Pipe query syntax

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GoogleSQL supports pipe query syntax, which is a simpler and more concise alternative to standard query syntax. Pipe syntax supports many of the same operators as standard syntax, and improves some areas of SQL query functionality.

For more background and details on the language design, see the research paper SQL Has Problems. We Can Fix Them: Pipe Syntax In SQL.

Pipe syntax

Pipe syntax has the following key characteristics:

  • Each pipe operator in pipe syntax consists of the pipe symbol, |>, an operator name, and any arguments:
    |> operator_name argument_list
  • Pipe operators can be added to the end of any valid query.
  • Pipe operators can be applied in any order, any number of times.
  • Pipe syntax works anywhere standard syntax is supported: in queries, views, table-valued functions (TVFs), and other contexts.
  • Pipe syntax can be mixed with standard syntax in the same query. For example, subqueries can use different syntax from the parent query.
  • A query can start with a FROM clause, and pipe operators can optionally be added after the FROM clause.

Query comparison

Consider the following table called Produce:

  SELECT 'apples' AS item, 2 AS sales, 'fruit' AS category
  SELECT 'carrots' AS item, 8 AS sales, 'vegetable' AS category
  SELECT 'apples' AS item, 7 AS sales, 'fruit' AS category
  SELECT 'bananas' AS item, 5 AS sales, 'fruit' AS category

SELECT * FROM Produce;

 | item    | sales | category  |
 | apples  | 2     | fruit     |
 | carrots | 8     | vegetable |
 | apples  | 7     | fruit     |
 | bananas | 5     | fruit     |

Compare the following equivalent queries that compute the number and total amount of sales for each item in the Produce table:

Standard syntax

SELECT item, COUNT(*) AS num_items, SUM(sales) AS total_sales
FROM Produce
  item != 'bananas'
  AND category IN ('fruit', 'nut')

 | item   | num_items | total_sales |
 | apples | 2         | 9           |

Pipe syntax

FROM Produce
    item != 'bananas'
    AND category IN ('fruit', 'nut')
|> AGGREGATE COUNT(*) AS num_items, SUM(sales) AS total_sales
   GROUP BY item
|> ORDER BY item DESC;

 | item   | num_items | total_sales |
 | apples | 2         | 9           |

Pipe operator semantics

Pipe operators have the following semantic behavior:

  • Each pipe operator performs a self-contained operation.
  • A pipe operator consumes the input table passed to it through the pipe symbol, |>, and produces a new table as output.
  • A pipe operator can reference only columns from its immediate input table. Columns from earlier in the same query aren't visible. Inside subqueries, correlated references to outer columns are still allowed.

FROM queries

In pipe syntax, a query can start with a standard FROM clause and use any standard FROM syntax, including tables, joins, subqueries, and table-valued functions (TVFs). Table aliases can be assigned to each input item using the AS alias clause.

A query with only a FROM clause, like FROM table_name, is allowed in pipe syntax and returns all rows from the table. For tables with columns, FROM table_name in pipe syntax is similar to SELECT * FROM table_name in standard syntax.


The following queries use the Produce table:

FROM Produce;

 | item    | sales | category  |
 | apples  | 2     | fruit     |
 | carrots | 8     | vegetable |
 | apples  | 7     | fruit     |
 | bananas | 5     | fruit     |
-- Join tables in the FROM clause and then apply pipe operators.
  Produce AS p1
  JOIN Produce AS p2
    USING (item)
|> WHERE item = "bananas"
|> SELECT p1.item, p2.sales;

 | item    | sales |
 | bananas | 5     |

Pipe operators

GoogleSQL supports the following pipe operators. For operators that correspond or relate to similar operations in standard syntax, the operator descriptions highlight similarities and differences and link to more detailed documentation on the corresponding syntax.

Pipe operator list

Name Summary
SELECT pipe operator Produces a new table with the listed columns.
EXTEND pipe operator Propagates the existing table and adds computed columns.
SET pipe operator Replaces the values of columns in the current table.
DROP pipe operator Removes listed columns from the current table.
RENAME pipe operator Renames specified columns.
AS pipe operator Introduces a table alias for the input table.
WHERE pipe operator Filters the results of the input table.
LIMIT pipe operator Limits the number of rows to return in a query, with an optional OFFSET clause to skip over rows.
AGGREGATE pipe operator Performs aggregation on data across groups of rows or the full input table.
ORDER BY pipe operator Sorts results by a list of expressions.
JOIN pipe operator Joins rows from the input table with rows from a second table provided as an argument.
CALL pipe operator Calls a table-valued function (TVF), passing the pipe input table as a table argument.
WINDOW pipe operator Adds columns with the result of computing the function over some window of existing rows
TABLESAMPLE pipe operator Selects a random sample of rows from the input table.
PIVOT pipe operator Rotates rows into columns.
UNPIVOT pipe operator Rotates columns into rows.

SELECT pipe operator

|> SELECT expression [[AS] alias] [, ...]


Produces a new table with the listed columns, similar to the outermost SELECT clause in a table subquery in standard syntax. Supports standard output modifiers like SELECT AS STRUCT, and supports window functions. Doesn't support aggregations or anonymization.

In pipe syntax, the SELECT operator in a query is optional. The SELECT operator can be used near the end of a query to specify the list of output columns. The final query result contains the columns returned from the last pipe operator. If the SELECT operator isn't used to select specific columns, the output includes the full row, similar to what the SELECT * statement in standard syntax produces.

In pipe syntax, the SELECT clause doesn't perform aggregation. Use the AGGREGATE operator instead.

For cases where SELECT would be used in standard syntax to rearrange columns, pipe syntax supports other operators:


FROM (SELECT 'apples' AS item, 2 AS sales)
|> SELECT item AS fruit_name;

 | fruit_name |
 | apples     |

EXTEND pipe operator

|> EXTEND expression [[AS] alias] [, ...]


Propagates the existing table and adds a computed column, similar to SELECT *, new_column in standard syntax. Supports window functions.


  SELECT 'apples' AS item, 2 AS sales
  SELECT 'carrots' AS item, 8 AS sales
|> EXTEND item IN ('carrots', 'oranges') AS is_orange;

 | item    | sales | is_orange  |
 | apples  | 2     | FALSE      |
 | carrots | 8     | TRUE       |
-- Window function, with `OVER`
  SELECT 'apples' AS item, 2 AS sales
  SELECT 'bananas' AS item, 5 AS sales
  SELECT 'carrots' AS item, 8 AS sales
|> EXTEND SUM(sales) OVER() AS total_sales;

 | item    | sales | total_sales |
 | apples  | 2     | 15          |
 | bananas | 5     | 15          |
 | carrots | 8     | 15          |

SET pipe operator

|> SET column_name = expression [, ...]


Replaces the value of a column in the current table, similar to SELECT * REPLACE (expression AS column) in standard syntax. Each referenced column must exist exactly once in the input table.

After a SET operation, the referenced top-level columns (like x) are updated, but table aliases (like t) still refer to the original row values. Therefore, t.x will still refer to the original value.


  SELECT 1 AS x, 11 AS y
  SELECT 2 AS x, 22 AS y
|> SET x = x * x, y = 3;

 | x | y |
 | 1 | 3 |
 | 4 | 3 |
FROM (SELECT 2 AS x, 3 AS y) AS t
|> SET x = x * x, y = 8
|> SELECT t.x AS original_x, x, y;

 | original_x | x | y |
 | 2          | 4 | 8 |

DROP pipe operator

|> DROP column_name [, ...]


Removes listed columns from the current table, similar to SELECT * EXCEPT (column) in standard syntax. Each referenced column must exist at least once in the input table.

After a DROP operation, the referenced top-level columns (like x) are removed, but table aliases (like t) still refer to the original row values. Therefore, t.x will still refer to the original value.


SELECT 'apples' AS item, 2 AS sales, 'fruit' AS category
|> DROP sales, category;

 | item   |
 | apples |
FROM (SELECT 1 AS x, 2 AS y) AS t
|> DROP x
|> SELECT t.x AS original_x, y;

 | original_x | y |
 | 1          | 2 |

RENAME pipe operator

|> RENAME old_column_name [AS] new_column_name [, ...]


Renames specified columns. Each column to be renamed must exist exactly once in the input table. The RENAME operator can't rename value table fields, pseudo-columns, range variables, or objects that aren't columns in the input table.

After a RENAME operation, the referenced top-level columns (like x) are renamed, but table aliases (like t) still refer to the original row values. Therefore, t.x will still refer to the original value.


SELECT 1 AS x, 2 AS y, 3 AS z
|> AS t
|> RENAME y AS renamed_y
|> SELECT *, t.y AS t_y;

 | x | renamed_y | z | t_y |
 | 1 | 2         | 3 | 2   |

AS pipe operator

|> AS alias


Introduces a table alias for the input table, similar to applying the AS alias clause on a table subquery in standard syntax. Any existing table aliases are removed and the new alias becomes the table alias for all columns in the row.

The AS operator can be useful after operators like SELECT, EXTEND, or AGGREGATE that add columns but can't give table aliases to them. You can use the table alias to disambiguate columns after the JOIN operator.


  SELECT "000123" AS id, "apples" AS item, 2 AS sales
  SELECT "000456" AS id, "bananas" AS item, 5 AS sales
) AS sales_table
|> AGGREGATE SUM(sales) AS total_sales GROUP BY id, item
-- The sales_table alias is now out of scope. We must introduce a new one.
|> AS t1
|> JOIN (SELECT 456 AS id, "yellow" AS color) AS t2
   ON CAST(t1.id AS INT64) = t2.id
|> SELECT t2.id, total_sales, color;

 | id  | total_sales | color  |
 | 456 | 5           | yellow |

WHERE pipe operator

|> WHERE boolean_expression


Filters the results of the input table. The WHERE operator behaves the same as the WHERE clause in standard syntax.

In pipe syntax, the WHERE operator also replaces the HAVING clause and QUALIFY clause in standard syntax. For example, after performing aggregation with the AGGREGATE operator, use the WHERE operator instead of the HAVING clause. For window functions inside a QUALIFY clause, use window functions inside a WHERE clause instead.


  SELECT 'apples' AS item, 2 AS sales
  SELECT 'bananas' AS item, 5 AS sales
  SELECT 'carrots' AS item, 8 AS sales
|> WHERE sales >= 3;

 | item    | sales |
 | bananas | 5     |
 | carrots | 8     |

LIMIT pipe operator

|> LIMIT count [OFFSET skip_rows]


Limits the number of rows to return in a query, with an optional OFFSET clause to skip over rows. The LIMIT operator behaves the same as the LIMIT and OFFSET clause in standard syntax.


  SELECT 'apples' AS item, 2 AS sales
  SELECT 'bananas' AS item, 5 AS sales
  SELECT 'carrots' AS item, 8 AS sales
|> ORDER BY item
|> LIMIT 1;

 | item    | sales |
 | apples  | 2     |
  SELECT 'apples' AS item, 2 AS sales
  SELECT 'bananas' AS item, 5 AS sales
  SELECT 'carrots' AS item, 8 AS sales
|> ORDER BY item

 | item    | sales |
 | carrots | 8     |

AGGREGATE pipe operator

-- Full-table aggregation
|> AGGREGATE aggregate_expression [[AS] alias] [, ...]
-- Aggregation with grouping
|> AGGREGATE [aggregate_expression [[AS] alias] [, ...]]
   GROUP BY groupable_items [[AS] alias] [, ...]
-- Aggregation with grouping and shorthand ordering syntax
|> AGGREGATE [aggregate_expression [[AS] alias] [order_suffix] [, ...]]
   GROUP [AND ORDER] BY groupable_item [[AS] alias] [order_suffix] [, ...]

order_suffix: {ASC | DESC} [{NULLS FIRST | NULLS LAST}]


Performs aggregation on data across grouped rows or an entire table. The AGGREGATE operator is similar to a query in standard syntax that contains a GROUP BY clause or a SELECT list with aggregate functions or both. In pipe syntax, the GROUP BY clause is part of the AGGREGATE operator. Pipe syntax doesn't support a standalone GROUP BY operator.

Without the GROUP BY clause, the AGGREGATE operator performs full-table aggregation and produces one output row.

With the GROUP BY clause, the AGGREGATE operator performs aggregation with grouping, producing one row for each set of distinct values for the grouping expressions.

The AGGREGATE expression list corresponds to the aggregated expressions in a SELECT list in standard syntax. Each expression in the AGGREGATE list must include an aggregate function. Aggregate expressions can also include scalar expressions (for example, sqrt(SUM(x*x))). Column aliases can be assigned using the AS operator. Window functions aren't allowed, but the EXTEND operator can be used before the AGGREGATE operator to compute window functions.

The GROUP BY clause in the AGGREGATE operator corresponds to the GROUP BY clause in standard syntax. Unlike in standard syntax, aliases can be assigned to GROUP BY items. Standard grouping operators like GROUPING SETS, ROLLUP, and CUBE are supported.

The output columns from the AGGREGATE operator include all grouping columns first, followed by all aggregate columns, using their assigned aliases as the column names.

Unlike in standard syntax, grouping expressions aren't repeated across SELECT and GROUP BY clauses. In pipe syntax, the grouping expressions are listed once, in the GROUP BY clause, and are automatically included as output columns for the AGGREGATE operator.

Because output columns are fully specified by the AGGREGATE operator, the SELECT operator isn't needed after the AGGREGATE operator unless you want to produce a list of columns different from the default.

Standard syntax

-- Aggregation in standard syntax
SELECT SUM(col1) AS total, col2, col3, col4...
FROM table1
GROUP BY col2, col3, col4...

Pipe syntax

-- The same aggregation in pipe syntax
FROM table1
|> AGGREGATE SUM(col1) AS total
   GROUP BY col2, col3, col4...


-- Full-table aggregation
  SELECT 'apples' AS item, 2 AS sales
  SELECT 'bananas' AS item, 5 AS sales
  SELECT 'apples' AS item, 7 AS sales
|> AGGREGATE COUNT(*) AS num_items, SUM(sales) AS total_sales;

 | num_items | total_sales |
 | 3         | 14          |
-- Aggregation with grouping
  SELECT 'apples' AS item, 2 AS sales
  SELECT 'bananas' AS item, 5 AS sales
  SELECT 'apples' AS item, 7 AS sales
|> AGGREGATE COUNT(*) AS num_items, SUM(sales) AS total_sales
   GROUP BY item;

 | item    | num_items | total_sales |
 | apples  | 2         | 9           |
 | bananas | 1         | 5           |

Shorthand ordering syntax with AGGREGATE

The AGGREGATE operator supports a shorthand ordering syntax, which is equivalent to applying the ORDER BY operator as part of the AGGREGATE operator without repeating the column list:

-- Aggregation with grouping and shorthand ordering syntax
|> AGGREGATE [aggregate_expression [[AS] alias] [order_suffix] [, ...]]
   GROUP [AND ORDER] BY groupable_item [[AS] alias] [order_suffix] [, ...]

order_suffix: {ASC | DESC} [{NULLS FIRST | NULLS LAST}]

The GROUP AND ORDER BY clause is equivalent to an ORDER BY clause on all groupable_items. By default, each groupable_item is sorted in ascending order with NULL values first. Other ordering suffixes like DESC or NULLS LAST can be used for other orders.

Without the GROUP AND ORDER BY clause, the ASC or DESC suffixes can be added on individual columns in the GROUP BY list or AGGREGATE list or both. The NULLS FIRST and NULLS LAST suffixes can be used to further modify NULL sorting.

Adding these suffixes is equivalent to adding an ORDER BY clause that includes all of the suffixed columns with the suffixed grouping columns first, matching the left-to-right output column order.


Consider the following table called Produce:

 | item    | sales | category  |
 | apples  | 2     | fruit     |
 | carrots | 8     | vegetable |
 | apples  | 7     | fruit     |
 | bananas | 5     | fruit     |

The following two equivalent examples show you how to order by all grouping columns using the GROUP AND ORDER BY clause or a separate ORDER BY clause:

-- Order by all grouping columns using GROUP AND ORDER BY.
FROM Produce
|> AGGREGATE SUM(sales) AS total_sales
   GROUP AND ORDER BY category, item DESC;

 | category  | item    | total_sales |
 | fruit     | bananas | 5           |
 | fruit     | apples  | 9           |
 | vegetable | carrots | 8           |
--Order by columns using ORDER BY after performing aggregation.
FROM Produce
|> AGGREGATE SUM(sales) AS total_sales
   GROUP BY category, item
|> ORDER BY category, item DESC;

You can add an ordering suffix to a column in the AGGREGATE list. Although the AGGREGATE list appears before the GROUP BY list in the query, ordering suffixes on columns in the GROUP BY list are applied first.

FROM Produce
|> AGGREGATE SUM(sales) AS total_sales ASC
   GROUP BY item, category DESC;

 | item    | category  | total_sales |
 | carrots | vegetable | 8           |
 | bananas | fruit     | 5           |
 | apples  | fruit     | 9           |

The previous query is equivalent to the following:

-- Order by specified grouping and aggregate columns.
FROM Produce
|> AGGREGATE SUM(sales) AS total_sales
   GROUP BY item, category
|> ORDER BY category DESC, total_sales;

ORDER BY pipe operator

|> ORDER BY expression [sort_options] [, ...]


Sorts results by a list of expressions. The ORDER BY operator behaves the same as the ORDER BY clause in standard syntax. Suffixes like ASC, DESC, and NULLS LAST are supported for customizing the ordering for each expression.

In pipe syntax, the AGGREGATE operator also supports shorthand ordering suffixes to apply ORDER BY behavior more concisely as part of aggregation.



 | x |
 | 3 |
 | 2 |
 | 1 |

JOIN pipe operator

|> [join_type] JOIN from_item [[AS] alias] [{on_clause | using_clause}]


Joins rows from the input table with rows from a second table provided as an argument. The JOIN operator behaves the same as the JOIN operation in standard syntax. The input table is the left side of the join and the JOIN argument is the right side of the join. Standard join inputs are supported, including tables, subqueries, UNNEST operations, and table-valued function (TVF) calls. Standard join modifiers like LEFT, INNER, and CROSS are allowed before the JOIN keyword.

An alias can be assigned to the input table on the right side of the join, but not to the input table on the left side of the join. If an alias on the input table is needed, perhaps to disambiguate columns in an ON expression, then an alias can be added using the AS operator before the JOIN arguments.


  SELECT 'apples' AS item, 2 AS sales
  SELECT 'bananas' AS item, 5 AS sales
|> AS produce_sales
       SELECT "apples" AS item, 123 AS id
     ) AS produce_data
   ON produce_sales.item = produce_data.item
|> SELECT produce_sales.item, sales, id;

 | item    | sales | id   |
 | apples  | 2     | 123  |
 | bananas | 5     | NULL |

CALL pipe operator

|> CALL table_function (argument [, ...]) [[AS] alias]


Calls a table-valued function (TVF), similar to table function calls in standard syntax.

TVFs in standard syntax can be called in the FROM clause or in a JOIN operation. These are both allowed in pipe syntax as well.

In pipe syntax, TVFs that take a table argument can also be called with the CALL operator. The first table argument comes from the input table and must be omitted in the arguments. An optional table alias can be added for the output table.

Multiple TVFs can be called sequentially without using nested subqueries.


Suppose you have TVFs with the following parameters:

  • tvf1(inputTable1 ANY TABLE, arg1 ANY TYPE) and
  • tvf2(arg2 ANY TYPE, arg3 ANY TYPE, inputTable2 ANY TABLE).

The following examples compare calling both TVFs on an input table by using standard syntax and by using the CALL pipe operator:

-- Call the TVFs without using the CALL operator.
  tvf2(arg2, arg3, TABLE tvf1(TABLE input_table, arg1));
-- Call the same TVFs with the CALL operator.
FROM input_table
|> CALL tvf1(arg1)
|> CALL tvf2(arg2, arg3);

WINDOW pipe operator

|> WINDOW window_expression [[AS] alias] [, ...]


Adds a column with the result of computing the function over some window of existing rows, similar to calling window functions in a SELECT list in standard syntax. Existing rows and columns are unchanged. The window expression must include a window function with an OVER clause.

Alternatively, you can use the EXTEND operator for window functions.


  SELECT 'apples' AS item, 2 AS sales
  SELECT 'bananas' AS item, 5 AS sales
  SELECT 'carrots' AS item, 8 AS sales
|> WINDOW SUM(sales) OVER() AS total_sales;

 | item    | sales | total_sales |
 | apples  | 2     | 15          |
 | bananas | 5     | 15          |
 | carrots | 8     | 15          |

TABLESAMPLE pipe operator



Selects a random sample of rows from the input table. The TABLESAMPLE pipe operator behaves the same as TABLESAMPLE operator in standard syntax.


The following example samples approximately 1% of data from a table called LargeTable:

FROM LargeTable

PIVOT pipe operator

|> PIVOT (aggregate_expression FOR input_column IN (pivot_column [, ...])) [[AS] alias]


Rotates rows into columns. The PIVOT pipe operator behaves the same as the PIVOT operator in standard syntax.


  SELECT "kale" AS product, 51 AS sales, "Q1" AS quarter
  SELECT "kale" AS product, 4 AS sales, "Q1" AS quarter
  SELECT "kale" AS product, 45 AS sales, "Q2" AS quarter
  SELECT "apple" AS product, 8 AS sales, "Q1" AS quarter
  SELECT "apple" AS product, 10 AS sales, "Q2" AS quarter
|> PIVOT(SUM(sales) FOR quarter IN ('Q1', 'Q2'));

 | product | Q1 | Q2   |
 | kale    | 55 | 45   |
 | apple   | 8  | 10   |

UNPIVOT pipe operator

|> UNPIVOT (values_column FOR name_column IN (column_to_unpivot [, ...])) [[AS] alias]


Rotates columns into rows. The UNPIVOT pipe operator behaves the same as the UNPIVOT operator in standard syntax.


  SELECT 'kale' as product, 55 AS Q1, 45 AS Q2
  SELECT 'apple', 8, 10
|> UNPIVOT(sales FOR quarter IN (Q1, Q2));

 | product | sales | quarter |
 | kale    | 55    | Q1      |
 | kale    | 45    | Q2      |
 | apple   | 8     | Q1      |
 | apple   | 10    | Q2      |