Dataflow jobs list

To see a list of your Dataflow jobs, go to the Dataflow > Jobs page in the Google Cloud console.

Go to Jobs

A list of Dataflow jobs appears along with their status. If you don't see any jobs, you need to run a new job. To learn how to run a job, see the Java quickstart, Python quickstart, or Go quickstart.

A list of Dataflow jobs with jobs in the running, failed, and succeeded states.
Figure 1: A list of Dataflow jobs in the Google Cloud console with jobs in the Starting, Failed, and Succeeded states.

A job can have the following statuses:

  • : the monitoring interface has not yet received a status from the Dataflow service.
  • Running: the job is running.
  • Starting...: the job is created, but the system needs some time to prepare before launching.
  • Queued: either a FlexRS job is queued or a Flex Template job is being launched (which might take several minutes).
  • Canceling...: the job is being canceled.
  • Canceled: the job is canceled.
  • Draining...: the job is being drained.
  • Drained: the job is drained.
  • Updating...: the job is being updated.
  • Updated: the job is updated.
  • Succeeded: the job has finished successfully.
  • Failed: the job failed to complete.

Access job visualizers

To access charts for monitoring your job, click the job name within the Dataflow monitoring interface. The Job details page is displayed, which contains the following information:

  • Job graph: visual representation of your pipeline
  • Execution details: tool to optimize your pipeline performance
  • Job metrics: metrics about the running of your job
  • Cost: metrics about the estimated cost of your job
  • Autoscaling: metrics related to streaming job autoscaling events
  • Job info panel: descriptive information about your pipeline
  • Job logs: logs generated by the Dataflow service at the job level
  • Worker logs: logs generated by the Dataflow service at the worker level
  • Diagnostics: table showing where errors occurred along the chosen timeline and possible recommendations for your pipeline
  • Data sampling: tool that lets you observe the data at each step of a pipeline

Within the Job details page, you can switch your job view with the Job graph, Execution details, Job metrics, Cost, and Autoscaling tabs.