Rich content with Dialogflow Messenger

This guide explains how to send rich content to Dialogflow Messenger.

Step 1: Create an addRichContent tool in your agent

Create a function tool called addRichContent with the following data:

Tool input:

properties: {}
type: object

Tool output:

    type: string
    type: string
type: object

Step 2: Tell your agent how to use this tool

Tell your agent how to use the tool in instructions and examples.

For instance, add something like the following to your instructions:

-  Greet  the  user
-  Ask  the  user  what  their  favorite  color  is.
   At  the  same  time  run  ${TOOL:  addRichContent}  to  display  buttons
   for  blue,  red,  yellow,  and  green.
-  Thank  the  user

For instance, create an example like the following:

Screenshot of example

Note that the syntax for the rich content is the same you would use if you were to return a custom payload in a flow-based virtual agent.

Step 3: Define the JavaScript

In the code for the page that hosts df-messenger, you need to create JavaScript code that defines a function that tells df-messenger to render the rich content. You also need to register that function with df-messenger, so that it knows to execute the function when the virtual agent needs it.

Make sure the variable dfMessenger is declared and points to your instance of df-messenger.

Here's some example code you can use for this purpose:

const dfMessenger = document.querySelector('df-messenger');

function  addRichContent(customPayload)  {

  // add error handling

  return  Promise.resolve({  status:  "OK",  reason:  null  });

// substitute your own tool id

const  toolId  =  'projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/LOCATION/agents/AGENT_ID/tools/TOOL_ID'
dfMessenger.registerClientSideFunction(toolId,,  addRichContent);