Hello World en C#

Este ejemplo de código es una aplicación “Hello World” escrita en C#. En este ejemplo, se muestra cómo completar las siguientes tareas:

  • Configura la autenticación
  • Conéctate a una instancia de Bigtable
  • Crear una tabla nueva
  • Escribir datos en la tabla
  • Volver a leer datos
  • Borrar la tabla

Configura la autenticación

Para usar las muestras de .NET de esta página en un entorno de desarrollo local, instala e inicializa gcloud CLI y, luego, configura las credenciales predeterminadas de la aplicación con tus credenciales de usuario.

  1. Install the Google Cloud CLI.
  2. If you're using an external identity provider (IdP), you must first sign in to the gcloud CLI with your federated identity.

  3. To initialize the gcloud CLI, run the following command:

    gcloud init
  4. If you're using a local shell, then create local authentication credentials for your user account:

    gcloud auth application-default login

    You don't need to do this if you're using Cloud Shell.

    If an authentication error is returned, confirm that you have configured the gcloud CLI to use Workforce Identity Federation.

Para obtener más información, consulta Set up authentication for a local development environment.

Ejecuta la muestra

Este código se comunica con Bigtable mediante las bibliotecas de la API de administrador de C# y la API de datos de C# en las bibliotecas cliente de Google Cloud para .NET.

Para ejecutar este programa de muestra, sigue las instrucciones de las muestras de Bigtable para.NET en GitHub. Completa los pasos Crear y ejecutar, como también Inicio rápido para crear recursos que puedes usar en tu aplicación de Hello World. Asegúrate de editar el archivo HelloWorld.cs para agregar los nombres de los recursos que creas.

Usa las bibliotecas cliente de Cloud con Bigtable

La aplicación de muestra se conecta con Bigtable y demuestra algunas operaciones simples.

Conéctate a Bigtable

Para comenzar, crea dos objetos de cliente que puedes usar a fin de conectarte a Bigtable. El BigtableTableAdminClient de las APIs de Administrador de C# te ayuda a crear y borrar instancias y tablas. El BigtableClient de las APIs de datos de C# te ayuda a leer y escribir datos de tablas.

// BigtableTableAdminClient API lets us create, manage and delete tables.
BigtableTableAdminClient bigtableTableAdminClient = BigtableTableAdminClient.Create();

// BigtableClient API lets us read and write to a table.
BigtableClient bigtableClient = BigtableClient.Create();

Crea una tabla

Llama al método CreateTable() en la clase BigtableTableAdminClient para generar un objeto Table que almacene los saludos de “Hello World”. La tabla tiene una sola familia de columnas que contiene una versión de cada valor.

// Create a table with a single column family.
Console.WriteLine($"Create new table: {tableId} with column family: {columnFamily}, instance: {instanceId}");

// Check whether a table with given TableName already exists.
if (!TableExist(bigtableTableAdminClient))
        new InstanceName(projectId, instanceId),
        new Table
            Granularity = Table.Types.TimestampGranularity.Millis,
            ColumnFamilies =
                    columnFamily, new ColumnFamily
                        GcRule = new GcRule
                            MaxNumVersions = 1
    // Confirm that table was created successfully.
        ? $"Table {tableId} created successfully\n"
        : $"There was a problem creating a table {tableId}");
    Console.WriteLine($"Table: {tableId} already exists");

Escribe filas en una tabla

Usa el arreglo de strings s_greetings[], que contiene tres saludos simples, como una fuente de datos para escribir en la tabla. Primero, escribe una sola fila en la tabla con MutateRow(). Luego, recorre el resto del arreglo a fin de crear un objeto MutateRowsRequest que contenga una entrada para cada saludo. Realiza la solicitud para escribir todas las entradas a la vez con MutateRows(). A continuación, recorre la respuesta que se muestra para verificar el código de estado de cada entrada a fin de asegurarte de que se haya escrito correctamente.

// Initialize Google.Cloud.Bigtable.V2.TableName object.
Google.Cloud.Bigtable.Common.V2.TableName tableName = new Google.Cloud.Bigtable.Common.V2.TableName(projectId, instanceId, tableId);

// Write some rows
/* Each row has a unique row key.

       Note: This example uses sequential numeric IDs for simplicity, but
       this can result in poor performance in a production application.
       Since rows are stored in sorted order by key, sequential keys can
       result in poor distribution of operations across nodes.

       For more information about how to design a Bigtable schema for the
       best performance, see the documentation:

       https://cloud.google.com/bigtable/docs/schema-design */

Console.WriteLine($"Write some greetings to the table {tableId}");

// Insert 1 row using MutateRow()
s_greetingIndex = 0;
    bigtableClient.MutateRow(tableName, rowKeyPrefix + s_greetingIndex, MutationBuilder());
    Console.WriteLine($"\tGreeting:   -- {s_greetings[s_greetingIndex],-18}-- written successfully");
catch (Exception ex)
    Console.WriteLine($"\tFailed to write greeting: --{s_greetings[s_greetingIndex]}");

// Insert multiple rows using MutateRows()
// Build a MutateRowsRequest (contains table name and a collection of entries).
MutateRowsRequest request = new MutateRowsRequest
    TableNameAsTableName = tableName

s_mapToOriginalGreetingIndex = new List<int>();
while (++s_greetingIndex < s_greetings.Length)
    // Build an entry for every greeting (consists of rowkey and a collection of mutations).
    string rowKey = rowKeyPrefix + s_greetingIndex;
    request.Entries.Add(Mutations.CreateEntry(rowKey, MutationBuilder()));

// Make the request to write multiple rows.
MutateRowsResponse response = bigtableClient.MutateRows(request);

// Check the status code of each entry to ensure that it was written successfully.
foreach (MutateRowsResponse.Types.Entry entry in response.Entries)
    s_greetingIndex = s_mapToOriginalGreetingIndex[(int)entry.Index];
    if (entry.Status.Code == 0)
        Console.WriteLine($"\tGreeting:   -- {s_greetings[s_greetingIndex],-18}-- written successfully");
        Console.WriteLine($"\tFailed to write greeting: --{s_greetings[s_greetingIndex]}");

Mutation MutationBuilder() =>
    Mutations.SetCell(columnFamily, columnName, s_greetings[s_greetingIndex], new BigtableVersion(DateTime.UtcNow));

Crea un filtro

Antes de leer los datos que escribiste, crea un filtro para limitar los datos que muestre Bigtable. El filtro le indica a Bigtable que muestre solo la versión más reciente de cada valor, incluso si la tabla contiene celdas más antiguas que son aptas para la recolección de elementos no utilizados, pero que aún no se han borrado.

RowFilter filter = RowFilters.CellsPerRowLimit(1);

Lee una fila por su clave de fila

Usa el método ReadRow(), que ingresa el filtro que acabas de crear, para obtener una versión de cada valor de esa fila.

// Read from the table.
Console.WriteLine("Read the first row");

int rowIndex = 0;

// Read a specific row. Apply a filter to return latest only cell value accross entire row.
Row rowRead = bigtableClient.ReadRow(
    tableName, rowKey: rowKeyPrefix + rowIndex, filter: filter);
    $"\tRow key: {rowRead.Key.ToStringUtf8()} " +
    $"  -- Value: {rowRead.Families[0].Columns[0].Cells[0].Value.ToStringUtf8(),-16} " +
    $"  -- Time Stamp: {rowRead.Families[0].Columns[0].Cells[0].TimestampMicros}");

Analiza todas las filas de una tabla

Llama al método ReadRows() y aplica el filtro para pasar todas las filas de la tabla. Dado que aplicaste el filtro, Bigtable solo mostrará una versión de cada valor.

Console.WriteLine("Read all rows using streaming");
// stream the content of the whole table. Apply a filter to return latest only cell values accross all rows.
ReadRowsStream responseRead = bigtableClient.ReadRows(tableName, filter: filter);

Task printRead = PrintReadRowsAsync();

async Task PrintReadRowsAsync()
    var responseEnumerator = responseRead.GetAsyncEnumerator(default);
    while (await responseEnumerator.MoveNextAsync())
        Row row = responseEnumerator.Current;
            $"\tRow key: {row.Key.ToStringUtf8()} " +
            $"  -- Value: {row.Families[0].Columns[0].Cells[0].Value.ToStringUtf8(),-16} " +
            $"  -- Time Stamp: {row.Families[0].Columns[0].Cells[0].TimestampMicros}");

Borra una tabla

Borra la tabla con el método DeleteTable().

// Clean up. Delete the table.
Console.WriteLine($"Delete table: {tableId}");

bigtableTableAdminClient.DeleteTable(name: tableName);
if (!TableExist(bigtableTableAdminClient))
    Console.WriteLine($"Table: {tableId} deleted successfully");

Revisión general

El código de muestra completo sin comentarios.

using Google.Cloud.Bigtable.Admin.V2;
using Google.Cloud.Bigtable.Common.V2;
using Google.Cloud.Bigtable.V2;
using Grpc.Core;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace GoogleCloudSamples.Bigtable
    public class HelloWorld
        private const string projectId = "YOUR-PROJECT-ID";

        private const string instanceId = "YOUR-INSTANCE-ID";

        private const string tableId = "Hello-Bigtable";
        private const string columnFamily = "cf";
        private const string columnName = "greeting";
        private static readonly string[] s_greetings = { "Hello World!", "Hello Bigtable!", "Hello C#!" };
        private static List<int> s_mapToOriginalGreetingIndex;
        private const string rowKeyPrefix = "greeting";
        private static int s_greetingIndex;

        private static void DoHelloWorld()
                BigtableTableAdminClient bigtableTableAdminClient = BigtableTableAdminClient.Create();

                BigtableClient bigtableClient = BigtableClient.Create();

                Console.WriteLine($"Create new table: {tableId} with column family: {columnFamily}, instance: {instanceId}");

                if (!TableExist(bigtableTableAdminClient))
                        new InstanceName(projectId, instanceId),
                        new Table
                            Granularity = Table.Types.TimestampGranularity.Millis,
                            ColumnFamilies =
                                    columnFamily, new ColumnFamily
                                        GcRule = new GcRule
                                            MaxNumVersions = 1
                        ? $"Table {tableId} created successfully\n"
                        : $"There was a problem creating a table {tableId}");
                    Console.WriteLine($"Table: {tableId} already exists");

                Google.Cloud.Bigtable.Common.V2.TableName tableName = new Google.Cloud.Bigtable.Common.V2.TableName(projectId, instanceId, tableId);

                       Note: This example uses sequential numeric IDs for simplicity, but
                       this can result in poor performance in a production application.
                       Since rows are stored in sorted order by key, sequential keys can
                       result in poor distribution of operations across nodes.

                       For more information about how to design a Bigtable schema for the
                       best performance, see the documentation:

                       https://cloud.google.com/bigtable/docs/schema-design */

                Console.WriteLine($"Write some greetings to the table {tableId}");

                s_greetingIndex = 0;
                    bigtableClient.MutateRow(tableName, rowKeyPrefix + s_greetingIndex, MutationBuilder());
                    Console.WriteLine($"\tGreeting:   -- {s_greetings[s_greetingIndex],-18}-- written successfully");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Console.WriteLine($"\tFailed to write greeting: --{s_greetings[s_greetingIndex]}");

                MutateRowsRequest request = new MutateRowsRequest
                    TableNameAsTableName = tableName

                s_mapToOriginalGreetingIndex = new List<int>();
                while (++s_greetingIndex < s_greetings.Length)
                    string rowKey = rowKeyPrefix + s_greetingIndex;
                    request.Entries.Add(Mutations.CreateEntry(rowKey, MutationBuilder()));

                MutateRowsResponse response = bigtableClient.MutateRows(request);

                foreach (MutateRowsResponse.Types.Entry entry in response.Entries)
                    s_greetingIndex = s_mapToOriginalGreetingIndex[(int)entry.Index];
                    if (entry.Status.Code == 0)
                        Console.WriteLine($"\tGreeting:   -- {s_greetings[s_greetingIndex],-18}-- written successfully");
                        Console.WriteLine($"\tFailed to write greeting: --{s_greetings[s_greetingIndex]}");

                Mutation MutationBuilder() =>
                    Mutations.SetCell(columnFamily, columnName, s_greetings[s_greetingIndex], new BigtableVersion(DateTime.UtcNow));

                RowFilter filter = RowFilters.CellsPerRowLimit(1);

                Console.WriteLine("Read the first row");

                int rowIndex = 0;

                Row rowRead = bigtableClient.ReadRow(
                    tableName, rowKey: rowKeyPrefix + rowIndex, filter: filter);
                    $"\tRow key: {rowRead.Key.ToStringUtf8()} " +
                    $"  -- Value: {rowRead.Families[0].Columns[0].Cells[0].Value.ToStringUtf8(),-16} " +
                    $"  -- Time Stamp: {rowRead.Families[0].Columns[0].Cells[0].TimestampMicros}");

                Console.WriteLine("Read all rows using streaming");
                ReadRowsStream responseRead = bigtableClient.ReadRows(tableName, filter: filter);

                Task printRead = PrintReadRowsAsync();

                async Task PrintReadRowsAsync()
                    var responseEnumerator = responseRead.GetAsyncEnumerator(default);
                    while (await responseEnumerator.MoveNextAsync())
                        Row row = responseEnumerator.Current;
                            $"\tRow key: {row.Key.ToStringUtf8()} " +
                            $"  -- Value: {row.Families[0].Columns[0].Cells[0].Value.ToStringUtf8(),-16} " +
                            $"  -- Time Stamp: {row.Families[0].Columns[0].Cells[0].TimestampMicros}");

                Console.WriteLine($"Delete table: {tableId}");

                bigtableTableAdminClient.DeleteTable(name: tableName);
                if (!TableExist(bigtableTableAdminClient))
                    Console.WriteLine($"Table: {tableId} deleted successfully");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine($"Exception while running HelloWorld: {ex.Message}");

        private static bool TableExist(BigtableTableAdminClient bigtableTableAdminClient)
            GetTableRequest request = new GetTableRequest
                TableName = new Google.Cloud.Bigtable.Common.V2.TableName(projectId, instanceId, tableId),
                View = Table.Types.View.NameOnly
                var tables = bigtableTableAdminClient.GetTable(request);
                return true;
            catch (RpcException ex)
                if (ex.StatusCode == StatusCode.NotFound)
                    return false;


        public static int Main(string[] args)
            if (projectId == "YOUR-PROJECT" + "-ID")
                Console.WriteLine("Edit HelloWorld.cs and replace YOUR-PROJECT-ID with your project ID.");
                return -1;
            if (instanceId == "YOUR-INSTANCE" + "-ID")
                Console.WriteLine("Edit HelloWorld.cs and replace YOUR-INSTANCE-ID with your instance ID.");
                return -1;

            return 0;