Deploy containers to Cloud Run

If you use the enhanced Linux service manager that is offered by default to migrate your container workloads, you can then deploy the container on Cloud Run without having to make any additional changes to the container.

To deploy your container on Cloud Run:

  1. Install Migrate to Containers version 1.15.0.

  2. Add a migration source and create a migration just as you do today with the existing runtime.

  3. Customize your migration plan as necessary.

    1. Download the migration plan. The migration plan is represented by AppXGenerateArtifactsFlow.

      For example, for a migration named "my-migration":

      migctl migration get my-migration
    2. Open the downloaded migration plan, my-migration.yaml, in a text editor.

    3. Verify the enhanced Linux service manager. The v2kServiceManager flag is set to true by default. However, if Migrate to Containers detects a system service that is not supported by the service manager, you will be alerted and the v2kServiceManager flag will be set to false. When the flag is false the migration will use a legacy runtime which supports your service.

      The following alert is provided alongside the unsupported service:

      Service is not supported by v2k service manager, therefore legacy runtime
      will be used instead of v2k service manager, and migrated workload would
      not fit running on Autopilot clusters of Cloudrun.

      When an unsupported service is found, you can also choose to manually set the flag to true. In this instance, you can either choose to keep the unsupported service on the generated image where it may not run or you can exclude the service by removing it from the migration plan.

      To enable the new service manager, reset the flag to true:

      v2kServiceManager: true
    4. Perform any other customizations necessary for your migration as described in Customize the migration plan.

    5. When your edits are complete, save the edited file.

    6. Upload the edited migration plan:

      migctl migration update my-migration --main-config my-migration.yaml
  4. Generate and review the migration artifacts just as you do today with the existing runtime.

  5. Edit the new services-config.yaml file to configure the initialization properties of the container. Save the file and rebuild your container image to apply the changes.

    See Using services-config.yaml for more information about how to edit your services.yaml file.

  6. After you generate the migration artifacts, open the deployment_spec.yaml file in an editor to determine the location of the container image. For example, you should see something similar to the following:

      - image:

    Where specifies the location of the container image.

  7. Use the following command to deploy the container on Cloud Run:

    gcloud run deploy my-runtime
        --region REGION --platform managed
        --set-env-vars=HC_V2K_SERVICE_MANAGER=true --port PORT 

    The --set-env-vars property sets the HC_V2K_SERVICE_MANAGER environment variable to true to enable the enhanced Linux service manager.

    The --port property specifies the port where requests is sent to the container. The default port is 8080.

Example: Deploying the Quickstart container on Cloud Run

Use the current Quickstart guide to migrate a container containing a simple web server and then deploy it on Cloud Run. The only changes that you have to make to the Quickstart process are:

  1. In Step 3 of Migrating the VM, where you review the migration plan, set v2kServiceManager to true in the migration plan and then save the plan:

    v2kServiceManager: true
  2. After the migration completes, open the deployment_spec.yaml file in an editor to determine the location of the container. For example, you should see something similar to the following:

      - image:
  3. In the Deploying the migrated workload section, deploy the container image to Cloud Run by using the command:

    gcloud run deploy my-runtime
        --region REGION --platform managed
        --set-env-vars=HC_V2K_SERVICE_MANAGER=true --port 80 

    The web server in the migrated container listens for requests on port 80 so make sure to specify that port when deploying the container.

    You should see the following response, which includes the URL of the Cloud Run service:

    Allow unauthenticated invocations to [my-runtime] (y/N)?  y
    Deploying container to Cloud Run service [my-runtime] in project [PROJECT_NAME] region [REGION]
    Deploying new service... Done.
      ✓ Creating Revision…
      ✓ Routing traffic…
        Setting IAM Policy…
    Service [my-runtime] revision [my-runtime-00001-sas] has been deployed and is serving 100 percent of traffic.
    Service URL:
  4. From Cloud Shell, make a request to the container by using its service URL, passing in your credentials:

    curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-identity-token)"

    You should now see the "Hello World!" page.

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