Method: projects.locations.indexes.upsertDatapoints

Add/update Datapoints into an Index.


post https://{endpoint}/v1/{index}:upsertDatapoints

Where {service-endpoint} is one of the supported service endpoints.

Path parameters

index string

Required. The name of the Index resource to be updated. Format: projects/{project}/locations/{location}/indexes/{index}

Request body

The request body contains data with the following structure:

datapoints[] object (IndexDatapoint)

A list of datapoints to be created/updated.

updateMask string (FieldMask format)

Optional. Update mask is used to specify the fields to be overwritten in the datapoints by the update. The fields specified in the updateMask are relative to each IndexDatapoint inside datapoints, not the full request.

Updatable fields:

  • Use all_restricts to update both restricts and numericRestricts.

This is a comma-separated list of fully qualified names of fields. Example: "user.displayName,photo".

Response body

If successful, the response body is empty.


A datapoint of Index.

datapointId string

Required. Unique identifier of the datapoint.

featureVector[] number

Required. feature embedding vector for dense index. An array of numbers with the length of [NearestNeighborSearchConfig.dimensions].

sparseEmbedding object (SparseEmbedding)

Optional. feature embedding vector for sparse index.

restricts[] object (Restriction)

Optional. List of Restrict of the datapoint, used to perform "restricted searches" where boolean rule are used to filter the subset of the database eligible for matching. This uses categorical tokens. See:

numericRestricts[] object (NumericRestriction)

Optional. List of Restrict of the datapoint, used to perform "restricted searches" where boolean rule are used to filter the subset of the database eligible for matching. This uses numeric comparisons.

crowdingTag object (CrowdingTag)

Optional. CrowdingTag of the datapoint, the number of neighbors to return in each crowding can be configured during query.

JSON representation
  "datapointId": string,
  "featureVector": [
  "sparseEmbedding": {
    object (SparseEmbedding)
  "restricts": [
      object (Restriction)
  "numericRestricts": [
      object (NumericRestriction)
  "crowdingTag": {
    object (CrowdingTag)


feature embedding vector for sparse index. An array of numbers whose values are located in the specified dimensions.

values[] number

Required. The list of embedding values of the sparse vector.

dimensions[] string (int64 format)

Required. The list of indexes for the embedding values of the sparse vector.

JSON representation
  "values": [
  "dimensions": [


Restriction of a datapoint which describe its attributes(tokens) from each of several attribute categories(namespaces).

namespace string

The namespace of this restriction. e.g.: color.

allowList[] string

The attributes to allow in this namespace. e.g.: 'red'

denyList[] string

The attributes to deny in this namespace. e.g.: 'blue'

JSON representation
  "namespace": string,
  "allowList": [
  "denyList": [


This field allows restricts to be based on numeric comparisons rather than categorical tokens.

namespace string

The namespace of this restriction. e.g.: cost.

op enum (Operator)

This MUST be specified for queries and must NOT be specified for datapoints.

Union field Value. The type of Value must be consistent for all datapoints with a given namespace name. This is verified at runtime. Value can be only one of the following:
valueInt string (int64 format)

Represents 64 bit integer.

valueFloat number

Represents 32 bit float.

valueDouble number

Represents 64 bit float.

JSON representation
  "namespace": string,
  "op": enum (Operator),

  // Union field Value can be only one of the following:
  "valueInt": string,
  "valueFloat": number,
  "valueDouble": number
  // End of list of possible types for union field Value.


Which comparison operator to use. Should be specified for queries only; specifying this for a datapoint is an error.

Datapoints for which Operator is true relative to the query's value field will be allowlisted.

OPERATOR_UNSPECIFIED Default value of the enum.
LESS Datapoints are eligible iff their value is < the query's.
LESS_EQUAL Datapoints are eligible iff their value is <= the query's.
EQUAL Datapoints are eligible iff their value is == the query's.
GREATER_EQUAL Datapoints are eligible iff their value is >= the query's.
GREATER Datapoints are eligible iff their value is > the query's.
NOT_EQUAL Datapoints are eligible iff their value is != the query's.


Crowding tag is a constraint on a neighbor list produced by nearest neighbor search requiring that no more than some value k' of the k neighbors returned have the same value of crowdingAttribute.

crowdingAttribute string

The attribute value used for crowding. The maximum number of neighbors to return per crowding attribute value (perCrowdingAttributeNumNeighbors) is configured per-query. This field is ignored if perCrowdingAttributeNumNeighbors is larger than the total number of neighbors to return for a given query.

JSON representation
  "crowdingAttribute": string