Class LaunchStage (1.62.0)


An enum representing the launch stage of a PublisherModel.


Name Description
LAUNCH_STAGE_UNSPECIFIED The model launch stage is unspecified.
EXPERIMENTAL Used to indicate the PublisherModel is at Experimental launch stage, available to a small set of customers.
PRIVATE_PREVIEW Used to indicate the PublisherModel is at Private Preview launch stage, only available to a small set of customers, although a larger set of customers than an Experimental launch. Previews are the first launch stage used to get feedback from customers.
PUBLIC_PREVIEW Used to indicate the PublisherModel is at Public Preview launch stage, available to all customers, although not supported for production workloads.
GA Used to indicate the PublisherModel is at GA launch stage, available to all customers and ready for production workload.




An enum representing the launch stage of a PublisherModel.