Class DataItemView (1.62.0)

DataItemView(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

A container for a single DataItem and Annotations on it.


Name Description
The DataItem.
annotations MutableSequence[]
The Annotations on the DataItem. If too many Annotations should be returned for the DataItem, this field will be truncated per annotations_limit in request. If it was, then the has_truncated_annotations will be set to true.
has_truncated_annotations bool
True if and only if the Annotations field has been truncated. It happens if more Annotations for this DataItem met the request's annotation_filter than are allowed to be returned by annotations_limit. Note that if Annotations field is not being returned due to field mask, then this field will not be set to true no matter how many Annotations are there.



DataItemView(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

A container for a single DataItem and Annotations on it.