Playbooks overview

This document provides an overview of the playbooks available to you in the Enterprise tier of Security Command Center.


In Security Command Center, use playbooks to explore and enrich alerts, obtain more information about findings, get recommendations about excess permissions in your organization, and automate responses to threats, vulnerabilities, and misconfigurations. When you integrate with ticketing systems, playbooks help you focus on relevant posture findings while ensuring the synchronization between cases and tickets.

The Enterprise tier of Security Command Center provides you with the following playbooks:

  • Threat response playbooks:
    • AWS Threat Response Playbook
    • Azure Threat Response Playbook
    • GCP Threat Response Playbook
    • Google Cloud – Execution – Binary or Library Loaded Executed
    • Google Cloud – Execution – Cryptomining
    • Google Cloud – Execution – Malicious URL Script or Shell Process
    • Google Cloud – Malware – Indicators
    • Google Cloud – Persistence – IAM Anomalous Grant
    • Google Cloud – Persistence – Suspicious Behaviour
  • Posture findings playbooks:
    • Posture – Toxic Combination Playbook
    • Posture Findings – Generic
    • Posture Findings – Generic – VM Manager (disabled by default)
    • Posture Findings With Jira (disabled by default)
    • Posture Findings With ServiceNow (disabled by default)
  • Playbook for handling the IAM recommendations:
    • IAM Recommender Response (disabled by default)

The playbooks disabled by default are optional and require you to enable them manually in the Security Operations console before using them.

In the Security Operations console, findings become case alerts. Alerts trigger attached playbooks to execute the configured set of actions for retrieving as much information about alerts as possible, remediating the threat, and, depending on the playbook type, provide the required information to create tickets or manage the toxic combinations and IAM recommendations.

Threat response playbooks

You can execute the threat response playbooks to analyze threats, enrich findings using different sources, and suggest and apply a remediation response. Threat response playbooks use multiple services like Google SecOps, Security Command Center, Cloud Asset Inventory, and products like VirusTotal and Mandiant Threat Intelligence to help you obtain as much context about threats as possible. The playbooks can help you understand whether the threat in the environment is a true positive or a false positive and what is the optimal response for it.

To ensure that the threat response playbooks provide you with the full information about threats, see Advanced configuration for threat management.

The GCP Threat Response Playbook playbook executes a generic response to threats that originate from Google Cloud.

The AWS Threat Response Playbook playbook executes a generic response to threats that originate from Amazon Web Services.

The Azure Threat Response Playbook playbook executes a generic response to threats that originate from Microsoft Azure. To remediate threats, the playbook enriches the information from Microsoft Entra ID and supports responding to emails.

The Google Cloud – Malware – Indicators playbook can help you respond to malware-related threats and enrich the indicators of compromise (IoC) and impacted resources. As part of the remediation, the playbook suggests that you stop a suspicious instance or disable a service account.

The Google Cloud – Execution – Binary or Library Loaded Executed playbook can help you handle a suspicious new binary or library in a container. After enriching the information about the container and the associated service account, the playbook sends an email to an assigned security analyst for further remediation.

The Google Cloud – Execution – Binary or Library Loaded Executed playbook works with the following findings:

  • Added Binary Executed
  • Added Library Loaded
  • Execution: Added Malicious Binary Executed
  • Execution: Added Malicious Library Loaded
  • Execution: Built in Malicious Binary Executed
  • Execution: Modified Malicious Binary Executed
  • Execution: Modified Malicious Library Loaded

For more information about the findings that the playbook focuses on, see Container Threat Detection overview.

The Google Cloud – Execution – Cryptomining playbook can help you detect cryptocurrency mining threats in Google Cloud, enrich information about impacted assets and service accounts, investigate the activity detected on related resources for vulnerabilities and misconfigurations. As a threat response, the playbook suggests that you stop an impacted compute instance or disable a service account.

The Google Cloud – Execution – Malicious URL Script or Shell Process playbook can help you handle a suspicious activity in a container and perform a dedicated resource enrichment. As a threat response, the playbook sends email to an assigned security analyst.

The Google Cloud – Execution – Malicious URL Script or Shell Process playbook works with the following findings:

  • Malicious Script Executed
  • Malicious URL Observed
  • Reverse Shell
  • Unexpected Child Shell

For more information about the findings that the playbook focuses on, see Container Threat Detection overview.

The Google Cloud – Malware – Indicators playbook can help you handle the malware-related threats detected by Security Command Center and investigate the potentially compromised instances.

The Google Cloud – Persistence – IAM Anomalous Grant playbook can help you investigate an identity or a service account that granted suspicious permissions to a principal along with the set of granted permissions, and identify the principal in question. As a threat response, the playbook suggests that you disable a suspicious service account or, if it's not a service account that is associated with a finding but a user, sends email to an assigned security analyst for further remediation.

For more information about the rules used in the playbook, see Container Threat Detection overview.

The Google Cloud – Persistence – Suspicious Behaviour playbook can help you handle the specific subsets of suspicious user-related behavior like signing in using a new API method. As a threat response, the playbook sends email to an assigned security analyst for further remediation.

For more information about the rules used in the playbook, see Overview of Event Threat Detection.

Posture findings playbooks

Use the posture findings playbooks to analyze the multicloud posture findings, enrich them using the Security Command Center and Cloud Asset Inventory, and highlight the received relevant information in the Case Overview tab. The posture findings playbooks ensure that the synchronization for findings and cases works as expected.

The Posture – Toxic Combination Playbook playbook can help you enrich toxic combinations and set the necessary information like case tags that Security Command Center requires to track and process the toxic combinations and related findings.

The Posture Findings – Generic – VM Manager playbook is a lightweight version of the Posture Findings – Generic playbook that doesn't contain Cloud Asset Inventory enrichment steps and only works for the VM Manager findings.

By default, only the Posture Findings – Generic playbook is enabled. If you integrate with Jira or ServiceNow, disable the Posture Findings – Generic playbook and enable the one that is relevant for your ticketing system. To learn more about configuring Jira or ServiceNow, see Integrate Security Command Center Enterprise with ticketing systems.

In addition to investigating and enriching posture findings, the Posture Findings With Jira and Posture Findings With ServiceNow playbooks ensure that the resource owner value (email address) stated in a finding is valid and assignable in the respective ticketing system. Optional posture findings playbooks collect information required to create new tickets and update existing tickets when new alerts are ingested into existing cases.

Playbook for handling the IAM recommendations

Use the IAM Recommender Response playbook to automatically address and apply the recommendations suggested by the IAM recommender. This playbook provides no enrichment and doesn't create tickets even when you have integrated with a ticketing system.

For more details about enabling and using the IAM Recommender Response playbook, see Automate IAM recommendations using playbooks.

What's next?

To learn more about playbooks, refer to the following pages in the Google SecOps documentation: