Class BiasConfig (1.62.0)

BiasConfig(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Configuration for bias detection.


Name Description
Specification for how the data should be sliced for bias. It contains a list of slices, with limitation of two slices. The first slice of data will be the slice_a. The second slice in the list (slice_b) will be compared against the first slice. If only a single slice is provided, then slice_a will be compared against "not slice_a". Below are examples with feature "education" with value "low", "medium", "high" in the dataset: Example 1: :: bias_slices = [{'education': 'low'}] A single slice provided. In this case, slice_a is the collection of data with 'education' equals 'low', and slice_b is the collection of data with 'education' equals 'medium' or 'high'. Example 2: :: bias_slices = [{'education': 'low'}, {'education': 'high'}] Two slices provided. In this case, slice_a is the collection of data with 'education' equals 'low', and slice_b is the collection of data with 'education' equals 'high'.
labels MutableSequence[str]
Positive labels selection on the target field.



BiasConfig(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Configuration for bias detection.