Git command reference

Git commands are accessed either from the button at the top right of the Looker IDE or by clicking the Git Actions button from the main navigation menu.

The Git Actions panel is not available until you have configured your project for Git.

The following table shows the possible Git commands. Note that the commands that you see in the Looker IDE will depend on where you are in the process of making changes and deploying to production. The IDE shows only the Git commands that apply to your current status.

Function Description How to Access
Commit After you have made and saved any changes to your LookML project, use the Commit Changes & Push button to commit these changes to your local branch and push them to production. See the Using version control and deploying documentation page for more information. Git Actions panel
Commit Changes & Push Button
Commit & Resolve Conflict The Commit & Resolve Conflict button is displayed when you make changes after a merge conflict. Click Commit & Resolve Conflict to commit your changes and clear the merge conflict. Button
Commit History Shows the list of the commits to your branch, which includes all the commits that you have pulled into your development branch from the production branch (including commits from other users).

If you are using GitHub and the Git Project Settings has GitHub Integration enabled, each of the commits will include a link to the commit on GitHub so you can view the exact changes. This functionality also works with other Git providers if your Git Project Settings has that Git provider's equivalent to GitHub Integration enabled. To open the links, you will need an account on your Git provider.
Git Actions panel
Configure Git If you have just created a project, you will need to configure Git for the project. See the Setting up and testing a Git connection documentation page for more information. Button
Create Developer Copy If your Looker admin has enabled the Fast Dev Mode Transition Labs feature, the Looker IDE displays the Create Developer Copy button when a developer in Development Mode opens a LookML project for the first time. To increase performance, the Looker IDE loads LookML projects in Production Mode until the developer clicks the Create Developer Copy button for the project. Once a developer clicks the Create Developer Copy button for the project, the Looker IDE loads the LookML project in Development Mode for that developer. Button
Deploy from Remote For projects where the developer has read-only access, the Deploy from Remote button deploys from the remote production branch. Button
Deploy to Production After you have committed changes, use the Deploy to Production option to update the production branch with the committed changes from your development branch. This option is not available if your project is configured for pull requests required. Also, if your project is enabled for advanced deploy mode, you won't see the Deploy to Production button. Instead, you will see Merge to Primary Branch. Button, Git Actions panel
Don't Resolve The Don't Resolve button appears when there is a merge conflict between one or more developers or development branches on the project. The Don't Resolve button pushes the current version of your branch, with all the merge conflict markers, to the remote.

This option should only be used by advanced Git users, since the merge conflict markers are likely to render your models unusable.
Merge to Primary Branch If your project is enabled with advanced deploy mode, the Merge to Primary Branch button is displayed after you make a commit. This prompts you to merge your changes to the primary branch. Once you merge your changes to the primary branch, a Looker developer with the deploy permission can deploy your changes to the production environment using a webhook, the API, or the deployment manager UI in the Looker IDE. Button
Open (Git provider) The Open (Git provider) option opens a browser window to the project files on your Git provider's interface. Button
Open Pull Request For projects where pull requests are recommended or required, the Open Pull Request option will open a new browser window to your Git provider's new pull request page. From there you can create a pull request for your developer branch.

NOTE: Until the pull request is approved and/or closed, all future commits on the branch will be included in the same pull request.
Git Actions panel
Pull & Merge Other Changes The Pull & Merge Other Changes button has the same function as Pull from (production branch), but the Pull & Merge Other Changes button is seen in different circumstances — when you have committed changes on your branch but have not deployed them, and there are also remote, undeployed, committed changes on the branch. In this case you need to pull the changes from the remote and merge them into your branch. Button
Pull from Primary Branch If your project is enabled with advanced deploy mode, the Pull from Primary Branch option is displayed when the primary branch has commits that are not on your developer branch. Button
Pull from (production branch) The Pull from (production branch) option is not available when the current developer branch has uncommitted changes. You must commit changes on the branch before you will see the Pull from (production branch) option. Button, Git Actions panel
Pull Remote Changes If other people have committed and pushed changes on a branch, the remote version of the branch will be ahead of your local version of the branch. The Pull Remote Changes button applies to the branch you're on. Click the Pull Remote Changes button to retrieve the most recent versions of any changed files on the branch from the remote end and sync them to your local files. Button
Push Branch to Remote If you have created a branch that does not exist on the remote end, you will see the Push Branch to Remote button. The Push Branch to Remote option creates the branch on the remote end, pushing all committed changes from your local files to the remote end. Note that this does not deploy your changes to the production branch. Button
Push Changes to Remote If you have committed changes to your current branch that are not yet pushed to the remote version of the branch, you will see the Push Changes to Remote option. The Push Changes to Remote operation applies to the branch you're on. Click the Push Changes to Remote button to push all committed changes from your local files and sync them to the remote end. Button, Git Actions panel
Revert to Remote The Revert to Remote option discards any changes in your local branch and syncs your local files to the current files on the remote branch. Note that this has two effects:
  1. Discards any of your committed and uncommitted changes that have not been deployed to production
  2. Updates your local version of the branch with any changes that other users have made to the branch
Revert to Shared The Revert to Shared option discards any changes in your local branch and syncs your local files to the current files on the remote branch. Note that this has two effects:
  1. Discards any of your committed and uncommitted changes that have not been deployed to production
  2. Updates your local version of the branch with any changes that other users have made to the branch
Revert Uncommitted Changes If you have saved changes that you have not yet committed, you can use the Revert Uncommitted Changes option to discard all the changes that have not been committed. See the Using version control and deploying documentation page for more information. Button
Run Tests If your project is configured to require data tests to pass before it can be deployed to production, the IDE will present the Run Tests button after you commit changes to the project. You must pass the data tests before you can deploy your changes to production. You can also run the tests manually by clicking the Run Data Tests icon in the Project Health panel. See the Using version control and deploying documentation page for information on running data tests. See the test parameter documentation page for information on setting up data tests in your project. Button
Test Git Connection Once you have configured Git for your project, you can use the Test Git Connection option to run the Git Test Connection tool, which verifies that your Git connection is set up properly. See the Testing your Git connection documentation page for more information. Button, Git Actions panel
Up to Date If your local branch is in sync with the remote branch, you will see the Up to Date button. Button
Update Dependencies For projects that use remote project import, the Update Dependencies option is displayed when you first add a remote project, or when your project already has an imported remote project that Looker detects has new commits for you to bring into your project. Use this option to bring in the remote project files. If you have just added a remote project, using this option will also create a manifest lock file, which Looker uses to track the version of the remote project. See the Automatically detecting new versions of a remote project section of the Importing files from other projects documentation page for more information. Button, Git Actions panel
Validate LookML If you have saved changes to your files, you may see the Validate LookML button. (Whether or not you are required to validate your LookML depends on your project's setting for code quality.) Click the button to start LookML validation of your model. See the Validating your LookML documentation page for more information. Button
View Project on (Git provider) The View Project on (Git provider) option opens a browser window to the project files on your Git provider's interface. Git Actions panel
View Uncommitted Changes If you have saved changes that you have not yet committed, you can use the View Uncommitted Changes option to see all the changes that you have saved since your last commit. See the Using version control and deploying documentation page for more information. Git Actions panel