This page describes how to stream new and updated findings to a BigQuery dataset by using the Security Command Center export function for BigQuery. Existing findings are not sent to BigQuery unless they are updated.
BigQuery is Google Cloud's fully managed, petabyte-scale, and cost-effective analytics data warehouse that lets you run analytics over vast amounts of data in near real time. You can use BigQuery to run queries against new and updated findings, filter data to find what you need, and generate custom reports. To learn more about BigQuery, see the BigQuery documentation.
When you enable this feature, new findings that are written to Security Command Center are exported to a BigQuery table in near real time. You can then integrate the data into existing workflows and create custom analyses. You can enable this feature at the organization, folder, and project levels to export findings based on your requirements.
This feature is the recommended way to export Security Command Center findings to BigQuery, because it's fully managed and doesn't require performing manual operations or writing custom code.
Dataset structure
This feature adds each new finding and its subsequent updates as
new rows in the findings
table, which is clustered by source_id
and event_time
When a finding is updated, this feature creates multiple finding records with
the same source_id
and finding_id
values, but with different event_time
values. This dataset structure lets you view how each finding's state changes
over time.
Note that duplicate entries might exist in your dataset. To parse them out, you
can use the DISTINCT
clause, as shown in the
first example query.
Each dataset contains a findings
table, which has the following fields:
Field | Description |
source_id |
A unique identifier that Security Command Center assigns to the source of a finding. For example, all findings from the Cloud Anomaly Detection source have the same source_id value. Example: |
finding_id | Unique identifier that represents the finding. It is unique within a source for an organization. It is alphanumeric and has less than or equal to 32 characters. |
event_time |
The time that the event took place or the time that an update to the
finding occurred. For example, if the finding represents an open
firewall, then Example: |
finding |
A record of assessment data like security, risk, health, or privacy, that is ingested into Security Command Center for presentation, notification, analysis, policy testing, and enforcement. For example, a cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in an App Engine application is a finding.
For more information about the nested fields, see the API reference
for the
resource |
Information related to the Google Cloud resource that is associated with this finding.
For more information about the nested fields, see the API reference
for the
You incur BigQuery charges related to this feature. For more information, see BigQuery pricing.
Before you begin
You must complete these steps before you enable this feature.
Set up permissions
To complete this guide, you must have the following Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles:
On the organization, folder, or project where you want to export findings from, one of the following:
- Security Center BigQuery Exports Editor
). - Security Center Admin
To learn more about Security Command Center roles, see Access control.
- Security Center BigQuery Exports Editor
On the BigQuery dataset, BigQuery Data Owner (
Create a BigQuery dataset
Create a BigQuery dataset. For more information, see Creating datasets.
Plan for data residency
If data residency is enabled for
Security Command Center, the configurations that define streaming exports to
resources—are subject to
data residency control and are stored in a
Security Command Center location
that you select.
To export findings in a Security Command Center location to BigQuery, you must configure the BigQuery export in the same Security Command Center location as the findings.
Because the filters that are used in BigQuery exports can contain data that is subject to residency controls, make sure you specify the correct location before you create them. Security Command Center does not restrict which location you create exports in.
BigQuery exports are stored only in the location in which they are created and cannot be viewed or edited in other locations.
After you create a BigQuery export, you can't change its location. To change the location, you need to delete the BigQuery export and recreate it in the new location.
To retrieve a BigQuery export by using API calls, you need to
specify the location in the full resource name of the bigQueryExport
For example:
Similarly, to retrieve a BigQuery export by using the
gcloud CLI, you need to specify the location by using the
flag. For example:
gcloud scc bqexports get myBigQueryExport --organization=123 \
Export findings from Security Command Center to BigQuery
To export findings, first enable the Security Command Center API.
Enabling the Security Command Center API
To enable the Security Command Center API:
Go to the API Library page in the Google Cloud console.
Select the project for which you want to enable the Security Command Center API.
In the Search box, enter
Security Command Center
, and then click Security Command Center in the search results.On the API page that appears, click Enable.
The Security Command Center API is enabled for your project. Next, you use gcloud CLI to create a new export configuration to BigQuery.
Granting perimeter access in VPC Service Controls
If you use VPC Service Controls and your BigQuery dataset is part of a project inside a service perimeter, you must grant access to projects in order to export findings.
To grant access to projects, create
ingress and egress rules for
the principals and projects that you are exporting findings from. The rules
allow access to protected resources and let BigQuery verify that
users have the setIamPolicy
permission on the BigQuery
Before setting up a new export to BigQuery
Go to the VPC Service Controls page in the Google Cloud console.
If necessary, select your organization.
Click the name of the service perimeter you want to change.
To find the service perimeter you need to modify, you can check your logs for entries that show
violations. In those entries, check theservicePerimeterName
.Click Edit Perimeter.
In the navigation menu, click Ingress Policy.
To configure ingress rules for users or service accounts, use the following parameters:
- FROM attributes of the API client:
- In the Identities menu, choose Selected identities.
- In the Source menu, select All Sources.
- Click Select, and then enter the principal that is used to call the Security Command Center API.
- TO attributes of Google Cloud services/resources:
- In the Project menu, choose Selected projects.
- Click Select, and then enter the project that contains the BigQuery dataset.
- In the Services menu, choose Selected services, and then select BigQuery API.
- In the Methods menu, choose All actions.
- FROM attributes of the API client:
Click Save.
In the navigation menu, click Egress Policy.
Click Add Rule.
To configure egress rules for user or service accounts, enter the following parameters:
- FROM attributes of the API client:
- In the Identities menu, choose Selected identities.
- Click Select, and then enter the principal that is used to call the Security Command Center API.
- TO attributes of Google Cloud services/resources:
- In the Project menu, choose All projects.
- In the Services menu, choose Selected services, and then select BigQuery API.
- In the Methods menu, choose All actions.
- FROM attributes of the API client:
Click Save.
Set up a new export to BigQuery
In this step, you create an export configuration to export findings to a BigQuery instance. You can create export configurations at the project, folder, or organization level. For example, if you want to export findings from a project to a BigQuery dataset, you create an export configuration at the project level to export only the findings related to that project. Optionally, you can specify filters to export certain findings only.
Be sure to create your export configurations at the appropriate level. For
example, if you create an export configuration in Project B to export findings
from Project A and you define filters such as
resource.project_display_name: project-a-id
, the configuration does not export
any findings.
You can create a maximum of 500 export configurations to BigQuery for your organization. You can use the same dataset for multiple export configurations. If you use the same dataset, all updates will be made to the same findings table.
When you create your first export configuration, a service account is
automatically created for you. This service account is required to create or
update the findings table within a dataset and to export findings to the table.
It has the form
is granted the BigQuery Data Editor (roles/bigquery.dataEditor
) role at the
BigQuery dataset level.
In the Google Cloud console, some BigQueryExport
resources might have a Legacy
label, which indicates that they were created with the v1 Security Command Center API. You can manage these
resources with the Google Cloud console; the gcloud CLI; the v1
Security Command Center API; or the v1 client libraries for Security Command Center.
To manage these BigQueryExport
resources with the gcloud CLI, you must not specify
a location when you run the gcloud CLI command.
Go to the Google Cloud console.
Select the project for which you enabled the Security Command Center API.
Click Activate Cloud Shell.
To create a new export configuration, run the following command:
gcloud scc bqexports create BIGQUERY_EXPORT \ --dataset=DATASET_NAME \ --folder=FOLDER_ID | --organization=ORGANIZATION_ID | --project=PROJECT_ID \ --location=LOCATION \ [--description=DESCRIPTION] \ [--filter=FILTER]
Replace the following:
with a name for this export configuration.DATASET_NAME
with the name of the BigQuery dataset—for example,projects/PROJECT_ID/datasets/DATASET_ID
with the name of your folder, organization, or project. You must set one of these options. For folders and organizations, the name is the folder ID or the organization ID. For projects, the name is the project number or the project ID.LOCATION
: if data residency is enabled, the Security Command Center location in which to create an export configuration; if data residency is not enabled, use the valueglobal
with a human-readable description of the export configuration. This variable is optional.FILTER
with an expression that defines what findings to include in the export. For example, if you want to filter on the XSS_SCRIPTING category, type"category=\"XSS_SCRIPTING\"
. This variable is optional.
To learn how to apply or remove a Terraform configuration, see Basic Terraform commands. For more information, see the Terraform provider reference documentation.
Create an export configuration for an organization:
Create an export configuration for a folder:
Create an export configuration for a project:
To authenticate to Security Command Center, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up ADC for a local development environment.
To authenticate to Security Command Center, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up ADC for a local development environment.
You should see findings in your BigQuery dataset within about 15 minutes after you create the export configuration. After the BigQuery table is created, any new and updated findings that match your filter and scope will appear in the table in near real time.
To review your findings, see Review findings.
Create an ingress rule for the new export to BigQuery
If you use VPC Service Controls and your BigQuery dataset is part of a project inside a service perimeter, you must create an ingress rule for a new export to BigQuery.
Re-open the service perimeter from Set up a new export to BigQuery.
Click Ingress Policy.
Click Add Rule.
To configure the ingress rule for the export configurations, enter the following parameters:
- FROM attributes of the API client:
- In the Source drop-down menu, select All Sources.
- In the Identities drop-down menu, choose Selected identities.
- Click Select, and then enter the name of the BigQuery
export configuration service account:
- TO attributes of GCP services/resources:
- In the Project drop-down menu, choose Selected projects.
- Click Select, and then select the project that contains the BigQuery dataset.
- In the Services drop-down menu, choose Selected services, and then select BigQuery API.
- In the Methods drop-down menu, choose All actions.
- FROM attributes of the API client:
In the navigation menu, click Save.
The selected projects, users, and service accounts can now access the protected resources and export findings.
If you followed all of the steps in this guide, and exports are working properly, you can now delete the following:
- The ingress rule for the principal
- The egress rule for the principal
Those rules were only needed to configure the export configuration. However, for export configurations to continue working, you must keep the ingress rule that you created previously, which lets Security Command Center export findings to your BigQuery dataset behind the service perimeter.
View the details of an export configuration
Go to the Google Cloud console.
Select the project for which you enabled the Security Command Center API.
Click Activate Cloud Shell.
To verify the details of the export configuration, run the following command:
gcloud scc bqexports get BIGQUERY_EXPORT \ --folder=FOLDER_ID | --organization=ORGANIZATION_ID | --project=PROJECT_ID \ --location=LOCATION
Replace the following:
with the name for this export configuration.FOLDER_ID
with the name of your folder, organization, or project. You must set one of these options. For folders and organizations, the name is the folder ID or the organization ID. For projects, the name is the project number or the project ID.LOCATION
: if data residency is enabled, the Security Command Center location in which to create an export configuration; if data residency is not enabled, use the valueglobal
.For example, to get an export configuration named
from an organization with an organization ID set to123
, run:gcloud scc bqexports get my-bq-export \ --organization=123 \ --location=global
Update an export configuration
When necessary, you can modify the filter, dataset, and description of an existing export configuration. You cannot change the name of the export configuration.
Go to the Google Cloud console.
Select the project for which you enabled the Security Command Center API.
Click Activate Cloud Shell.
To update an export configuration, run the following command:
gcloud scc bqexports update BIGQUERY_EXPORT \ --dataset=DATASET_NAME \ --folder=FOLDER_ID | --organization=ORGANIZATION_ID | --project=PROJECT_ID \ --location=LOCATION \ [--description=DESCRIPTION] \ [--filter=FILTER]
Replace the following:
with the name for the export configuration that you want to update.DATASET_NAME
with the name of the BigQuery dataset—for example,projects/PROJECT_ID/datasets/DATASET_ID
with the name of your folder, organization, or project. You must set one of these options. For folders and organizations, the name is the folder ID or the organization ID. For projects, the name is the project number or the project ID.LOCATION
: if data residency is enabled, the Security Command Center location in which to update the export configuration; if data residency is not enabled, use the valueglobal
with a human-readable description of the export configuration. This variable is optional.FILTER
with an expression that defines what findings to include in the export. For example, if you want to filter on the XSS_SCRIPTING category, type"category=\"XSS_SCRIPTING\"
. This variable is optional.
View all export configurations
You can view all the export configurations within your organization, folder, or project.
Go to the Google Cloud console.
Select the project for which you enabled the Security Command Center API.
Click Activate Cloud Shell.
To list the export configurations, run the following command:
gcloud scc bqexports list \ --folder=FOLDER_ID | --organization=ORGANIZATION_ID | --project=PROJECT_ID \ --location=LOCATION \ [--limit=LIMIT] \ [--page-size=PAGE_SIZE]
Replace the following:
with the name of your folder, organization, or project. You must set one of these options. For folders and organizations, the name is the folder ID or the organization ID. For projects, the name is the project number or the project ID.If you specify an organization ID, the list includes all export configurations defined in that organization, including those at the folder and project levels. If you specify a folder ID, the list includes all export configurations defined at the folder level and in the projects within that folder. If you specify a project number or project ID, the list includes all export configurations for that project only.
: if data residency is enabled, the Security Command Center location in which to list export configurations; if data residency is not enabled, use the valueglobal
with the number of export configurations that you want to see. This variable is optional.PAGE_SIZE
with a page size value. This variable is optional.
To authenticate to Security Command Center, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up ADC for a local development environment.
To authenticate to Security Command Center, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up ADC for a local development environment.
Delete an export configuration
If you no longer require an export configuration, you can delete it.
Go to the Google Cloud console.
Select the project for which you enabled the Security Command Center API.
Click Activate Cloud Shell.
To delete an export configuration, run the following command:
gcloud scc bqexports delete BIGQUERY_EXPORT \ --folder=FOLDER_ID | --organization=ORGANIZATION_ID | --project=PROJECT_ID \ --location=LOCATION
Replace the following:
with a name for the export configuration that you want to delete.FOLDER_ID
with the name of your folder, organization, or project. You must set one of these options. For folders and organizations, the name is the folder ID or the organization ID. For projects, the name is the project number or the project ID.LOCATION
: if data residency is enabled, the Security Command Center location in which to delete the export configuration; if data residency is not enabled, use the valueglobal
.For example, to delete an export configuration named
from an organization with an organization ID set to123
, run:gcloud scc bqexports delete my-bq-export \ --organization=123 \ --location=global
To authenticate to Security Command Center, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up ADC for a local development environment.
To authenticate to Security Command Center, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up ADC for a local development environment.
After you delete the export configuration, you can remove the data from Looker Studio. For more information, see Remove, delete, and restore a data source.
Review findings in BigQuery
After you create an export configuration, new findings are exported to the BigQuery dataset in the project that you specified.
To review findings in BigQuery, do the following:
Go to the project in BigQuery.
Select a project.
In the Explorer pane, expand the node for your project.
Expand your dataset.
Click the findings table.
On the tab that opens, click Preview. A sample set of data is displayed.
Useful queries
This section provides example queries
for analyzing findings data. In the following examples, replace
with the name assigned to your dataset and
with the project name for your dataset.
To troubleshoot any errors you encounter, see Error messages.
The number of new findings created and updated every day
FORMAT_DATETIME("%Y-%m-%d", event_time) AS date,
count(DISTINCT finding_id)
The latest finding record for each finding
* EXCEPT(row)
PARTITION BY finding_id
ORDER BY event_time DESC, finding.mute_update_time DESC
) AS row
WHERE row = 1
Current findings that are active, ordered by time
WITH latestFindings AS (
PARTITION BY finding_id
ORDER BY event_time DESC, finding.mute_update_time DESC
) AS row
) WHERE row = 1
SELECT finding_id, event_time, finding
FROM latestFindings
WHERE finding.state = "ACTIVE"
ORDER BY event_time DESC
Current findings that are in a project
WITH latestFindings AS (
PARTITION BY finding_id
ORDER BY event_time DESC, finding.mute_update_time DESC
) AS row
) WHERE row = 1
SELECT finding_id, event_time, finding, resource
FROM latestFindings
WHERE resource.project_display_name = 'PROJECT'
with the project name.
Current findings that are in a folder
WITH latestFindings AS(
PARTITION BY finding_id
ORDER BY event_time DESC, finding.mute_update_time DESC
) AS row
) WHERE row = 1
SELECT finding_id, event_time, finding, resource
FROM latestFindings
CROSS JOIN UNNEST(resource.folders) AS folder
WHERE folder.resource_folder_display_name = 'FOLDER'
Replace FOLDER
with the folder name.
Current findings from scanner Logging Scanner
WITH latestFindings AS (
PARTITION BY finding_id
ORDER BY event_time DESC, finding.mute_update_time DESC
) AS row
) WHERE row = 1
SELECT finding_id, event_time, finding
FROM latestFindings
CROSS JOIN UNNEST(finding.source_properties) AS source_property
WHERE source_property.key = "ScannerName"
AND source_property.value = "LOGGING_SCANNER"
Current active findings of type Persistence: IAM Anomalous Grant
WITH latestFindings AS(
PARTITION BY finding_id
ORDER BY event_time DESC, finding.mute_update_time DESC
) AS row
) WHERE row = 1
SELECT finding_id, event_time, finding
FROM latestFindings
WHERE finding.state = "ACTIVE"
AND finding.category = "Persistence: IAM Anomalous Grant"
Correlate active findings of a given type with Cloud Audit Logs
This example query helps investigate anomalous IAM grant findings from Event Threat Detection using Cloud Audit Logs by displaying the grantor's sequence of Admin Activity actions during the time window preceding and succeeding the anomalous IAM grant action. This following query correlates Admin Activity logs between 1 hour before and 1 hour after the finding's timestamp.
WITH latestFindings AS(
PARTITION BY finding_id
ORDER BY event_time DESC, finding.mute_update_time DESC
) AS row
) WHERE row = 1
ANY_VALUE(event_time) as event_time,
ANY_VALUE(finding.access.principal_email) as grantor,
JSON_VALUE_ARRAY(ANY_VALUE(finding.source_properties_json), '$.properties.sensitiveRoleGrant.members') as grantees,
IF(timestamp < event_time, 'before', 'after') as timeline,
ORDER BY timestamp ASC
) AS recent_activity
FROM latestFindings AS f
LEFT JOIN `PROJECT_ID.DATASET.cloudaudit_googleapis_com_activity` AS a
ON a.protopayload_auditlog.authenticationInfo.principalEmail = f.finding.access.principal_email
WHERE f.finding.state = "ACTIVE"
AND f.finding.category = "Persistence: IAM Anomalous Grant"
AND a.timestamp >= TIMESTAMP_SUB(f.event_time, INTERVAL 1 HOUR)
AND a.timestamp <= TIMESTAMP_ADD(f.event_time, INTERVAL 1 HOUR)
event_time DESC
The output is similar to the following:

Create charts in Looker Studio
Looker Studio lets you create interactive reports and dashboards.
In general, you incur BigQuery usage costs when accessing BigQuery through Looker Studio. For more information, see Visualizing BigQuery data using Looker Studio.
To create a chart that visualizes findings data by severity and category, do the following:
- Open Looker Studio and sign in.
- If prompted, provide additional information and set up other preferences. Read the terms of service and, if you're satisfied, continue.
- Click Blank Report.
- On the Connect to data tab, click the BigQuery card.
- If prompted, authorize Looker Studio to access BigQuery projects.
Connect to your findings data:
- For Project, select that project for your dataset. Or, in the My projects tab, enter your project ID to search for it.
- For Dataset, click the name of your dataset.
- For Table, click findings.
- Click Add.
- In the dialog, click Add to report.
After the report is added, click Add a chart.
Click Stacked column chart, and then click the area where you want to place it.
In the Chart > Bar pane, on the Data tab, set the following fields:
- In the Dimension field, select finding.severity.
- In the Breakdown Dimension field, select finding.category.
The report is updated to show multiple columns with findings split by severity and category.
What's next
Learn how to run a query in BigQuery.