See the supported connectors for Application Integration.
Predefined Application Integration IAM roles
Predefined roles give granular access to specific Google Cloud resources. These roles are created and maintained by Google. Google automatically updates their permissions as necessary, such as when Google Cloud adds new features or services.
The following table lists all the predefined IAM roles for Application Integration:
Other roles |
Permissions |
Advisory Notifications Admin( Grants write access to settings in Advisory Notifications |
Advisory Notifications Viewer( Grants view access in Advisory Notifications |
Cloud API Hub Admin Beta( Full access to all API hub resources. |
Cloud API hub Attributes Admin Beta( Full access to all Cloud API hub attribute's resources. |
Cloud API Hub Editor Beta( Edit access to most of Cloud API Hub resources. |
Cloud API hub Plugins Admin Beta( Full access to all Cloud API hub plugin's resources. |
Cloud API hub Provisioning Admin Beta( Full access to Cloud API hub provisioning related resources. |
Cloud API hub Runtime Project Attachment Editor Beta( Access to add/delete project as a runtime project attachment to API hub host project. |
Cloud API hub Viewer Beta( View access to all Cloud API hub resources. |
API Management Admin Beta( Full access to API Management resources. |
API Management Viewer Beta( Readonly access to API Management resources. |
App Hub Admin( Full access to App Hub resources. |
App Management Viewer Beta( This role, an aggregation of read permissions across multiple app centric products. |
App Hub Editor( Edit access to App Hub resources. |
App Hub Viewer( View access to App Hub resources. |
Appliance troubleshooting commands approver Beta( Grants access to approve commands to run on appliances |
On-appliance troubleshooting client Beta( Grants access to read commands for an appliance and send its result. |
Appliance troubleshooter Beta( Grants access to send new commands to run on appliances and view the outputs |
Assured OSS Admin( Access to use Assured OSS and manage configuration. |
Assured OSS Project Admin Beta( Access to use Assured OSS and manage configuration. |
Assured OSS Reader( Access to use Assured OSS and view Assured OSS configuration. |
Assured OSS User( Access to use Assured OSS. |
Audit Manager Admin Beta( Full access to Audit Manager resources. |
Audit Manager Auditor Beta( Allows creating and viewing an audit report. |
Custom Compliance Framework Admin Beta( Full access to Custom Compliance Framework resources. |
Custom Compliance Framework Viewer Beta( Allows viewing Custom Compliance Framework resources. |
Autoscaling Metrics Writer Beta( Access to write metrics for autoscaling site |
Autoscaling Recommendations Reader Beta( Access to read recommendations from autoscaling site |
Autoscaling Site Admin Beta( Full access to all autoscaling site features |
Autoscaling State Writer Beta( Access to write state for autoscaling site |
Batch Administrator( Administrator of Batch resources |
Batch Agent Reporter( Reporter of Batch agent states. |
Batch Job Editor( Editor of Batch Jobs |
Batch Job Viewer( Viewer of Batch Jobs, Task Groups and Tasks |
Batch ResourceAllowance Editor( Editor of Batch ResourceAllowances |
Batch ResourceAllowance Viewer( Viewer of Batch ResourceAllowances |
BigLake Admin( Provides full access to all BigLake resources. |
BigLake Viewer( Provides read-only access to all BigLake resources. |
MigrationWorkflow Editor( Editor of EDW migration workflows. |
Task Orchestrator( Orchestrator of EDW migration tasks. |
Migration Translation User( User of EDW migration interactive SQL translation service. |
MigrationWorkflow Viewer( Viewer of EDW migration MigrationWorkflow. |
Task Worker( Worker that executes EDW migration subtasks. |
Carbon Footprint Viewer(
Blockchain Node Engine Admin( Full access to Blockchain Node Engine resources. |
Blockchain Node Engine Viewer( Read-only access to Blockchain Node Engine resources. |
Blockchain Validator Manager Admin Beta( Full access to Blockchain Validator Manager resources. |
Blockchain Validator Viewer Beta( Readonly access to Blockchain Validator Manager resources. |
Capacity Planner Usage Viewer Beta( Read-only access to Capacity Planner usage resources |
Care Studio Patients Viewer( This role can view all properties of Patients. |
Chronicle Service Admin( Admins can view and modify Chronicle service details. |
Chronicle Service Viewer( Viewers can see Chronicle service details but not change them. |
Location reader Beta( Read and enumerate locations available for resource creation. |
Code Repository Indexes Admin Beta( Grants full access to Code Repository Indexes resources. |
Code Repository Indexes Viewer Beta( Grants readonly access to Code Repository Indexes resources. |
Repository Groups User Beta( Grants Read/Use access to the Code Repository Indexes Repository Group. |
Gemini for Google Cloud Settings Admin Beta( Grants read and write access to the Gemini for Cloud setting and their bindings. |
Gemini for Google Cloud Settings User Beta( Grants read access to the Gemini for Cloud setting and their bindings. |
Topic Admin Beta( Grants read, write and permission management access to the Topic resource. |
Topic Reader Beta( Grants read-only access to topic resource. |
Gemini for Google Cloud User Beta( A user who can use Gemini for Google Cloud |
Cloud Controls Partner Admin( Full access to Cloud Controls Partner resources. |
Cloud Controls Partner Editor( Editor access to Cloud Controls Partner resources. |
Cloud Controls Partner Inspectability Reader( Readonly access to Cloud Controls Partner inspectability resources. |
Cloud Controls Partner Monitoring Reader( Read-only access to Cloud Controls Partner monitoring resources. |
Cloud Controls Partner Reader( Read-only access to Cloud Controls Partner resources. |
Cloud Optimization AI Admin( Administrator of Cloud Optimization AI resources |
Cloud Optimization AI Editor( Editor of Cloud Optimization AI resources |
Cloud Optimization AI Viewer( Viewer of Cloud Optimization AI resources |
Cloud Quotas Admin Beta( Full access to Cloud Quotas resources. |
Cloud Quotas Viewer Beta( Readonly access to Cloud Quotas resources. |
Commerce Agreement Publishing Admin Beta( Admin of Commerce Agreement Publishing service |
Commerce Agreement Publishing Viewer Beta( Viewer of Commerce Agreement Publishing service |
Confidential Space Workload User( Grants the ability to generate an attestation token and run a workload in a VM. Intended for service accounts that run on Confidential Space VMs. |
ConfigDelivery Admin Beta( Grants full access to all Config Delivery resources. Lets users create, remove and manage fleet packages and resource bundles. |
ConfigDelivery Viewer Beta( Grants read access to all Config Delivery resources. Lets users view existing fleet packages and resource bundles, but they will not be able to make any changes. |
Config Delivery Resource Bundle Publisher Beta( Grants read and write permissions to Config Delivery ResourceBundles and Releases. |
Contact Center AI Platform Admin( Full access to Contact Center AI Platform resources. |
Contact Center AI Platform Viewer( Read-only access to Contact Center AI Platform resources. |
Contact Center AI Insights Admin Beta( Grants full access to all Contact Center AI Insights resources. |
Contact Center AI Insights authorized editor Beta( Grants read and write access to Authorized resources. |
Contact Center AI Insights authorized viewer Beta( Grants read access to Authorized resources. |
Contact Center AI Insights editor( Grants read and write access to all Contact Center AI Insights resources. |
Contact Center AI Insights viewer( Grants read access to all Contact Center AI Insights resources. |
GKE Security Posture Viewer Beta( Read-only access to GKE Security Posture resources. |
Content Warehouse Admin( Grants full access to all the resources in Content Warehouse |
Content Warehouse Document Admin( Grants full access to the document resource in Content Warehouse |
Content Warehouse document creator( Grants access to create document in Content Warehouse |
Content Warehouse Document Editor( Grants access to update document resource in Content Warehouse |
Content Warehouse document schema viewer( Grants access to view the document schemas in Content Warehouse |
Content Warehouse Viewer( Grants access to view all the resources in Content Warehouse |
Database Center Admin Beta( Admin role for Database Center resource data |
Database Center viewer Beta( Viewer role for Database Center resource data |
Database Insights assistant viewer Beta( Viewer role for Database Insights assistant data |
Events Service viewer Beta( Viewer role for Events Service data |
Database Insights monitoring viewer Beta( Viewer role for Database Insights monitoring data |
Database Insights performing operations Beta( Admin role for performing Database Insights operations |
Database Insights recommendation viewer Beta( Viewer role for Database Insights recommendation data |
Database Insights viewer Beta( Viewer role for Database Insights data |
Studio Query Admin Beta( Full access to Studio Query resources. |
Studio Query User Beta( Access to create, update, search and delete studio queries. |
Data Lineage Administrator( Grants full access to all resources in Data Lineage API |
Data Lineage Editor( Grants edit access to all resources in Data Lineage API |
Data Lineage Events Producer( Grants access to creating all resources in Data Lineage API |
Data Lineage Viewer( Grants read access to all resources in Data Lineage API |
Data Processing Controls Resource Admin( Data processing controls admin who can fully manage data processing controls settings and view all datasource data. |
Data Processing Controls Data Source Manager( Data processing controls data source manager who can get, list, and update the underlying data. |
Dataproc Resource Manager Admin Beta( Grants full access to all Dataproc Resource Manager resources. Intended for users that need to create and delete any Dataproc Resource Manager resources. |
Dataproc Resource Manager Viewer Beta( Grants read access to all Dataproc Resource Manager resources. Intended for users that need read-only access to Dataproc Resource Manager resources. |
Application Design Center Admin Beta( Full access to Application Design Center resources. |
Application Admin Beta( Admin access to Application. |
Application Editor Beta( Read and Write access to Application. |
Application Viewer Beta( Readonly access to Application. |
Application Design Center User Beta( Readonly access to Application Design Center resources. |
Application Design Center Viewer Beta( Readonly access to Application Design Center resources. |
Developer Connect Admin Beta( Full access to Developer Connect resources. |
Developer Connect Git Proxy Reader Beta( Grants read-only access to repositories through the Git Proxy. |
Developer Connect Git Proxy User Beta( Grants read and write access to repositories through the Git Proxy. |
Developer Connect OAuth Admin Beta( Grants read and write access to AccountConnector resources. |
Developer Connect OAuth User Beta( Grants read and write access to User resources, and read access to AccountConnectors. |
Developer Connect Read Token Accessor Beta( Grants access to Read-Only tokens (both PAT and short-lived). Also grants access to view the git repository link. |
Developer Connect Token Accessor Beta( Grants access to Read/Write and Read-Only tokens (both PAT and short-lived). Also grants access to view the git repository link. |
Developer Connect User Beta( Grants access to view the connection and to the features that interact with the actual repository such as reading content from the repository |
Developer Connect Viewer Beta( Readonly access to Developer Connect resources. |
Discovery Engine Admin( Grants full access to all discoveryengine resources. |
Discovery Engine Editor( Grants read and write access to all discovery engine resources. |
Cloud NotebookLM Notebook Editor Beta( Grants read and write access to a Cloud NotebookLM Notebook. |
Cloud NotebookLM Admin Beta( Grants full access to Cloud NotebookLM resources. |
Cloud NotebookLM User Beta( Grants user-level access to Cloud NotebookLM resources. |
Cloud NotebookLM Notebook Owner Beta( Grants full access to a Cloud NotebookLM Notebook. |
Cloud NotebookLM Notebook Viewer Beta( Grants read-only access to a Cloud NotebookLM Notebook. |
Discovery Engine User Beta( Grants user-level access to Discovery Engine resources. |
Discovery Engine Viewer( Grants read access to all discovery engine resources. |
Enterprise Purchasing Admin Beta( Full access to Enterprise Purchasing resources. |
Enterprise Purchasing Editor Beta( Edit access to Enterprise Purchasing resources. |
Enterprise Purchasing Viewer Beta( Readonly access to Enterprise Purchasing resources. |
Essential Contacts Admin( Full access to all essential contacts |
Essential Contacts Viewer( Viewer for all essential contacts |
Firebase Cloud Messaging API Admin Beta( Full read/write access to Firebase Cloud Messaging API resources. |
Firebase Crash Symbol Uploader( Full read/write access to symbol mapping file resources for Firebase Crash Reporting. |
Firebase Data Connect API Admin Beta( Full access to Firebase Data Connect API resources, including data. |
Firebase Data Connect API Data Admin Beta( Full access to data sources. |
Firebase Data Connect API Data Viewer Beta( Readonly access to data sources. |
Firebase Data Connect API Viewer Beta( Readonly access to Firebase Data Connect API resources. Role does not grant access to data. |
GDC Hardware Management Admin Beta( Full access to GDC Hardware Management resources. |
GDC Hardware Management Operator Beta( Create, read, and update access to GDC Hardware Management resources that support those operations. Also grants delete access to HardwareGroup resource. |
GDC Hardware Management Reader Beta( Readonly access to GDC Hardware Management resources. |
Gemini Cloud Assist User Beta( A user who can use Gemini Cloud Assist |
Identity Platform Admin Beta( Full access to Identity Platform resources. |
Identity Platform Viewer Beta( Read access to Identity Platform resources. |
Identity Toolkit Admin( Full access to Identity Toolkit resources. |
Identity Toolkit Viewer( Read access to Identity Toolkit resources. |
Apigee Integration Admin( A user that has full access to all Apigee integrations. |
Apigee Integration Deployer( A developer that can deploy/undeploy Apigee integrations to the integration runtime. |
Apigee Integration Editor( A developer that can list, create and update Apigee integrations. |
Apigee Integration Invoker( A role that can invoke Apigee integrations. |
Apigee Integration Viewer( A developer that can list and view Apigee integrations. |
Apigee Integration Approver( A role that can approve / reject Apigee integrations that contain a suspension/wait task. |
Certificate Viewer( A developer that can list and view Certificates. |
Application Integration Admin( A user that has full access (CRUD) to all integrations. |
Application Integration Deployer( A developer that can deploy/undeploy integrations to the integration runtime. |
Application Integration Editor( A developer that can list, create and update integrations. |
Application Integration Invoker( A role that can invoke integrations. |
Application Integration Viewer( A developer that can list and view integrations. |
Security Integration Admin Beta( A user that has full access to all Security integrations. |
Application Integration SFDC Instance Admin( A user that has full access (CRUD) to all SFDC instances. |
Application Integration SFDC Instance Editor( A developer that can list, create and update integrations. |
Application Integration SFDC Instance Viewer( A developer that can list and view SFDC instances. |
Application Integration Approver( A role that can resolve suspended integrations. |
Issuerswitch Account Manager Admin Beta( This role can perform all account manager related operations |
Issuerswitch Account Manager Transactions Admin Beta( This role can perform all account manager transactions related operations |
Issuerswitch Account Manager Transactions Viewer Beta( This role can view all account manager transactions |
Issuerswitch Admin Beta( Access to all issuer switch roles |
Issuerswitch Participants Admin Beta( Full access to issuer switch participants |
Issuerswitch Resolutions Admin Beta( Full access to issuer switch resolutions |
Issuerswitch Rules Admin Beta( Full access to issuer switch rules |
Issuerswitch Rules Viewer Beta( This role can view rules and related metadata. |
Issuerswitch Transactions Viewer Beta( This role can view all transactions |
Metadata Publisher Beta( Publisher of Kubernetes clusters metadata |
Cloud License Manager Admin( Full access to Cloud License Manager resources. |
Cloud License Manager Viewer( Readonly access to Cloud License Manager resources. |
Maintenance API Viewer Beta( Readonly access to Maintenance API resources. |
Managed Flink Admin Beta( Full access to Managed Flink resources. |
Managed Flink Developer Beta( Full access to Managed Flink Jobs and Sessions and read access to Deployments. |
Managed Flink Viewer Beta( Readonly access to Managed Flink resources. |
Managed Kafka Admin( Full access to Managed Kafka resources. |
Managed Kafka Client( Provides access to connect to the Kafka servers in a cluster, i.e. provides Kafka data plane access. Intended for, e.g., producers and consumers. |
Managed Kafka Cluster Editor( Provides read and write access to Kafka clusters. Intended for, e.g., IT Departments that provision Kafka clusters, but need not be able to read or modify topics or consumer groups. |
Managed Kafka Connect Cluster Editor Beta( Provides read and write access to Kafka Connect clusters. Intended for, e.g., IT Departments that provision Kafka Connect clusters, but need not be able to read or modify connectors. |
Managed Kafka Connector Editor Beta( Provides read and write access to connectors. Intended for, e.g., developers who configure and operate connectors. |
Managed Kafka Consumer Group Editor( Provides read and write access to consumer group metadata. Intended for, e.g., developers who configure consumer groups. |
Managed Kafka Topic Editor( Provides read and write access to topic metadata. Intended for, e.g., developers who configure topics. |
Managed Kafka Viewer( Readonly access to Managed Kafka resources. |
Mandiant Attack Surface Management Editor Beta( Access to write Attack Surface Management |
Mandiant Attack Surface Management Viewer Beta( Access to read Attack Surface Management |
Mandiant Digital Threat Monitoring Editor Beta( Access to write Digital Threat Monitoring |
Mandiant Digital Threat Monitoring Viewer Beta( Access to read Digital Threat Monitoring |
Mandiant Expertise On Demand Editor Beta( Access to write Expertise On Demand |
Mandiant Expertise On Demand Viewer Beta( Access to read Expertise On Demand |
Mandiant Threat Intel Editor Beta( Access to write Threat Intel |
Mandiant Threat Intel Viewer Beta( Access to read Threat Intel |
Mandiant Validation Editor Beta( Access to write Validation |
Mandiant Validation Viewer Beta( Access to read Validation |
Mobility Solutions Overages Viewer Beta( Grants read-only access to Mobility Solutions Overages metric data. |
Maps Analytics Viewer Beta( Grants read-only access to all of the Maps Analytics resources. |
Maps Platform Datasets Admin Beta( Grants read and write access to all the Maps Platform Datasets API resources |
Maps Platform Datasets Viewer Beta( Grants read-only access to all the Maps Platform Datasets API resources |
Marketplace Solutions Admin Beta( Full access to Marketplace Solutions resources. |
Marketplace Solutions Editor Beta( Edit access to Marketplace Solutions resources. |
Marketplace Solutions Viewer Beta( Readonly access to Marketplace Solutions resources. |
Memorystore Admin( Full access to Memorystore resources. |
Memorystore DB Connector User( Access to connecting to Memorystore Server db. |
Memorystore Viewer( Readonly access to Memorystore resources. |
Model Armor Admin( Grants full access to all modelarmor resources. Intended for administrators & owners. |
Model Armor Floor Setting Admin( Grants full access to all Model Armor Floor Setting resources. Intended for administrators & owners. |
Model Armor Floor Setting Viewer( Grants read access to all Model Armor Floor Setting resources. Intended for viewers. |
Model Armor User( Grants access to sanitize APIs for templates. Intended for users & applications which plan to use a template. |
Model Armor Viewer( Grants read access to all model armor resources. Intended for viewers. |
Google Home Developer Console Admin( Admin access to Google Home Developer Console resources |
Google Home Developer Console Editor( Read-Write access to Google Home Developer Console resources |
Google Home Developer Console Reader( Read-only access to Google Home Developer Console resources |
Google Cloud NetApp Volumes Admin Beta( Full access to Google Cloud NetApp Volumes resources. |
Google Cloud NetApp Volumes Viewer Beta( Readonly access to Google Cloud NetApp Volumes resources. |
OAuth Config Editor Beta( Read/write access to OAuth config resources |
OAuth Config Viewer Beta( Read-only access to OAuth config resources |
Oracle Database@Google Cloud admin( Grants full access to manage all Oracle Database resources. |
Oracle Database@Google Cloud Autonomous Database Admin( Grants full access to manage all Autonomous Database resources. |
Oracle Database@Google Cloud Autonomous Database Viewer( Grants read access to see all Autonomous Database resources. |
Oracle Database@Google Cloud Exadata Infrastructure Admin( Grants full access to manage all Exadata Infrastructure resources. |
Oracle Database@Google Cloud Exadata Infrastructure Viewer( Grants read access to see all Exadata Infrastructure resources. |
Oracle Database@Google Cloud VM Cluster Admin( Grants full access to manage all VM Cluster resources. |
Oracle Database@Google Cloud VM Cluster Viewer( Grants read access to see all VM Cluster resources. |
Oracle Database@Google Cloud viewer( Grants view access to all Oracle Database resources. |
Parallelstore Admin( Full access to Parallelstore resources. |
Parallelstore Viewer( Readonly access to Parallelstore resources. |
Parameter Manager Admin Beta( Grants full access to all Parameter Manager resources. Intended for project admins & owners who need to perform all administrative tasks. |
Parameter Manager Parameter Accessor Beta( Grants read access to ParameterManager ParameterVersion resources. Intended for users & applications that need to perform read operations on ParameterVersion only. |
Parameter Manager Parameter Version Adder Beta( Grants create access to Parameter Manager ParameterVersion resources. Intended for users & applications that need to perform create operations on ParameterVersions only. |
Parameter Manager Parameter Version Manager Beta( Grants read & write access to all Parameter Manager ParameterVersion resources. Intended for users & applications that need to view Parameters & perform create/read/update/delete/list operations on ParameterVersions only. |
Parameter Manager Parameter Viewer Beta( Grants read access to Parameter Manager Parameter & ParameterVersion resources. Intended for users & applications that need to perform read/list operations on Parameters & ParameterVersions only. |
Payments Reseller Admin Beta( Full access to all Payments Reseller resources, including subscriptions, products and promotions |
Payments Reseller Viewer Beta( Read access to all Payments Reseller resources, including subscriptions, products and promotions |
Payments Reseller Products Viewer Beta( Read access to Payments Reseller Product resource |
Payments Reseller Promotions Viewer Beta( Read access to Payments Reseller Promotion resource |
Payments Reseller Subscriptions Editor Beta( Write access to Payments Reseller Subscription resource |
Payments Reseller Subscriptions Viewer Beta( Read access to Payments Reseller Subscription resource |
Payments Partner UserSessions Editor Beta( Editor of UserSessions for a Payments Partner |
Activity Analysis Viewer Beta( Viewer user that can read all activity analysis. |
Policy Remediator Admin Beta( Grants the ability to enable and disable the usage of the policy remediator for the organization |
Policy Remediator Reader Beta( Grants the ability to read/view the state of the policy remediator for the organization |
Simulator Admin Beta( Admin user that can run and access replays. |
OrgPolicy Simulator Admin Beta( OrgPolicy Admin that can run and access simulations. |
External Account Key Creator Beta( This role can create a new externalAccountKey resource. |
Subscription Linking Admin( Full access to publication reader resources |
Subscription Linking Entitlements Viewer( This role can view all publication reader entitlements |
Subscription Linking Viewer( This role can view all publication reader resources |
Recommendations Exporter( Exporter of Recommendations |
Remote Build Execution Action Cache Writer Beta( Remote Build Execution Action Cache Writer |
Remote Build Execution Artifact Admin Beta( Remote Build Execution Artifact Admin |
Remote Build Execution Artifact Creator Beta( Remote Build Execution Artifact Creator |
Remote Build Execution Artifact Viewer Beta( Remote Build Execution Artifact Viewer |
Remote Build Execution Configuration Admin Beta( Remote Build Execution Configuration Admin |
Remote Build Execution Configuration Viewer Beta( Remote Build Execution Configuration Viewer |
Remote Build Execution Logstream Writer Beta( Remote Build Execution Logstream Writer |
Remote Build Execution Reservation Admin Beta( Remote Build Execution Reservation Admin |
Remote Build Execution Worker Beta( Remote Build Execution Worker |
Retail Admin( Full access to Retail api resources. |
Retail Editor( Full access to Retail api resources except purge, rejoin, and setSponsorship. |
Retail Merchant Approver Beta( Grants access and approval rights to MerchantControls in the merchant console. |
Retail Merchant Creator Beta( Grants access to own MerchantControls in the merchant console. |
Retail Viewer( Grants access to read all resources in Retail. |
RISC Configuration Admin Beta( Read/write access to RISC config resources. |
RISC Configuration Viewer Beta( Read-only access to RISC config resources. |
Route Optimization Editor( This role can create long-running operations via BatchOptimizeTours. |
Route Optimization Viewer( This role can view any long-running Operations. |
Serverless Integrations Developer Beta( Access to create and change Serverless Integrations and their configuration. |
Serverless Integrations Operator Beta( Access to deploy Serverless Integrations. |
Serverless Integrations Viewer Beta( Read-only access to Serverless Integrations resources. |
Cloud RuntimeConfig Admin( Full access to RuntimeConfig resources. |
SaaS Service Management Admin Beta( Full access to SaaS Service Management resources. |
SaaS Service Management Viewer Beta( Readonly access to SaaS Service Management resources. |
SLZ BQDW Blueprint Organization Level Remediator Beta( Access to modify (remediate) resources in SLZ BQDW Blueprint at Organization. |
SLZ BQDW Blueprint Project Level Remediator Beta( Access to modify (remediate) resources in SLZ BQDW Blueprint at Project. |
Overwatch Activator Beta( This role can activate or suspend Overwatches |
Overwatch Admin Beta( Full access to Overwatches |
Overwatch Viewer Beta( This role can view all properties of Overwatches |
Security Posture Admin( Full access to Security Posture service APIs. |
Security Posture Deployer( Mutate and read permissions to the Posture Deployment resource. |
Security Posture Deployments Viewer( Read only access to the Posture Deployment resource. |
Security Posture Resource Editor( Mutate and read permissions to the Posture resource. |
Security Posture Resource Viewer( Read only access to the Posture resource. |
Security Posture Shift-Left Validator( Create access for Reports, e.g. IaC Validation Report. |
Security Posture Viewer( Read only access to all the SecurityPosture Service resources. |
Personalized Service Health Viewer( Readonly access to Personalized Service Health resources. |
Security Insights Viewer Beta( Read-only access to Security Insights resources |
Speaker ID Admin( Grants full access to all Speaker ID resources, including project settings. |
Speaker ID Editor( Grants access to read and write all Speaker ID resources. |
Speaker ID Verifier( Grants read access to all Speaker ID resources, and allows verification. |
Speaker ID Viewer( Grants read access to all Speaker ID resources. |
Cloud Speech Administrator( Grants full access to all resources in Speech-to-text |
Cloud Speech Client( Grants access to the recognition APIs. |
Cloud Speech Editor( Grants access to edit resources in Speech-to-text |
Storage Insights Admin( Full access to Storage Insights resources. |
Storage Insights Analyst( Data access to Storage Insights. |
Storage Insights Viewer( Read-only access to Storage Insights resources. |
Subscribe with Google Developer Beta( Access DevTools for Subscribe with Google |
Telco Automation Admin Beta( Full access to Telco Automation resources. |
Telco Automation Blueprint Designer Beta( Ability to manage blueprints |
Telco Automation Deployment Admin Beta( Ability to manage deployments |
Telco Automation Tier 1 Operations Admin Beta( Ability to get status of deployments |
Telco Automation Tier 4 Operations Admin Beta( Ability to manage deployments and their status |
Telco Automation Service Orchestrator Beta( Ability to manage deployments |
Timeseries Insights DataSet Editor Beta( Edit access to DataSets. |
Timeseries Insights DataSet Owner Beta( Full access to DataSets. |
Timeseries Insights DataSet Viewer Beta( Read-only access (List and Query) to DataSets. |
Traffic Director Client Beta( Fetch service configurations and report metrics. |
Translation Hub Admin Beta( Admin of Translation Hub |
Translation Hub Portal User Beta( Portal user of Translation Hub |
Visual Inspection AI Solution Editor( Read and write access to all Visual Inspection AI resources except visualinspection.locations.reportUsageMetrics |
Visual Inspection AI Usage Metrics Reporter( ReportUsageMetric access to Visual Inspection AI Service |
Visual Inspection AI Viewer( Read access to Visual Inspection AI resources |
For more information about predefined roles, see Roles and permissions. For help choosing the most appropriate predefined roles, see Choose predefined roles.