Functions (alphabetical)

This topic contains all functions supported by GoogleSQL.

Function list

Name Summary
ABS Computes the absolute value of X.
ACOS Computes the inverse cosine of X.
ACOSH Computes the inverse hyperbolic cosine of X.
AEAD.DECRYPT_BYTES Uses the matching key from a keyset to decrypt a BYTES ciphertext.
AEAD.DECRYPT_STRING Uses the matching key from a keyset to decrypt a BYTES ciphertext into a STRING plaintext.
AEAD.ENCRYPT Encrypts STRING plaintext, using the primary cryptographic key in a keyset.
ANY_VALUE Gets an expression for some row.
APPENDS Returns all rows appended to a table for a given time range.
APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT Gets the approximate result for COUNT(DISTINCT expression).
APPROX_QUANTILES Gets the approximate quantile boundaries.
APPROX_TOP_COUNT Gets the approximate top elements and their approximate count.
APPROX_TOP_SUM Gets the approximate top elements and sum, based on the approximate sum of an assigned weight.
ARRAY Produces an array with one element for each row in a subquery.
ARRAY_AGG Gets an array of values.
ARRAY_CONCAT Concatenates one or more arrays with the same element type into a single array.
ARRAY_CONCAT_AGG Concatenates arrays and returns a single array as a result.
ARRAY_LENGTH Gets the number of elements in an array.
ARRAY_REVERSE Reverses the order of elements in an array.
ARRAY_TO_STRING Produces a concatenation of the elements in an array as a STRING value.
ASCII Gets the ASCII code for the first character or byte in a STRING or BYTES value.
ASIN Computes the inverse sine of X.
ASINH Computes the inverse hyperbolic sine of X.
ATAN Computes the inverse tangent of X.
ATAN2 Computes the inverse tangent of X/Y, using the signs of X and Y to determine the quadrant.
ATANH Computes the inverse hyperbolic tangent of X.
AVG Gets the average of non-NULL values.
AVG (Differential Privacy) DIFFERENTIAL_PRIVACY-supported AVG.

Gets the differentially-private average of non-NULL, non-NaN values in a query with a DIFFERENTIAL_PRIVACY clause.
BAG_OF_WORDS Gets the frequency of each term (token) in a tokenized document.
BIT_AND Performs a bitwise AND operation on an expression.
BIT_COUNT Gets the number of bits that are set in an input expression.
BIT_OR Performs a bitwise OR operation on an expression.
BIT_XOR Performs a bitwise XOR operation on an expression.
BOOL Converts a JSON boolean to a SQL BOOL value.
BYTE_LENGTH Gets the number of BYTES in a STRING or BYTES value.
CAST Convert the results of an expression to the given type.
CBRT Computes the cube root of X.
CEIL Gets the smallest integral value that is not less than X.
CEILING Synonym of CEIL.
CHANGES Returns all rows that have changed in a table for a given time range.
CHAR_LENGTH Gets the number of characters in a STRING value.
CHR Converts a Unicode code point to a character.
CODE_POINTS_TO_BYTES Converts an array of extended ASCII code points to a BYTES value.
CODE_POINTS_TO_STRING Converts an array of extended ASCII code points to a STRING value.
COLLATE Combines a STRING value and a collation specification into a collation specification-supported STRING value.
CONCAT Concatenates one or more STRING or BYTES values into a single result.
CONTAINS_SUBSTR Performs a normalized, case-insensitive search to see if a value exists as a substring in an expression.
CORR Computes the Pearson coefficient of correlation of a set of number pairs.
COS Computes the cosine of X.
COSH Computes the hyperbolic cosine of X.
COSINE_DISTANCE Computes the cosine distance between two vectors.
COT Computes the cotangent of X.
COTH Computes the hyperbolic cotangent of X.
COUNT Gets the number of rows in the input, or the number of rows with an expression evaluated to any value other than NULL.
COUNT (Differential Privacy) DIFFERENTIAL_PRIVACY-supported COUNT.

Signature 1: Gets the differentially-private count of rows in a query with a DIFFERENTIAL_PRIVACY clause.

Signature 2: Gets the differentially-private count of rows with a non-NULL expression in a query with a DIFFERENTIAL_PRIVACY clause.
COUNTIF Gets the count of TRUE values for an expression.
COVAR_POP Computes the population covariance of a set of number pairs.
COVAR_SAMP Computes the sample covariance of a set of number pairs.
CSC Computes the cosecant of X.
CSCH Computes the hyperbolic cosecant of X.
CUME_DIST Gets the cumulative distribution (relative position (0,1]) of each row within a window.
CURRENT_DATE Returns the current date as a DATE value.
CURRENT_DATETIME Returns the current date and time as a DATETIME value.
CURRENT_TIME Returns the current time as a TIME value.
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Returns the current date and time as a TIMESTAMP object.
DATE Constructs a DATE value.
DATE_ADD Adds a specified time interval to a DATE value.
DATE_BUCKET Gets the lower bound of the date bucket that contains a date.
DATE_DIFF Gets the number of unit boundaries between two DATE values at a particular time granularity.
DATE_FROM_UNIX_DATE Interprets an INT64 expression as the number of days since 1970-01-01.
DATE_SUB Subtracts a specified time interval from a DATE value.
DATE_TRUNC Truncates a DATE, DATETIME, or TIMESTAMP value at a particular granularity.
DATETIME Constructs a DATETIME value.
DATETIME_ADD Adds a specified time interval to a DATETIME value.
DATETIME_BUCKET Gets the lower bound of the datetime bucket that contains a datetime.
DATETIME_DIFF Gets the number of unit boundaries between two DATETIME values at a particular time granularity.
DATETIME_SUB Subtracts a specified time interval from a DATETIME value.
DATETIME_TRUNC Truncates a DATETIME or TIMESTAMP value at a particular granularity.
DENSE_RANK Gets the dense rank (1-based, no gaps) of each row within a window.
DETERMINISTIC_DECRYPT_BYTES Uses the matching key from a keyset to decrypt a BYTES ciphertext, using deterministic AEAD.
DETERMINISTIC_DECRYPT_STRING Uses the matching key from a keyset to decrypt a BYTES ciphertext into a STRING plaintext, using deterministic AEAD.
DETERMINISTIC_ENCRYPT Encrypts STRING plaintext, using the primary cryptographic key in a keyset, using deterministic AEAD encryption.
DIV Divides integer X by integer Y.
DLP_DETERMINISTIC_ENCRYPT Encrypts data with a DLP compatible algorithm.
DLP_DETERMINISTIC_DECRYPT Decrypts DLP-encrypted data.
DLP_KEY_CHAIN Gets a data encryption key that is wrapped by Cloud Key Management Service.
FLOAT64 Converts a JSON number to a SQL FLOAT64 value.
EDIT_DISTANCE Computes the Levenshtein distance between two STRING or BYTES values.
ENDS_WITH Checks if a STRING or BYTES value is the suffix of another value.
ERROR Produces an error with a custom error message.
EXP Computes e to the power of X.
EXTERNAL_OBJECT_TRANSFORM Produces an object table with the original columns plus one or more additional columns.
EXTERNAL_QUERY Executes a query on an external database and returns the results as a temporary table.
EXTRACT Extracts part of a date from a DATE value.
EXTRACT Extracts part of a date and time from a DATETIME value.
EXTRACT Extracts part of an INTERVAL value.
EXTRACT Extracts part of a TIME value.
EXTRACT Extracts part of a TIMESTAMP value.
EUCLIDEAN_DISTANCE Computes the Euclidean distance between two vectors.
FARM_FINGERPRINT Computes the fingerprint of a STRING or BYTES value, using the FarmHash Fingerprint64 algorithm.
FIRST_VALUE Gets a value for the first row in the current window frame.
FLOOR Gets the largest integral value that is not greater than X.
FORMAT_DATE Formats a DATE value according to a specified format string.
FORMAT_DATETIME Formats a DATETIME value according to a specified format string.
FORMAT_TIME Formats a TIME value according to the specified format string.
FORMAT_TIMESTAMP Formats a TIMESTAMP value according to the specified format string.
FORMAT Formats data and produces the results as a STRING value.
FROM_BASE32 Converts a base32-encoded STRING value into a BYTES value.
FROM_BASE64 Converts a base64-encoded STRING value into a BYTES value.
FROM_HEX Converts a hexadecimal-encoded STRING value into a BYTES value.
GAP_FILL Finds and fills gaps in a time series.
GENERATE_ARRAY Generates an array of values in a range.
GENERATE_DATE_ARRAY Generates an array of dates in a range.
GENERATE_RANGE_ARRAY Splits a range into an array of subranges.
GENERATE_TIMESTAMP_ARRAY Generates an array of timestamps in a range.
GENERATE_UUID Produces a random universally unique identifier (UUID) as a STRING value.
GREATEST Gets the greatest value among X1,...,XN.
GROUPING Checks if a groupable value in the GROUP BY clause is aggregated.
HLL_COUNT.EXTRACT Extracts a cardinality estimate of an HLL++ sketch.
HLL_COUNT.INIT Aggregates values of the same underlying type into a new HLL++ sketch.
HLL_COUNT.MERGE Merges HLL++ sketches of the same underlying type into a new sketch, and then gets the cardinality of the new sketch.
HLL_COUNT.MERGE_PARTIAL Merges HLL++ sketches of the same underlying type into a new sketch.
IEEE_DIVIDE Divides X by Y, but does not generate errors for division by zero or overflow.
INITCAP Formats a STRING as proper case, which means that the first character in each word is uppercase and all other characters are lowercase.
INSTR Finds the position of a subvalue inside another value, optionally starting the search at a given offset or occurrence.
INT64 Converts a JSON number to a SQL INT64 value.
IS_INF Checks if X is positive or negative infinity.
IS_NAN Checks if X is a NaN value.
JSON_ARRAY Creates a JSON array.
JSON_ARRAY_APPEND Appends JSON data to the end of a JSON array.
JSON_ARRAY_INSERT Inserts JSON data into a JSON array.
JSON_EXTRACT (Deprecated) Extracts a JSON value and converts it to a SQL JSON-formatted STRING or JSON value.
JSON_EXTRACT_ARRAY (Deprecated) Extracts a JSON array and converts it to a SQL ARRAY<JSON-formatted STRING> or ARRAY<JSON> value.
JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR (Deprecated) Extracts a JSON scalar value and converts it to a SQL STRING value.
JSON_EXTRACT_STRING_ARRAY (Deprecated) Extracts a JSON array of scalar values and converts it to a SQL ARRAY<STRING> value.
JSON_KEYS Extracts unique JSON keys from a JSON expression.
JSON_OBJECT Creates a JSON object.
JSON_QUERY Extracts a JSON value and converts it to a SQL JSON-formatted STRING or JSON value.
JSON_QUERY_ARRAY Extracts a JSON array and converts it to a SQL ARRAY<JSON-formatted STRING> or ARRAY<JSON> value.
JSON_REMOVE Produces JSON with the specified JSON data removed.
JSON_SET Inserts or replaces JSON data.
JSON_STRIP_NULLS Removes JSON nulls from JSON objects and JSON arrays.
JSON_TYPE Gets the JSON type of the outermost JSON value and converts the name of this type to a SQL STRING value.
JSON_VALUE Extracts a JSON scalar value and converts it to a SQL STRING value.
JSON_VALUE_ARRAY Extracts a JSON array of scalar values and converts it to a SQL ARRAY<STRING> value.
JUSTIFY_DAYS Normalizes the day part of an INTERVAL value.
JUSTIFY_HOURS Normalizes the time part of an INTERVAL value.
JUSTIFY_INTERVAL Normalizes the day and time parts of an INTERVAL value.
KEYS.ADD_KEY_FROM_RAW_BYTES Adds a key to a keyset, and return the new keyset as a serialized BYTES value.
KEYS.KEYSET_CHAIN Produces a Tink keyset that is encrypted with a Cloud KMS key.
KEYS.KEYSET_FROM_JSON Converts a STRING JSON keyset to a serialized BYTES value.
KEYS.KEYSET_LENGTH Gets the number of keys in the provided keyset.
KEYS.KEYSET_TO_JSON Gets a JSON STRING representation of a keyset.
KEYS.NEW_KEYSET Gets a serialized keyset containing a new key based on the key type.
KEYS.NEW_WRAPPED_KEYSET Creates a new keyset and encrypts it with a Cloud KMS key.
KEYS.REWRAP_KEYSET Re-encrypts a wrapped keyset with a new Cloud KMS key.
KEYS.ROTATE_KEYSET Adds a new primary cryptographic key to a keyset, based on the key type.
KEYS.ROTATE_WRAPPED_KEYSET Rewraps a keyset and rotates it.
LAG Gets a value for a preceding row.
LAST_DAY Gets the last day in a specified time period that contains a DATE value.
LAST_DAY Gets the last day in a specified time period that contains a DATETIME value.
LAST_VALUE Gets a value for the last row in the current window frame.
LAX_BOOL Attempts to convert a JSON value to a SQL BOOL value.
LAX_FLOAT64 Attempts to convert a JSON value to a SQL FLOAT64 value.
LAX_INT64 Attempts to convert a JSON value to a SQL INT64 value.
LAX_STRING Attempts to convert a JSON value to a SQL STRING value.
LEAD Gets a value for a subsequent row.
LEAST Gets the least value among X1,...,XN.
LEFT Gets the specified leftmost portion from a STRING or BYTES value.
LENGTH Gets the length of a STRING or BYTES value.
LN Computes the natural logarithm of X.
LOG Computes the natural logarithm of X or the logarithm of X to base Y.
LOG10 Computes the natural logarithm of X to base 10.
LOGICAL_AND Gets the logical AND of all non-NULL expressions.
LOGICAL_OR Gets the logical OR of all non-NULL expressions.
LOWER Formats alphabetic characters in a STRING value as lowercase.

Formats ASCII characters in a BYTES value as lowercase.
LPAD Prepends a STRING or BYTES value with a pattern.
LTRIM Identical to the TRIM function, but only removes leading characters.
MAKE_INTERVAL Constructs an INTERVAL value.
MAX Gets the maximum non-NULL value.
MD5 Computes the hash of a STRING or BYTES value, using the MD5 algorithm.
MIN Gets the minimum non-NULL value.
MOD Gets the remainder of the division of X by Y.
NET.HOST Gets the hostname from a URL.
NET.IP_FROM_STRING Converts an IPv4 or IPv6 address from a STRING value to a BYTES value in network byte order.
NET.IP_NET_MASK Gets a network mask.
NET.IP_TO_STRING Converts an IPv4 or IPv6 address from a BYTES value in network byte order to a STRING value.
NET.IP_TRUNC Converts a BYTES IPv4 or IPv6 address in network byte order to a BYTES subnet address.
NET.IPV4_FROM_INT64 Converts an IPv4 address from an INT64 value to a BYTES value in network byte order.
NET.IPV4_TO_INT64 Converts an IPv4 address from a BYTES value in network byte order to an INT64 value.
NET.PUBLIC_SUFFIX Gets the public suffix from a URL.
NET.REG_DOMAIN Gets the registered or registrable domain from a URL.
NET.SAFE_IP_FROM_STRING Similar to the NET.IP_FROM_STRING, but returns NULL instead of producing an error if the input is invalid.
NORMALIZE Case-sensitively normalizes the characters in a STRING value.
NORMALIZE_AND_CASEFOLD Case-insensitively normalizes the characters in a STRING value.
NTH_VALUE Gets a value for the Nth row of the current window frame.
NTILE Gets the quantile bucket number (1-based) of each row within a window.
PARSE_DATE Converts a STRING value to a DATE value.
PARSE_DATETIME Converts a STRING value to a DATETIME value.
PARSE_JSON Converts a JSON-formatted STRING value to a JSON value.
PARSE_NUMERIC Converts a STRING value to a NUMERIC value.
PARSE_TIME Converts a STRING value to a TIME value.
PARSE_TIMESTAMP Converts a STRING value to a TIMESTAMP value.
PERCENT_RANK Gets the percentile rank (from 0 to 1) of each row within a window.
PERCENTILE_CONT Computes the specified percentile for a value, using linear interpolation.

Computes a differentially-private percentile across privacy unit columns in a query with a DIFFERENTIAL_PRIVACY clause.
PERCENTILE_DISC Computes the specified percentile for a discrete value.
POW Produces the value of X raised to the power of Y.
POWER Synonym of POW.
RAND Generates a pseudo-random value of type FLOAT64 in the range of [0, 1).
RANGE Constructs a range of DATE, DATETIME, or TIMESTAMP values.
RANGE_BUCKET Scans through a sorted array and returns the 0-based position of a point's upper bound.
RANGE_CONTAINS Signature 1: Checks if one range is in another range.

Signature 2: Checks if a value is in a range.
RANGE_END Gets the upper bound of a range.
RANGE_INTERSECT Gets a segment of two ranges that intersect.
RANGE_OVERLAPS Checks if two ranges overlap.
RANGE_SESSIONIZE Produces a table of sessionized ranges.
RANGE_START Gets the lower bound of a range.
RANK Gets the rank (1-based) of each row within a window.
REGEXP_CONTAINS Checks if a value is a partial match for a regular expression.
REGEXP_EXTRACT Produces a substring that matches a regular expression.
REGEXP_EXTRACT_ALL Produces an array of all substrings that match a regular expression.
REGEXP_INSTR Finds the position of a regular expression match in a value, optionally starting the search at a given offset or occurrence.
REGEXP_REPLACE Produces a STRING value where all substrings that match a regular expression are replaced with a specified value.
REPEAT Produces a STRING or BYTES value that consists of an original value, repeated.
REPLACE Replaces all occurrences of a pattern with another pattern in a STRING or BYTES value.
REVERSE Reverses a STRING or BYTES value.
RIGHT Gets the specified rightmost portion from a STRING or BYTES value.
ROUND Rounds X to the nearest integer or rounds X to N decimal places after the decimal point.
ROW_NUMBER Gets the sequential row number (1-based) of each row within a window.
RPAD Appends a STRING or BYTES value with a pattern.
RTRIM Identical to the TRIM function, but only removes trailing characters.
S2_CELLIDFROMPOINT Gets the S2 cell ID covering a point GEOGRAPHY value.
S2_COVERINGCELLIDS Gets an array of S2 cell IDs that cover a GEOGRAPHY value.
SAFE_ADD Equivalent to the addition operator (X + Y), but returns NULL if overflow occurs.
SAFE_CAST Similar to the CAST function, but returns NULL when a runtime error is produced.
SAFE_CONVERT_BYTES_TO_STRING Converts a BYTES value to a STRING value and replace any invalid UTF-8 characters with the Unicode replacement character, U+FFFD.
SAFE_DIVIDE Equivalent to the division operator (X / Y), but returns NULL if an error occurs.
SAFE_MULTIPLY Equivalent to the multiplication operator (X * Y), but returns NULL if overflow occurs.
SAFE_NEGATE Equivalent to the unary minus operator (-X), but returns NULL if overflow occurs.
SAFE_SUBTRACT Equivalent to the subtraction operator (X - Y), but returns NULL if overflow occurs.
SEARCH Checks to see whether a table or other search data contains a set of search terms.
SEC Computes the secant of X.
SECH Computes the hyperbolic secant of X.
SESSION_USER Get the email address or principal identifier of the user that is running the query.
SHA1 Computes the hash of a STRING or BYTES value, using the SHA-1 algorithm.
SHA256 Computes the hash of a STRING or BYTES value, using the SHA-256 algorithm.
SHA512 Computes the hash of a STRING or BYTES value, using the SHA-512 algorithm.
SIGN Produces -1 , 0, or +1 for negative, zero, and positive arguments respectively.
SIN Computes the sine of X.
SINH Computes the hyperbolic sine of X.
SOUNDEX Gets the Soundex codes for words in a STRING value.
SPLIT Splits a STRING or BYTES value, using a delimiter.
SQRT Computes the square root of X.
ST_ANGLE Takes three point GEOGRAPHY values, which represent two intersecting lines, and returns the angle between these lines.
ST_AREA Gets the area covered by the polygons in a GEOGRAPHY value.
ST_ASBINARY Converts a GEOGRAPHY value to a BYTES WKB geography value.
ST_ASGEOJSON Converts a GEOGRAPHY value to a STRING GeoJSON geography value.
ST_ASTEXT Converts a GEOGRAPHY value to a STRING WKT geography value.
ST_AZIMUTH Gets the azimuth of a line segment formed by two point GEOGRAPHY values.
ST_BOUNDARY Gets the union of component boundaries in a GEOGRAPHY value.
ST_BOUNDINGBOX Gets the bounding box for a GEOGRAPHY value.
ST_BUFFER Gets the buffer around a GEOGRAPHY value, using a specific number of segments.
ST_BUFFERWITHTOLERANCE Gets the buffer around a GEOGRAPHY value, using tolerance.
ST_CENTROID Gets the centroid of a GEOGRAPHY value.
ST_CENTROID_AGG Gets the centroid of a set of GEOGRAPHY values.
ST_CLOSESTPOINT Gets the point on a GEOGRAPHY value which is closest to any point in a second GEOGRAPHY value.
ST_CLUSTERDBSCAN Performs DBSCAN clustering on a group of GEOGRAPHY values and produces a 0-based cluster number for this row.
ST_CONTAINS Checks if one GEOGRAPHY value contains another GEOGRAPHY value.
ST_CONVEXHULL Returns the convex hull for a GEOGRAPHY value.
ST_COVEREDBY Checks if all points of a GEOGRAPHY value are on the boundary or interior of another GEOGRAPHY value.
ST_COVERS Checks if all points of a GEOGRAPHY value are on the boundary or interior of another GEOGRAPHY value.
ST_DIFFERENCE Gets the point set difference between two GEOGRAPHY values.
ST_DIMENSION Gets the dimension of the highest-dimensional element in a GEOGRAPHY value.
ST_DISJOINT Checks if two GEOGRAPHY values are disjoint (do not intersect).
ST_DISTANCE Gets the shortest distance in meters between two GEOGRAPHY values.
ST_DUMP Returns an array of simple GEOGRAPHY components in a GEOGRAPHY value.
ST_DWITHIN Checks if any points in two GEOGRAPHY values are within a given distance.
ST_ENDPOINT Gets the last point of a linestring GEOGRAPHY value.
ST_EQUALS Checks if two GEOGRAPHY values represent the same GEOGRAPHY value.
ST_EXTENT Gets the bounding box for a group of GEOGRAPHY values.
ST_EXTERIORRING Returns a linestring GEOGRAPHY value that corresponds to the outermost ring of a polygon GEOGRAPHY value.
ST_GEOGFROM Converts a STRING or BYTES value into a GEOGRAPHY value.
ST_GEOGFROMGEOJSON Converts a STRING GeoJSON geometry value into a GEOGRAPHY value.
ST_GEOGFROMTEXT Converts a STRING WKT geometry value into a GEOGRAPHY value.
ST_GEOGFROMWKB Converts a BYTES or hexadecimal-text STRING WKT geometry value into a GEOGRAPHY value.
ST_GEOGPOINT Creates a point GEOGRAPHY value for a given longitude and latitude.
ST_GEOGPOINTFROMGEOHASH Gets a point GEOGRAPHY value that is in the middle of a bounding box defined in a STRING GeoHash value.
ST_GEOHASH Converts a point GEOGRAPHY value to a STRING GeoHash value.
ST_GEOMETRYTYPE Gets the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) geometry type for a GEOGRAPHY value.
ST_HAUSDORFFDISTANCE Gets the discrete Hausdorff distance between two geometries.
ST_INTERIORRINGS Gets the interior rings of a polygon GEOGRAPHY value.
ST_INTERSECTION Gets the point set intersection of two GEOGRAPHY values.
ST_INTERSECTS Checks if at least one point appears in two GEOGRAPHY values.
ST_INTERSECTSBOX Checks if a GEOGRAPHY value intersects a rectangle.
ST_ISCLOSED Checks if all components in a GEOGRAPHY value are closed.
ST_ISCOLLECTION Checks if the total number of points, linestrings, and polygons is greater than one in a GEOGRAPHY value.
ST_ISEMPTY Checks if a GEOGRAPHY value is empty.
ST_ISRING Checks if a GEOGRAPHY value is a closed, simple linestring.
ST_LENGTH Gets the total length of lines in a GEOGRAPHY value.
ST_LINEINTERPOLATEPOINT Gets a point at a specific fraction in a linestring GEOGRAPHY value.
ST_LINELOCATEPOINT Gets a section of a linestring GEOGRAPHY value between the start point and a point GEOGRAPHY value.
ST_LINESUBSTRING Gets a segment of a single linestring at a specific starting and ending fraction.
ST_MAKELINE Creates a linestring GEOGRAPHY value by concatenating the point and linestring vertices of GEOGRAPHY values.
ST_MAKEPOLYGON Constructs a polygon GEOGRAPHY value by combining a polygon shell with polygon holes.
ST_MAKEPOLYGONORIENTED Constructs a polygon GEOGRAPHY value, using an array of linestring GEOGRAPHY values. The vertex ordering of each linestring determines the orientation of each polygon ring.
ST_MAXDISTANCE Gets the longest distance between two non-empty GEOGRAPHY values.
ST_NUMGEOMETRIES Gets the number of geometries in a GEOGRAPHY value.
ST_NUMPOINTS Gets the number of vertices in the a GEOGRAPHY value.
ST_PERIMETER Gets the length of the boundary of the polygons in a GEOGRAPHY value.
ST_POINTN Gets the point at a specific index of a linestring GEOGRAPHY value.
ST_SIMPLIFY Converts a GEOGRAPHY value into a simplified GEOGRAPHY value, using tolerance.
ST_SNAPTOGRID Produces a GEOGRAPHY value, where each vertex has been snapped to a longitude/latitude grid.
ST_STARTPOINT Gets the first point of a linestring GEOGRAPHY value.
ST_TOUCHES Checks if two GEOGRAPHY values intersect and their interiors have no elements in common.
ST_UNION Gets the point set union of multiple GEOGRAPHY values.
ST_UNION_AGG Aggregates over GEOGRAPHY values and gets their point set union.
ST_WITHIN Checks if one GEOGRAPHY value contains another GEOGRAPHY value.
ST_X Gets the longitude from a point GEOGRAPHY value.
ST_Y Gets the latitude from a point GEOGRAPHY value.
STARTS_WITH Checks if a STRING or BYTES value is a prefix of another value.
STDDEV An alias of the STDDEV_SAMP function.
STDDEV_POP Computes the population (biased) standard deviation of the values.
STDDEV_SAMP Computes the sample (unbiased) standard deviation of the values.
STRING (JSON) Converts a JSON string to a SQL STRING value.
STRING (Timestamp) Converts a TIMESTAMP value to a STRING value.
STRING_AGG Concatenates non-NULL STRING or BYTES values.
STRPOS Finds the position of the first occurrence of a subvalue inside another value.
SUBSTR Gets a portion of a STRING or BYTES value.
SUM Gets the sum of non-NULL values.
SUM (Differential Privacy) DIFFERENTIAL_PRIVACY-supported SUM.

Gets the differentially-private sum of non-NULL, non-NaN values in a query with a DIFFERENTIAL_PRIVACY clause.
TAN Computes the tangent of X.
TANH Computes the hyperbolic tangent of X.
TEXT_ANALYZE Extracts terms (tokens) from text and converts them into a tokenized document.
TF_IDF Evaluates how relevant a term (token) is to a tokenized document in a set of tokenized documents.
TIME Constructs a TIME value.
TIME_ADD Adds a specified time interval to a TIME value.
TIME_DIFF Gets the number of unit boundaries between two TIME values at a particular time granularity.
TIME_SUB Subtracts a specified time interval from a TIME value.
TIME_TRUNC Truncates a TIME value at a particular granularity.
TIMESTAMP Constructs a TIMESTAMP value.
TIMESTAMP_ADD Adds a specified time interval to a TIMESTAMP value.
TIMESTAMP_BUCKET Gets the lower bound of the timestamp bucket that contains a timestamp.
TIMESTAMP_DIFF Gets the number of unit boundaries between two TIMESTAMP values at a particular time granularity.
TIMESTAMP_MICROS Converts the number of microseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC to a TIMESTAMP.
TIMESTAMP_MILLIS Converts the number of milliseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC to a TIMESTAMP.
TIMESTAMP_SECONDS Converts the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC to a TIMESTAMP.
TIMESTAMP_SUB Subtracts a specified time interval from a TIMESTAMP value.
TIMESTAMP_TRUNC Truncates a TIMESTAMP or DATETIME value at a particular granularity.
TO_BASE32 Converts a BYTES value to a base32-encoded STRING value.
TO_BASE64 Converts a BYTES value to a base64-encoded STRING value.
TO_CODE_POINTS Converts a STRING or BYTES value into an array of extended ASCII code points.
TO_HEX Converts a BYTES value to a hexadecimal STRING value.
TO_JSON Converts a SQL value to a JSON value.
TO_JSON_STRING Converts a SQL value to a JSON-formatted STRING value.
TRANSLATE Within a value, replaces each source character with the corresponding target character.
TRIM Removes the specified leading and trailing Unicode code points or bytes from a STRING or BYTES value.
TRUNC Rounds a number like ROUND(X) or ROUND(X, N), but always rounds towards zero and never overflows.
UNICODE Gets the Unicode code point for the first character in a value.
UNIX_DATE Converts a DATE value to the number of days since 1970-01-01.
UNIX_MICROS Converts a TIMESTAMP value to the number of microseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC.
UNIX_MILLIS Converts a TIMESTAMP value to the number of milliseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC.
UNIX_SECONDS Converts a TIMESTAMP value to the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC.
UPPER Formats alphabetic characters in a STRING value as uppercase.

Formats ASCII characters in a BYTES value as uppercase.
VAR_POP Computes the population (biased) variance of the values.
VAR_SAMP Computes the sample (unbiased) variance of the values.
VECTOR_SEARCH Performs a vector search on embeddings to find semantically similar entities.