Class TextExtractionPredictionResult (1.62.0)

    mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs

Prediction output format for Text Extraction.


Name Description
ids MutableSequence[int]
The resource IDs of the AnnotationSpecs that had been identified, ordered by the confidence score descendingly.
display_names MutableSequence[str]
The display names of the AnnotationSpecs that had been identified, order matches the IDs.
text_segment_start_offsets MutableSequence[int]
The start offsets, inclusive, of the text segment in which the AnnotationSpec has been identified. Expressed as a zero-based number of characters as measured from the start of the text snippet.
text_segment_end_offsets MutableSequence[int]
The end offsets, inclusive, of the text segment in which the AnnotationSpec has been identified. Expressed as a zero-based number of characters as measured from the start of the text snippet.
confidences MutableSequence[float]
The Model's confidences in correctness of the predicted IDs, higher value means higher confidence. Order matches the Ids.



    mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs

Prediction output format for Text Extraction.


    mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs

Prediction output format for Text Extraction.