Class SliceConfig (1.62.0)

SliceConfig(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Specification message containing the config for this SliceSpec. When kind is selected as value and/or range, only a single slice will be computed. When all_values is present, a separate slice will be computed for each possible label/value for the corresponding key in config. Examples, with feature zip_code with values 12345, 23334, 88888 and feature country with values "US", "Canada", "Mexico" in the dataset:

Example 1:


  "zip_code": { "value": { "float_value": 12345.0 } }

A single slice for any data with zip_code 12345 in the dataset.

Example 2:


  "zip_code": { "range": { "low": 12345, "high": 20000 } }

A single slice containing data where the zip_codes between 12345 and 20000 For this example, data with the zip_code of 12345 will be in this slice.

Example 3:


  "zip_code": { "range": { "low": 10000, "high": 20000 } },
  "country": { "value": { "string_value": "US" } }

A single slice containing data where the zip_codes between 10000 and 20000 has the country "US". For this example, data with the zip_code of 12345 and country "US" will be in this slice.

Example 4:


{ "country": {"all_values": { "value": true } } }

Three slices are computed, one for each unique country in the dataset.

Example 5:


  "country": { "all_values": { "value": true } },
  "zip_code": { "value": { "float_value": 12345.0 } }

Three slices are computed, one for each unique country in the dataset where the zip_code is also 12345. For this example, data with zip_code 12345 and country "US" will be in one slice, zip_code 12345 and country "Canada" in another slice, and zip_code 12345 and country "Mexico" in another slice, totaling 3 slices.

This message has oneof_ fields (mutually exclusive fields). For each oneof, at most one member field can be set at the same time. Setting any member of the oneof automatically clears all other members.

.. _oneof:


Name Description
A unique specific value for a given feature. Example: { "value": { "string_value": "12345" } } This field is a member of oneof_ kind.
A range of values for a numerical feature. Example: {"range":{"low":10000.0,"high":50000.0}} will capture 12345 and 23334 in the slice. This field is a member of oneof_ kind.
all_values google.protobuf.wrappers_pb2.BoolValue
If all_values is set to true, then all possible labels of the keyed feature will have another slice computed. Example: {"all_values":{"value":true}} This field is a member of oneof_ kind.



SliceConfig(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Specification message containing the config for this SliceSpec. When kind is selected as value and/or range, only a single slice will be computed. When all_values is present, a separate slice will be computed for each possible label/value for the corresponding key in config. Examples, with feature zip_code with values 12345, 23334, 88888 and feature country with values "US", "Canada", "Mexico" in the dataset:

Example 1:


  "zip_code": { "value": { "float_value": 12345.0 } }

A single slice for any data with zip_code 12345 in the dataset.

Example 2:


  "zip_code": { "range": { "low": 12345, "high": 20000 } }

A single slice containing data where the zip_codes between 12345 and 20000 For this example, data with the zip_code of 12345 will be in this slice.

Example 3:


  "zip_code": { "range": { "low": 10000, "high": 20000 } },
  "country": { "value": { "string_value": "US" } }

A single slice containing data where the zip_codes between 10000 and 20000 has the country "US". For this example, data with the zip_code of 12345 and country "US" will be in this slice.

Example 4:


{ "country": {"all_values": { "value": true } } }

Three slices are computed, one for each unique country in the dataset.

Example 5:


  "country": { "all_values": { "value": true } },
  "zip_code": { "value": { "float_value": 12345.0 } }

Three slices are computed, one for each unique country in the dataset where the zip_code is also 12345. For this example, data with zip_code 12345 and country "US" will be in one slice, zip_code 12345 and country "Canada" in another slice, and zip_code 12345 and country "Mexico" in another slice, totaling 3 slices.

This message has oneof_ fields (mutually exclusive fields). For each oneof, at most one member field can be set at the same time. Setting any member of the oneof automatically clears all other members.

.. _oneof: