MACsec for Cloud Interconnect overview

MACsec for Cloud Interconnect helps you secure traffic on Cloud Interconnect connections, specifically between your on-premises router and Google's edge routers. MACsec for Cloud Interconnect uses IEEE standard 802.1AE Media Access Control Security (MACsec) to encrypt traffic between your on-premises router and Google's edge routers.

MACsec for Cloud Interconnect doesn't provide encryption in transit within Google. For stronger security, we recommend that you use MACsec with other network security protocols, such as IP Security (IPsec) and Transport Layer Security (TLS). For more information about using IPsec to secure your network traffic to Google Cloud, see the HA VPN over Cloud Interconnect overview.

MACsec for Cloud Interconnect is available for 10‑Gbps and 100‑Gbps circuits. However, to order MACsec for Cloud Interconnect for 10‑Gbps circuits, you must contact your account manager.

MACsec for Cloud Interconnect supports all VLAN attachment features, including IPv4, IPv6, and IPsec.

The following diagrams show how MACsec encrypts traffic. Figure 1 depicts MACsec encrypting traffic on Dedicated Interconnect. Figure 2 depicts MACsec encrypting traffic on Partner Interconnect.

Figure 1. MACsec encrypts traffic on Dedicated Interconnect
        between Google's peering edge router and an on-premises router.
Figure 1. MACsec encrypts traffic on Dedicated Interconnect between Google's peering edge router and an on-premises router (click to enlarge).

Figure 2. MACsec encrypts traffic on Partner Interconnect
    between Google's peering edge router and the service provider's peering
    edge router.
Figure 2. MACsec encrypts traffic on Partner Interconnect between Google's peering edge router and the service provider's peering edge router (click to enlarge).

To use MACsec on Partner Interconnect, work with your service provider to ensure that your network traffic is encrypted through your providers' network.

There is no additional cost for using MACsec for Cloud Interconnect.

How MACsec for Cloud Interconnect works

MACsec for Cloud Interconnect helps secure traffic between your on-premises router and Google's peering edge router. You use the Google Cloud CLI (gcloud CLI) or the Google Cloud console to generate a GCM-AES-256 connectivity association key (CAK) and connectivity association key name (CKN) values. You configure your router to use the CAK and CKN values to configure MACsec. After you enable MACsec on your router and in Cloud Interconnect, MACsec encrypts your traffic between your on-premises router and Google's peering edge router.

We recommend a layered security approach for encryption. At Layer 2, MACsec encrypts traffic between adjacent routers. At Layer 3, IPsec secures traffic between customer on-premises networks and VPC networks. You can achieve further protection with application-level security protocols.

Supported on-premises routers

You can use on-premises routers with MACsec for Cloud Interconnect that support the MACsec specifications listed in the following table.

Setting Value
MACsec cipher suite
  • GCM-AES-256-XPN
  • GCM-AES-256
CAK cryptographic algorithm AES_256_CMAC
Key server priority 15
Secure association key (SAK) rekey interval 28800 seconds
MACsec confidentiality offset 0
Window size 64
Integrity check value (ICV) indicator yes
Secure Channel Identifier (SCI) enabled

MACsec for Cloud Interconnect supports hitless key rotation for up to five keys.

Several routers manufactured by Cisco, Juniper, and Arista satisfy the specifications. We can't recommend specific routers. We recommend that you consult with your router vendor to determine which model best suits your needs.

Before you use MACsec for Cloud Interconnect

Ensure that you meet the following requirements:

  • Understand basic network interconnections, so that you can order and configure network circuits.

  • Understand the differences between and the requirements for Dedicated Interconnect and Partner Interconnect.

  • Have administrator access to your on-premises edge router.

  • Check that MACsec is available at your colocation facility.

MACsec for Cloud Interconnect setup steps

After you verify that MACsec for Cloud Interconnect is available at your colocation facility, check if you already have a MACsec-capable Cloud Interconnect connection. If not, order a MACsec-capable Cloud Interconnect connection.

After your Cloud Interconnect connection completes testing and is ready for use, you can set up MACsec by creating MACsec pre-shared keys and configuring your on-premises router. You can then enable MACsec and verify that it's enabled for your link and is operational. Finally, you can monitor your MACsec connection to ensure that it's operating correctly.

MACsec availability

MACsec for Cloud Interconnect is supported on all Cloud Interconnect 100‑Gbps connections, regardless of location.

MACsec for Cloud Interconnect is not available at all colocation facilities for 10‑Gbps circuits. For more information about features available at colocation facilities, see the Locations table.

To discover which colocation facilities with 10‑Gbps circuits support MACsec for Cloud Interconnect, do the following. MACsec availability for 10‑Gbps circuits is only displayed for allow-listed projects. To order MACsec for Cloud Interconnect for 10‑Gbps circuits, you must contact your account manager.


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Cloud Interconnect Physical connections tab.

    Go to Physical connections

  2. Click Set up physical connection.

  3. Select Dedicated Interconnect, and then click Continue.

  4. Select Order new Dedicated Interconnect, and then click Continue.

  5. In the Google Cloud location field, click Choose.

  6. In the Choose colocation facility pane, find the city that you want a Cloud Interconnect connection in. In the Geographic location field, select a geographic area. The MACsec support for current project column shows the circuit sizes that are available for MACsec for Cloud Interconnect.


  1. Authenticate to the Google Cloud CLI:

    gcloud auth login
  2. To discover if a colocation facility supports MACsec for Cloud Interconnect, do one of the following:

    • Verify that a specific colocation facility supports MACsec for Cloud Interconnect:

      gcloud compute interconnects locations describe COLOCATION_FACILITY

      Replace COLOCATION_FACILITY with the colocation facility name listed in the locations table.

      The output is similar to the following sample. Take note of the availableFeatures section. MACsec-capable connections display the following:

      • For 10‑Gbps links: linkType: LINK_TYPE_ETHERNET_10G_LR and availableFeatures: IF_MACSEC
      • For 100‑Gbps links: linkType: LINK_TYPE_ETHERNET_100G_LR; all 100‑Gbps links are MACsec capable
      address: |-
        47 Bourke Road
        Sydney, New South Wales 2015
      availabilityZone: zone1
      - IF_MACSEC
      city: Sydney
      continent: C_ASIA_PAC
      creationTimestamp: '2019-12-05T12:56:15.000-08:00'
      description: Equinix Sydney (SY3)
      facilityProvider: Equinix
      facilityProviderFacilityId: SY3
      id: '1173'
      kind: compute#interconnectLocation
      name: syd-zone1-1605
      peeringdbFacilityId: '1605'
      - region:
      - region:
      - region:
      status: AVAILABLE
    • List all colocation facilities that support MACsec for Cloud Interconnect on 10‑Gbps circuits:

      gcloud compute interconnects locations list \
          --filter "availableFeatures: (IF_MACSEC)"

      The output is similar to the following:

      NAME                  DESCRIPTION              FACILITY_PROVIDER
      ... <stripped>
      syd-zone1-1605        Equinix Sydney (SY3)     Equinix
      ... <stripped>
    • List all colocation facilities that have 100‑Gbps links, and therefore offer MACsec by default:

      gcloud compute interconnects locations list \
          --filter "availableLinkTypes: (LINK_TYPE_ETHERNET_100G_LR)"

      The output is similar to the following:

      NAME                  DESCRIPTION              FACILITY_PROVIDER
      ... <stripped>
      syd-zone1-1605        Equinix Sydney (SY3)     Equinix
      ... <stripped>

MACsec support on existing Cloud Interconnect connections

MACsec for Cloud Interconnect is supported on existing 100‑Gbps Cloud Interconnect connections.

If you have a 10‑Gbps connection, check MACsec availability at your colocation facility. If MACsec support is available at your colocation facility, then verify that Cloud Interconnect is MACsec capable.

Can I enable MACsec if my existing Cloud Interconnect connection doesn't support it?

If your colocation facility doesn't support MACsec, you can do one of the following:

  • Request a new Cloud Interconnect connection and request MACsec as a required feature.

  • Contact your Google Cloud account manager to schedule a migration of your existing Cloud Interconnect connection to MACsec-capable ports.

Physically migrating connections can take several weeks to complete due to scheduling constraints. Migrations require a maintenance window that requires your Cloud Interconnect connections to be free of any production traffic.

What's next?