Store your container images in Cloud Code for IntelliJ

To run or debug an application on a remote Kubernetes cluster, you'll need to define the container image repository for your project. You can use any image repository provider, including Artifact Registry.

Specify where container images are stored

If you're logged into Google Cloud in your IDE and you have a default project defined, Cloud Code automatically uses your default container image repository, where PROJECT_ID references your default project.

If you'd like to update the image repository where the project images are pushed, follow these instructions:

  1. Navigate to the Run/Debug configuration selector in the Navigation bar or the top-level main menu: Run > Edit Configurations > Develop on Kubernetes > Image repository.

  2. Fill in the Image repository field.

See the common image repository formats section for examples of how to specify where container images are stored for some common registries.

Image name creation

Cloud Code concatenates the image registry with the image name specified in the Kubernetes manifests to generate the final image repository name.

For more information, see the image registry handling guide.

Cloud Code builds your containers, pushes them to the registry, applies Kubernetes configurations to the cluster, and waits for the rollout.

Common image repository formats

Here are examples of how to specify where container images are stored for some common registries:

Docker Hub
Artifact Registry
AWS Elastic Container Registry (ECR)
Azure Container Registry (ACR)

What's next

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