See the supported connectors for Application Integration.

Create a new integration

This page describes how to create a new blank integration by using the Google Cloud console. If you are new to creating integrations, you can try the following quickstarts:

Create a new integration

After you Set up Application Integration, you can create a new integration:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Application Integration page.

    Go to Application Integration

  2. In the navigation menu, click Integrations. The Integrations page appears.
  3. Click Create integration and provide the following details in the Create Integration page:
    1. Integration name: Enter a name for your integration. For example, example-integration.
    2. Description: Optionally, enter a description for your integration. For example, Demo integration created for tutorial.
    3. Region: Select the region us-central1 from the list of provisioned regions. If the region that you want to select is not provision, see Provision a new region. To see a list of supported regions, see Application Integration locations.
    4. Service account: This field appears if you have enabled governance for your region. Select the service account for your integration. To learn how to enable governance for your region, see Edit region.
    5. Click Create. This opens the integration editor page in which you can add the tasks and the triggers to build your integration. For more information about this page, see Explore the integration editor layout.

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