun(){

  // Create a new request
  let req = AppsScriptTaskTest.createNewTestRequest('json-test');

  // Add a task parameter that references a JSON integration variable
  AppsScriptTaskTest.setIntegrationVariableAndCreateReference(req, "emp", "employee", {name:"snape", age:35});

  // Add a task parameter that references an array integration variable
  AppsScriptTaskTest.setIntegrationVariableAndCreateReference(req, "arr", "array", ["A", "B", "C"]);

  // Run the task and get the response
  // Assume that the run method increases the age of the employee by 5 and appends a new element in the array
  let res = AppsScriptTaskTest.runTest(req, executeScript);

  // Check the response for the expected integration variable and its corresponding values
  AppsScriptTaskTest.containsIntegrationVariableWithValue(res, "employee", {name:"snape", age:40});
  AppsScriptTaskTest.containsIntegrationVariable(res, "array", true);
  AppsScriptTaskTest.containsIntegrationVariableWithValue(res, "array", ["A", "B", "C", "D"]);

After running the test cases, you can view the assertions in the Execution log. To view the logs, click Execution log from the menu.

Best practices

We do not recommend using the Apps Script task if you require latency less than 1 to 2 seconds for the task in your integration.

In addition, we recommend coding all your logic in a single Apps Script task, rather than chaining multiple Apps Script tasks, to minimize performance bottlenecks.

For information about the usage limits that apply to the Apps Script task, see Usage limits.


When including the Apps Script task in your integration design, consider the following system limitations:

  • Maximum active deployments for an AppsScript: 50
  • Queries per second (QPS) for API executables: 5000/min
  • Queries per second (QPS) for Webapp deployments: 5000/min
  • Latency for API executables: 1.5s
  • Latency for Webapp: 2.5s
  • Maximum cumulative size of all the integration variables in an AppsScript: 15 MB

Error handling strategy

An error handling strategy for a task specifies the action to take if the task fails due to a temporary error. For information about how to use an error handling strategy, and to know about the different types of error handling strategies, see Error handling strategies.

SLA exclusions

The Apps Script task has a dependency on the Google Apps Script product. Because this dependency is external to the Application Integration, all executions of active integrations that fail because of the failure in the Apps Script task, are excluded from the Application Integration Service Level Agreement (SLA) terms and conditions.

Quotas and limits

For information about quotas and limits, see Quotas and limits.

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