Create a migration plan

After creating a copy of the source machine's file system on your local machine, the next step is to analyze the file system to prepare a migration plan. The migration plan can then be used to generate migration artifacts.

This page describes the steps required to prepare a migration plan for different workloads.

Create a migration plan for a Linux VM container

To perform the analysis, run the following command:

./m2c analyze \
  -p linux-vm-container \
  [ -r skip_size_checks=SKIP_SIZE_CHECKS  ] \
  [ -r big_files_threshold_mb=SIZE_IN_MB ]

Replace the following:

  • PATH_TO_COPIED_FILESYSTEM: the path to copied file system directory.
  • ANALYSIS_OUTPUT_PATH: the path to the folder where you want the analysis output to be created.
  • SKIP_SIZE_CHECKS: this is an optional parameter. By default, this is set to false and Migrate to Containers CLI checks the image layers to ensure that the size doesn't exceed 15 GB. If the total size of the image layers exceeds 15 GB, then the artifact generation fails and Migrate to Containers CLI displays an error message. To skip this size check, set this parameter to true.
  • SIZE_IN_MB: this is an optional parameter. Specify a file size threshold, in MB, to check for files that exceed a specific size. If Migrate to Containers CLI detects a file with a size that exceeds the specified size threshold, then Migrate to Containers CLI adds a comment in the generated migration plan with a suggestion to exclude the detected file from the container image.

After the analysis is complete, a new directory is created in the specified output path which contains the migration plan, config.yaml.

Create a migration plan for Tomcat workloads

For Tomcat app components, this process requires the catalina-home and catalina-base paths as inputs.

To retrieve these values, check the running Tomcat server process:

ps aux | grep catalina

To perform the analysis, run the following command:

./m2c analyze \
  -p tomcat-container \
  -r catalina-home=PATH_TO_CATALINA_HOME \
  -r catalina-base=PATH_TO_CATALINA_BASE \
  -r java-version=JAVA_VERSION

Replace the following:

  • PATH_TO_COPIED_FILESYSTEM: the path to copied file system directory
  • ANALYSIS_OUTPUT_PATH: the path to the folder where you want the analysis output to be created
  • PATH_TO_CATALINA_HOME: path to the root of the Tomcat installation
  • PATH_TO_CATALINA_BASE: path to the root of the runtime configuration of the Tomcat instance that you're migrating. Multiple bases should be separated using colon
  • JAVA_VERSION: Java version of the container in X.Y format. The default Java version is 11.0.

After the analysis is complete, a new directory is created in the specified output path which contains the migration plan, config.yaml.

Create a migration plan for WebSphere workloads

Optional: Set up the binaryAppScanner.jar

If you want to migrate WebSphere traditional workloads, or perform a migration between different Java environments, you can set up the binaryAppScanner.jar. Migrate to Containers CLI automates the use of the binaryAppScanner.jar to generate new WebSphere configurations and facilitate Java runtime modernization.

To set up the binaryAppScanner.jar:

  1. Download the installer file, binaryAppScannerInstaller.jar, from IBM Support. You must accept the license agreement as part of the download.

  2. Extract the binaryAppScanner.jar file and accept the license agreement:

    java -jar binaryAppScannerInstaller.jar --acceptLicense --verbose INSTALL_LOCATION

    Replace the following:

    • INSTALL_LOCATION: the target directory for extraction. For example, if you specify /tmp as the target directory, after the installation is complete, binaryAppScanner.jar is available at /tmp/wamt/binaryAppScanner.jar.

Perform the analysis

To perform the analysis, run the following command:

./m2c analyze \
  -p websphere-container \
  -r websphere-profile=WEBSPHERE_PROFILE \
  -r websphere-home=WEBSPHERE_HOME \
  -r websphere-java-home=WEBSPHERE_JAVA_HOME \
  -r target-profile=TARGET_PROFILE \
  -r target-version=TARGET_VERSION \
  -r target-edition=TARGET_EDITION \
  -r target-se=TARGET_SE \
  -r target-ee=TARGET_EE \
  -r target-vendor=TARGET_VENDOR \
  -r target-base-image=TARGET_BASE_IMAGE \
  --volume PATH_TO_BINARYAPPSCANNER:/binaryAppScanner.jar

Replace the following:

  • PATH_TO_COPIED_FILESYSTEM: the path to copied file system directory.
  • ANALYSIS_OUTPUT_PATH: the path to the folder where you want the analysis output to be created.
  • WEBSPHERE_PROFILE: this is an optional parameter. Specify the WebSphere profile used in the source VM. Format: [Liberty|Traditional].
  • WEBSPHERE_HOME: this is an optional parameter. Specify the path to the application server installation in the source VM.
  • WEBSPHERE_JAVA_HOME: this is an optional parameter. Specify the path to the Java installation in the source VM.
  • TARGET_PROFILE: this is an optional parameter. Specify the WebSphere profile to use in the target container. Format: [Liberty|Traditional]. Defaults to the source profile.
  • TARGET_VERSION: this is an optional parameter. Specify the WebSphere version to use in the target container. Defaults to the source version.
  • TARGET_EDITION: this is an optional parameter. Specify the WebSphere edition to use in the target container. Format: [Base|Core|Open|ND]. Defaults to the source edition.
  • TARGET_SE: this is an optional parameter. Specify the Java SE version to use in the target container. Format: [SE8|SE11|SE17]. Defaults to the source Java SE.
  • TARGET_EE: this is an optional parameter. Specify the Java EE or Jakarta EE version to use in the target container. Format: [EE7|EE8|EE9|EE10]. Defaults to the source Java EE or Jakarta EE.
  • TARGET_VENDOR: this is an optional parameter. Specify the Java vendor to use in the target container. Format: [IBM Corporation|Oracle Corporation]. Defaults to the source Java vendor.
  • TARGET_BASE_IMAGE: this is an optional parameter. Specify a base image to use for the target container.
  • PATH_TO_BINARYAPPSCANNER: this is an optional parameter. Specify the path to the binaryAppScanner.jar file on your local machine.

After the analysis is complete, a new directory is created in the specified output path which contains the migration plan, config.yaml.

Create a migration plan for WebSphere traditional workloads

Set up the binaryAppScanner.jar

Download the latest version of the binaryAppScanner.jar file.

If you've already installed the binaryAppScanner.jar file, check the current version:

java -jar binaryAppScanner.jar --version

Then, compare your current version to the version shown in the IBM license that appears when you click Migration Toolkit for Application Binaries to download the file. If they differ, download the latest version of the binaryAppScanner.jar file.

Migrate to Containers CLI automates the use of the binaryAppScanner.jar, available as part of the IBM WebSphere Application Server Migration Toolkit for Application Binaries, to extract configuration information and files for WebSphere Application Server applications in the source VM.

Before you can perform a migration, you must accept the license agreement and download the IBM WebSphere Application Server Migration Toolkit for Application Binaries, and then extract the binaryAppScanner.jar file.

To set up binaryAppScanner.jar:

  1. Download the installer file, binaryAppScannerInstaller.jar, from IBM Support. You must accept the license agreement as part of the download.

  2. Run the following command to extract the binaryAppScanner.jar file and to accept the License Agreement:

    java -jar binaryAppScannerInstaller.jar --acceptLicense --verbose
  3. Specify the target directory for the extraction. For example, if you specify /tmp as the target directory, after the installation is complete, binaryAppScanner.jar is available at /tmp/wamt/binaryAppScanner.jar.

Retrieve WAS_HOME

The WAS_HOME environment variable specifies where WebSphere Application Server traditional is installed, such as /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/. Migrate to Containers CLI uses this value to correctly locate and analyze the WebSphere traditional configuration.

To retrieve this value, check the running WebSphere Application Server traditional process:

ps aux | grep WAS_HOME

Run the analysis

To perform the analysis, run the following command:

./m2c analyze \
  -p websphere-traditional-container -o ANALYSIS_OUTPUT_PATH \
  -r was-home=PATH_TO_WAS_HOME \
  --volume PATH_TO_BINARYAPPSCANNER:/binaryAppScanner.jar

Replace the following:

  • PATH_TO_COPIED_FILESYSTEM: the path to copied file system directory.
  • ANALYSIS_OUTPUT_PATH: the path to the folder where you want the analysis output to be created.
  • PATH_TO_WAS_HOME: path to the WebSphere Application Server traditional installation.
  • PATH_TO_BINARYAPPSCANNER: path to the binaryAppScanner.jar file. For example, if you specified /tmp as your target directory, then binaryAppScanner.jar is available at /tmp/wamt/binaryAppScanner.jar.

After the analysis is complete, a new directory is created in the specified output path which contains the migration plan, config.yaml.

Create a migration plan for JBoss workloads

For JBoss app components, creating a migration plan requires the JBOSS_HOME variable as an input.

To retrieve this value, check the running JBoss server process:

ps aux | grep jboss.home.dir

To perform the analysis, run the following command:

./m2c analyze \
  -p jboss-container \
  -r jboss-home=PATH_TO_JBOSS_HOME

Replace the following:

  • PATH_TO_COPIED_FILESYSTEM: the path to copied file system directory
  • ANALYSIS_OUTPUT_PATH: the path to the folder where you want the analysis output to be created
  • PATH_TO_JBOSS_HOME: path to the JBoss installation

After the analysis is complete, a new directory is created in the specified output path which contains the migration plan, config.yaml.

Create a migration plan for Apache workloads

To perform the analysis, run the following command:

./m2c analyze \
  -p apache-container \

Replace the following:

  • PATH_TO_COPIED_FILESYSTEM: the path to copied file system directory
  • ANALYSIS_OUTPUT_PATH: the path to the folder where you want the analysis output to be created

After the analysis is complete, a new directory is created in the specified output path which contains the migration plan, config.yaml.

Create a migration plan for WordPress workloads

To perform the analysis, run the following command:

./m2c analyze \
  -p wordpress-container \

Replace the following:

  • PATH_TO_COPIED_FILESYSTEM: the path to copied file system directory
  • ANALYSIS_OUTPUT_PATH: the path to the folder where you want the analysis output to be created

After the analysis is complete, a new directory is created in the specified output path which contains the migration plan, config.yaml.

Create a migration plan for Windows IIS services

To perform the analysis, run the following command:

./m2c analyze -s PATH_TO_IMAGE -p windows-iis-container -o ANALYSIS_OUTPUT_PATH

Replace the following:

  • PATH_TO_IMAGE: the path to source machine disk image. You can specify more than one disk image at a time using multiple -s flags. For example, -s PATH_TO_IMAGE_1 -s PATH_TO_IMAGE_2...-s PATH_TO_IMAGE_N.
  • ANALYSIS_OUTPUT_PATH: the path to the folder where you want the analysis output to be created.

After the analysis is complete, a new directory is created in the specified output path which contains the migration plan, config.yaml.

What's next