Cloud Functions version comparison

Cloud Run functions is Google Cloud's next-generation Functions-as-a-Service offering. Built on Cloud Run and Eventarc, Cloud Run functions brings enhanced infrastructure and broader event coverage to Cloud Run functions, including:

  • Built on Cloud Run: Functions are built with Cloud Build and deployed as Cloud Run services. This gives you the ability to customize your function as you would a Cloud Run service. Refer to Cloud Run documentation to explore options for configuring your service, such as memory limits, environment variables, and so forth.
  • Longer request processing times: Run longer-request workloads such as processing large streams of data from Cloud Storage or BigQuery.
  • Larger instance sizes: Run larger in-memory, compute-intensive, and parallel workloads.
  • Improved concurrency: Handle multiple concurrent requests with a single function instance to minimize cold starts and improve latency.
  • Traffic management: Split traffic between different function revisions or roll a function back to a prior version.
  • Eventarc integration: Native support for Eventarc triggers, bringing all 90+ event sources supported by Eventarc to Cloud Run functions.
  • Broader CloudEvents support: Support for industry-standard CloudEvents in all language runtimes, providing a consistent developer experience.

See the comparison table for details.

Because Cloud Run functions deploys functions as services on Cloud Run, Cloud Run functions shares resource quotas and limits with Cloud Run. See Quotas for more information.

Comparison table

Feature Cloud Run functions (1st gen) Cloud Run functions
Image registry Container Registry or Artifact Registry Artifact Registry only
Request timeout Up to 9 minutes
  • Up to 60 minutes for HTTP-triggered functions
  • Up to 9 minutes for event-triggered functions
Instance size Up to 8GB RAM with 2 vCPU Up to 16GiB RAM with 4 vCPU
Concurrency 1 concurrent request per function instance Up to 1000 concurrent requests per function instance
Traffic splitting Not supported Supported
Event types Direct support for events from 7 sources Support for any event type supported by Eventarc, including 90+ event sources via Cloud Audit Logs
CloudEvents Supported only in Ruby, .NET, and PHP runtimes Supported in all language runtimes


For pricing information, see Cloud Run functions pricing.

If you use Cloud Run functions, you can view your costs associated with only Cloud Run functions as follows:

  1. Go to the Cloud Billing Reports page in the Google Cloud console.
  2. If prompted, select the billing account associated with your Google Cloud project.
  3. In the Filters panel, under Labels, add a label filter with the key goog-managed-by and the value cloudfunctions.

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