Class SnapshotAnalysis (1.62.0)

SnapshotAnalysis(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Configuration of the Featurestore's Snapshot Analysis Based Monitoring. This type of analysis generates statistics for each Feature based on a snapshot of the latest feature value of each entities every monitoring_interval.


Name Description
disabled bool
The monitoring schedule for snapshot analysis. For EntityType-level config: unset / disabled = true indicates disabled by default for Features under it; otherwise by default enable snapshot analysis monitoring with monitoring_interval for Features under it. Feature-level config: disabled = true indicates disabled regardless of the EntityType-level config; unset monitoring_interval indicates going with EntityType-level config; otherwise run snapshot analysis monitoring with monitoring_interval regardless of the EntityType-level config. Explicitly Disable the snapshot analysis based monitoring.
monitoring_interval google.protobuf.duration_pb2.Duration
Configuration of the snapshot analysis based monitoring pipeline running interval. The value is rolled up to full day. If both monitoring_interval_days and the deprecated monitoring_interval field are set when creating/updating EntityTypes/Features, monitoring_interval_days will be used.
monitoring_interval_days int
Configuration of the snapshot analysis based monitoring pipeline running interval. The value indicates number of days.
staleness_days int
Customized export features time window for snapshot analysis. Unit is one day. Default value is 3 weeks. Minimum value is 1 day. Maximum value is 4000 days.



SnapshotAnalysis(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Configuration of the Featurestore's Snapshot Analysis Based Monitoring. This type of analysis generates statistics for each Feature based on a snapshot of the latest feature value of each entities every monitoring_interval.