Filter data

This page explains how to filter when you prepare data in the Wrangler workspace of the Cloud Data Fusion Studio. In Wrangler, you can filter rows of data in columns of any data type, except the boolean type. You keep or remove rows based on a condition that you configure.

To keep or remove rows based on a condition, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Wrangler workspace in Cloud Data Fusion.
  2. On the Data tab, go to a column name and click the arrow_drop_down expander arrow.
  3. Select Filter and select an option—for example, Keep rows and If value contains.
  4. Specify the condition.
  5. Click Apply.

The values change based on the filter. Wrangler adds the filter-rows-on directive to the recipe. When you run the data pipeline, the transformation is applied to values in the column.

Keep rows

If you choose to keep rows based on a condition, rows that don't meet the condition are removed. Only the rows that meet the condition remain in the dataset. For example, if you select value is and enter the condition Customer, Wrangler keeps rows containing the string Customer and removes rows with other values.

Remove rows

If you choose to remove rows based on a condition, rows that meet the condition are removed from the dataset. For example, if you remove rows and select value is empty, Wrangler removes rows from the column that have empty or null values.

Supported filter conditions

You can filter rows based on the following conditions:

Condition Description
value is empty Keeps or removes values with empty values.
value is Keeps or removes values with the exact specified value. For columns containing the string data type, you can choose to ignore letter case. The default is to include case in the condition.
value contains Keeps or removes values that contain the specified value.
value starts with Keeps or removes values that start with the specified value.
value ends with Keeps or removes values that end with the specified value.
matches regex Keeps or removes values that match the regular expression.
custom condition Keeps or removes values that match the custom condition.

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