Time series functions

GoogleSQL for BigQuery supports the following time series functions.

Function list

Name Summary
APPENDS Returns all rows appended to a table for a given time range.
CHANGES Returns all rows that have changed in a table for a given time range.
DATE_BUCKET Gets the lower bound of the date bucket that contains a date.
DATETIME_BUCKET Gets the lower bound of the datetime bucket that contains a datetime.
GAP_FILL Finds and fills gaps in a time series.
TIMESTAMP_BUCKET Gets the lower bound of the timestamp bucket that contains a timestamp.


  TABLE table,
  start_timestamp DEFAULT NULL,
  end_timestamp DEFAULT NULL)


The APPENDS function returns all rows appended to a table for a given time range.

The following operations add rows to the APPENDS change history:


  • table: the BigQuery table name. This must be a regular BigQuery table. This argument must be preceded by the word TABLE.
  • start_timestamp: a TIMESTAMP value indicating the earliest time at which a change is included in the output. If the value is NULL, all changes since the table creation are returned. If the table was created after the start_timestamp value, the actual table creation time is used instead. An error is returned if the time specified is earlier than allowed by time travel, or if the table was created earlier than allowed by time travel if the start_timestamp value is NULL. For standard tables, this window is seven days, but you can configure the time travel window to be less than that.
  • end_timestamp: a TIMESTAMP value indicating the latest time at which a change is included in the output. end_timestamp is exclusive; for example, if you specify 2023-12-31 08:00:00 for start_timestamp and 2023-12-31 12:00:00 for end_timestamp, all changes made from 8 AM December 31, 2023 through 11:59 AM December 31, 2023 are returned.

    If the end_timestamp value is NULL, all changes made until the start of the query are included.


Records of inserted rows persist even if that data is later deleted. Deletions aren't reflected in the APPENDS function. If a table is copied, calling the APPENDS function on the copied table returns every row as inserted at the time of table creation. If a row is modified due to an UPDATE operation, there's no effect.


The APPENDS function returns a table with the following columns:

  • All columns of the input table at the time the query is run. If a column is added after the end_timestamp value, it appears with NULL values populated in any of the rows that were inserted before the addition of the column.
  • _CHANGE_TYPE: a STRING value indicating the type of change that produced the row. For APPENDS, the only supported value is INSERT.
  • _CHANGE_TIMESTAMP: a TIMESTAMP value indicating the commit time of the transaction that made the change.


  • The data returned by the APPENDS function is limited to the time travel window of the table.
  • The data returned by the APPENDS function is limited to the table's current schema.
  • You can't call the APPENDS function within a multi-statement transaction.
  • You can only use the APPENDS function with regular BigQuery tables. Clones, snapshots, views, materialized views, external tables, and wildcard tables aren't supported.
  • Partition pseudo-columns for ingestion-time partitioned tables, such as _PARTITIONTIME and _PARTITIONDATE, aren't included in the function's output.


This example shows the change history returned by the APPENDS function as various changes are made to a table called Produce. First, create the table:

CREATE TABLE mydataset.Produce (product STRING, inventory INT64) AS (
  SELECT 'apples' AS product, 10 AS inventory);

Next, insert two rows into the table:

INSERT INTO mydataset.Produce
  ('bananas', 20),
  ('carrots', 30);

To view the full change history of appends, use NULL values to get the full history within the time travel window:

  _CHANGE_TYPE AS change_type,
  _CHANGE_TIMESTAMP AS change_time
  APPENDS(TABLE mydataset.Produce, NULL, NULL);

The output is similar to the following:

| product | inventory | change_type | change_time                    |
| apples  | 10        | INSERT      | 2022-04-15 20:06:00.488000 UTC |
| bananas | 20        | INSERT      | 2022-04-15 20:06:08.490000 UTC |
| carrots | 30        | INSERT      | 2022-04-15 20:06:08.490000 UTC |

Next, add a column, insert a new row of values, update the inventory, and delete the bananas row:

ALTER TABLE mydataset.Produce ADD COLUMN color STRING;
INSERT INTO mydataset.Produce VALUES ('grapes', 40, 'purple');
UPDATE mydataset.Produce SET inventory = inventory + 5 WHERE TRUE;
DELETE mydataset.Produce WHERE product = 'bananas';

View the new table:

SELECT * FROM mydataset.Produce;

The output is similar to the following:

| product | inventory | color  |
| apples  | 15        | NULL   |
| carrots | 35        | NULL   |
| grapes  | 45        | purple |

View the full change history of appends:

  _CHANGE_TYPE AS change_type,
  _CHANGE_TIMESTAMP AS change_time
  APPENDS(TABLE mydataset.Produce, NULL, NULL);

The output is similar to the following:

| product | inventory | color  | change_type | change_time                    |
| apples  | 10        | NULL   | INSERT      | 2022-04-15 20:06:00.488000 UTC |
| bananas | 20        | NULL   | INSERT      | 2022-04-15 20:06:08.490000 UTC |
| carrots | 30        | NULL   | INSERT      | 2022-04-15 20:06:08.490000 UTC |
| grapes  | 40        | purple | INSERT      | 2022-04-15 20:07:45.751000 UTC |

The inventory column displays the values that were set when the rows were originally inserted into to the table. It doesn't show the changes from the UPDATE statement. The row with information on bananas is still present because the APPENDS function only captures additions to tables, not deletions.


  TABLE table,
  start_timestamp DEFAULT NULL,


The CHANGES function returns all rows that have changed in a table for a given time range. To use the CHANGES function on a table, you must set the table's enable_change_history option to TRUE.

The following operations add rows to the CHANGES change history:


  • table: the BigQuery table name. This must be a regular BigQuery table, and must have the enable_change_history option set to TRUE. Enabling this table option has an impact on costs; for more information see Pricing and costs. This argument must be preceded by the word TABLE.
  • start_timestamp: a TIMESTAMP value indicating the earliest time at which a change is included in the output. If the value is NULL, all changes since the table creation are returned. If you set the enable_change_history option after setting the start_timestamp option, the history before the enablement time might be incomplete. If the table was created after the start_timestamp value, the actual table creation time is used instead. An error is returned if the time specified is earlier than allowed by time travel, or if the table was created earlier than allowed by time travel if the start_timestamp value is NULL. For standard tables, this window is seven days, but you can configure the time travel window to be less than that.
  • end_timestamp: a TIMESTAMP value indicating the latest time at which a change is included in the output. end_timestamp is exclusive; for example, if you specify 2023-12-31 08:00:00 for start_timestamp and 2023-12-31 12:00:00 for end_timestamp, all changes made from 8 AM December 31, 2023 through 11:59 AM December 31, 2023 are returned. The maximum time range allowed between start_timestamp and end_timestamp is one day. For a batch query, end_timestamp must be at least ten minutes prior to the current time. For a continuous query, set this as NULL to return the latest data.


If a row is inserted, a record of the new row with an INSERT change type is produced.

If a row is deleted, a record of the deleted row with a DELETE change type is produced.

If a row is updated, a record of the old row with a DELETE change type and a record of the new row with an UPDATE change type are produced.


The CHANGES function returns a table with the following columns:

  • All columns of the input table at the time that the query is run. If a column is added after the end_timestamp value, it appears with NULL values populated in of the any rows that were changed before the addition of the column.
  • _CHANGE_TYPE: a STRING value indicating the type of change that produced the row. For CHANGES, the supported values are INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE.
  • _CHANGE_TIMESTAMP: a TIMESTAMP value indicating the commit time of the transaction that made the change.


  • The data returned by the CHANGES function is limited to the time travel window of the table.
  • The data returned by the CHANGES function is limited to the table's current schema.
  • The maximum allowed time range between the start_timestamp and end_timestamp arguments you specify for the function is one day.
  • The CHANGES function can't query the last ten minutes of table history. Therefore, the end_timestamp argument value must be at least ten minutes prior to the current time.
  • You can't call the CHANGES function within a multi-statement transaction.
  • You can't use the CHANGES function with tables that have had multi-statement transactions committed to them within the requested time window.
  • You can only use the CHANGES function with regular BigQuery tables. Views, materialized views, external tables, and wildcard tables aren't supported.
  • For tables that have been cloned or snapshotted, and for tables that are restored from a clone or snapshot, change history from the source table isn't carried over to the new table, clone, or snapshot.
  • You can't use the CHANGES function with a table that has change data capture enabled.
  • Partition pseudo-columns for ingestion-time partitioned tables, such as _PARTITIONTIME and _PARTITIONDATE, aren't included in the function's output.
  • Change history isn't captured for table deletions made due to table partition expiration.
  • Performing data manipulation language (DML) statements over recently streamed data fails on tables that have the enable_change_history option set to TRUE.


This example shows the change history returned by the CHANGES function as various changes are made to a table called Produce. First, create the table:

CREATE TABLE mydataset.Produce (
  product STRING,
  inventory INT64)

Insert two rows into the table:

INSERT INTO mydataset.Produce
  ('bananas', 20),
  ('carrots', 30);

Delete one row from the table:

DELETE mydataset.Produce
WHERE product = 'bananas';

Update one row of the table:

UPDATE mydataset.Produce
SET inventory = inventory - 10
WHERE product = 'carrots';

Wait for 10 minutes and view the full change history of the changes:

  _CHANGE_TYPE AS change_type,
  _CHANGE_TIMESTAMP AS change_time
ORDER BY change_time, product;

The output is similar to the following:

| product | inventory | change_type |     change_time     |
| bananas |        20 | INSERT      | 2024-01-09 17:13:58 |
| carrots |        30 | INSERT      | 2024-01-09 17:13:58 |
| bananas |        20 | DELETE      | 2024-01-09 17:14:30 |
| carrots |        30 | DELETE      | 2024-01-09 17:15:24 |
| carrots |        20 | UPDATE      | 2024-01-09 17:15:24 |

Enabling change history for an existing table

To set the enable_change_history option to TRUE for an existing table, use the ALTER TABLE SET OPTIONS DDL statement. The following example updates the change history option for my_table to TRUE:

ALTER TABLE `my_dataset.my_table`
SET OPTIONS (enable_change_history = TRUE);


DATE_BUCKET(date_in_bucket, bucket_width)
DATE_BUCKET(date_in_bucket, bucket_width, bucket_origin_date)


Gets the lower bound of the date bucket that contains a date.


  • date_in_bucket: A DATE value that you can use to look up a date bucket.
  • bucket_width: An INTERVAL value that represents the width of a date bucket. A single interval with date parts is supported.
  • bucket_origin_date: A DATE value that represents a point in time. All buckets expand left and right from this point. If this argument isn't set, 1950-01-01 is used by default.

Return type



In the following example, the origin is omitted and the default origin, 1950-01-01 is used. All buckets expand in both directions from the origin, and the size of each bucket is two days. The lower bound of the bucket in which my_date belongs is returned.

WITH some_dates AS (
  SELECT DATE '1949-12-29' AS my_date UNION ALL
  SELECT DATE '1949-12-30' UNION ALL
  SELECT DATE '1949-12-31' UNION ALL
  SELECT DATE '1950-01-01' UNION ALL
  SELECT DATE '1950-01-02' UNION ALL
  SELECT DATE '1950-01-03'
SELECT DATE_BUCKET(my_date, INTERVAL 2 DAY) AS bucket_lower_bound
FROM some_dates;

 | bucket_lower_bound |
 | 1949-12-28         |
 | 1949-12-30         |
 | 1949-12-30         |
 | 1950-01-01         |
 | 1950-01-01         |
 | 1950-01-03         |

-- Some date buckets that originate from 1950-01-01:
-- + Bucket: ...
-- + Bucket: [1949-12-28, 1949-12-30)
-- + Bucket: [1949-12-30, 1950-01-01)
-- + Origin: [1950-01-01]
-- + Bucket: [1950-01-01, 1950-01-03)
-- + Bucket: [1950-01-03, 1950-01-05)
-- + Bucket: ...

In the following example, the origin has been changed to 2000-12-24, and all buckets expand in both directions from this point. The size of each bucket is seven days. The lower bound of the bucket in which my_date belongs is returned:

WITH some_dates AS (
  SELECT DATE '2000-12-20' AS my_date UNION ALL
  SELECT DATE '2000-12-21' UNION ALL
  SELECT DATE '2000-12-22' UNION ALL
  SELECT DATE '2000-12-23' UNION ALL
  SELECT DATE '2000-12-24' UNION ALL
  SELECT DATE '2000-12-25'
  DATE '2000-12-24') AS bucket_lower_bound
FROM some_dates;

 | bucket_lower_bound |
 | 2000-12-17         |
 | 2000-12-17         |
 | 2000-12-17         |
 | 2000-12-17         |
 | 2000-12-24         |
 | 2000-12-24         |

-- Some date buckets that originate from 2000-12-24:
-- + Bucket: ...
-- + Bucket: [2000-12-10, 2000-12-17)
-- + Bucket: [2000-12-17, 2000-12-24)
-- + Origin: [2000-12-24]
-- + Bucket: [2000-12-24, 2000-12-31)
-- + Bucket: [2000-12-31, 2000-01-07)
-- + Bucket: ...


DATETIME_BUCKET(datetime_in_bucket, bucket_width)
DATETIME_BUCKET(datetime_in_bucket, bucket_width, bucket_origin_datetime)


Gets the lower bound of the datetime bucket that contains a datetime.


  • datetime_in_bucket: A DATETIME value that you can use to look up a datetime bucket.
  • bucket_width: An INTERVAL value that represents the width of a datetime bucket. A single interval with date and time parts is supported.
  • bucket_origin_datetime: A DATETIME value that represents a point in time. All buckets expand left and right from this point. If this argument isn't set, 1950-01-01 00:00:00 is used by default.

Return type



In the following example, the origin is omitted and the default origin, 1950-01-01 00:00:00 is used. All buckets expand in both directions from the origin, and the size of each bucket is 12 hours. The lower bound of the bucket in which my_datetime belongs is returned:

WITH some_datetimes AS (
  SELECT DATETIME '1949-12-30 13:00:00' AS my_datetime UNION ALL
  SELECT DATETIME '1949-12-31 00:00:00' UNION ALL
  SELECT DATETIME '1949-12-31 13:00:00' UNION ALL
  SELECT DATETIME '1950-01-01 00:00:00' UNION ALL
  SELECT DATETIME '1950-01-01 13:00:00' UNION ALL
  SELECT DATETIME '1950-01-02 00:00:00'
SELECT DATETIME_BUCKET(my_datetime, INTERVAL 12 HOUR) AS bucket_lower_bound
FROM some_datetimes;

 | bucket_lower_bound  |
 | 1949-12-30T12:00:00 |
 | 1949-12-31T00:00:00 |
 | 1949-12-31T12:00:00 |
 | 1950-01-01T00:00:00 |
 | 1950-01-01T12:00:00 |
 | 1950-01-02T00:00:00 |

-- Some datetime buckets that originate from 1950-01-01 00:00:00:
-- + Bucket: ...
-- + Bucket: [1949-12-30 00:00:00, 1949-12-30 12:00:00)
-- + Bucket: [1949-12-30 12:00:00, 1950-01-01 00:00:00)
-- + Origin: [1950-01-01 00:00:00]
-- + Bucket: [1950-01-01 00:00:00, 1950-01-01 12:00:00)
-- + Bucket: [1950-01-01 12:00:00, 1950-02-00 00:00:00)
-- + Bucket: ...

In the following example, the origin has been changed to 2000-12-24 12:00:00, and all buckets expand in both directions from this point. The size of each bucket is seven days. The lower bound of the bucket in which my_datetime belongs is returned:

WITH some_datetimes AS (
  SELECT DATETIME '2000-12-20 00:00:00' AS my_datetime UNION ALL
  SELECT DATETIME '2000-12-21 00:00:00' UNION ALL
  SELECT DATETIME '2000-12-22 00:00:00' UNION ALL
  SELECT DATETIME '2000-12-23 00:00:00' UNION ALL
  SELECT DATETIME '2000-12-24 00:00:00' UNION ALL
  SELECT DATETIME '2000-12-25 00:00:00'
  DATETIME '2000-12-22 12:00:00') AS bucket_lower_bound
FROM some_datetimes;

 | bucket_lower_bound |
 | 2000-12-15T12:00:00 |
 | 2000-12-15T12:00:00 |
 | 2000-12-15T12:00:00 |
 | 2000-12-22T12:00:00 |
 | 2000-12-22T12:00:00 |
 | 2000-12-22T12:00:00 |

-- Some datetime buckets that originate from 2000-12-22 12:00:00:
-- + Bucket: ...
-- + Bucket: [2000-12-08 12:00:00, 2000-12-15 12:00:00)
-- + Bucket: [2000-12-15 12:00:00, 2000-12-22 12:00:00)
-- + Origin: [2000-12-22 12:00:00]
-- + Bucket: [2000-12-22 12:00:00, 2000-12-29 12:00:00)
-- + Bucket: [2000-12-29 12:00:00, 2000-01-05 12:00:00)
-- + Bucket: ...


  TABLE time_series_table,
  [, partitioning_columns => value ]
  [, value_columns => value ]
  [, origin => value ]
  [, ignore_null_values => { TRUE | FALSE } ]
  [, partitioning_columns => values ]
  [, value_columns => value ]
  [, origin => value ]
  [, ignore_null_values => { TRUE | FALSE } ]


Finds and fills gaps in a time series.


  • time_series_table: The name of the table that contains the time series data.
  • time_series_subquery: The subquery that contains the time series data.
  • time_series_column: The name of the column in time_series_table or time_series_subquery that contains the time points of the time series data. This column must represent a DATE, DATETIME, or TIMESTAMP type.
  • bucket_width: The INTERVAL value that represents the selected width of the time buckets. The interval can represent a DATE, DATETIME, or TIMESTAMP type.
  • partitioning_columns: A named argument with an ARRAY<STRING> value. Represents an array of zero or more column names used to partition data into individual time series (time series identity). This has the same column type requirements as the PARTITION BY clause.
  • value_columns: A named argument with an ARRAY<STRUCT<STRING, STRING>> value. Represents an array of column name and gap-filling method pairs in the following format:

    [(column_name, gap_filling_method), ...]
    • column_name: A STRING value that represents a valid column from time_series_table. A column name can only be used once in value_columns.

    • gap_filling_method: A STRING value that can be one of the following gap-filling methods:

      • null (default): Fill in missing values with NULL values.

      • linear: Fill in missing values using linear interpolation. So, when a new value is added, it's based on a linear slope for a specific time bucket. When this method is used, column_name must be a numeric data type.

      • locf: Fill in missing values by carrying the last observed value forward. So, when a new value is added, it's based on the previous value.

  • origin: A DATE, DATETIME or TIMESTAMP optional named argument. Represents a point in time from which all time buckets expand in each direction.

    If origin isn't provided, the data type for time_series_column is assumed, and the corresponding default value is used:

    • DATE '1950-01-01'
    • DATETIME '1950-01-01 00:00:00'
    • TIMESTAMP '1950-01-01 00:00:00'
  • ignore_null_values: A named argument with a BOOL value. Indicates whether the function ignores NULL values in the input data when performing gap filling. By default, this value is TRUE.

    • If TRUE (default), NULL values are skipped during gap filling.

      • null is the gap-filling method for a column: If a value in a column is NULL, the output is NULL for that column.

      • locf or linear is the gap-filling method for a column: The previous or next non-NULL value is used. The side effect of this is that output value columns are never NULL, except for the edges.

    • If FALSE, NULL values are included during gap filling.

      • null is the gap-filling method for a column: If a value in a column is NULL, the output is NULL for that column.

      • locf is the gap-filling method for a column: If the previous value in that column is NULL, the output is NULL for that column.

      • linear is the gap-filling method for a column: If either of the endpoints in that column is NULL, the output is NULL for that column.


Sometimes the fixed time intervals produced by time bucket functions have gaps, either due to irregular sampling intervals or an event that caused data loss for some time period. This can cause irregularities in reporting. For example, a plot with irregular intervals might have visible discontinuity. You can use the GAP_FILL function to employ various gap-filling methods to fill in those missing data points.

time_series_column and origin must be of the same data type.

Return type



In the following query, the locf gap-filling method is applied to gaps:

  ARRAY<STRUCT<device_id INT64, time DATETIME, signal INT64, state STRING>>[
    STRUCT(1, DATETIME '2023-11-01 09:34:01', 74, 'INACTIVE'),
    STRUCT(2, DATETIME '2023-11-01 09:36:00', 77, 'ACTIVE'),
    STRUCT(3, DATETIME '2023-11-01 09:37:00', 78, 'ACTIVE'),
    STRUCT(4, DATETIME '2023-11-01 09:38:01', 80, 'ACTIVE')

  TABLE device_data,
  ts_column => 'time',
  bucket_width => INTERVAL 1 MINUTE,
  value_columns => [
    ('signal', 'locf')
ORDER BY time;

 | time                | signal |
 | 2023-11-01T09:35:00 | 74     |
 | 2023-11-01T09:36:00 | 77     |
 | 2023-11-01T09:37:00 | 78     |
 | 2023-11-01T09:38:00 | 78     |

In the following query, the linear gap-filling method is applied to gaps:

  ARRAY<STRUCT<device_id INT64, time DATETIME, signal INT64, state STRING>>[
    STRUCT(1, DATETIME '2023-11-01 09:34:01', 74, 'INACTIVE'),
    STRUCT(2, DATETIME '2023-11-01 09:36:00', 77, 'ACTIVE'),
    STRUCT(3, DATETIME '2023-11-01 09:37:00', 78, 'ACTIVE'),
    STRUCT(4, DATETIME '2023-11-01 09:38:01', 80, 'ACTIVE')

  TABLE device_data,
  ts_column => 'time',
  bucket_width => INTERVAL 1 MINUTE,
  value_columns => [
    ('signal', 'linear')
ORDER BY time;

 | time                | signal |
 | 2023-11-01T09:35:00 | 75     |
 | 2023-11-01T09:36:00 | 77     |
 | 2023-11-01T09:37:00 | 78     |
 | 2023-11-01T09:38:00 | 80     |

In the following query, the null gap-filling method is applied to gaps:

  ARRAY<STRUCT<device_id INT64, time DATETIME, signal INT64, state STRING>>[
    STRUCT(1, DATETIME '2023-11-01 09:34:01', 74, 'INACTIVE'),
    STRUCT(2, DATETIME '2023-11-01 09:36:00', 77, 'ACTIVE'),
    STRUCT(3, DATETIME '2023-11-01 09:37:00', 78, 'ACTIVE'),
    STRUCT(4, DATETIME '2023-11-01 09:38:01', 80, 'ACTIVE')

  TABLE device_data,
  ts_column => 'time',
  bucket_width => INTERVAL 1 MINUTE,
  value_columns => [
    ('signal', 'null')
ORDER BY time;

 | time                | signal |
 | 2023-11-01T09:35:00 | NULL   |
 | 2023-11-01T09:36:00 | 77     |
 | 2023-11-01T09:37:00 | 78     |
 | 2023-11-01T09:38:00 | NULL   |

In the following query, NULL values in the input data are ignored by default:

  ARRAY<STRUCT<device_id INT64, time DATETIME, signal INT64, state STRING>>[
    STRUCT(1, DATETIME '2023-11-01 09:34:01', 74, 'INACTIVE'),
    STRUCT(2, DATETIME '2023-11-01 09:36:00', 77, 'ACTIVE'),
    STRUCT(3, DATETIME '2023-11-01 09:37:00', NULL, 'ACTIVE'),
    STRUCT(4, DATETIME '2023-11-01 09:38:01', 80, 'ACTIVE')

  TABLE device_data,
  ts_column => 'time',
  bucket_width => INTERVAL 1 MINUTE,
  value_columns => [
    ('signal', 'linear')
ORDER BY time;

 | time                | signal |
 | 2023-11-01T09:35:00 | 75     |
 | 2023-11-01T09:36:00 | 77     |
 | 2023-11-01T09:37:00 | 78     |
 | 2023-11-01T09:38:00 | 80     |

In the following query, NULL values in the input data aren't ignored, using the ignore_null_values argument:

  ARRAY<STRUCT<device_id INT64, time DATETIME, signal INT64, state STRING>>[
    STRUCT(1, DATETIME '2023-11-01 09:34:01', 74, 'INACTIVE'),
    STRUCT(2, DATETIME '2023-11-01 09:36:00', 77, 'ACTIVE'),
    STRUCT(3, DATETIME '2023-11-01 09:37:00', NULL, 'ACTIVE'),
    STRUCT(4, DATETIME '2023-11-01 09:38:01', 80, 'ACTIVE')

  TABLE device_data,
  ts_column => 'time',
  bucket_width => INTERVAL 1 MINUTE,
  value_columns => [
    ('signal', 'linear')
  ignore_null_values => FALSE
ORDER BY time;

 | time                | signal |
 | 2023-11-01T09:35:00 | 75     |
 | 2023-11-01T09:36:00 | 77     |
 | 2023-11-01T09:37:00 | NULL   |
 | 2023-11-01T09:38:00 | NULL   |

In the following query, when the value_columns argument isn't passed in, the null gap-filling method is used on all columns:

  ARRAY<STRUCT<device_id INT64, time DATETIME, signal INT64, state STRING>>[
    STRUCT(1, DATETIME '2023-11-01 09:34:01', 74, 'INACTIVE'),
    STRUCT(2, DATETIME '2023-11-01 09:36:00', 77, 'ACTIVE'),
    STRUCT(3, DATETIME '2023-11-01 09:37:00', 79, 'ACTIVE'),
    STRUCT(4, DATETIME '2023-11-01 09:38:01', 80, 'ACTIVE')

  TABLE device_data,
  ts_column => 'time',
  bucket_width => INTERVAL 1 MINUTE
ORDER BY time;

 | time                | device_id | signal | state    |
 | 2023-11-01T09:35:00 | NULL      | NULL   | NULL     |
 | 2023-11-01T09:36:00 | 2         | 77     | ACTIVE   |
 | 2023-11-01T09:37:00 | 3         | 79     | ACTIVE   |
 | 2023-11-01T09:38:00 | NULL      | NULL   | NULL     |

In the following query, rows (buckets) are added for gaps that are found:

  ARRAY<STRUCT<device_id INT64, time DATETIME, signal INT64, state STRING>>[
    STRUCT(1, DATETIME '2023-11-01 09:35:39', 74, 'INACTIVE'),
    STRUCT(2, DATETIME '2023-11-01 09:37:39', 77, 'ACTIVE'),
    STRUCT(3, DATETIME '2023-11-01 09:38:00', 77, 'ACTIVE'),
    STRUCT(4, DATETIME '2023-11-01 09:40:00', 80, 'ACTIVE')

  TABLE device_data,
  ts_column => 'time',
  bucket_width => INTERVAL 1 MINUTE,
  value_columns => [
    ('signal', 'locf')
ORDER BY time;

 | time                | signal |
 | 2023-11-01T09:36:00 | 74     |
 | 2023-11-01T09:37:00 | 74     |
 | 2023-11-01T09:38:00 | 74     |
 | 2023-11-01T09:39:00 | 77     |
 | 2023-11-01T09:40:00 | 77     |

In the following query, data is condensed when it fits in the same bucket and has the same values:

  ARRAY<STRUCT<device_id INT64, time DATETIME, signal INT64, state STRING>>[
    STRUCT(1, DATETIME '2023-11-01 09:35:39', 74, 'INACTIVE'),
    STRUCT(2, DATETIME '2023-11-01 09:36:60', 77, 'ACTIVE'),
    STRUCT(3, DATETIME '2023-11-01 09:37:00', 77, 'ACTIVE'),
    STRUCT(4, DATETIME '2023-11-01 09:37:20', 80, 'ACTIVE')

  TABLE device_data,
  ts_column => 'time',
  bucket_width => INTERVAL 1 MINUTE,
  value_columns => [
    ('signal', 'locf')
ORDER BY time;

 | time                | signal |
 | 2023-11-01T09:36:00 | 74     |
 | 2023-11-01T09:37:00 | 77     |

In the following query, gap filling is applied to partitions:

  ARRAY<STRUCT<device_id INT64, time DATETIME, signal INT64, state STRING>>[
    STRUCT(2, DATETIME '2023-11-01 09:35:07', 87, 'ACTIVE'),
    STRUCT(1, DATETIME '2023-11-01 09:35:26', 82, 'ACTIVE'),
    STRUCT(3, DATETIME '2023-11-01 09:35:39', 74, 'INACTIVE'),
    STRUCT(2, DATETIME '2023-11-01 09:36:07', 88, 'ACTIVE'),
    STRUCT(1, DATETIME '2023-11-01 09:36:26', 82, 'ACTIVE'),
    STRUCT(2, DATETIME '2023-11-01 09:37:07', 88, 'ACTIVE'),
    STRUCT(1, DATETIME '2023-11-01 09:37:28', 80, 'ACTIVE'),
    STRUCT(3, DATETIME '2023-11-01 09:37:39', 77, 'ACTIVE'),
    STRUCT(2, DATETIME '2023-11-01 09:38:07', 86, 'ACTIVE'),
    STRUCT(1, DATETIME '2023-11-01 09:38:26', 81, 'ACTIVE'),
    STRUCT(3, DATETIME '2023-11-01 09:38:39', 77, 'ACTIVE')

  TABLE device_data,
  ts_column => 'time',
  bucket_width => INTERVAL 1 MINUTE,
  partitioning_columns => ['device_id'],
  value_columns => [
    ('signal', 'locf')
ORDER BY device_id;

 | time                | device_id | signal |
 | 2023-11-01T09:36:00 | 1         | 82     |
 | 2023-11-01T09:37:00 | 1         | 82     |
 | 2023-11-01T09:38:00 | 1         | 80     |
 | 2023-11-01T09:36:00 | 2         | 87     |
 | 2023-11-01T09:37:00 | 2         | 88     |
 | 2023-11-01T09:38:00 | 2         | 88     |
 | 2023-11-01T09:36:00 | 3         | 74     |
 | 2023-11-01T09:37:00 | 3         | 74     |
 | 2023-11-01T09:38:00 | 3         | 77     |

In the following query, gap filling is applied to multiple columns, and each column uses a different gap-filling method:

  ARRAY<STRUCT<device_id INT64, time DATETIME, signal INT64, state STRING>>[
    STRUCT(1, DATETIME '2023-11-01 09:34:01', 74, 'ACTIVE'),
    STRUCT(2, DATETIME '2023-11-01 09:36:00', 77, 'INACTIVE'),
    STRUCT(3, DATETIME '2023-11-01 09:38:00', 78, 'ACTIVE'),
    STRUCT(4, DATETIME '2023-11-01 09:39:01', 80, 'ACTIVE')

  TABLE device_data,
  ts_column => 'time',
  bucket_width => INTERVAL 1 MINUTE,
  value_columns => [
    ('signal', 'linear'),
    ('state', 'locf')
ORDER BY time;

 | time                | signal | state    |
 | 2023-11-01T09:35:00 | 75     | ACTIVE   |
 | 2023-11-01T09:36:00 | 77     | INACTIVE |
 | 2023-11-01T09:37:00 | 78     | INACTIVE |
 | 2023-11-01T09:38:00 | 78     | ACTIVE   |
 | 2023-11-01T09:39:00 | 80     | ACTIVE   |

In the following query, the point of origin is changed in the gap-filling results to a custom origin, using the origin argument:

  ARRAY<STRUCT<device_id INT64, time DATETIME, signal INT64, state STRING>>[
    STRUCT(1, DATETIME '2023-11-01 09:34:01', 74, 'ACTIVE'),
    STRUCT(2, DATETIME '2023-11-01 09:36:00', 77, 'INACTIVE'),
    STRUCT(3, DATETIME '2023-11-01 09:38:00', 78, 'ACTIVE'),
    STRUCT(4, DATETIME '2023-11-01 09:39:01', 80, 'ACTIVE')

  TABLE device_data,
  ts_column => 'time',
  bucket_width => INTERVAL 1 MINUTE,
  value_columns => [
    ('signal', 'null')
  origin => DATETIME '2023-11-01 09:30:01'
ORDER BY time;

 | time                | signal |
 | 2023-11-01T09:34:01 | 74     |
 | 2023-11-01T09:35:01 | NULL   |
 | 2023-11-01T09:36:01 | NULL   |
 | 2023-11-01T09:37:01 | NULL   |
 | 2023-11-01T09:38:01 | NULL   |
 | 2023-11-01T09:39:01 | 80     |

In the following query, a subquery is passed into the function instead of a table:

    ARRAY<STRUCT<device_id INT64, time DATETIME, signal INT64, state STRING>>[
      STRUCT(1, DATETIME '2023-11-01 09:34:01', 74, 'INACTIVE'),
      STRUCT(2, DATETIME '2023-11-01 09:36:00', 77, 'ACTIVE'),
      STRUCT(3, DATETIME '2023-11-01 09:37:00', 78, 'ACTIVE'),
      STRUCT(4, DATETIME '2023-11-01 09:38:01', 80, 'ACTIVE')
  ts_column => 'time',
  bucket_width => INTERVAL 1 MINUTE,
  value_columns => [
    ('signal', 'linear')
ORDER BY time;

 | time                | signal |
 | 2023-11-01T09:35:00 | 75     |
 | 2023-11-01T09:36:00 | 77     |
 | 2023-11-01T09:37:00 | 78     |
 | 2023-11-01T09:38:00 | 80     |


TIMESTAMP_BUCKET(timestamp_in_bucket, bucket_width)
TIMESTAMP_BUCKET(timestamp_in_bucket, bucket_width, bucket_origin_timestamp)


Gets the lower bound of the timestamp bucket that contains a timestamp.


  • timestamp_in_bucket: A TIMESTAMP value that you can use to look up a timestamp bucket.
  • bucket_width: An INTERVAL value that represents the width of a timestamp bucket. A single interval with date and time parts is supported.
  • bucket_origin_timestamp: A TIMESTAMP value that represents a point in time. All buckets expand left and right from this point. If this argument isn't set, 1950-01-01 00:00:00 is used by default.

Return type



In the following example, the origin is omitted and the default origin, 1950-01-01 00:00:00 is used. All buckets expand in both directions from the origin, and the size of each bucket is 12 hours. The default time zone, UTC, is included in the results. The lower bound of the bucket in which my_timestamp belongs is returned:

WITH some_timestamps AS (
  SELECT TIMESTAMP '1949-12-30 13:00:00.00' AS my_timestamp UNION ALL
  SELECT TIMESTAMP '1949-12-31 00:00:00.00' UNION ALL
  SELECT TIMESTAMP '1949-12-31 13:00:00.00' UNION ALL
  SELECT TIMESTAMP '1950-01-01 00:00:00.00' UNION ALL
  SELECT TIMESTAMP '1950-01-01 13:00:00.00' UNION ALL
  SELECT TIMESTAMP '1950-01-02 00:00:00.00'
SELECT TIMESTAMP_BUCKET(my_timestamp, INTERVAL 12 HOUR) AS bucket_lower_bound
FROM some_timestamps;

-- Display of results may differ, depending upon the environment and
-- time zone where this query was executed.
 | bucket_lower_bound      |
 | 1949-12-30 12:00:00 UTC |
 | 1949-12-31 00:00:00 UTC |
 | 1949-12-31 12:00:00 UTC |
 | 1950-01-01 00:00:00 UTC |
 | 1950-01-01 12:00:00 UTC |
 | 1950-01-02 00:00:00 UTC |

-- Some timestamp buckets that originate from 1950-01-01 00:00:00:
-- + Bucket: ...
-- + Bucket: [1949-12-30 00:00:00.00 UTC, 1949-12-30 12:00:00.00 UTC)
-- + Bucket: [1949-12-30 12:00:00.00 UTC, 1950-01-01 00:00:00.00 UTC)
-- + Origin: [1950-01-01 00:00:00.00 UTC]
-- + Bucket: [1950-01-01 00:00:00.00 UTC, 1950-01-01 12:00:00.00 UTC)
-- + Bucket: [1950-01-01 12:00:00.00 UTC, 1950-02-00 00:00:00.00 UTC)
-- + Bucket: ...

In the following example, the origin has been changed to 2000-12-24 12:00:00, and all buckets expand in both directions from this point. The size of each bucket is seven days. The default time zone, UTC, is included in the results. The lower bound of the bucket in which my_timestamp belongs is returned:

WITH some_timestamps AS (
  SELECT TIMESTAMP '2000-12-20 00:00:00.00' AS my_timestamp UNION ALL
  SELECT TIMESTAMP '2000-12-21 00:00:00.00' UNION ALL
  SELECT TIMESTAMP '2000-12-22 00:00:00.00' UNION ALL
  SELECT TIMESTAMP '2000-12-23 00:00:00.00' UNION ALL
  SELECT TIMESTAMP '2000-12-24 00:00:00.00' UNION ALL
  SELECT TIMESTAMP '2000-12-25 00:00:00.00'
  TIMESTAMP '2000-12-22 12:00:00.00') AS bucket_lower_bound
FROM some_timestamps;

-- Display of results may differ, depending upon the environment and
-- time zone where this query was executed.
 | bucket_lower_bound      |
 | 2000-12-15 12:00:00 UTC |
 | 2000-12-15 12:00:00 UTC |
 | 2000-12-15 12:00:00 UTC |
 | 2000-12-22 12:00:00 UTC |
 | 2000-12-22 12:00:00 UTC |
 | 2000-12-22 12:00:00 UTC |

-- Some timestamp buckets that originate from 2000-12-22 12:00:00:
-- + Bucket: ...
-- + Bucket: [2000-12-08 12:00:00.00 UTC, 2000-12-15 12:00:00.00 UTC)
-- + Bucket: [2000-12-15 12:00:00.00 UTC, 2000-12-22 12:00:00.00 UTC)
-- + Origin: [2000-12-22 12:00:00.00 UTC]
-- + Bucket: [2000-12-22 12:00:00.00 UTC, 2000-12-29 12:00:00.00 UTC)
-- + Bucket: [2000-12-29 12:00:00.00 UTC, 2000-01-05 12:00:00.00 UTC)
-- + Bucket: ...