Save and load YAML job definitions with the job builder

You can save job builder jobs as Apache Beam YAML files that encapsulate the job's configuration. These YAML files can be loaded back into the job builder for reuse and further editing.

Save a pipeline

To save a pipeline to Beam YAML:

  1. Use the job builder to create a pipeline.

  2. Click Save to open the Save YAML window.

  3. Perform one of the following actions:

    • To copy the YAML to the clipboard, click Copy.
    • To save to Cloud Storage, enter a Cloud Storage path and click Save.
    • To download a local file, click Download.

Load a pipeline

After you save a pipeline to Beam YAML, you can load it back into job builder. You can then use the job builder to modify or run the pipeline.

You can load Beam YAML from Cloud Storage or from text.

Load a pipeline from Cloud Storage

To load a pipeline from Cloud Storage:

  1. Go to the Jobs page in the Google Cloud console. Go to Jobs
  2. Click Create job from builder.
  3. Click Load.
  4. Click Load from Cloud Storage.
  5. In the YAML file location box, enter the Cloud Storage location of the YAML file, or click Browse to select the file.
  6. Click Load.

Load a pipeline from text

To load a pipeline from text:

  1. Go to the Jobs page in the Google Cloud console. Go to Jobs{: target="console" class="button button-primary" track-name="consoleLink" track-type="tutorial"
  2. Click Create job from builder.
  3. Click Load.
  4. Click Load from text.
  5. Paste the YAML into the window.
  6. Click Load.