Class UpdateGameServerDeploymentRolloutRequest (0.1.1)

    mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs

Request message for GameServerDeploymentsService.UpdateGameServerRolloutDeployment.


rollout .gcgv_game_server_deployments.GameServerDeploymentRollout
Required. The Game Server Deployment Rollout to be updated. Only fields specified in update_mask are updated.
update_mask .field_mask.FieldMask
Required. Mask of fields to update. At least one path must be supplied in this field. For the FieldMask definition, see https: // // /docs/reference/google.protobuf#fieldmask




Delete the value on the given field.

This is generally equivalent to setting a falsy value.



Return True if the messages are equal, False otherwise.



Return True if the messages are unequal, False otherwise.


__setattr__(key, value)

Set the value on the given field.

For well-known protocol buffer types which are marshalled, either the protocol buffer object or the Python equivalent is accepted.