BigQuery V3 schema


  • New field analysisTimestampUtc
  • New field issues.issueId
  • New field issues.issueModelId
  • New field latestSummary

Find the column definitions in the following table.

Name Type Definition
conversationName STRING Name of the conversation resource.
audioFileUri STRING Location of the audio file on Google Cloud Storage.
agentId STRING The user-provided identifier for the agent who handled the conversation.
dialogflowConversationProfileId STRING The Dialogflow conversation profile ID of this conversation.
startTimestampUtc INTEGER The time in seconds at which the conversation started.
loadTimestampUtc INTEGER The time in seconds at which the conversation was loaded into Insights.
analysisTimestampUtc INTEGER The time in seconds at which the most recent analysis was performed.
year INTEGER Year date part of loadTimestampUtc.
month INTEGER Month date part of loadTimestampUtc.
day INTEGER Day date part of loadTimestampUtc.
durationNanos INTEGER Conversation duration in nanoseconds.
silenceNanos INTEGER Number of nanoseconds calculated to be in silence.
silencePercentage FLOAT Percentage of the total conversation spent in silence.
agentSpeakingPercentage FLOAT Percentage of the conversation with the agent speaking.
clientSpeakingPercentage FLOAT Percentage of the conversation with the client speaking.
agentSentimentScore FLOAT Agent sentiment score between -1.0 (negative) and 1.0 (positive).
agentSentimentMagnitude FLOAT A non-negative number from zero to infinity that represents the absolute magnitude of the agent sentiment regardless of score.
clientSentimentScore FLOAT Client sentiment score between -1.0 (negative) and 1.0 (positive).
clientSentimentMagnitude FLOAT A non-negative number from zero to infinity that represents the absolute magnitude of client sentiment regardless of score.
transcript STRING The complete text transcript of the conversation.
turnCount INTEGER The number of turns taken in the conversation.
languageCode STRING Language code of the conversation.
medium STRING Medium of the conversation.
issues REPEATED RECORD The list of all issues of the conversation. STRING The name of the issue.
issues.score FLOAT Score indicating the likelihood of the issue assignment, between 0 and 1.0.
issues.issueModelId STRING ID of the issue model that generated the issue assignment.
issues.issueId STRING ID of the assigned issue.
entities REPEATED RECORD The list of all spoken entities. STRING Name of the entity.
entities.type STRING Type of the entity.
entities.sentimentScore FLOAT The entity sentiment score between -1.0 (negative) and 1.0 (positive).
entities.sentimentMagnitude FLOAT A non-negative number from zero to infinity that represents the absolute magnitude of the entity sentiment regardless of score.
entities.salience FLOAT Salience score of the entity.
entities.speakerTag INTEGER The speaker that the entity mention originated from.
labels REPEATED RECORD The list of all user-provided labels.
labels.key STRING User-provided label key.
labels.value STRING User-provided label value.
words REPEATED RECORD The list of all spoken words.
words.word STRING The transcribed word.
words.startOffsetNanos INTEGER Time offset in nanoseconds of the start of this word relative to the beginning of the conversation.
words.endOffsetNanos INTEGER Time offset in nanoseconds of the end of this word relative to the beginning of the conversation.
words.speakerTag INTEGER The speaker that the word originated from.
words.languageCode STRING Language code.
sentences REPEATED RECORD The list of conversation sentences.
sentences.sentence STRING The transcribed sentence.
sentences.sentimentScore FLOAT The sentence sentiment score between -1.0 (negative) and 1.0 (positive).
sentences.sentimentMagnitude FLOAT A non-negative number from zero to infinity that represents the absolute magnitude of the sentence sentiment regardless of score.
sentences.speakerTag INTEGER The speaker that the sentence originated from.
sentences.languageCode STRING Language code.
sentences.startOffsetNanos INTEGER Time offset in nanoseconds of the start of this sentence relative to the beginning of the conversation.
sentences.endOffsetNanos INTEGER Time offset in nanoseconds of the end of this sentence relative to the beginning of the conversation.
sentences.createTimeNanos INTEGER Time in nanoseconds that the conversation message took place, if provided.
sentences.participantId STRING Participant ID, if provided.
sentences.participantRole STRING Participant role, if provided.
sentences.obfuscatedExternalUserId STRING Obfuscated external user ID, if provided.
sentences.isCoveredBySmartReplyAllowlist BOOL Whether the sentence is covered by a configured smart reply allowlist in Agent Assist.
sentences.annotations REPEATED RECORD The list of annotations from Dialogflow Runtime Integration. See full list.
sentences.annotations.annotationRecord JSON The annotation record returned from Dialogflow.
sentences.annotations.createTimeNanos INTEGER The timestamp when the suggestion was generated.
sentences.annotations.type STRING The type of suggestion.
sentences.annotations.clicked BOOL Customer feedback on whether the suggestion was clicked.
sentences.annotations.correctnessLevel STRING Customer feedback on the correctness level of the suggestion.
sentences.annotations.displayed BOOL Customer feedback on whether the suggestion was displayed.
sentences.annotations.detailedFeedback JSON The detailed feedback content returned from Dialogflow.
sentences.intentMatchData REPEATED RECORD The list of matched intents for the sentence.
sentences.intentMatchData.intentId STRING The unique ID of the matched intent.
sentences.intentMatchData.displayName STRING The human readable name of the matched intent.
sentences.phraseMatchData REPEATED RECORD The list of phrase match data for the sentence.
sentences.phraseMatchData.phraseMatcherId STRING The unique ID of the phrase matcher.
sentences.phraseMatchData.revisionId STRING Indicating the revision of the phrase matcher.
sentences.phraseMatchData.displayName STRING The human readable name of the phrase matcher.
sentences.highlightData REPEATED RECORD The list of highlighter data for the sentence.
sentences.highlightData.highlighterName STRING The unique id of the highlighter.
sentences.highlightData.displayName STRING The human readable name of the highlighter.
sentences.highlightData.type STRING The type of the highlighter.
sentences.dialogflowIntentMatchData REPEATED RECORD The list of Dialogflow intent match data for the sentence.
sentences.dialogflowIntentMatchData.intentName STRING The resource name of the matched intent.
sentences.dialogflowIntentMatchData.displayName STRING The human readable name of the matched intent.
sentences.dialogflowIntentMatchData.maxConfidence FLOAT The confidence score for the intent match, between 0 and 1.0.
latestSummary RECORD The latest conversation summary.
latestSummary.text STRING The summarization content that is concatenated into one string.
latestSummary.textSections REPEATED RECORD The summarization content that is divided into sections. The key is the section's name and the value is the section's content. There is no specific format for the key or value.
latestSummary.textSections.key STRING The name of the section.
latestSummary.textSections.value STRING The content of the section.
latestSummary.confidence FLOAT The confidence score of the summarization.
latestSummary.metadata REPEATED RECORD A map that contains metadata about the summarization and the document from which it originates.
latestSummary.metadata.key STRING The key of the metadata.
latestSummary.metadata.value STRING The value of the metadata.
latestSummary.answerRecord STRING The name of the answer record. Format: projects/{project}/locations/{location}/answerRecords/{answer_record}
latestSummary.conversationModel STRING The name of the model that generates this summary. Format: projects/{project}/locations/{location}/conversationModels/{conversation_model}