Format strings

This page explains how to format strings when you prepare data in the Wrangler workspace of the Cloud Data Fusion Studio.

To format a String column, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Wrangler workspace in Cloud Data Fusion.
  2. On the Data tab, go to a column name and click the arrow_drop_down expander arrow.
  3. Select Format and select an option—for example, TitleCase. The options are explained in the following sections.

Wrangler performs the transformation on the column's values in Preview mode and adds the corresponding directive to the recipe. When you run the data pipeline, the transformation is applied to all values in the column.

Change the case of the strings

To change the letter case, follow the steps in the preceding section and choose one of the following options.

Option Description
UPPERCASE Changes the letter case of strings to all-uppercase—for example, 1800 Amphibious Blvd. changes to 1800 AMPHIBIOUS BLVD.
lowercase Changes the letter case of strings to all-lowercase—for example, 1800 Amphibious Blvd. changes to 1800 amphibious blvd.
TitleCase Changes the letter case to capitalize the first letter of each word—for example, 1800 amphibious blvd. changes to 1800 Amphibious Blvd.

Concatenate the strings

To append characters to the beginning or end of all string values in a column, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Wrangler workspace in Cloud Data Fusion.
  2. On the Data tab, go to a column name and click the arrow_drop_down expander arrow.
  3. Click Format > Concatenate.
  4. In the Add field, enter the string to add to the existing values.
  5. Select where to add the new value in the string by choosing at the beginning or at the end.
  6. Optional: to create a new column for the concatenated strings, select the Copy to a new column checkbox.


This example shows the input and output values when you add the string NEW- to the beginning of each value in a column:

Input Output
bread NEW-bread
butter NEW-butter

Trim spaces from the strings

To trim spaces, follow the steps to format a string column at the beginning of this page and choose one of the following options:

Option Description
Trim whitespace Removes trailing and leading spaces (trim).
Trim leading whitespace Removes leading spaces (ltrim).
Trim trailing whitespace Removes trailing spaces (rtrim).

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