This document describes the ML.CONFUSION_MATRIX function, which you can use to return a confusion matrix for the input classification model and input data.

See more code actions.
  MODEL `project_id.dataset.model`
  [, { TABLE `project_id.dataset.table` | (query_statement) }]
      [threshold_value AS threshold]
      [, trial_id AS trial_id]))

ML.CONFUSION_MATRIX takes the following arguments:

  • project_id: Your project ID.
  • dataset: The BigQuery dataset that contains the model.
  • model: The name of the model.
  • table: The name of the input table that contains the evaluation data.

    If table is specified, the input column names in the table must match the column names in the model, and their types should be compatible according to BigQuery implicit coercion rules. The input must have a column that matches the label column name provided during training. This value is provided using the input_label_cols option. If input_label_cols is unspecified, the column named label in the training data is used.

    If you don't specify either table or query_statement, ML.CONFUSION_MATRIX computes the confusion matrix results as follows:

    • If the data is split during training, the split evaluation data is used to compute the confusion matrix results.
    • If the data is not split during training, the entire training input is used to compute the confusion matrix results.
  • query_statement: a GoogleSQL query that is used to generate the evaluation data. For the supported SQL syntax of the query_statement clause in GoogleSQL, see Query syntax.

    If query_statement is specified, the input column names from the query must match the column names in the model, and their types should be compatible according to BigQuery implicit coercion rules. The input must have a column that matches the label column name provided during training. This value is provided using the input_label_cols option. If input_label_cols is unspecified, the column named label in the training data is used. The extra columns are ignored.

    If you used the TRANSFORM clause in the CREATE MODEL statement that created the model, then only the input columns present in the TRANSFORM clause must appear in query_statement.

    If you don't specify either table or query_statement, ML.CONFUSION_MATRIX computes the confusion matrix results as follows:

    • If the data is split during training, the split evaluation data is used to compute the confusion matrix results.
    • If the data is not split during training, the entire training input is used to compute the confusion matrix results.
  • threshold: a FLOAT64 value that specifies a custom threshold for the binary-class classification model to use for evaluation. The default value is 0.5.

    A 0 value for precision or recall means that the selected threshold produced no true positive labels. A NaN value for precision means that the selected threshold produced no positive labels, neither true positives nor false positives.

    If both table_name and query_statement are unspecified, you can't use a threshold.

    You can't use threshold with multiclass classification models.

  • trial_id: an INT64 value that identifies the hyperparameter tuning trial that you want the function to evaluate. The function uses the optimal trial by default. Only specify this argument if you ran hyperparameter tuning when creating the model.


The output columns of the ML.CONFUSION_MATRIX function depend on the model. The first output column is always expected_label. There are N additional columns, one for each class in the trained model. The names of the additional columns depend on the class labels used to train the model.

If the training class labels all conform to BigQuery column naming rules, the labels are used as the column names. Columns that don't conform to naming rules are altered to conform to the column naming rules and to be unique. For example, if the labels are 0 and 1, the output column names are _0 and _1.

The columns are ordered based on the class labels in ascending order. If the labels in the evaluation data match those in the training data, the True Positives are shown on the diagonal from top left to bottom right. The expected (or actual) labels are listed one per row, and the predicted labels are listed one per column.

The values in the expected_label column are the exact values and type passed into ML.CONFUSION_MATRIX in the label column of the evaluation data. This is true even if they don't exactly match the values or type used during training.


ML.CONFUSION_MATRIX doesn't support imported TensorFlow models.


The following examples demonstrate the use of the ML.CONFUSION_MATRIX function.

ML.CONFUSION_MATRIX with a query statement

The following example returns the confusion matrix for a logistic regression model named mydataset.mymodel in your default project:

  ML.CONFUSION_MATRIX(MODEL `mydataset.mymodel`,

ML.CONFUSION_MATRIX with a custom threshold

The following example returns the confusion matrix for a logistic regression model named mydataset.mymodel in your default project:

  ML.CONFUSION_MATRIX(MODEL `mydataset.mymodel`,
    STRUCT(0.6 AS threshold))

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