Integrating Cloud Deploy with your CI system

This document describes how to invoke your Cloud Deploy delivery pipeline from your continuous integration (CI) system.

Integrating Cloud Deploy with your CI system is as simple as adding a call to the Cloud Deploy gcloud CLI. This call occurs at the point in your CI pipeline at which your application is ready to be deployed.

Before you begin

The instructions on this page assume you already meet the following conditions:

Calling Cloud Deploy from your CI pipeline

The following command creates a new release, thus invoking a delivery pipeline instance:

gcloud deploy releases create RELEASE_NAME \
  --delivery-pipeline=PIPELINE_NAME \
  --region=REGION \
  --annotations=[KEY=VALUE,...] \



    is a name you give to this release. This value is required.

    You can specify dynamic release names by including '$DATE' or '$TIME' or both. For example, if you invoke this command at 3:07pm UTC, 'rel-$TIME' resolves to rel-1507. '$DATE' and '$TIME' must be in single-quotes.


    is the name of your registered delivery pipeline. This value is required.


    is the region in which you're creating this release. The region doesn't need to be the same region in which you're ultimately deploying your application.

  • [KEY=VALUE,...]

    is an optional list of one or more annotations to apply to the release, in the form of key-value pairs.

    You can use annotations to track release provenance, for example, by passing an annotation like commitId=0065ca0. All annotations on the release are returned when you list or get the release, and are displayed with the release in the Google Cloud console, so you can see release provenance there too.


    is a comma-separated list of image-name-to-image-path replacements. For example: --images=image1=path/to/image1:v1@sha256:45db24,image2=path/to/image2:v1@sha256:55xy18.

    This value isn't required if you pass --build-artifacts, which identifies a Skaffold build artifacts output file.

    When Cloud Deploy renders the manifest, the image name in the unrendered manifest is replaced with the full image reference in the rendered manifest. That is, image1, from this example, is in the unrendered manifest and is replaced in the rendered manifest with path/to/image1:v1@sha256:45db24.

Example using direct image reference

The following command creates a new release, passing an image reference directly, rather than a build artifacts file:

gcloud deploy releases create my-release \
  --delivery-pipeline=web-app \
  --region=us-central1 \

In this example, my-release is the release name. If you want to generate a release name based on date or time, you can include '$DATE' or 'TIME' or both. Time is UTC time on the machine where you invoke the command. '$DATE' and '$TIME' must be in single quotes.

Here's an example:

gcloud deploy releases create rel-'$DATE'-'$TIME' \
  --delivery-pipeline=web-app \
  --region=us-central1 \

In this example, the command generates a release name with the prefix rel-, plus the date and time, for example: rel-20220131-1507.

It's also common to use the Git SHA in a release name. See the Cloud Build and Docker examples in this document.

Build artifacts versus images

On the gcloud deploy releases create command, you can pass either a set of image references or a build artifacts file reference.

  • Use --images=[NAME=TAG,...] to refer to one or more individual container images.

    This value is a reference to a collection of individual image name to image full path replacements. Here's an example:

    gcloud deploy releases create my-release --images=image1=path/to/image1:v1@sha256:45db24

  • Use --build-artifacts= to point to a Skaffold build artifacts output file.

Cloud Build examples, passing a build artifacts file

Docker build example

The following YAML file demonstrates Cloud Build for a Docker build image push, and ultimately creates a Cloud Deploy release.

This example builds and pushes an image to an artifact repository and constructs a command to create a release, with a release name based on the short commit SHA. This example must be used as a Cloud Build SCM trigger because it relies on the $COMMIT_SHA variable.

This example pushes an image to a Docker tag that's the same as the commit hash of the source repo. Then the same commit hash, as a Docker tag, is referenced from the release-command arguments.

# Build and tag using commit sha
- name: ''
  args: ['build', '.', '-t', 'REPO_LOCATION/$PROJECT_ID/IMAGE_NAME:${COMMIT_SHA}', '-f', 'Dockerfile']
# Push the container image
- name: ''
# Create release in Google Cloud Deploy
- name:
  entrypoint: gcloud
      "deploy", "releases", "create", "rel-${SHORT_SHA}",
      "--delivery-pipeline", "PIPELINE_NAME",
      "--region", "us-central1",
      "--annotations", "commitId=${REVISION_ID}",

Note that the image name at the end of this example, "--images", "IMAGE_NAME= is substituted in the rendered manifest with the full image reference.

An example Cloud Build configuration using Skaffold

The following YAML file is the content of a Cloud Build build configuration that includes a call to Cloud Deploy to create a release, with a release name based on the date. This example also shows Skaffold used for the build.

- name:
    - skaffold
    - build
    - '--interactive=false'
    - '--file-output=/workspace/artifacts.json'
- name:
  entrypoint: gcloud
      "deploy", "releases", "create", "rel-${SHORT_SHA}",
      "--delivery-pipeline", "PIPELINE_NAME",
      "--region", "us-central1",
      "--annotations", "commitId=${REVISION_ID}",
      "--build-artifacts", "/workspace/artifacts.json"

Connect GitHub Actions to Cloud Deploy

If you're using GitHub Actions for continuous integration or other software delivery-related activities, you can connect to Cloud Deploy for continuous delivery using the create-cloud-deploy-release GitHub Action.

Connect GitLab to Cloud Deploy

If you use GitLab for continuous integration, you can use the GitLab Cloud Deploy component create-cloud-deploy-release to create a Cloud Deploy release.

You can also try the end-to-end tutorial for using GitLab with Google Cloud.

Using annotations to track the release's provenance

The --annotations= flag lets you apply one or more arbitrary key-value pairs to the release that this command creates. You would add this flag to the gcloud deploy releases create command.

For example, you can use the following key-value pairs to track the source of the image to be deployed.

Here's an example:

gcloud deploy releases create web-app-1029rel \
  --delivery-pipeline=web-app \
  --region=us-central1 \
  --annotations=commitId=0065ca0, \

You could also create an annotation whose value is the URL pointing to the pull request, for example. For more information, see Using labels and annotations with Cloud Deploy.