Class ListPipelineJobsRequest (1.62.0)

ListPipelineJobsRequest(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Request message for PipelineService.ListPipelineJobs.


Name Description
parent str
Required. The resource name of the Location to list the PipelineJobs from. Format: projects/{project}/locations/{location}
filter str
Lists the PipelineJobs that match the filter expression. The following fields are supported: - pipeline_name: Supports = and != comparisons. - display_name: Supports =, != comparisons, and : wildcard. - pipeline_job_user_id: Supports =, != comparisons, and : wildcard. for example, can check if pipeline's display_name contains *step* by doing display_name:"*step*" - state: Supports = and != comparisons. - create_time: Supports =, !=, , >, <>, and >= comparisons. Values must be in RFC 3339 format. - update_time: Supports =, !=, , >, <>, and >= comparisons. Values must be in RFC 3339 format. - end_time: Supports =, !=, , >, <>, and >= comparisons. Values must be in RFC 3339 format. - labels: Supports key-value equality and key presence. - template_uri: Supports =, != comparisons, and : wildcard. - template_metadata.version: Supports =, != comparisons, and : wildcard. Filter expressions can be combined together using logical operators (AND & OR). For example: pipeline_name="test" AND create_time>"2020-05-18T13:30:00Z". The syntax to define filter expression is based on Examples: - create_time>"2021-05-18T00:00:00Z" OR update_time>"2020-05-18T00:00:00Z" PipelineJobs created or updated after 2020-05-18 00:00:00 UTC. - labels.env = "prod" PipelineJobs with label "env" set to "prod".
page_size int
The standard list page size.
page_token str
The standard list page token. Typically obtained via ListPipelineJobsResponse.next_page_token of the previous PipelineService.ListPipelineJobs call.
order_by str
A comma-separated list of fields to order by. The default sort order is in ascending order. Use "desc" after a field name for descending. You can have multiple order_by fields provided e.g. "create_time desc, end_time", "end_time, start_time, update_time" For example, using "create_time desc, end_time" will order results by create time in descending order, and if there are multiple jobs having the same create time, order them by the end time in ascending order. if order_by is not specified, it will order by default order is create time in descending order. Supported fields: - create_time - update_time - end_time - start_time
read_mask google.protobuf.field_mask_pb2.FieldMask
Mask specifying which fields to read.



ListPipelineJobsRequest(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Request message for PipelineService.ListPipelineJobs.