REST Resource: projects.locations.persistentResources

Resource: PersistentResource

Represents long-lasting resources that are dedicated to users to runs custom workloads. A PersistentResource can have multiple node pools and each node pool can have its own machine spec.

name string

Immutable. Resource name of a PersistentResource.

displayName string

Optional. The display name of the PersistentResource. The name can be up to 128 characters long and can consist of any UTF-8 characters.

resourcePools[] object (ResourcePool)

Required. The spec of the pools of different resources.

state enum (State)

Output only. The detailed state of a Study.

error object (Status)

Output only. Only populated when persistent resource's state is STOPPING or ERROR.

createTime string (Timestamp format)

Output only. time when the PersistentResource was created.

A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits. Examples: "2014-10-02T15:01:23Z" and "2014-10-02T15:01:23.045123456Z".

startTime string (Timestamp format)

Output only. time when the PersistentResource for the first time entered the RUNNING state.

A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits. Examples: "2014-10-02T15:01:23Z" and "2014-10-02T15:01:23.045123456Z".

updateTime string (Timestamp format)

Output only. time when the PersistentResource was most recently updated.

A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits. Examples: "2014-10-02T15:01:23Z" and "2014-10-02T15:01:23.045123456Z".

labels map (key: string, value: string)

Optional. The labels with user-defined metadata to organize PersistentResource.

label keys and values can be no longer than 64 characters (Unicode codepoints), can only contain lowercase letters, numeric characters, underscores and dashes. International characters are allowed.

See for more information and examples of labels.

network string

Optional. The full name of the Compute Engine network to peered with Vertex AI to host the persistent resources. For example, projects/12345/global/networks/myVPC. Format is of the form projects/{project}/global/networks/{network}. Where {project} is a project number, as in 12345, and {network} is a network name.

To specify this field, you must have already configured VPC Network Peering for Vertex AI.

If this field is left unspecified, the resources aren't peered with any network.

encryptionSpec object (EncryptionSpec)

Optional. Customer-managed encryption key spec for a PersistentResource. If set, this PersistentResource and all sub-resources of this PersistentResource will be secured by this key.

resourceRuntimeSpec object (ResourceRuntimeSpec)

Optional. Persistent Resource runtime spec. For example, used for Ray cluster configuration.

resourceRuntime object (ResourceRuntime)

Output only. Runtime information of the Persistent Resource.

reservedIpRanges[] string

Optional. A list of names for the reserved IP ranges under the VPC network that can be used for this persistent resource.

If set, we will deploy the persistent resource within the provided IP ranges. Otherwise, the persistent resource is deployed to any IP ranges under the provided VPC network.

Example: ['vertex-ai-ip-range'].

satisfiesPzs boolean

Output only. reserved for future use.

satisfiesPzi boolean

Output only. reserved for future use.

JSON representation
  "name": string,
  "displayName": string,
  "resourcePools": [
      object (ResourcePool)
  "state": enum (State),
  "error": {
    object (Status)
  "createTime": string,
  "startTime": string,
  "updateTime": string,
  "labels": {
    string: string,
  "network": string,
  "encryptionSpec": {
    object (EncryptionSpec)
  "resourceRuntimeSpec": {
    object (ResourceRuntimeSpec)
  "resourceRuntime": {
    object (ResourceRuntime)
  "reservedIpRanges": [
  "satisfiesPzs": boolean,
  "satisfiesPzi": boolean


Represents the spec of a group of resources of the same type, for example machine type, disk, and accelerators, in a PersistentResource.

id string

Immutable. The unique id in a PersistentResource for referring to this resource pool. user can specify it if necessary. Otherwise, it's generated automatically.

machineSpec object (MachineSpec)

Required. Immutable. The specification of a single machine.

diskSpec object (DiskSpec)

Optional. Disk spec for the machine in this node pool.

usedReplicaCount string (int64 format)

Output only. The number of machines currently in use by training jobs for this resource pool. Will replace idle_replica_count.

autoscalingSpec object (AutoscalingSpec)

Optional. Optional spec to configure GKE or Ray-on-Vertex autoscaling

replicaCount string (int64 format)

Optional. The total number of machines to use for this resource pool.

JSON representation
  "id": string,
  "machineSpec": {
    object (MachineSpec)
  "diskSpec": {
    object (DiskSpec)
  "usedReplicaCount": string,
  "autoscalingSpec": {
    object (AutoscalingSpec)
  "replicaCount": string


The min/max number of replicas allowed if enabling autoscaling

minReplicaCount string (int64 format)

Optional. min replicas in the node pool, must be ≤ replicaCount and < maxReplicaCount or will throw error. For autoscaling enabled Ray-on-Vertex, we allow minReplicaCount of a resource_pool to be 0 to match the OSS Ray behavior( As for Persistent Resource, the minReplicaCount must be > 0, we added a corresponding validation inside

maxReplicaCount string (int64 format)

Optional. max replicas in the node pool, must be ≥ replicaCount and > minReplicaCount or will throw error

JSON representation
  "minReplicaCount": string,
  "maxReplicaCount": string


Describes the PersistentResource state.

PROVISIONING The PROVISIONING state indicates the persistent resources is being created.
RUNNING The RUNNING state indicates the persistent resource is healthy and fully usable.
STOPPING The STOPPING state indicates the persistent resource is being deleted.
ERROR The ERROR state indicates the persistent resource may be unusable. Details can be found in the error field.
REBOOTING The REBOOTING state indicates the persistent resource is being rebooted (PR is not available right now but is expected to be ready again later).
UPDATING The UPDATING state indicates the persistent resource is being updated.


Configuration for the runtime on a PersistentResource instance, including but not limited to:

  • service accounts used to run the workloads.
  • Whether to make it a dedicated Ray Cluster.
serviceAccountSpec object (ServiceAccountSpec)

Optional. Configure the use of workload identity on the PersistentResource

raySpec object (RaySpec)

Optional. Ray cluster configuration. Required when creating a dedicated RayCluster on the PersistentResource.

JSON representation
  "serviceAccountSpec": {
    object (ServiceAccountSpec)
  "raySpec": {
    object (RaySpec)


Configuration for the use of custom service account to run the workloads.

enableCustomServiceAccount boolean

Required. If true, custom user-managed service account is enforced to run any workloads (for example, Vertex Jobs) on the resource. Otherwise, uses the Vertex AI Custom code service Agent.

serviceAccount string

Optional. Required when all below conditions are met * enableCustomServiceAccount is true; * any runtime is specified via ResourceRuntimeSpec on creation time, for example, Ray

The users must have iam.serviceAccounts.actAs permission on this service account and then the specified runtime containers will run as it.

Do not set this field if you want to submit jobs using custom service account to this PersistentResource after creation, but only specify the serviceAccount inside the job.

JSON representation
  "enableCustomServiceAccount": boolean,
  "serviceAccount": string


Configuration information for the Ray cluster. For experimental launch, Ray cluster creation and Persistent cluster creation are 1:1 mapping: We will provision all the nodes within the Persistent cluster as Ray nodes.

imageUri string

Optional. Default image for user to choose a preferred ML framework (for example, TensorFlow or Pytorch) by choosing from Vertex prebuilt images. Either this or the resourcePoolImages is required. Use this field if you need all the resource pools to have the same Ray image. Otherwise, use the {@code resourcePoolImages} field.

resourcePoolImages map (key: string, value: string)

Optional. Required if imageUri isn't set. A map of resource_pool_id to prebuild Ray image if user need to use different images for different head/worker pools. This map needs to cover all the resource pool ids. Example: { "ray_head_node_pool": "head image" "ray_worker_node_pool1": "worker image" "ray_worker_node_pool2": "another worker image" }

headNodeResourcePoolId string

Optional. This will be used to indicate which resource pool will serve as the Ray head node(the first node within that pool). Will use the machine from the first workerpool as the head node by default if this field isn't set.

rayMetricSpec object (RayMetricSpec)

Optional. Ray metrics configurations.

JSON representation
  "imageUri": string,
  "resourcePoolImages": {
    string: string,
  "headNodeResourcePoolId": string,
  "rayMetricSpec": {
    object (RayMetricSpec)


Configuration for the Ray metrics.

disabled boolean

Optional. Flag to disable the Ray metrics collection.

JSON representation
  "disabled": boolean


Persistent Cluster runtime information as output

accessUris map (key: string, value: string)

Output only. URIs for user to connect to the Cluster. Example: { "RAY_HEAD_NODE_INTERNAL_IP": "head-node-IP:10001" "RAY_DASHBOARD_URI": "ray-dashboard-address:8888" }


Output only. The resource name of NotebookRuntimeTemplate for the RoV Persistent Cluster The NotebokRuntimeTemplate is created in the same VPC (if set), and with the same Ray and Python version as the Persistent Cluster. Example: "projects/1000/locations/us-central1/notebookRuntimeTemplates/abc123"

JSON representation
  "accessUris": {
    string: string,
  "notebookRuntimeTemplate": string



Creates a PersistentResource.


Deletes a PersistentResource.


Gets a PersistentResource.


Lists PersistentResources in a Location.


Updates a PersistentResource.


Reboots a PersistentResource.