
Tabular monitoring objective.

featureDriftSpec object (DataDriftSpec)

Input feature distribution drift monitoring spec.

predictionOutputDriftSpec object (DataDriftSpec)

Prediction output distribution drift monitoring spec.

featureAttributionSpec object (FeatureAttributionSpec)

feature attribution monitoring spec.

JSON representation
  "featureDriftSpec": {
    object (DataDriftSpec)
  "predictionOutputDriftSpec": {
    object (DataDriftSpec)
  "featureAttributionSpec": {
    object (FeatureAttributionSpec)


data drift monitoring spec. data drift measures the distribution distance between the current dataset and a baseline dataset. A typical use case is to detect data drift between the recent production serving dataset and the training dataset, or to compare the recent production dataset with a dataset from a previous period.

features[] string

feature names / Prediction output names interested in monitoring. These should be a subset of the input feature names or prediction output names specified in the monitoring schema. If the field is not specified all features / prediction outputs outlied in the monitoring schema will be used.

categoricalMetricType string

Supported metrics type: * l_infinity * jensen_shannon_divergence

numericMetricType string

Supported metrics type: * jensen_shannon_divergence

defaultCategoricalAlertCondition object (ModelMonitoringAlertCondition)

Default alert condition for all the categorical features.

defaultNumericAlertCondition object (ModelMonitoringAlertCondition)

Default alert condition for all the numeric features.

featureAlertConditions map (key: string, value: object (ModelMonitoringAlertCondition))

Per feature alert condition will override default alert condition.

JSON representation
  "features": [
  "categoricalMetricType": string,
  "numericMetricType": string,
  "defaultCategoricalAlertCondition": {
    object (ModelMonitoringAlertCondition)
  "defaultNumericAlertCondition": {
    object (ModelMonitoringAlertCondition)
  "featureAlertConditions": {
    string: {
      object (ModelMonitoringAlertCondition)


Monitoring alert triggered condition.

Union field condition. Alert triggered condition. condition can be only one of the following:
threshold number

A condition that compares a stats value against a threshold. Alert will be triggered if value above the threshold.

JSON representation

  // Union field condition can be only one of the following:
  "threshold": number
  // End of list of possible types for union field condition.


feature attribution monitoring spec.

features[] string

feature names interested in monitoring. These should be a subset of the input feature names specified in the monitoring schema. If the field is not specified all features outlied in the monitoring schema will be used.

defaultAlertCondition object (ModelMonitoringAlertCondition)

Default alert condition for all the features.

featureAlertConditions map (key: string, value: object (ModelMonitoringAlertCondition))

Per feature alert condition will override default alert condition.

batchExplanationDedicatedResources object (BatchDedicatedResources)

The config of resources used by the Model Monitoring during the batch explanation for non-AutoML models. If not set, n1-standard-2 machine type will be used by default.

JSON representation
  "features": [
  "defaultAlertCondition": {
    object (ModelMonitoringAlertCondition)
  "featureAlertConditions": {
    string: {
      object (ModelMonitoringAlertCondition)
  "batchExplanationDedicatedResources": {
    object (BatchDedicatedResources)