Dialogflow CX Messenger CSS customizations

You can customize the style of your chat dialog by setting CSS variables.

General styling

The following CSS variables provide general styling options:

Properties Input policy Default value Description
df-messenger-font-family Optional "Google Sans", "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif Font family to use throughout the widget
df-messenger-font-size Optional 14px Text size to use throughout the widget
df-messenger-font-color Optional #1f1f1f Text color to use throughout the widget
df-messenger-primary-color Optional #0b57d0 Primary color for elements throughout the widget (such as title bar background, action button background and more)
df-messenger-focus-color Optional #1e88e5 Color of the focus ring around elements
df-messenger-focus-color-contrast Optional white Color of the focus ring around elements when inside a parent with a background color (such as the title bar)
df-messenger-chat-border Optional none Border for the dialog
df-messenger-chat-border-radius Optional 0 Border radius for the dialog

Styling for df-messenger-chat-bubble

When using the df-messenger-chat-bubble element, the following CSS variables can be provided:

Properties Input policy Default value Description
df-messenger-chat-window-height Optional 480px Height of the chat window
df-messenger-chat-window-width Optional 320px Width of the chat window
df-messenger-chat-window-offset Optional 16px Distance between the chat bubble and the chat window
df-messenger-chat-window-box-shadow Optional none Box shadow of the chat window
df-messenger-chat-collapse-icon-size Optional unset Size of the collapse button icon in the title bar
df-messenger-chat-bubble-icon-size Optional 36px Size of the icon for the chat bubble
df-messenger-chat-bubble-close-icon-size Optional 24px Size of the close icon for the chat bubble
df-messenger-chat-bubble-close-icon-transform-rotate Optional -90deg Rotation of the close icon for the chat bubble, rotates to 0deg on closing the chat
df-messenger-chat-bubble-icon-color Optional white Color of the icon and close icon for the chat bubble
df-messenger-chat-bubble-size Optional 64px Size of the chat bubble
df-messenger-chat-bubble-background Optional #0b57d0 Background of the chat bubble
df-messenger-chat-bubble-border-radius Optional 32px Border radius of the chat bubble
df-messenger-chat-bubble-border Optional none Border of the chat bubble
df-messenger-chat-border-minimized Optional none Border of the chat in minimized form
df-messenger-chat-border-radius-minimized Optional 0 Border radius of the chat in minimized form

Styling for titlebar

For the titlebar, the following CSS variables can be provided:

Properties Input policy Default value Description
df-messenger-titlebar-background Optional #0b57d0 Background of the title bar
df-messenger-titlebar-padding Optional 0 15px Padding of the title bar
df-messenger-titlebar-border Optional none Border for the title bar
df-messenger-titlebar-border-bottom Optional none Border bottom of the title bar
df-messenger-titlebar-title-align Optional start Text alignment of the title text(s) in the title bar, allowed values are start, center or end
df-messenger-titlebar-font-color Optional white Text color of the text in the title bar
df-messenger-titlebar-letter-spacing Optional normal Letter spacing of the text in the title bar
df-messenger-titlebar-title-font-size Optional 18px Text size of the title text in the title bar
df-messenger-titlebar-title-font-family Optional "Google Sans", "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif Font family of the title text in the title bar
df-messenger-titlebar-title-font-weight Optional 400 Font weight of the title text in the title bar
df-messenger-titlebar-title-line-height Optional normal Line height of the title text in the title bar
df-messenger-titlebar-title-letter-spacing Optional normal Letter spacing of the title text in the title bar
df-messenger-titlebar-subtitle-font-color Optional white Text color of the subtitle text in the title bar
df-messenger-titlebar-subtitle-font-size Optional 18px Text size of the subtitle text in the title bar
df-messenger-titlebar-subtitle-font-family Optional "Google Sans", "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif Font family of the subtitle text in the title bar
df-messenger-titlebar-subtitle-font-weight Optional 400 Font weight of the subtitle text in the title bar
df-messenger-titlebar-subtitle-line-height Optional normal Line height of the subtitle text in the title bar
df-messenger-titlebar-subtitle-letter-spacing Optional normal Letter spacing of the subtitle text in the title bar
df-messenger-titlebar-title-order Optional row Order elements in the title bar, allowed values are row or row-reverse. This value is only effective if the chat-title-icon attribute has been specified.
df-messenger-titlebar-icon-width Optional 18px The width of the icon in the title bar. This value is only applied if the chat-title-icon has been specified.
df-messenger-titlebar-icon-height Optional 18px The height of the icon in the title bar. This value is only applied if the chat-title-icon has been specified.
df-messenger-titlebar-icon-padding Optional 0 12px 0 0 The padding around the icon in the title bar. This value is only applied if the chat-title-icon has been specified.

Styling for chat window

For the chat window, the following CSS variables can be provided:

Properties Input policy Default value Description
df-messenger-chat-background Optional #fafafa Background of the agent dialog where messages are shown
df-messenger-chat-padding Optional 10px Padding of the agent dialog where messages are shown
df-messenger-messagelist-border Optional none Border of the message list
df-messenger-message-border Optional none Border of the agent dialog messages
df-messenger-message-font-size Optional 14px Text size of the agent dialog messages
df-messenger-message-font-family Optional "Google Sans", "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif Font family of the agent dialog messages
df-messenger-message-font-weight Optional normal Font weight of the agent dialog messages
df-messenger-message-bot-background Optional #ecf3fe Background of the messages sent by the agent
df-messenger-message-bot-border Optional none Border of the messages sent by the agent
df-messenger-message-bot-font-color Optional #1f1f1f Text color of the messages sent by the agent
df-messenger-message-bot-font-weight Optional normal Font weight of the messages sent by the agent
df-messenger-message-user-background Optional #e1e3e1 Background of the messages sent by the user
df-messenger-message-user-border Optional none Border of the messages sent by the user
df-messenger-message-user-font-color Optional #1f1f1f Text color of the messages sent by the user
df-messenger-message-user-font-weight Optional normal Font weight of the messages sent by the user
df-messenger-message-spacing Optional 10px Space between two messages
df-messenger-message-border-radius Optional 8px Border radius for messages, applies to all corners
df-messenger-message-bot-border-top-left-radius Optional 8px Border radius top left for agent messages, overrides generic radius
df-messenger-message-bot-border-top-right-radius Optional 8px Border radius top right for agent messages, overrides generic radius
df-messenger-message-bot-border-bottom-left-radius Optional 8px Border radius bottom left for agent messages, overrides generic radius
df-messenger-message-bot-border-bottom-right-radius Optional 8px Border radius bottom right for agent messages, overrides generic radius
df-messenger-message-user-border-top-left-radius Optional 8px Border radius top left for user messages, overrides generic radius
df-messenger-message-user-border-top-right-radius Optional 8px Border radius top right for user messages, overrides generic radius
df-messenger-message-user-border-bottom-left-radius Optional 8px Border radius bottom left for user messages, overrides generic radius
df-messenger-message-user-border-bottom-right-radius Optional 8px Border radius bottom right for user messages, overrides generic radius
df-messenger-message-stack-spacing Optional 10px Space between two consecutive messages
df-messenger-message-bot-stack-border-top-left-radius Optional 8px Border radius top left for consecutive agent messages, overrides agent top left radius
df-messenger-message-bot-stack-border-top-right-radius Optional 8px Border radius top right for consecutive agent messages, overrides agent top right radius
df-messenger-message-bot-stack-border-bottom-left-radius Optional 8px Border radius bottom left for consecutive agent messages, overrides agent bottom left radius
df-messenger-message-bot-stack-border-bottom-right-radius Optional 8px Border radius bottom right for consecutive agent messages, overrides agent bottom right radius
df-messenger-message-user-stack-border-top-left-radius Optional 8px Border radius top left for consecutive user messages, overrides user top left radius
df-messenger-message-user-stack-border-top-right-radius Optional 8px Border radius top right for consecutive user messages, overrides user top right radius
df-messenger-message-user-stack-border-bottom-left-radius Optional 8px Border radius bottom left for consecutive user messages, overrides user bottom left radius
df-messenger-message-user-stack-border-bottom-right-radius Optional 8px Border radius bottom right for consecutive user messages, overrides user bottom right radius
df-messenger-message-user-writing-image-width Optional 24px Width of the image shown while the agent is writing, only active if bot-writing-image is set
df-messenger-message-bot-writing-image-height Optional 24px Height of the image shown while the agent is writing, only active if bot-writing-image is set
df-messenger-message-bot-writing-font-color Optional #1f1f1f Text color of the text shown while the agent is writing
df-messenger-message-bot-writing-font-weight Optional normal Font weight of the text shown while the agent is writing
df-messenger-message-bot-writing-font-size Optional 14px Text size of the text shown while the agent is writing
df-messenger-message-bot-writing-border Optional none Border of the message shown while the agent is writing
df-messenger-message-bot-writing-background Optional #ecf3fe Background of the message shown while the agent is writing
df-messenger-message-bot-writing-padding Optional 12px Padding of the message shown while the agent is writing
df-messenger-message-bot-writing-spacing Optional 10px Space between the message shown while the agent is writing and the previous message
df-messenger-chat-scroll-button-enabled-display Optional none Defines the display of the "Jump to Bottom" button, set to flex to enable the button
df-messenger-chat-scroll-button-align Optional center Alignment of the "Jump to Bottom" button, allowed values include flex-start, center, flex-end
df-messenger-chat-scroll-button-container-padding Optional 8px Padding of the container around the "Jump to Bottom" button
df-messenger-chat-scroll-button-text-display Optional inline Display of the text next to the icon in the "Jump to Bottom" button, use none to hide the text
df-messenger-chat-scroll-button-font-size Optional 14px Text size of the "Jump to Bottom" button
df-messenger-chat-scroll-button-font-color Optional white Text color of the "Jump to Bottom" button
df-messenger-chat-scroll-button-background Optional #0b57d0 Background of the "Jump to Bottom" button
df-messenger-chat-scroll-button-border-radius Optional 999px Border radius of the "Jump to Bottom" button
df-messenger-chat-messagelist-scroll-shadow-background Optional radial-gradient(farthest-side at 50% 100%, rgba(0,0,0,.2), transparent) bottom Shadow that is shown on the bottom of the message list when the list is not scrolled to the bottom, set to none to disable

Styling for actor images

Actor images are the images shown alongside messages of either the bot or the actor. For those actor images, the following CSS variables can be provided:

Properties Input policy Default value Description
df-messenger-message-actor-spacing Optional 16px Distance between the actor image and the messages
df-messenger-message-bot-actor-order Optional row Order of actor image and messages. Use row to have the actor image on the left and messages on the right, or row-reverse to have the actor image on the right and messages on the left.
df-messenger-message-user-actor-order Optional row-reverse Order of actor image and messages. Use row-reverse to have the actor image on the right and messages on the left, or row to have the actor image on the left and messages on the right.
df-messenger-message-actor-direction Optional column Should be the opposite of df-messenger-message-bot-actor-order and df-messenger-message-user-actor-order, use column when these are row based, or row when they are column based.
df-messenger-message-actor-align Optional flex-start Alignment of the actor in relation to the messages. Use flex-start to have the actor image on top, center to have the actor image centered, or flex-end to have the actor image on the bottom.
df-messenger-message-actor-border-radius Optional 999px Border radius of the actor image
df-messenger-message-actor-padding Optional 8px Padding of the actor image
df-messenger-message-actor-image-size Optional 24px Size of the actor image image
df-messenger-message-bot-actor-background Optional white Background of the agent's actor image
df-messenger-message-bot-actor-border Optional none Border of the agent's actor image
df-messenger-message-bot-actor-offset Optional 0 Offset to move the agent's actor image
df-messenger-message-user-actor-background Optional white Background of the user's actor image
df-messenger-message-user-actor-border Optional none Border of the user's actor image
df-messenger-message-user-actor-offset Optional 0 Offset to move the user's actor image

Styling for user input

For the user input, the following CSS variables can be provided:

Properties Input policy Default value Description
df-messenger-send-icon-color Optional #0b57d0 Color of the "send" icon in the user input
df-messenger-send-icon-color-hover Optional #0b57d0 Color of the "send" icon in the user input when hovered
df-messenger-send-icon-color-active Optional #0b57d0 Color of the "send" icon in the user input when text can be sent
df-messenger-send-icon-offset-x Optional 0 Vertical offset of the "send" icon in the user input
df-messenger-send-icon-offset-y Optional -4px Horizontal offset of the "send" icon in the user input
df-messenger-input-background Optional white Background of the user input
df-messenger-input-padding Optional 8px Overall padding between the user input field (including send message button) and the container.
df-messenger-input-inner-padding Optional 0px 48px 0px 0 Inner padding between the user input field (not including send message button) and the container.
df-messenger-input-border Optional none Border of the user input
df-messenger-input-border-top Optional 1px solid #e0e0e0 Top border of the user input
df-messenger-input-border-bottom Optional none Border bottom of the text field of the user input
df-messenger-input-font-family Optional "Google Sans", "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif Font family of the user input
df-messenger-input-font-color Optional #1f1f1f Text color of the user input
df-messenger-input-font-size Optional 14px Text size of the user input
df-messenger-input-font-weight Optional normal Font weight of the user input
df-messenger-input-box-border Optional none Border of the user input box
df-messenger-input-box-focus-border Optional none Border of the user input box while focused
df-messenger-input-box-border-radius Optional 0 Border radius of the user input box
df-messenger-input-box-padding Optional 12px 0 Padding of the user input box
df-messenger-input-box-focus-padding Optional 12px 0 Padding of the user input box while focused
df-messenger-input-gutter Optional stable Scrollbar gutter of the user input
df-messenger-input-info-font-size Optional 14px Text size of informational messages in the user input
df-messenger-input-info-font-weight Optional normal Font weight of informational messages in the user input
df-messenger-input-info-padding Optional 14px 16px Padding of informational messages in the user input
df-messenger-input-info-line-height Optional 20px Line height of informational messages in the user input
df-messenger-input-long-text-warning-display Optional none If set to block, will show a warning message once the input exceeds 256 characters. Only active if the max-query-length attribute is higher (e.g. disabled). Additional documentation.
df-messenger-input-warning-background Optional #fef7e0 Background of the warning message in the user input
df-messenger-input-warning-color Optional #410e0b Text color of the warning message in the user input
df-messenger-input-warning-icon-color Optional #e37400 Color of the icon in the warning message in the user input
df-messenger-input-error-background Optional #f9dedc Background of the error message in the user input
df-messenger-input-error-color Optional #410e0b Text color of the error message in the user input
df-messenger-input-error-icon-color Optional #b3261e Color of the icon in the warning message in the user input

Styling for authentication overlay

When using an authenticated setup, the following CSS variables can be provided for the overlay:

Properties Input policy Default value Description
df-messenger-auth-background Optional rgba(204, 204, 204, .8) Background of the agent dialog when authentication is shown
df-messenger-auth-button-background Optional #0b57d0 Background of the authentication button
df-messenger-auth-button-font-family Optional "Google Sans", "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif Font family of the authentication button
df-messenger-auth-button-font-color Optional white Text color of the authentication button
df-messenger-auth-button-font-size Optional 14px Text size of the authentication button
df-messenger-auth-button-border Optional none Border of the authentication button
df-messenger-auth-button-border-radius Optional 8px Border radius of the authentication button

Feedback styling

When the answer feedback feature is enabled, the following CSS variables can be provided for the feedback controls.

Properties Input policy Default value Description
df-messenger-message-feedback-icon-distance Optional 8px Distance between the thumbs up and down buttons
df-messenger-message-feedback-icon-font-color Optional #444746 Color of the thumbs up and down buttons
df-messenger-message-feedback-icon-font-color-active Optional #444746 Color of the thumbs up and down buttons when active
df-messenger-message-feedback-icon-border Optional none Border of the thumbs up and down buttons
df-messenger-message-feedback-icon-border-radius Optional 0 Border radius of the thumbs up and down buttons
df-messenger-message-feedback-icon-background Optional none Background of the thumbs up and down buttons
df-messenger-message-feedback-icon-background-hover Optional none Background of the thumbs up and down buttons when hovered
df-messenger-message-feedback-icon-padding Optional 0 Padding of the thumbs up and down buttons
df-messenger-message-rich-feedback-spacing Optional 10px Spacing of elements in the rich feedback
df-messenger-message-rich-feedback-padding Optional 0 Padding of the rich feedback
df-messenger-message-rich-feedback-background Optional none Background of the rich feedback
df-messenger-message-rich-feedback-border-radius Optional 0 Border radius of the rich feedback
df-messenger-message-rich-feedback-border Optional none Border of the rich feedback
df-messenger-rich-feedback-offset-left Optional 0 Offset on the left side